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Dole Photograph Collection


Scope and Contents

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Dole Family, circa 1900-2003

Pre-Congressional, 1940-1957

House of Representatives, 1960-1968

Senate, 1969-1996

Campaigns, 1976-1996

Dole Foundation for Employment of Persons with Disabilities, 1984 -1996

Post-Political Career, 1996-Present

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Dole Photograph Collection, 1900-2011 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

By Judy Sweets, Susan Alig, Sally Campbell, Amy Natale, Nathasha Alvarez

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Collection Overview

Title: Dole Photograph Collection, 1900-2011Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Predominant Dates:1960-1996

ID: 03/012

Extent: 294.0 Boxes

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Archive of the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics houses approximately 25,000 photographs relating to the personal life and political career of Robert J. Dole. The photographs range in size from wallet-size to oversize and include both color and black and white. The photo collection spans the dates circa 1900-2011 and contains images relating to Robert J. Dole's childhood and youth, living family members and ancestors, military service, legal career as Russell Kansas County Attorney, four campaigns for the U.S. House of Representatives, the eight years spent as congressman from Kansas' 6th and later 1st Congressional Districts (1961-1968), his subsequent 28 year Senate career (1968-1996), and the post-Senate years. Other individuals who appear in the photographs include American presidents and foreign heads of state, senators, legislators and dignitaries, as well as constituents and staffers. While the majority of the images in the photograph collection were donated by Senator Dole, several important smaller groups of personal photos were donated by his sisters, Norma Jean (Dole) Steele and Gloria (Dole) Nelson and friends of the Dole family. In addition to photographic prints, collections include negatives, slides, and digital images of Institute events which Dole attended.

Administrative Information

Repository: Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

Processing Information:

View a full series list of this collection here (PDF will open in a new window): dole_photo_collection.pdf

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Dole Family, circa 1900-2003],
[Series 2: Pre-Congressional, 1940-1957],
[Series 3: House of Representatives, 1960-1968],
[Series 4: Senate, 1969-1996],
[Series 5: Campaigns, 1976-1996],
[Series 6: Dole Foundation for Employment of Persons with Disabilities, 1984 -1996],
[Series 7: Post-Political Career, 1996-Present],

Series 5: Campaigns, 1976-1996Add to your cart.
Sub-Series 1: PresidentialAdd to your cart.
Sub-Series 1: 1976Add to your cart.
Box 100Add to your cart.
Folder 1: 1976 Campaign- Ford for President, Photos by MR. Emile, 1976 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 2: 1976 Campaign Photo Album, 2 of 3, 1976 (11 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 3: 1976 Campaign Photo Album, 2 of 3, 1976 ( images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole at polling station before voting, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole at table with three women checking their registration before voting. Four flags in the background.
Item 2: Bob Dole standing with a cross in the background, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White; Dole, Robert J. (1923-); Bob Dole standing at a podium with a large cross hanging over his left shoulder.
Item 3: Bob Dole having a conversation with Chuck Conners, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Conners, Chuck; Bob Dole and Chuck Conners having a conversation with a statue of Harry Truman in the background.
Item 4: Bob Dole sitting with Elizabeth Dole, John Connally, and Nellie Connally, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Connally, John Bowden, 1917-1993; Connally, Nellie; Bob Dole sitting with others on a sofa smiling for the photo. John Connally has a Presidential Debates badge around his neck.
Folder 4: 1976 Campaign Photo Album, 3 of 3, 1976 (17 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole holding hatchet at podium, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole holding hatchet at podium.
Item 2: Bob Dole waving with Secret Service, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole waving outdoors with Secret Service, smiling, jacket on arm
Item 3: Bob Dole giving stump speech, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
black and white, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole is giving a speech in front of a large crowd, on a stage with a Ford/Dole sign behind him. A Let's Roll Ford 'N Dole banner in upper left corner.
Item 4: Bob Dole holding hand of injured police officer, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, Dole, Robert J., 1923-, Bob Dole holding hand of Shreveport, Louisiana police offer as he is lying on the ground. Crowd watches.
Item 5: Bob Dole at podium smiling at camera, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole at podium smiling at camera during a campaign stop. A flag is behind him and a veteran is sitting behind him.
Item 6: Bob Dole playing bocce ball with former Providence Mayor Vincent Cianci, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole playing bocce ball with former Providence Mayor Vincent Cianci. A crowd is gathered around watching from behind.
Item 7: Bob Dole standing with ice elephant, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole standing next to an ice sculpture of an elephant. The maker of the elephant stands on opposite side. Both are laughing.
Item 8: Bob Dole pointing at a campaign map, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole pointing at a campaign map. Another map sits on his lap. A couple of staffers stand and watch on his left.
Folder 5: 1976 Ford/Dole Presidential Campaign, 1 of 3, 1976 (8 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Silhouettes in hallway, 1973-04-17Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Photo by Yoichi R. Okamoto 5802 Roosevelt Street Bethesda, MD. 20034 Tel (301) 530-1880
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material:
Item 2: Ford and Dole conversing in a meeting, 1973-04-17Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Notes: Dole Institute has not yet contacted photographer for permission to use photo-- do not put online -- Inscriptions: Photo by Yoichi R. Okamoto 5602 Roosevelt Street Bethesda, MD 20034
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 6: 1976 Ford/Dole Presidential Campaign, 2 of 3, 1976 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 7: 1976 Ford/Dole Presidential Campaign, 3 of 3, 1976 (25 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole Breaking Down on Stage, 1976-08-20Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B&W, Dole, Robert J. 1923-; After Dole announces his candidacy he breaks down in front of the crowd in Russell, KS.
Item 2: Vice Presidential Candidate, Bob Dole and President Gerald Ford campaigning in Russell, KS, 1976, 1976-08-20Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Notes: Announcing Dole candidacy for Vice President -- Inscriptions: Russell, August 20, 1976; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Dole, Bina M. Talbot; Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Robin
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: White House
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_5_87.tif
Item 3: Election rally at Bina Dole residence in Russell, KS, 1976, 1976-11-02Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, 8 x 10", landscape, Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Dole, Bina; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Robin; and crowd, the Dole family is located in the center of the crowd near a microphone, the Dole house is in the background with a large banner reading Welcome! Bob Dole and a poster reading Ford/Dole Inscriptions: Bob Dole Day; Election Rally at Dole's residence; 1035 N. Maple St., Russell, KS; Nov 2, 1976
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_5_89.tif
Item 4: V.P. Candidate Dole speaks at University of North Dakota, September 22, 1976Add to your cart.
Senator Robert Dole, Republican Vice Presidential candidate speaks at the University of North Dakota Student Center ballroom on Sept 22, 1976. [University] President Tom Clifford and Mrs. Robert J. Dole on the right. Photograph by O. Richard Larson.
Folder 8: Bob Dole Day, 2 Nov 1976 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: 1976 Election Day Rally at Bob Dole's Residence, November 2, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Dole, Bina M. Talbot; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Family and a crowd are standing behind Bob Dole. Bob Dole and family are looking to their right. They are gathered at the Dole resident in Russell, Kansas.
Folder 9: Bob Dole with Stuffed Bear, 1976 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole with large stuffed bear at a bar, 1985-05-11Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Portrait, black and white, Bob Dole at a bar with a stuffed animal next to him, Notes: Unusual photo: Bear's tag says News Alive, Press, Bear-lee able; stuffed teddy bear in photo is ME17.03075
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material:
Folder 10: Conversation on Airplane, 1976 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole Talking with possible reporter on an airplane, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, 8"x10", Dole, Robert J. 1923-; unidentified man, Bob Dole is at a table talking with an unidentified man. There is a Ford/Dole sign in the background and papers on the table with a microphone.
Folder 11: Debate- Houston, TX, 1976 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Senator Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole preparing for Houston, TX debate, 1976, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Dole, Robert J., 1923; Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole smiling at each other at a podium. Elizabeth Dole adjusts Bob Dole's tie.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_5_90.tif
Folder 12: Elizabeth Dole, President Gerald Ford and Senator Bob Dole, 1976 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Elizabeth Dole, President Gerald Ford, and Senator Bob Dole at podium, August 19, 1976Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006; Dole, Robert J. 1923-; Elizabeth Dole, Bob Dole, and Gerald Ford are standing in front of a podium. Elizabeth Dole has her right up waving.
Folder 13: Farmhouse Breakfast and Nebraska Campaign Stop, 1976 (7 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Ford-Dole in Russell, reprints, 1976 (6 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Lautenschlager Family 1976 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob and Elizabeth Dole with the Lautenschlager Family, 1976-09Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Sept 1976, PVP tour Lautenshlager farm [Names] Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Dole, Robert J. 1923-; Dole, Robin
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 16: Russell celebrates Dole Day, 2 Nov 1976 (19 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole Waving to Crowd Outside House in Russell, KS with Ford/Dole '76 Campaign Sign, 1976-11-02Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B&W, 8" x 10", Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; back "Bob Dole Day, Election Rally at Dole's Residence 1035 Maples Russell, KS 2 Nov 1976"
Folder 17: V.P. Candidate Dole Speaks at University of North Dakota, 22 Sep 2976 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Box 156Add to your cart.
Folder 1: 1976 Republican National ConventionAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Gerald and Betty Ford waving at '76 RNCAdd to your cart.
Item 2: Dole with Ford and unidentified woman at podium at '76 RNCAdd to your cart.
Item 3: Dole waving at '76 RNCAdd to your cart.
Item 4: Ford/Dole supportersAdd to your cart.
Item 5: Dole waving, Ford and others clappingAdd to your cart.
Item 6: Group of Ford/Dole supporters, one individual raising a cowboy hatAdd to your cart.
Item 7: Dole speaking at '76 Republican National Convention,Add to your cart.
Item 8: Group of Ford/Dole supporters holding up signsAdd to your cart.
Item 9: Dole at podium of the '76 Republican National Convention, group of individuals stand clapping behind himAdd to your cart.
Sub-Series 2: 1980Add to your cart.
Box 101Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Dole, 1980 Presidential Campaign, 1 of 2, 1980 (22 images)Add to your cart.
Item 3: Bob Dole being sworn into Senate by Vice President Walter Mondale, ca. 1980Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"X 10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Dole, Robin; and Mondale, Walter. Bob Dole with Elizabeth Dole, Robin Dole and Walter Mondale in Washington D.C. [?] Vice President Mondale was president of the senate.
Item 4: Bob Dole with staff in office, ca. 1980Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8" x 10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Coe, Joann; and Burke, Sheila. Bob Dole with Elizabeth Dole, Joann Coe, Sheila Burke and other unidentified people in an office. The group appears to be making a toast and there is a cake that says "Bob Dole President."
Item 6: Bob Dole visiting with luncheon/dinner group., ca. 1980Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x 10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole visiting with luncheon/dinner group. The photograph is similar to three other photographs taken at the same event. Bob Dole is standing in front of a table of people.
Item 7: Election Day, Russell, KS 1980, 4 Nov 1980Add to your cart.
B & W 8"x 10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; and Dole, Robin. Bob Dole with Elizabeth Dole and Robin Dole [daughter of Bob Dole]. This photograph is one of eight in which Bob Dole is posing at the polling site. In this photo there is a sign that says "1st Ward, Russell, KS." There are unidentified people in the other photographs.
Item 8: Photo of Bob Dole from chest up., ca. 1980Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Inscription on back reads "Pres. Campaign 1979/80." He is wearing a white shirt with dark tie that has a thin white stripe through it. There are two of these photos.
Item 9: Bob Dole pointing at layout of Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center, c. 1980Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W; 8"x10" photograph. Bob Dole is standing and pointing at a sketch of the floor layout of Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center in Wichita Kansas. He is holding the sketch up on a desk with his right hand and pointing with his left. There is a desk, a portrait, a window, and a doorway visible in the background.
Item 10: Bob Dole at Voting Ward I in Russell Kansas with Elizabeth Dole and Robin Dole, 1980-11-4Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W; 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-); Dole, Robin and Dole, Elizabeth Hanford. Bob Dole is standing next to a table and speaking with three unidentified women. Two women are sitting and the other is standing and wearing sunglasses. Robin Dole and Elizabeth Dole are standing behind him and smiling at the women. There are two unidentified people behind them. There is a door visible in the background. The inscription on the back says, "Bob Dole-Robin, Elizabeth Voting Ward I Russell 4 Nov 1980."
Item 11: Bob Dole leaving voting booth in Russell Kansas, 1980-11-4Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W; 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-). Bob Dole is stepping out of a voting booth. He is smiling and holding a sheet of paper in his right hand. There are eight voting booths visible. There are two unidentified women sitting at a table. There are stacks of paper visible on the table.
Item 12: Bob Dole speaking with campaign volunteers at Voting Ward I in Russell Kansas, 1980-11-4Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W; 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-). Bob Dole is standing next to a table where there are five unidentified women standing. One of the women is looking at Bob Dole who is smiling back at her. There are stacks of paper visible on the table. There are voting booths, a flag, a window, a piano, and a podium visible in the background. The inscription on the back of the photograph says, "Dole visits campaign volunteers."
Folder 2: Dole, 1980 Presidential Campaign, 2 of 2, 1980 (6 images)Add to your cart.
Item 2: Photograph of Bob Dole for 1979 Press Kit, ca. 1979Add to your cart.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) Two of the same photograph. Bob Dole is standing outside in front of pillars [Washington D.C.?] It is a picture of him from the waist up.
Item 3: Photograph of Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole (1979 Press Kit), ca. 1979Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x 10" photograph. Dole, Elizabeth Hanford and Dole, Robert J., 1923-. Elizabeth Dole is standing on the right side of Bob Dole. They are standing outside. Bob is wearing a striped tie.
Item 4: Bob Dole with unidentified people in Iowa [?], ca. 1980Add to your cart.
B & W 8"x 10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is on the far right of the photograph. There are two men and two women standing to his right. Behind the man on the far left there is "Iowa's Low Flying [?]" on a poster. There is also a mirror behind the middle three. It may be in Iowa [?] The photograph was created by Larry Day.
Item 5: Bob Dole standing behind podium, ca. 1980Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x 10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-. Bob Dole is standing behind a podium that reads "Bob Dole." He is giving a speech. There is an unidentified man in the bottom left corner of the photo. The unidentified man is wearing a hat and black glasses. Photograph created by Jim Tearse.
Folder 3: 1980 Misc. Campaign (3 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole with young supporters, c. 1980Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 5"x7" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Bob Dole is posing with four unidentified children.
Folder 4: 1980 Presidential Campaign New Hampshire (16 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole with Maurice Durgin., c. 1980Add to your cart.
B & W; 5"x7" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Picture of Bob Dole posed with supporter, Maurice Durgin.
Item 2: Bob Dole with Dr. David Larrabee, Sr., c. 1980Add to your cart.
B & W 5"x7" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Bob Dole is posed with supporter, Dr. David Larrabee, Sr. New Hampshire Technical Institute.
Item 3: Bob Dole looking at campaign sign in New Hampshire, c. 1980Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W; 5"x7"; photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) Bob Dole looking at one of his campaign signs which includes quotes on his positions on energy, defense, health care, and foreign policy.
Folder 5: Morton Co. Fair 1980 (3 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Republican National Convention in Detroit, 1980 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Republican National Convention photos by Okamoto, 1 of 3, 1980 (21 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Republican National Convention photos by Okamoto, 2 of 3, 1980 (16 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Republican National Convention photos by Okamoto, 3 of 3, 1980 (20 images)Add to your cart.
Sub-Series 3: 1988Add to your cart.
Box 101Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Republican National Convention in New Orleans, 1 of 3, 1988 (34 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Republican National Convention, New Orleans, 1988, 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 8 x 10" landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; crowd with signs, balloons and confetti, Republican National Convention 1988 held in Superdome, New Orleans, LA
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_1_142.tif
Item 2: Senator Bob Dole preparing for public appearance, 1988, 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 8 x 10", landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole backstage with make up artists
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_1_143.tif
Folder 11: Republican National Convention in New Orleans, 2 of 3, 1988 (29 images)Add to your cart.
Item 147: 1988 Republican National Convention interview, 1988-09Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, landscape, Donaldson, Sam A.; Brinkley, David M.; Will, George F.; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Sitting together at a curved table, Inscriptions: David Brinkley Show with George Will and Sam Donaldson Republican Convention, New Orleans, 1988
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_1_147.tif
Item 148: Senator Dole poses with Kansas sign in empty Superdome., 1988Add to your cart.
Senator Bob Dole standing with Kansas sign and holding pen. Unidentified others in background.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8x10. Landscape.
Folder 12: Republican National Convention in New Orleans, 3 of 3, 1988 (21 images)Add to your cart.
Box 102Add to your cart.
Folder 1: 1988 Campaign - Russell, KS 1988 (9 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole announces intent to campaign for Presidency, c. 1987Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 4"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; and Dole, Robin. Bob Dole is standing behind a podium waving to an unidentified crowd. On the podium is a sign that says, "DOLE PRESIDENT." There is a similar sign behind him. To Bob Dole's right stands Elizabeth Dole and Robin Dole. The inscription on the back of the photograph says, "Dole announces his intent to campaign for President."
Folder 2: 1988 Campaign Event, 1988 (4 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole with Elizabeth Dole, ca. 1988Add to your cart.
Color 8"x 10" photograph. Dole, Elizabeth Hanford and Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is holding a black binder and has a gray suit on. Elizabeth Dole is on his right. She is wearing a blue jacket. The photograph was created by Diane Stebbins.
Item 2: Bob Dole with Elizabeth Dole and Robin Dole, ca. 1988Add to your cart.
Color 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robin; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; and Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is holding a black binder in his right arm. To the right of him is Elizabeth Dole (who is wearing a blue jacket) and Robin Dole who is wearing a dark blue jacket. They are all looking to their left. The photograph was created by Diane Stebbins.
Item 3: Bob Dole behind podium and Elizabeth Dole is behind him, ca. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford. Two similar photos. Bob Dole is standing behind a podium. Behind Bob Dole is Elizabeth Dole who is clapping. There is an unidentified person to Elizabeth's left. Both photographs were developed by Diane Stebbins.
Folder 3: 1988 Campaign, n.d. (6 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 4: 1988 Campaign, Visit to Iowa, [30 May 1987?] (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Senator. Bob Dole campaigning in Iowa, c. 1988, 1987-11-02Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; crowd, Bob Dole in a crowd of people and a man with a video camera and microphone, people are holding signs in the background, Bob Dole pres '88, Teachers for Dole, We want Dole
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_6_146.tif
Item 2: Bob Dole campaigning for president in Iowa [?], 30 May 1987[?]Add to your cart.
Color 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is speaking behind a podium into a microphone. On the podium is a clue campaign sticker that says "DOLE PRESIDENT." Behind him is a large banner bearing the same thing. There are two unidentified people to his right and three to his left. Bob Dole is wearing a gray suit a red tie. Inscribed on back (on a post-it) is "scanned."
Folder 5: 1988 Misc. Campaign (3 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 6: 1988 Primary Campaign, 1 of 2, 1988 (17 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Senator Bob Dole being interviewed on balcony of U.S. Capitol, c. 1988, 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, portrait, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole being interviewed on a balcony with a microphone in front and the Capitol Building in the background
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 5 x 7. Portrait.
Related Material: dip.cam_6_144.tif
Item 2: Senator Bob Dole announcing for the presidency, 1987, 1987-11-02Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, portrait, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Close-up, Bob Dole is standing at a podium with his finger pointed with the American flag in the background,
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material: dip.cam_6_145.tif
Item 3: At Country Aire with Appleton, Wisconsin GOP Presidential Supporters for U.S. Senator Bob Dole, 1987-09-03Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Left- Ralph J. Ott WWII Veteran and H. School Teacher, Middle, Mrs. Ralph (Julie M.) Ott and U.S. Senator Bob Dole Originally removed from Constituent, Reference Files Wisconsin-August 15, 1983-September 15, 1999
Item 4: "Bananas about Dole", 4 Feb 1988Add to your cart.
Color 8"x10" photograph. There are two of these photographs. There are eight unidentified people dressed as giant bananas with sunglasses on and four are holding signs that read, "DOLE HAS LOTS OF A-PEEL," "THE TIME IS RIPE FOR DOLE," "DOLE'S BUNCH," and "BANANAS ABOUT DOLE." Source of photo is the U.S. Senate. Inscription on back says, "Halloween 1987 Russell, KS."
Item 5: Bob Dole giving speech, c.1988Add to your cart.
Color 8"x12" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Photograph of Bob Dole from his chest up. Bob Dole is speaking in a microphone and is wearing a blue suit and red tie. Behind him and above his head is a sign that reads "DOLE."
Item 6: Bob Dole giving speech (side view), c. 1988Add to your cart.
Color 8" x 12" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Close up of Bob Dole's left side. Bob Dole is giving a speech into a microphone. He is wearing a blue suit with a blue and red polka dotted tie. In the background there are red, blue and white balloons.
Item 7: Bob Dole giving speech (holding his left hand up), c. 1988Add to your cart.
B & W 8"X10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is standing behind a large podium [possibly at Republican event?]. There is a republican elephant on the front of the podium. Bob Dole is speaking into a microphone and his holding his left hand up. In the back, on both sides, there are three stars. Two other similar photos are one in which there is a woman standing next to him and he is shaking her hand and the other is a back side view (which has been scanned).
Item 8: Bob Dole with Leo Melamed, 3-14-88Add to your cart.
Color 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) and Melamed, Leo. Bob Dole is wearing a blue suit and blue and red tie. To his left is Leo Melamed. The inscription on the back states, "Chicago Mercantile Exchange 3-14-88 Leo Melamed, Chairman, Executive Committee."
Item 9: Bob Dole at Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 3-14-88Add to your cart.
Color 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole speaking with a group of unidentified people. Bob Dole has his left hand up. He is wearing a blue suit and blue tie. Inscription on the back of the photo states, "Chicago Mercantile Exchange 3-14-88."
Item 10: Bob Dole at Chicago Mercantile Exchange with Leo Melamed (in hall), 3-14-88Add to your cart.
Color 8"x10" photograph. Melamed, Leo and Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole looking at photographs on a wall. Leo Melamed (on Bob Dole's right) is pointing at the wall. The man on Bob Dole's left is unidentified. Inscription on the back of the photo states, "Chicago Mercantile Exchange 3-14-88."
Item 11: Bob Dole at Chicago Mercantile Exchange with Leo Melamed (amongst crowd), 3-14-88Add to your cart.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Melamed, Leo and Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is shaking hands with a man wearing a tag that says "PAY 805." In front and to Bob Dole's right is Leo Melamed. There are unidentified people in the background. The inscription on the back says, "Chicago Mercantile Exchange 3-14-88 Leo Melamed, Chairman, Executive Committee."
Item 12: Bob Dole with Laurie Cohen at Chicago Mercantile Exchange, c. 1988Add to your cart.
Color 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) and Cohen, Laurie. Bob Dole is standing between two women. The one on the right is Laurie Cohen [?]. The other one is unidentified. Laurie Cohen's tag says, "LOCO 001." There are unidentified people behind Bob Dole. The inscription on the back of the tag states, "Chicago Mercantile Exchange 3-14-1988 Laurie Cohen, Member."
Item 13: Bob Dole shaking hands with supporters at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 3-14-88Add to your cart.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is shaking hands of individuals that are holding their hands out. There is a crowd of unidentified people. On the left side there is a video camera and a microphone. The photograph is a side view of Bob Dole's left side. The inscription on the back states, "Chicago Mercantile Exchange 3-14-1988."
Folder 7: 1988 Presidential Campaign, 2 of 2, 1988 (11 images)Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Item 1: Dole for President in '88 van, 1988Add to your cart.
An 8 x 10 photograph of a white van with red and blue stripes and the attached sign reading "Dole for President in'88" is shown parked outside a beige building called the Dodgen building. Two small U.S. flags are on the hood of the van.
Item 2: Dole for President van, 1987Add to your cart.
Color 2" x 3" snapshot c. July 1987 of a "Dole for President" camper-style van parked next to a building with the word, "Dodgen." The white van has a blue and red [?] stripe along its side. Two small flags are on both sides of the hood. Photo has small tear in emulsion at upper left corner.
Item 3: Dole for President in '88 RV, July 1987Add to your cart.
Dodgen, John N.; Unidentified woman; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; RV in background with "Dole for President in '88" sign; Dodgen is wearing a hat with Born Free written on it; Dodgen is handing something to Senator Dole, possibly keys
Item 4: Bob Dole smiling, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Photograph of Bob Dole from his shoulders up. He is smiling and looking to his left. The inscription on the back states, "209249 Fr-19 Ks." In the protective cover with this photo is a paper copy of a film reel with 25 still shots of Bob Dole, Elizabeth Dole and them together.
Item 5: Bob Dole speaking to workers at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 1988-03-14Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-. Bob Dole is speaking and holding up his left hand in a fist. Bob Dole is looking to his left while a group of unidentified people watch him. In the left side of the photo there is a photographer. The inscription on the back says, "Chicago Mercantile Exchange 3-14-88."
Item 6: Bob Dole shaking hands with a man at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 1988-3-14Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-. Bob Dole is amongst a crowd of unidentified people. He is shaking hands with a man wearing glasses. It is a view of his left side. In the bottom right corner of the photograph there are cameramen. The inscription on the back states, "Chicago Mercantile Exchange 3-14-88."
Item 7: Bob Dole speaking with reporter at Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 1988-03-14Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Robin; Bob Dole is speaking to an unidentified reporter who is wearing a head set and is holding a microphone up to Bob Dole. Robin Dole is standing to Bob Dole's right. The inscription on the back states, "Chicago Mercantile Exchange 3-14-88."
Item 8: Bob Dole posed on Yamaha motorcycle in Connecticut, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-. Bob Dole is sitting on a Yamaha motorcycle. He is wearing a long sleeve white button down shirt with a tie. Behind him are a row of cars and four unidentified people (facing the opposite direction). The photograph was created by Lou Emery. The inscription on the back of the photograph says "Connecticut 1980s."
Item 9: Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole hugging each other, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford. Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole are hugging and smiling for the camera. Bob Dole is wearing a pin the says, "George BUSH 88." There are three unidentified men to Bob Dole's right and one to his left. Behind him, on a door, there is a sign that says, "box suite 454."
Item 10: Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole talking to supporter, c. 1988Add to your cart.
Color 8"x 5" photograph. Dole, Robin; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Dole, Robert J., 1923-. Bob Dole is touching the right arm of an unidentified woman. Elizabeth Dole is on Bob Dole's right and is smiling at the woman. Robin Dole is standing to the right and behind both of them. They are outside. There is a group of unidentified people behind them.
Item 11: Bob Dole smiling at a woman and child, c. 1988Add to your cart.
Color 8"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is smiling at a mother and her baby. The unidentified woman is wearing a pink sweater and the unidentified baby is wearing a blue dress. There are unidentified people around them.
Folder 8: 1988 Primary Campaign (11 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole giving interview, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 5"x7"; Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Bob Dole speaking into a microphone while sitting down at Russell Senate building [?]. The Capitol building is behind him.
Folder 9: Armenian-American Dinner, Plaza Hotel Armenian-American Dinner, Plaza Hotel, October 10, 1987 (12 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Petrossian, Levon, at dinner with two female guests. Levon Petrossian, first President of Republic of Armenia, with two female guests at the dinner, 8x10 B&W photo.Add to your cart.
Item 2: Dole with Levon Petrossian. Sen. Dole with Levon Petrossian, first president of Republic of Armenia, 8x10 B&W photo.Add to your cart.
Item 3: Dole with Levon Petrossian and Alfonse D'Amato. Sen. Dole visits with Levon Petrossian and Alfonse D'Amato, [1937-] at dinner, 8x10 B&W photo.Add to your cart.
Item 4: Sen. Larry Pressler with Levon Petrossian and Alfonse D/Amato. Sen Larry Pressler, [1962-] with President Levon Petrossian and Alfonse D'Amato [1937-], 8x10 B&W photo.Add to your cart.
Item 5: Pres. Petrossian speaks at dinner. President Levon Petrossian speaking at lectern at Plaza Hotel, with head table guests, 8x10 B&W photo.Add to your cart.
Item 6: Female speaker at dinner with Levon Petrossian. Female guest speaker at lectern, with Levon Petrossian and other head table guests, 8x10 B&W photo, US and Armenian flags in background.Add to your cart.
Item 7: Levon Petrossian speaks to group. First Armenian President Levon Petrossian speaks from lectern at dinner, 8x10 B&W photo.Add to your cart.
Item 8: group photo from back of banquet hall Plaza Hotel. Group photo, 8x10 B&W, from back of banquet hall Plaza Hotel after dinner, shows ornate chandelier and ornate gilt moldings of room, unknown speaker at lectern.Add to your cart.
Item 9: televised greetings after dinner. Guests at banquet watch and listen to televised greetings from a male dignitary in darkened banquet hall, 8x10 B&W photo.Add to your cart.
Item 10: Levon Petrossian speaks to guests. 8x10 B&W photo shows two-level dais and honored guests listening to President Petrossian, shows a few dinner tables also.Add to your cart.
Item 11: Alfonse D'Amato speaks to guests. Alfonse D'Amato, [1937-] speaks from lectern at dinner with President Petrossian and others at head table, 4x6 color photo.Add to your cart.
Item 12: Larry Pressler speaks to guests. Larry Pressler [1962-] speaks to dinner guests with Pres. Petrossian and others at head table, American and Armenian small flags on tables, 4x6 color photo.Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Baby for Dole, n.d. (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Portrait of Yvonne Denise Fisher. Yvonne Denise Fisher; Written on back: Jan. 19, 1991 To: Senator Bob Dole, First I would like to say you are doing a wonderful job in the Senate. I feel very grateful and honored to have a man of your caliber believe in me. Thank you, and I will do all I can to help. Sincerely Yvonne Denise.Add to your cart.
Item 2: Yvonne Denise Fisher in military uniform. Yvonne Denise Fisher; Standing with American flag in military uniform; Written on back: March 91 To: Walter Riker This is for your office! I hope you like it!.Add to your cart.
Item 3: Yvonne Denise Fisher poster. Yvonne Denise Fisher; Illustrated picture of Yvonne Denise Fisher with American flag in background with words "Living & Loving America"; Written on back: March 91 To: Senator Bob Dole This is for your office!! I hope you like it!.Add to your cart.
Folder 11: "Bananas" About Dole (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Supporters dressed as Bananas campaigning for Dole, 1988, 1988-02-04Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 8 x 10", landscape, Dole's supporters wearing banana costumes and carrying sign for the 1988 campaign, "Dole has lots of A-Peel" "The Time is Ripe for Dole" "Dole's bunch" "Bananas about Dole"
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: U.S. Senate
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 12: Campaign Trail 1988 (12 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole giving speech with left hand out, c.1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) Bob Dole is speaking behind a podium and is holding his left hand out.
Item 2: Bob Dole giving a campaign speech outside, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 5"x5" photographs. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is standing outside giving a speech with unidentified supporters and trees in the background.
Folder 13: Campaign Visit to Iowa '88 (3 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Campaign Visit to Missouri 1988 (84 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole giving speech (blue podium), c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is giving a speech behind a blue podium that says, "DOLE PRESIDENT."
Item 2: Bob Dole behind brown podium, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is standing behind a brown podium that has the seal of Missouri on it. Behind him is an American flag and a sign that says, "Missouri Loves BOB DOLE." There are two unidentified people in the picture.
Item 3: Bob Dole posed in front of a desk, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is posed in front of a desk. He is wearing a blue suit and red tie. Behind him on the desk is a tiny ceramic [?] elephant.
Folder 15: Kirkpatrick, Jeane J., 1986 (28 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Senator Dole, Jeane Kirkpatrick and baby elephant, 1986Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 5 x 7. Portrait.
Related Material:
Folder 16: Oswego, Kansas News Clipping "Road to the White House Painting," 17 Feb 1988 ( images)Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Presidential Campaign, Russell, Kansas, 1987 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole Standing behind podium (side view), ca. 1987Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 8.5"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-. Bob Dole is giving a speech into a microphone and is standing behind a podium. It is a view of his left side. Behind him there is an American flag. He is pointing as he is speaking.
Folder 18: Unknown Reception, 1988 Presidential Campaign, 1988 (6 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 19: VFW Convention, New Orleans, 1 of 2, 19 Aug 1987 (33 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 20: VFW Convention, New Orleans, 2 of 2, 19 Aug 1987 (50 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Vidricksen, Ben, 1988 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Woodward, Lynette, 3 Feb 1987 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Senator Bob Dole presenting 1988 Campaign button to Lynette, 1987, 1987-02-03Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 8 x 10", landscape, Woodward, Lynette; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole is holding up a Dole "88" political button to Lynette, Notes: Lynette Woodward, Former Olympian, Inscriptions: Senator Dole, Best Wishes! Lynette Woodward, Harlem-Globetrotters, '85-'87
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: U.S. Senate
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 7 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 23: Kansas Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Delegation (5 images), 1987Add to your cart.
Box 103Add to your cart.
Folder 1: The Campaign Trail 1988 (46 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole giving speech in Iowa, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is standing behind a podium in a large arena. To the right of him is an American flag. Behind the stage is seating and numerous signs hanging up.
Item 2: Bob Dole speaking to reporters on an airplane, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is sitting in an airplane seat, leaned over the back of it talking to reporters. There are a number of unidentified people. There are numerous cameras and a tape recorder. Copyrighted by Brad Marrel.
Item 3: Bob Dole resting on airplane, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is resting his eyes in an airplane. He is seated. He has the window shade down. His arms are crossed (left over right). Copyrighted by Brad Marrel.
Folder 2: King County Republicans Appearance (6 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole speaking at King County Republican event, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is standing behind a podium that has a sign on it that says, "DOLE FOR PRESIDENT." Behind him is a sign that reads, "KING COUNTY REPUBLICAN PARTY" with an elephant on it.
Folder 3: Republican National Convention, 1988 ( images)Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Russell, Kansas (7 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole on stage with falling balloons, c. 1988Add to your cart.
Color, 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; and Robin Dole. Elizabeth Dole has her hands around Bob Dole's right arm. To the right of her stands Robin Dole and an unidentified woman. Above them are blue and yellow balloons and a sign that says, "DOLE PRESIDENT."
Item 2: Bob Dole and Elizabeth Dole smiling at campaign event, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) and Dole, Elizabeth Hanford. Elizabeth Dole is standing to Bob Dole's left. She is wearing a purple coat and Bob Dole is wearing a gray coat. There are two unidentified men in the picture.
Folder 5: Iowa Primary 1988, Russell, KS (9 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole giving a speech in Iowa, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is standing behind a podium giving a speech into a microphone. To his left is a water pitcher and glass. Behind him is stained glass windows.
Folder 6: Unidentified Appearance 1988 Campaign (7 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole receiving 'Dole' jersey from Art Modell, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Modell, Art. Bob Dole is standing on a stage next to a podium with Cleveland Browns owner Art Modell and three unidentified people. Bob Dole and two of the men are holding up a Cleveland Browns jersey that has "DOLE 88" on the back.
Folder 7: Unidentified Event, 1988 (?) (25 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole speaking with Jo ann Coe, c. 1988Add to your cart.
Color; 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) and Jo ann Coe. Bob Dole is speaking with Jo ann Coe and an unidentified man. Behind them is a window. Bob Dole is looking at Jo ann Coe.
Item 2: Bob Dole speaking with Senator Howard Baker, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) and Baker, Howard H. (Howard Henry), 1925. Bob Dole is speaking to Howard Baker (on Bob Dole's left). Behind Howard Baker is an unidentified man.
Folder 8: (Removed to the Lahoma Yates Collection)Add to your cart.
Folder 9: 1988 Campaign Visit to Iowa 30/31 May 1987 (10 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole with Judy Kruger, 1987-5-30/31Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 3.5"x5" photograph. Kruger, Judy and Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Staffer Judy Kruger is standing to Bob Dole's right. There are two unidentified people in the picture.
Item 2: Bob Dole talking with supporters, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 5"x7" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole talking with three unidentified people. There is sign behind him that someone is holding and it states, "IOWANS FOR DOLE."
Folder 10: 1988 Bob dole on Airplane (15 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole reading on airplane, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is sitting in a seat on an airplane looking through a stack of papers. He is wearing glasses. There is an unidentified man behind him.
Folder 11: 1988 Misc. Campaign (3 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole with Elizabeth Dole, Andy Ireland and Jeane Kirkpatrick, c. 1988Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 4"x6" photograph. Ireland, Andy, 1930-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Dole, Robert J., (1923-); and Kirkpatrick, Jeane J., 1926-. Andy Ireland is standing out in front of Elizabeth Dole, Bob Dole and Jeane Kirkpatrick. They are on a stage in front of an unidentified crowd. Behind them is an American flag and four posters that say, "DOLE PRESIDENT."
Box 156Add to your cart.
Folder 2: 1988 Campaign EventsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: 1988 Campaign EventAdd to your cart.
Item 3: Dole surrounded by reporters and cameras on streetAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Lynette WoodwardAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Senator Dole with Lynette Woodward (Harlem Globetrotters - '85 - '87)Add to your cart.
Sub-Series 4: 1996Add to your cart.
Box 104Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Campaign Events- Manchester, Feb 1996 (13 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Campaigning in Missouri, 3 Mar 1996 (10 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Castel D'Aiano, 1996 (15 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 5: "Defender of America's Destiny" Billboard (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Dennehy, Brian, ca 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole and Brian Dennehy on airplane. 7/11/1969.Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 7: Dole for President 1996- Castel D'aiano, 1996 (9 images)Add to your cart.
Item 173: "Dole for President" banner in Castel D'Aiano, Italy, 1996, 1996Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, landscape, snapshot, tan-orange building with a blue Dole for President banner with a flag motif in the proper right corner
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 5 x 7. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_7a_173.tif
Folder 8: Dole for President- Hamilton, New Jersey, 12 Oct 1996 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Dole for President- New Orleans, 1996 (38 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Dole for President- Ohio, 1996 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Dole for President- San Diego Debate, Oct 1996 (19 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Dole, Elizabeth Hanford Campaigning, 1996 (9 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Dole for President announcement tour- Columbus, Ohio, 1995 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Dole for President announcement tour- Exeter, N.H., 1995 (17 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Dole for President Announcement tour- Topeka, KS, 1995 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Dole for President Campaign Planes, 1996 (10 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Dole For President Rally, Kansas City, 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Dole for President Reception in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 13 Jan 1996 (27 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Dole for President Unidentified, 1 of 3, 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 193: Presidential candidate Bob Dole standing amidst balloons, 1996, 1996Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, 8 x 10", landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole is in the center of the photo surrounded by balloons
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_7b_193.tif
Folder 20: Dole for President Unidentified, 2 of 3, 1996 (12 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Dole for President Unidentified, 3 of 3, 1996 (13 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 22: "Dole 96" Baseball Jersey, 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Dole for President 1996- Pictures from Cynthia Peterson, 1996 (8 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Presidential Candidate Bob Dole with Mother and Child, 1996 [?]Add to your cart.
Color, 5"x8", Dole, Robert J., 1923-; with unidentified women and baby.
Item 2: Bob Dole and boys wearing campaign signs for hats2, 1996[?]Add to your cart.
Color, 8" x 10", Duplicate, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole in background signing paper and boys in foreground wearing campaign signs for hats.
Item 3: Large Elephant with Campaign Signs and Rally with Dole! Banner, 1996 [?]Add to your cart.
Color, 5"x7", Copyright to Foto Perry as 5a[?]; Large gray elephant on trailer bed. Covered with Dole/Kemp signs with two Woody Jenkins United States Senate signs. Banner reads: "Rally with DOLE! Thursday, Oct. 24-4:30PM Woldenberg Riverfront Park (by the Aquarium) 454-2657", Possible the rally was held in New Orleans, LA
Item 4: Close-up Photo of Bob Dole at the Microphone, 1996 [?]Add to your cart.
Color, 8" x10", Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Close-up shot of him at the microphone with what looks like a podium with American flag symbols. On the back, Lane Photography stamped on. Unknown whether copyrighted
Item 5: Still Presidential Candidate Bob Dole with Unidentified Men, 1996 [?]Add to your cart.
Color, 8" x10", Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Unidentified men; still photo of all members looking at camera for shot, Dole is wearing his purple heart pin; another photograph in folder is possibly from the same event of Dole with three unidentified women, the photograph with the women is a duplicate
Item 6: Bob Dole Talking and Walking with a Member of the Associated Press, 1996[?]Add to your cart.
Color, 8" x 10"; Dole, Robert J.,1923-; Unidentified member of Associated Press; they are walking and talking with a cameraman in the background recording. Dole is wearing his purple heart pin. Possible same event as photos mentioned in item 5 based on dress.
Item 7: Close-up of Bob Dole in a Crowd with Cameraman in Background, 1996 [?]Add to your cart.
Color, 5" x 7", Copyright to Foto Perry with 7 written on sticker's upper left corner, Dole, Robert J.,1923-; walking through crowd of possible supporters while cameraman records.
Folder 24: Sen. Dole in Laconia, NH speaking, 1 of 20, 20 Feb 1995 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole speaking to outdoor crowd in New Hampshire during the 1996 Campaign, 1996Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, 8 x 10", landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Bob Dole is at a podium with microphones and a Dole for president sign in front
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_7c_189.tif
Folder 25: Dole pictured with American flag, n.d. (8 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Dole/Kemp Rally Snapshots (9 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Senator Bob Dole and his wife, Elizabeth, posing with veterans, 1990, 1990Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, 8 x 10", landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Senator Bob Dole and his wife, Elizabeth are shown posing with African-American members of the Marine Corps League [and possible Marine Corps League Auxiliary ?] in 1990. Members are wearing caps and jackets with emblems.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 27: Election Day "96 Hour Victory Tour," 1 of 2, 2 Nov 1996 (30 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole standing in front of "Dole for President" airplane during Victory tour, 1996, 1996-11Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, landscape, snapshot, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole is wearing a white jacket in front of the Dole for President plane with reporters and a man holding a sign reading 75 hours to Victory
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 4 x 6. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: Bob Dole in campaign office, 1996-11-02Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, landscape, snapshot, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Senators Bob and Elizabeth Dole are both seated at the front table, there are several Dole/Kemp posters on the wall and a Truth!!! poster
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 4 x 6. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 28: Election Day "96 Hours to Victory Tour," All Marquette High School photos by Fredi Griggs, 2 of 2, 2 Nov 1996 (8 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Event 1995, 12 Mar 1995 (9 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Harford Debate- Photos of Dole's Car Leaving Watergate (2 images)Add to your cart.
Box 105Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Kemp, Jack, 1996 (17 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole, Jack Kemp, John Danforth and Alan Simpson at Senate News Conference, 1982Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material:
Item 2: Dole * Kemp advertisement, 1996Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Kemp, Jack. "Authorized and paid for by Dole/Kemp '96, Robert E. Lightizer, Treasurer" Both Kemp and Dole have their arms up. Above photo is Dole*Kemp logo.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Other. Other. Color. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material:
Item 3: Bob Dole and Jack Kemp Holding Hands on Stage. 8/18/1996. Color, 8" x 10", Copyright Desmond's Prime Focus: 716-648-0502, Amherst, NY, Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Kemp, Jack; Kemp, Joan. "To Bob Dole, Thanks signature" on back.Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Kracik, Jarmila J., 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole with Jarmila Kracik, 1967-01Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 3: Moore, Joan, July 1996 (11 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole in Wheaton Independence Day parade. 7/4/1996. Notes: Accompanying letter.Add to your cart.
Item 2: Bob Dole and little boy watching 4th of July parade. 7/4/1996. Notes: Accompanying letter.Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Murray, Hyde, 3 March 1996 (4 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Hyde Murray at Veterans for Dole rally. 3/3/1996. Inscriptions: Back: Hyde H. Murray at veterans for Dole rally Montgomery County, MD fairgrounds March 3 1996.Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Olympics- Atlanta, 1996 (9 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 6: PBS Frontline, Dole at desk (3 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole at desk, 1996-06-11Add to your cart.
Color, 8 x 12", portrait, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole is sitting at his desk working on papers with the American flag in the background, Creator: Brad Markel, U.S. Senate, Inscriptions: Photo WOBH had permission to use Photo #993
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: U.S. Senate
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material:
Folder 7: Presidential Campaign announcement tour in Russell and Topeka, photos by John L. Schageck, 1996 (10 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole at Podium on Announcement Tour for 1996 Election, 1995Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole is giving a speech at the podium with a Dole for President campaign sign. From announcement tour in Russell and Topeka
Folder 8: Presidential Campaign announcement tour in Russell and Topeka, 1996 (3 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Presidential Campaign- Kenner Louisiana and New Orleans, Oct 1996 (15 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Professional Color Photographs, 1996 (15 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole holding baby, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photo of Bob Dole in crowd holding baby. Baby wearing "Dole for President" badge, Dole pin and a shirt inscribed "Future President" Others in crowd wave "Dole for President" signs.
Item 2: Elizabeth and Bob Dole in helicopter, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photograph of Elizabeth and Bob Dole looking out from interior of helicopter.
Item 3: Robin Dole presents Father's Day tribute to her father, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photograph showing Robin Dole sitting at dining table holding a framed Father's Day Tribute while her father, Bob Dole looks on. Nearby on table is a photo showing Bob Dole and Robin Dole together.
Item 4: Bob Dole with Elizabeth Dole on boat or ferry, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photo of Bob and Elizabeth Dole standing on deck of boat or ferry while two others look on. Unknown river in background.
Item 5: Bob Dole under tent with supporters, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photo of Bob Dole and his supporters under a tent or awning. Image is taken from the ground looking up. Red, white and blue balloons are above their heads.
Item 6: Bob Dole greets supporter, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photo of Bob Dole shaking hands with a supporter while child with small flags in her hair is pictured in the foreground.
Item 7: Dole podium, 1996Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color photo taken from bottom of podium looking skyward shows only Dole's left hand waving above. A sign on the front of podium reads "Dole for President."
Item 8: Dole in silhouette, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photo of Dole in silhouette as he walks up stairs to board aircraft. Sun shines in background.
Item 9: Bob Dole waves to crowd of supporters, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photograph showing back view of Bob Dole as he waves with left hand to diverse group of supporters who are holding Dole signs and wearing Dole pins.
Item 10: Elizabeth Dole holding two thumbs up, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photograph of a close up of smiling Elizabeth Dole giving thumbs up sign.
Item 11: Bob Dole dances with woman in folk costume, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photograph of Bob Dole dancing on stage with woman in folk costume. Another costumed woman holding an IHS tote looks on.
Item 12: Bob Dole speaks at podium to outdoor audience, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photograph back view of Senator Dole speaking to crowd of people at unidentified location, some holding Dole for President signs and waving small American flags. Image is taken from behind two flags.
Item 13: Bob Dole close up, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photograph of a close up of Bob Dole pictured at far right of photo. He is smiling broadly. The word "Bob" appears on a sign behind him.
Item 14: Bob Dole waving in front of Dole campaign plane, 1006Add to your cart.
Color photograph of Bob Dole waving with left hand while standing in front of the Dole campaign plane. Two other unidentified men are pictured behind him.
Item 15: Bob and Elizabeth Dole closeup, 1996Add to your cart.
Color photograph of a close up of Bob and Elizabeth Dole smiling. Bob Dole is wearing a "Citizen Dole" hard hat.
Folder 11: Russell, KS GOP highlights, Sep 1996 (10 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Snapshots from Lara, 10 April 1995 (27 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Spirit of California, 1996 (7 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Unidentified Speech (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Vice Presidential Seal, 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 16: WHO Radio 1040, c. 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 17: VFW Dedication, 1 of 3, 14 Apr 1995 (37 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 18: VFW Dedication, 2 of 3, (see also Campaign 1996 Announcement tour), 14 Apr 1995 (36 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 19: VFW Dedication (of Russell Headquarters) 3 of 3, 14 Apr 1995 (36 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 20: 1996 Campaign, Dole for President T-shirt, 1996 ( images)Add to your cart.
Folder 21: 1996 [Campaign?]- [Kansas?], n.d. (3 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 22: 1996 Campaign, Orlando, Florida, Lake Iola, [Mar?] 1996 (5 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 23: 1996 Campaign in Topeka, KS; 10 Apr 1995 (6 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole in Topeka Announcing 1996 Presidential Campaign, 1995-04-10Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Dole, Robert J 1923-; Topeka, Kansas; 1996 Campaign announcement. Dole is at the podium giving a speech with a Dole for President poster on the podium
Folder 24: 1996 Campaign Iowa, 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 25: 1996 campaign shots ( images)Add to your cart.
Folder 26: 1996 Dole/Kemp, 1996 (5 images)Add to your cart.
Box 106Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Convention Reception in San Diego, Television viewing group-duplicates, 1 of 5, 15 Aug 1996 (3 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Convention Reception in San Diego, Television viewing group-duplicates, 2 of 5, 15 Aug 1996 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole cheered by fellow Republicans during 96 Convention reception, 1996-8-12/15Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 8"x12" photograph. D'Amato, Alfonse; Kempthorne, Dirk, 1951-) and Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is making a fist with his left hand and holding it in the air. He is sitting on a floral couch with three unidentified people. Alfonse D'Amato and Dirk Kempthorne are clapping their hands. There are other unidentified people clapping their hands. Photograph created by Richard Sobol.
Folder 3: Convention Reception in San Diego, Television viewing group-duplicates, 3 of 5, 15 Aug 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Convention Reception in San Diego, Television viewing group-duplicates, 4 of 5, 15 Aug 1996 (6 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole watching a TV with Charles Grassley and fellow Republicans, 1996-8-12/15Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 7"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Grassley, Charles; Gorton, Slade 1923-); and Rumsfeld, Donald. Bob Dole and Charles Grassley are sitting on a floral couch watching a tv (not shown). Behind them are Slade Gorton and Donald Rumsfeld. There are unidentified people in the picture. There is a coffee table visible that has a decorative box and remote on it.
Folder 5: Convention Reception in San Diego, Television viewing group-duplicates, 5 of 5, 15 Aug 1996 (4 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Convention Reception, San Diego, Sen. Dole and friends, 1 of 6; 15 Aug 1996 (5 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole with Alfonse D'Amato at Republican National Convention, 1996-8-12/15Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) and D'amato, Alfonse. Bob Dole is posed with an unidentified woman and Alfonse D'amato. Photograph created by Richard Sobol.
Item 2: Bob Dole with Dirk Kempthorne and Patricia Kempthorne at the 96 Republican National Convention, 1996-8-12/15Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-); Kempthorne, Patricia and Kempthorne, Dirk, 1951-. Bob Dole is posed with Senator Dirk Kempthorne and his wife, Patricia Kempthorne. Photograph created by Richard Sobol.
Folder 7: Convention Reception, San Diego, Sen. Dole and friends, 2 of 6; 15 Aug 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Convention Reception, San Diego, Sen. Dole and friends, 3 of 6; 15 Aug 1996 (4 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Convention Reception, San Diego, Sen. Dole and friends, 4 of 6; 15 Aug 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Convention Reception, San Diego, Sen. Dole and friends, 5 of 6; 15 Aug 1996 (6 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Convention Reception- San Diego, Dole and friends from Russell, KS; 15 Aug 1996 (5 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Dole meets with Olympians after Republican National Convention. San Diego, 15 Aug 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole meeting with Olympic athletes after RNC, 1996-8-15Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 7"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is posed with a group of unidentified Olympic athletes. The man in the front left has a cast on his right arm. Photograph created by Richard Sobol.
Folder 13: Leaving the Republican National Convention, San Diego, Sen Dole and Elizabeth Dole, 15 Aug 1996 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Dole leaving Republican National Convention, passes WWII veterans, San Diego, 15 Aug 1996 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole leaving RNC and standing with WWII veterans, 1996-8-15Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Color; 8"x12" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is posed at the bottom of a set of stairs with his hands crossed and he is smiling and looking to his left. To Bob Dole's right are a group of unidentified veterans who are wearing the same hats and are wearing Hawaiian style shirts. Photograph created by Richard Sobol.
Folder 15: Convention Reception- San Diego, Advance staff, 15 Aug 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Private Convention Reception in San Diego, Senator Dole and Supporters, 15 Aug 1996 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Private Party for Presidential Candidate after acceptance speech at Republican National Convention: San Diego- Duplicates; 15 Aug 1996 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Private Party after Republican National Convention, San Diego, Sen. Dole with Monte Krug, Connie Krug, and Aunt Gladys Friesen- duplicates, 15 Aug 1996 (3 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Wisdom, Tamara (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Mortgage Bankers Association of America (1 image), 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Michigan Croatians for Dole Campaign Event (3 images), 1996Add to your cart.
Box 107Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Campaign 1996 Chicago/Wrigley Field (23 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Candid Snapshots '96 (3 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Crowd Outtakes (Dole-Kemp) (29 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 4: DFP - Denver Outtakes (Dole-Kemp) (107 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Spirit of California 1996 Campaign (6 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 6: 1996 Campaign Dole/Kemp (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 7: 1996 Campaign (?) Kansas (?) (16 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 8: 1996 Dole For President Pictures from Cynthia Peterson (1 images)Add to your cart.
Box 108Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Crowd Outtakes Continued (Dole-Kemp) (62 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Senator Dole and Mrs. Dole single Shots (Dole-Kemp) (11 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Russell, Kansas Hometown Rally for Bob Dole, 1996 (4 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Russell, Kansas 1996 (?) (9 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 5: San Diego Convention 14 Aug 1996 (17 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 6: San Diego Convention, 7 Oct 1996 (14 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 7: San Diego Convention, 16 Oct 1996 (31 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 8: San Diego Convention, 14 Oct 1996 (7 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 9: 1996 Campaign Signs (Locations Unknown) (26 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Presidential Campaign 23 March 1996 California (12 images)Add to your cart.
Box 109Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Senator Dole in Laconia, NH 20 Feb 1995 (175 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Dole for President Signs (Belleview ?) (14 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Dole Rally, Hyatt Regency San Diego, CA, 16 Aug 1996 (21 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Veteran's Day Parade 11 Nov 1995 (7 images)Add to your cart.
Box 110Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Campaign Snapshots 1996 (?) (11 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Senator Dole in New Hampshire 1996 (50 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Senator Dole in Rutherford, NJ, August 22, 1996 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Box 146Add to your cart.
Folder 6Add to your cart.
Item 1: Elizabeth and Dole with unidentified man during presidential campaign eventAdd to your cart.
Item 2: H.W. Bush and Dole with crew of "Citizen's Ship", airplane for presidential campaignAdd to your cart.
Inscription: 'Winnie' at Leghorn Harbor, Italy, 1944
Item 3: "Leader's Ship" 1996 campaign airplaneAdd to your cart.
Item 4: Elizabeth speaking with TV screen in backgroundAdd to your cart.
Item 5: Dole waving on stage during '96 campaignAdd to your cart.
Inscription: Matt Ferguson '96
Box 156Add to your cart.
Folder 4: 1996 Campaign EventsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Dole with Elizabeth, Robin at 1996 Campaign Event with Bill and Linda GravesAdd to your cart.
Item 2: Dole exiting Airplane "Citizen's Ship", 17-Aug-96Add to your cart.
Item 3: Dole Campaigning for President outside Airport, 17-Aug-96Add to your cart.
Item 4: 1996 Campaign: Ohio announcement kickoffAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Dole at PodiumAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Dole giving campaign speech [2 copies], 1996Add to your cart.
Item 2: Dole giving campaign speech [2 copies], 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Dole with "Citizen's Ship" AirplaneAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Dole exiting Airplane "Citizen's Ship", 17-Aug-96Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Dole Greeting ConstituentsAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Dole greeting people outside Mission Plaza, Sep-96Add to your cart.
Box 157Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Dole Wins Senate SeatAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Dole standing in crowd next to H.W. Bush Campaign EventAdd to your cart.
Sub-Series 2: CongressionalAdd to your cart.
Sub-Series 1: HouseAdd to your cart.
Box 111Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Campaign, 1962 (10 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: 5 women standing, 5 women sitting at a dinner table, 1962Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
b&w photo of 10 women at a dinner table; many plates, glasses, condiments, and tablewares; large decorated square column behind women
Item 2: Portrait of Bob Dole, 1962Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, portrait, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole is center on the proper left side of the photograph, he is wearing a suit and tie and his purple heart pin on his proper left lapel
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 5 x 7. Portrait.
Related Material: dip.cam_2_38.tif
Item 3: Representative Dole and family campaign at Kansas State Fair, 1962Add to your cart.
Representative Bob Dole and his first wife, Phyllis Holden Dole, looking on as their daughter, Robin, shakes hands with supporter. All are wearing red felt flower Dole pins. Robin's skirt on display at Institute.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8x10. Landscape.
Item 4: Representative Dole campaigns with wife, parents, and brother in Hutchinson, October 17, 1962Add to your cart.
Bob Dole, his first wife Phyllis Holden Dole, his brother Kenny Dole, and his parents Doran and Bina Dole. Written on back: "1962 Campaign. Bob Dole with family for Hutchinson Publicity 17 Oct. 1962. Phyllis, Kenny Dole, Doran Dole, Bina Dole, Bob Dole."
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8x10. Landscape
Folder 2: Campaign, 1964 (8 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole courting voters, 1964, 1964Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, portrait, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; three unidentified women and one man all on steps with Capitol dome in the background, Dole is signing a piece of paper
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material: dip.cam_2_219.tif
Item 42: Dole Campaign Caravan; Quinter, KS, 1964, 1964-11-02Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, 1964 House Campaign; Dole Caravan, 2 Inn Cafe, Quinter, Nov. 2, 1964
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_2_42.tif
Item 43: Representative Bob Dole courts voters on Capitol steps, 1964Add to your cart.
Representative Dole signing a paper for visitors at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8x10. Portrait.
Item 44: Representative Dole poses with others in front of campaign poster, October 6, 1964Add to your cart.
Representative Bob Dole standing in front of Dole campaign poster. Written on back: "Dole Appreciation Dinner, Russell, KS, 6 Oct. 1964. Morris Krug, Helen Shaffer (Mrs. Ray), Bob Dole, Opal Ehrlich, Jim Thoman."
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8x10. Landscape.
Folder 3: Campaign, 1966 (8 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dodge City, KS Campaign Rally, 1966, 1966-09-10Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, cars and people in parking lot, Members present 87th Club honorary certificate -- Inscriptions: Dodge City Rally 9/10/66
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 5 x 7. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_2_46.tif
Item 2: Representative Dole and Kansas Governor William Avery talking in front of posters, October 1, 1966Add to your cart.
Representative Bob Dole standing by GOP campaign posters with Kansas Governor and others. Written on back: "Republican Dinner Russell, KS, 1 Oct. 1966 From left: Morris Krug, Ann Dawson, Gov. William Avery, Doris McCobb, Bob Dole."
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8x10. Landscape.
Item 3: Representatives Dole and Gerald Ford riding in back of car during parade, 1966Add to your cart.
Representatives Bob Dole and Gerald Ford riding in back of convertible driven by Naomi Brumer.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8x10. Landscape.
Folder 4: Dole Congressional Campaign, 1960 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Dolls for Dole - Campaign (7 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Robin Dole with Dolls for Dole, 1971-09-01Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Notes: From Evelyn Evans Collection
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 5 x 7. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: Dolls for Dole performing, 1971-09-01Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Notes: From the Evelyn Evans Collection
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 5 x 7. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 3: Dole and Costumed "Dolls for Dole", 1960 [?]Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B&W, 8" x 10", Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Robin
Related Material:
Box 144Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Campaigns; 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1 of 4 (13 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob and Phyllis Dole greeting guests, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 Campaign scrapbook. Headquarters and campaign organization. Bob and Phyllis Dole greeted each guest at the Kansas Day reception.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: Dole campaign table, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 10: Campaigns; 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 2 of 4 (14 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole in Sedgwick County parade, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 campaign scrapbook. Sedgwick county [Wichita?]
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: Headquarters ribbon-cutting, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 campaign scrapbook. Sedgwick Co. Dole chairman Paul Berry cuts the ribbon at the local headquarters [illegible].
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description:
Related Material:
Item 3: Bombay, the elephant, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 campaign scrapbook Bombay shows his support while the circus was in town.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 4: Front elevation of Dole for Senator Headquarters, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 campaign scrapbook
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 5: Judy Harbaugh working, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Judy Harbaugh
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 6: Bob Miner working, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Bob Miner- worked with printing, advertising and campaign materials, coordinated the field crews, served as office manager at the Headquarters and handled special projects.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 7: Bill Frazier working, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Bill Frazier- traveled with Bob Dole whenever the Congressman was in Kansas. When he was in Washington, Bill worked on special projects at headquarters or called on county chairman in the field.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 8: Campaign headquarters, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 11: Campaigns; 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 3 of 4; Staffers; 5th District Convention, Fredonia; "Dole for Senate" signs; '68 Campaign Scrapbook; "Dolls for Dole;" billboards; Birthday at Headquarters, Topeka (13 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: "Your Kind of Kansan" campaign billboard, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 campaign scrapbook
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: Dole campaign table and bus, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 campaign scrapbook
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 3: Ruth and Sam Crow, volunteers, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Ruth Crow volunteered full time while headquarters was at the Hotel Jayhawk. After June 1, she kept that office open as Shawnee County Dole Headquarters. Her husband, Sam, was the Shawnee County Dole Chairman.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 4: Lu Kenney, campaign headquarters secretary, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Lu Kenney assisted as secretary at the headquarters from May through the primary and again in October and November. She organized Topeka volunteers for help at headquarters and for the Shawnee County telephone canvas. 68 campaign scrapbook.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 5: Jane Gilliland, Washburn student, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Jane Gilliland, freshman at Washburn University, worked at the Shawnee Co. headquarters through July and August. Jane continued part time at that office through the general election.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 6: Dole summer staffers, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Bill Daley, Mike Murray, and their traveling Dole headquarters
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. Polaroid. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 7: 1968 campaign headquarters, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 campaign scrapbook. 5th District Convention, Fredonia. Several hundred Republicans attended the reception following the fourth district convention
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 8: 5th district convention, Fredonia, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 senate campaign scrapbook. 5th District Convention, Fredonia. Congressman Joe Skubitz adresses[sic] the convention.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 9: Campaign booth with Dolls for Dole, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 campaign scrapbook
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 12: Campaigns; 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 4 of 4; Primary Election Night; "Victory Special" Bus; Campaign materials; Billboards; Pole sign; Avery Pole sign; Sebelius/Harman; William Robinson- Democratic Candidate '68 Senate (16 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Sen. William I. Robinson campaign billboard, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 campaign scrapbook- The Robinson Campaign Primary Billboard
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Slide. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: Harman/ Dole billboard, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Back: 1968 Campaign scrapbook. Helping the ticket
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Sub-Series 2: SenateAdd to your cart.
Box 111Add to your cart.
Folder 6: 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (3 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 7: 1968 Senate Campaign (14 images)Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Item 1: Dole-Avery Debate, 1968, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, Avery, William Henry, 1911-2009; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Former Kansas Governor William H. Avery, Republican opponent in Aug 1968 Republican Primary and Bob Dole at a debate
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 5 x 7. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_2_62.tif
Item 2: Victory Celebration, Jayhawk Hotel, Topeka, KS, 1968, 1968-10-06Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, portrait, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; celebration with confetti and a large banner in the background "Sole for U.S. Senate" in Topeka, KS Inscriptions: Jayhawk Hotel, Tues Nov 5, 1968, Victory Celebration
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material: dip.cam_2_63.tif
Item 3: Bob Dole campaigning in Wichita [KS] Centennial Parade, July 1969, 1969-07Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Notes: Photo credit to Joachim H. Walther (unlocated) -- Inscriptions: Dole participates in Wichita Centennial Parade
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Joachim H. Walther
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_2_57.tif
Item 4: Bob Dole with two "Dolls for Dole" riding in parade, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole riding on back of convertible with two Dolls for Dole wearing broad-brimmed Dole hats, Dole buttons, and "Dolls for Dole". Part of the Carol Wiehe Collection
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 5 x 7. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_2_58.tif
Folder 8: Billboards, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 60: "Dole for Senate" billboard, Russell, KS, 1968, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, snapshot, Picture of Bob Dole on the proper left and a circle with Bob Dole written inside on the proper right, reads: Your kind of Kansan Republican for United States Senator"
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_3_60.tif
Folder 9: Billboards, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole campaign billboard, c. 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 3"x5" photograph. The photograph is of a billboard. On the right side is a picture of Bob Dole and on the left is his name in a circle. In the middle of the billboard it says, "YOUR KIND OF KANSAN REPUBLICAN FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR."
Folder 10: Black, Shirley Temple, 1928-, 1968 (9 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Shirley Temple Black helping Bob Dole with his Senate Campaign, pose 1, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Notes: NOT SCANNED [duplicate]
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material:
Item 2: Shirley Temple Black with Bob Dole at Republican Luncheon, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 3: Republican Luncheon attendees, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 4: Shirley Temple Black with Bob, Robin and unidentified woman backstage, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: (name)
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 7: Bob Dole and Shirley Temple Black, 1991Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 11: Shirley Temple Black visit, from 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 28 Oct 1968 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Shirley Temple Black Visit, 28 Oct 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 5"x7" photographs. Dole, Robert J. (1923-); Temple, Shirley, 1928-; Temple holding on to Bob Dole's right arm and holding on to the left arm of an unidentified man. The inscription on the back reads, "68 Campaign scrapbook, Shirley Temple Black on Oct 28 [1968] Shirley Temple Black came to Kansas to campaign for Bob Dole and other Republican candidates." The other photograph is of Shirley Temple Black standing to the left of Bob Dole. The inscription on the back is similar to the other photographs inscription.
Folder 12: Senator Carlson's Committee to Elect Dole, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Sen. Frank Carlson, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Nixons with Bob Dole and Senator Frank Carlson, 1968-10-16Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W; 5"x7" photograph. Nixon, Richard M.; Nixon, Pat; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; and Carlson, Frank. They are all sitting down and looking in the same direction. The inscription on the back says, "68 Campaign Folder, Richard Nixon did not campaign in Kansas, but when he was in Kansas City, Missouri, Bob Dole and Senator Carlson were with him on stage Oct 16 [1968]."
Folder 14: Dole for Senate Signs, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Dole-Robinson Debate, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (3 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole-Robinson Debate on October 20, 1968, 1968-10-20Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, snapshot, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; snapshot of Bob Dole talking on the television, he is sitting at a desk with a name plate and a microphone, Inscriptions: Back: Campaign Scrapbook-- Dole-Robinson Debate'
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_3_204.tif
Item 2: Dole-Robinson Debate, 1968-10-20Add to your cart.
B & W 3.5"x4.5" photographs. One is of Bob Dole's competitor, Robinson [unknown first name]. It is a snapshot of a television screen. The other photograph is also a snapshot of a television screen and on the screen is Bob Dole (left), unidentified man, and Robinson (right). The screen says, "DOLE ROBINSON DEBATE."
Item 3: Dole-Robinson televised debate, 1968, 1968-10-20Add to your cart.
Black and white, portrait, snapshot, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Robinson, William; William Robinson, democratic candidate for senate shaking hands with Bob Dole at podium on stage, Inscriptions: Campaign Scrapbook, Dole-Robinson Debate, 10-20-68
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 4 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_3_61.tif
Folder 16: Dole with Gerald Ford, Campaign 1974 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Senator Bob Dole campaigning with Representatives Gerald Ford and Keith Sebelius at fundraising dinner, 1974, 1974Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, Ford, Gerald R., 1913-2006; Sebelius, Keith George; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Ford, Sebelius and Dole are standing together holding hands on stage with a Welcome banner and Bob Dole signs behind them
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_1_83.tif
Folder 17: Dolls for Dole, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Election Night, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole celebrating with crowd, 11-5-1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" photograph of Bob Dole amongst an unidentified crowd. Pictured are confetti, three posters of Bob Dole on pickets and one large poster that says, "DOLE for U.S. SENATE." The inscription on the back states, "68 Campaign scrapbook 11-5-68 Again the Dole's spent the early evening in Russell before flying to Topeka for the Victory Party in the senate room, of course- and for TV appearances."
Folder 19: Elizabeth Dole, Sheila Burke and Joann Coe at unidentified event, 1992 ( images)Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Filing by Petition, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Item 1: Filing for office by petition, 1963, 1963Add to your cart.
Black and white, landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole is standing next to an ornate table holding a sheet of paper, there are several men next to the wall in a large open room and a women through the door.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_3_203.tif
Folder 21: Johnson County, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (2 images)Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Item 1: Bob Dole sitting with woman, c. 1968Add to your cart.
B & W 3.5"x5" photograph. In the photograph Bob Dole is sitting outside at a table with an unidentified woman.
Item 2: 'Dole For Senate' banner being held by students at KU-KSU basketball game, c. 1968Add to your cart.
B & W 3.5"x4.5" photograph. The photograph is of a crowd of unidentified students at a KU-KSU basketball game. There are students holding up a banner that reads, "DOLE for SENATE."
Folder 22: Julie Nixon/David Eisenhower visit Abilene, from 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 15 Oct 1968 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower visit Abilene, Kansas, 15 Oct 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 5"x7" photographs. Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower walking. There are two unidentified men walking behind them. The inscription on the back says, "10-15-68 Julie Nixon, David Eisenhower Campaign for Republican candidates. Visit to Abilene."
Item 2: Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower campaign for Bob Dole, 15 Oct 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 5"x7" photograph; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Eisenhower, David, 1948-; Eisenhower, Julie Nixon; Bob Dole (far left) standing next to unidentified man and in front of them is David Eisenhower (left) and Julie Nixon. The inscription on the back says, "Julie Nixon, David Eisenhower campaign for Republican Candidates Abilene."
Folder 23: Kansas Republican Convention, from 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Kansas Republican Convention, c. 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 5"x7" photograph. In the photograph Bob Dole is standing amongst an unidentified crowd. Above him is a sign that reads, "DOLE U.S. SENATOR."
Folder 24: Kansas Republican State Convention, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Kline, Aline (Mrs. John), 1968 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole opening his Reno County office in Hutchinson, KS, 1967-01Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Back: Bob Dole's Opening of Reno County Office in Hutchinson, KS. U.S. Senate Race.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 4 x 6. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 26: Mayor John Lindsay [NYC] visit, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 6 Sep 1968 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: New York Mayor John Lindsay campaigns for Bob Dole, 1968-09-06Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 3"x4.5" photograph. New York Mayor John Lindsay is shaking Bob Dole's hand behind a podium. The inscription on the back of the photograph says, "Mayor John Lindsay spoke at a luncheon for Bob Dole and Rick Harman in Mission Hills Sept 6 1968. The other photograph is of Bob Dole and Mayor Lindsay with two unidentified men. The inscription on the back says, "New York's Mayor John Lindsay spoke at a luncheon for Bob Dole and Rick Harman in Mission Hills September 6th."
Folder 27: Nelson Rockefeller, governor of NY, and Charles Percy, Sen. IL, visit, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 4-5 Oct 1968 (3 images)Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Item 1: Congressman Bob Dole, Senator Tom Harman and Governor Nelson Rockefeller campaigning, 1968, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Harman, Tom; Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979; Congressman Bob Dole, Senator Tom Harman and Governor Nelson Rockefeller campaigning in Johnson County, KS -- Inscriptions: add names and designations
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 5 x 7. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_3_59.tif
Item 2: New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller making a toast, 1968-10-04Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 5"x7" photograph; Rockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979; New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller is making a toast at the reception for Kansas Republican ticket in Johnson County, KS. He is raising a glass with a drink in his right hand. An unidentified man stands behind him.
Item 3: Bob Dole with Illinois Senator Charles Percy, c. 1968Add to your cart.
B & W 5"x8" photograph. Percy, Charles H., 1919-; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Bob Dole is speaking to Senator Charles Percy (who is to the left of Bob Dole.) There is a drawing of an elephant behind them.
Folder 28: Portrait of 1968 Dole for Senate Campaign Chairman, Bob Gadbury, from 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Primary Campaign for U.S. Senate, 1967 (10 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Congressman Bob Dole greeting well-wishers, American Legion Convention, 1967, 1967-04-15Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, snapshot, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole walking down street shaking hands, Street scene in downtown Concordia, KS Inscriptions: Man of action Bob Dole; Concordia, KS; April 15, '67; [American] Legion Convention
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 3.5 x 5. Portrait.
Related Material: dip.cam_2_54.tif
Item 2: Dole/Shriver campaign booth at State Fair, 1967, 1967Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, 3.5 x 3.5", snapshot, Ladies at booth with a banner reading Welcome Congressmen Bob Dole and Barner Shriver Inscriptions: Booth at State Fair 1967 Hutchinson
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_2_53.tif
Folder 30: Primary Election Night, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Publicity Portrait of Dole, Robert J. 1923- from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Publicity Portrait-Bob Dole with others, c. 1968Add to your cart.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Bob Dole is standing with two unidentified women (one on the right is wearing glasses) and an unidentified man.
Item 2: Publicity portrait- Bob Dole sitting in front of flags, c. 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Bob Dole is sitting in a chair in front of two flags. The flag on the far right is an American flag.
Folder 32: Reagan visit, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 12 Oct 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole with Ronald Reagan, 1968-10-12Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 3.5"x5" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Reagan, Ronald; Bob Dole is pointing to something on a table as Ronald Reagan looks on. The inscription on the back of the photograph says, "68 Campaign Scrapbook, 10-12-68 Wichita.
Folder 33: Reception at Vandergrift House for Senate Campaign, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Reilly, Edward (14 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Reviewing Petitions, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole reviewing petitions, c. 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 3.5"x5" photograph; Dole, Robert J. 1923-; Bob Dole looking through a pile of papers. Behind him is a sign that reads, "DOLE SENATOR."
Folder 36: Sebelius/Harman, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole with Keith Sebelius and others, c. 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W; 5"x7" photograph. Unidentified woman; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; unidentified man and Sebelius, Keith. The inscription on the back of the photograph says, "Campaign scrapbook 1968, Helping the ticket Keith Sebelius, Bob Dole spent several days in western Kansas with his friend. Keith Sebelius in a special effort to help Keith made sure Dole's congressional seat remained Republican."
Item 2: Bob Dole sitting with Congressman Garner Shriver, c. 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W; 3.5"x5" photograph. Shriver, Garner (U.S. Representative for Kansas); Dole, Robert J., (1923-) and unidentified man. All three are sitting at a table in front of microphones. Two glasses of water and an ashtray are on the table. The inscription on the back of the photo states, "68 Campaign Scrapbook, helping the ticket... Republicans ALL, Bob Dole plugged hard for the National Ticket in his many talks throughout the state."
Folder 37: Sedgewick County Campaign Activities, Wichita, from the 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Spring Convention, 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Staffers [?], 1968 Campaign Scrapbook, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Vacation Village Hotel Photos, Feb 1970 (4 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 41: 1973 "Dinner with Dole," 2 of 2, 1 Oct 1973 (37 images)Add to your cart.
Box 112Add to your cart.
Folder 1: 1974 Campaign for Senate (from Carol A. Edwards Album) 1 of 2 (89 images)Add to your cart.
Contains a variety of photos of Bob Dole with constituents, including farmers.
Item 1: Bob Dole speaking on phone with large antenna, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 2: 1974 Campaign for Senate (from Carol A. Edwards Album) 2 of 2 (13 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 3: 1974 Senate Campaign, 1 of 4, 1974 (39 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Senator Bob Dole campaigning, 1974-09-21Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; unidentified girl, unidentified men; the girl is sitting on the unidentified man in the wheelchair's lap, Dole is leaning over to hand the girl something, Elizabeth Hanford is standing behind them watching
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_4_77.tif
Item 2: Grand Opening of Dole Campaign Headquarters, 1974, 1974-08-08Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, snapshot, two unidentified women wearing striped hats, the headquarter has several Bob Dole posters on the window and wall, sign reads: Grand opening here; there are several bicycles in the foreground of the photo; Inscriptions: Dole- Haysville, Kansas, 8-30-74, Opening Headquarters
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_4_79.tif
Folder 4: 1974 Senate Campaign, 2 of 4, 1974 (15 images)Add to your cart.
Item 84: Senator Bob Dole campaigning at truck stop, 1974, 1974Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Senator Bob Dole campaigning at truck stop in Kansas, he is standing on a podium with a semi-truck behind him and a sign reading Truck Plaza, there is a crowd in the foreground
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_4_84.tif
Item 85: Baby with stuffed elephant, 09/28/1974Add to your cart.
Two 8" x 10", B&W photos of baby Jeffery King, grandson of June Tromble, who sits on table with stuffed elephant at a political event in Emporia, Kansas. Jeffery wears a "Senator Dole" sticker.
Item 86: Bob Dole standing with man outside store front, unknownAdd to your cart.
4.5"x6.5" B&W portrait of Bob Dole and unidentified man standing outside store front which has Dole for U.S. Senator sticker on window.
Item 87: Debate at Hutchinson State Fair, 09/21/1974Add to your cart.
8"x10" B&W landscape photo of Bob Dole walking on stage for debate at Hutchinson State Fair.
Item 88: Bob Dole shaking hands, 1974Add to your cart.
8"x10" B&W landscape photo of Bob Dole shaking hands outdoors with identified people.
Item 89: Bob Dole talking with man, 1974Add to your cart.
8"x10" B&W landscape photo with Bob Dole talking with man outdoors with another man in the background.
Item 90: Bob Dole shaking hands with boy, 09/15/1974Add to your cart.
8"x10" B&W portrait photo with Bob Dole shaking hands with boy at Hutchinson State Fair.
Item 91: Bob Dole near podium in room with people clapping, 09/28/1974Add to your cart.
8"x10" B&W landscape photo of Bob Dole near a podium in a room where people are clapping. There are several campaign signs for various people on the wall. Location is Emporia, Kansas.
Item 92: Bob Dole with two young adults, 09/15/1974Add to your cart.
8"x10" B&W portrait photo with Bob Dole talking to two young adults at Hutchinson State Fair.
Item 93: Bob Dole in grocery store, 10/11/1974Add to your cart.
8"x10" B&W landscape photo of Bob Dole in grocery store with two women. Inscription on back reads "Jabara Brothers, Wichita - 10-11-74.
Item 94: Bob Dole shaking hands with woman, 1974Add to your cart.
8"x10" B&W landscape photo with Bob Dole shaking hands with woman seated at table. Wichita Urban League sign on wall.
Item 95: Bob Dole talking to two teenagers outside, 1974Add to your cart.
5"x7" B&W portrait photo of Bob Dole talking to two teenage girls outside at a campaign event with others in background.
Item 96: Man in crop field, 1974Add to your cart.
8"x10" B&W landscape photo of unidentified man standing in a crop field.
Item 97: Deloras Curry putting flower in Bob Dole's lapel, 10/11/1974Add to your cart.
8"x10" B&W landscape photo with Deloras Curry at C&C Floral & Greenhouse putting flower in Bob Dole's lapel.
Folder 5: 1974 Senate Campaign, 3 of 4, 1974 (17 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 6: 1974 Senate Campaign, 4 of 4, 1974 (16 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Dole with Ford, Gerald; 1974 Campaign Fundraising Dinner Great Bend, KS, 1974 ( images)Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Dole with Reagan, Ronald, 1974 Campaign, 1974 (3 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Ronald Reagan attending Dole fundraiser, 1974, 1974-02-12Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, portrait, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Reagan, Ronald standing together at a podium, Credit to The Wichita Eagle and The Wichita Beacon
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material: dip.cam_4_208.tif
Folder 9: Florida Republican Convention 1986 (5 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Sands Pointe, NY (1 images)Add to your cart.
Box 113Add to your cart.
Folder 1: 1974 Campaign, B & W photos, 1974 (26 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Senator Bob Dole, Art Fletcher and Dolores Curry, 1974-10-11Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Fletcher, Art; Curry, Delores, Left to right, Senator Bob Dole, Art Fletcher and Delores Curry. C & C floral and Green House in Wichita, KS, Delores Curry is fixing Art Fletcher's boutonniere
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_4_76.tif
Folder 2: 1974 Senate Campaign in Olathe, KS [see negatives- Campaign-1974], 1974 (6 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Supporters dressed as Bananas campaigning for Dole, 1988, 1988-02-04Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Dole's supporters wearing banana costumes for the 1988 campaign
Acquisition Information: Source: U.S. Senate Photograph
Physical Description: Color 8 x 10"
Related Material:
Folder 3: Debate- Senate Campaign, Dr. Bill Roy and Robert J. Dole; Hutchinson, KS; 21 Sep 1974 (4 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole and Dr. Bill Roy debating, 1974, 1974-09-21Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, 7 x 8", Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Roy, William R.; Bob Dole is at the podium making a speech with Bill Roy sitting in the background taking notes; the microphone stand has a strong glare, Inscriptions: [1974] Dr. Bill Roy, Hutchinson Debate
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 7 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material: dip.cam_4_78.tif
Folder 4: 1974 U.S. Senate Seat, 1974 (10 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 5: 1978 Mobile Office, Aug 1978 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 6: 1986 Senate Campaign (6 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole at Russell Flight Service Station 50th Anniversary, 7 Sept 1986Add to your cart.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) and Sharp, Max. Standing to Bob Dole's left is "Max Sharp-station chief." "(Elizabeth's picture in background) Part of 1st annual air show." The information in quote is inscribed on the back of the photograph.
Item 2: Bob Dole at 50th anniversary of DoT-FAA-FSS Russell Airport, 1 Sept 1986Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Sharp, Max and Dole, Robert J., 1923-. Bob Dole is with "Max Sharp, station chief at left." Unidentified "duty staff." There is a cake and a TV on the table. Bob Dole is holding a piece of the cake. Information in quotes is inscribed on the back of the photograph.
Item 3: Bob Dole announces 1986 campaign for re-election to U.S. Senate, 23 May 1986Add to your cart.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) and Grabbe, Wayne. "Russell Elks Lodge Russell, KS. 9 a.m. press conference 23 May 1986 Wayne Grabbe KRSL-KCAY radio station mgr. at right." Everything in quotes is inscribed on the back of the photograph. Bob Dole is standing at a podium while Wayne Grabbe adjusts the microphone.
Item 4: Bob Dole giving speech at podium in front of a large American Flag, ca. 1986Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923-. Bob Dole is standing behind a podium giving a speech in front of a large American flag. There are three people sitting to his right and two people sitting to his left. There are flowers in front of the podium. Photo created by Jim Evans, 1986. Evans' signature is in the bottom right corner of the photo.
Item 5: Bob Dole at Saginaw Michigan G.O.P H.Q., 2-1986Add to your cart.
B & W 3.5"x5" photograph. Levi, John and Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Inscription on back of photo reads "BOB DOLE 2/86 SAGINAW, MICHIGAN G.O.P. H.Q. JOHN LEVI, PRESIDENT, SAGINAW COUNTY CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU." Bob Dole is standing up talking, John Levi is sitting on the edge of a table looking at him and there are two unidentified men standing behind them (on is holding a microphone up to Bob Dole).
Item 6: Bob Dole speaking on phone in front of "People are My Strength" poster, Nov. 6, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 7: 1987 Primary Campaign (8 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Senator Bob Dole and former Press Secretary Jim Brady announcing compromise (Brady Bill), 1991, 1991-06-28Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and white, 8 x 10", landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923; Brady, James S.; Bob Dole is surrounded by microphones, Senator Bob Dole and former Press Secretary Jim Brady announcing compromise (Brady Bill), 1991
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: U.S. Senate
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 7 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material: dip.cam_6_164.tif
Item 2: Bob Dole standing beside podium, ca. 1987Add to your cart.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-) Bob Dole is smiling and standing beside a podium. Behind him are seven American flags on stands. The photo was created by Laura Patterson (Copyrighted).
Item 3: Bob Dole standing in a cloud of balloons, ca. 1987Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., (1923-). Bob Dole is standing amongst balloons that are being dropped. He is outside of a brick building. There are a number of unidentified individuals. On the back of the photo it says "Photography by: Dan Wiegers Presented to Sen. Robert Dole by Dodge City Community College #65."
Box 144Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Campaigns; 1950-1974; 1 of 3; Great Bend, KS, 13 Apr 1974; 1968 Senate "Dolls for Dole;" Republican Headquarters in Atchison, KS, 1 Nov 1974; Election Day in Russell, 5 Nov 1974 ( images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole and Ford in Great Bend, KS, 1974-04-13Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Senator Bob Dole Vice Pres. Gerald Ford, Huck Boyd Great Bend, KS April 13, 1974 Taken by Dane Bales
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 2.5 x 4.5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: Bob Dole at table at Ford-Dole rally, 1974-04-13Add to your cart.
Inscriptions: Senator Bob Dole Vice President Gerald Ford Huck Boyd- Great Bend, KS April 13 1974 Taken by Dane Bales Logan
Related Material:
Item 3: Reverse image of 1974 speech in gymnasium, 1974-04-13Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: It isn't easy to get a picture like this!! Great Bend, KS Aprl 13, 1974
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 2.5 x 4.5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 4: Dolls for Dole waiting outside convention, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: 68 Senate Campaign scrapbook-- 5th District convention, Fredonia-- Dolls for Dole wait outside at the headquarters while the convention is in session
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 5: Dole at Atchison Republican headquarters, 1974-11-01Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Nov 1, 1974 Republican Hedq, Atchison, KS- The Senator in his work clothes. He had just talked to the elderly at Mall [illegible] This helped to get the 12 votes to carried the county.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. Polaroid.
Related Material:
Item 6: Atchison headquarters right before the election, 1974-11-01Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Nov 1, 1974 Republican Hdq. Atchison, KS. This quick trip was the last round up'
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. Polaroid.
Related Material:
Item 7: Dole arriving in Russell on Election Day, 1974-11-05Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Election Day Nov. 5, 1974 in Russell
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 8: Dole walking on sidewalk on Election Day, 1974-11-05Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Election Day- Nov. 5, 1974 in Russell
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 9: Election Day in Russell, 1974-11-05Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Election Day Nov. 5, 1974 in Russell
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 10: Dole on Russell tarmac on Election Day, 1974-11-05Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Election Day Nov. 5, 1974 in Russell
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 2.5 x 4.5. Portrait.
Related Material:
Folder 14: Campaigns, 1950-1974, 2 of 3 (11 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Defaced Dole billboard, 1960-10Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. B&W. Polaroid. Portrait.
Related Material:
Item 2: Dole riding in Concordia parade, 1967-04-15Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: April 15, 1967 Parade at Concordia, Kans. Congressman bob Dole & Jerome Stenberg of Clyde, Kans Taken by Leonard [illegible] Ames, Kans.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 3: Dole riding at Silver Lake Centennial, 1970-07-25Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Taken on July 25th, 1970 at the Silver Lake Centennial.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 4: Dole waving on Labor Day, 1971Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Labor Day 1970
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description:
Related Material:
Item 5: Congressional Candidate Dole, 1960-10Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. B&W. Polaroid. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 15: Campaigns, 1950-1974, 3 of 3 (11 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole working the crowd during 1974 campaign, 1974Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: I need YOUR vote. I need YOUR vote.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: ​Dole smiling in conversation, 1974Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Ted, get rid of that goddamn photographer.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 3: Dole shaking hands with woman on float, 1974Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: My girdle is killing me. Mine too.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 4: Dole listening to young boy, 1974Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: My dad says that you are the only White House tape recording that the President has made public
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 5: Dole preparing to speak into microphone, 1974Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Let me introduce a man, whom I sincerely wished needed an introduction
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 6: Dole with two people in sombreros, 1974Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: I thought you liked pinto bean, Mrs Gomez.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 7: Dole listening while on stage, 1974Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: We do not use the same tailor, he uses Abe Goldstien & I use Abe's brother Clancy O'Toole.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 8: Dole speaking to voter, 1974Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Let me be perfectly clear. I want to say this about that.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Portrait.
Related Material:
Folder 16: Dole Campaign 1974, Eureka, KS (4 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dolls for Dole riding parade car., 1974-07-04Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Taken by Mike Harbeson (age 16) 1st year photography student, Eureka High School
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. B&W. Polaroid. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: Dole riding parade car, 1974-07-04Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Taken by Mike Harbeson (age 16) 1st year photography student- Eurka High School
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. B&W. Polaroid. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 3: Dole posing with Dolls for Dole, 1974-07-04Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: July 4 1975, Eureka, KS (illegible names) Photo by- Bruce Henderson
Item 4: Dolls for Dole posing with Dole, 1974-07-04Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Eureka, Kansas Jul 4 1974 Left to Right: Debbie Downing, Lori Longaere, Juli Long, Gina [illegible] Tommi [illegible] Photo by Bruce Henderson
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 2.5 x 4.5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 17: Campaigns, 1980-1988 ( images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Announcement Day in Russell KS, 1979-05-14Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: May 14, 1979 Russell, KS Announcement Day
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: Dole announcing presidential campaign, 1979-05-14Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: May 14, 1979, Russell, KS, Announcement Day
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. 3.5 x 5. Landscape.
Related Material:
Box 157Add to your cart.
Folder 1Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole celebrating after senate campaign '68Add to your cart.
Item 2: Dole celebrating after senate campaign '68Add to your cart.
Folder 2: 1986 Senate Campaign EventAdd to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole speaking at podium with Senator Bob Dole '86 Banner in backgroundAdd to your cart.
Sub-Series 3: Republican National Convention, GOPAdd to your cart.
Box 114Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Arends, Leslie, 1968 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Leslie Arends talking with Bob Dole at the Republican National Convention, 1968Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 2: Brooks, Mary Republican National Committee (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Mary Brooks, portrait, 1966Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Mrs. Mary Brooks- Assistant Chairman- Republican National Committee
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Portrait.
Related Material:
Folder 3: G.O.P. Headquarters, Saginaw, Michigan Feb 1986 (5 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Gordon, Mason, 1988 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Graham, Billy, 1968 (4 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole, Billy Graham and Frank Carlson at Republican National Convention, 1985-12-06Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: Dole & Carlson talk with Billy Graham at Republican National Convention, Dole, Billy Graham and Carlson, Miami
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Item 2: Bob Dole and Billy Graham in pink room, 1985-12-06Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. Color. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 6: Hsu, Ming Chen, 1924- (2 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Oakridge Boys, c. 1987 (2 images)Add to your cart.
Item 2: Bob Dole Standing with Richard Sterban and Joe Bonsall, n.d.Add to your cart.
Color, 8" x 10", Sterban, Richard; Dole, Robert J. 1923-; Bonsall, Joe; two unidentified women, Bonsall and Sterban are members of the Oak Ridge Boys band
Related Material:
Folder 9: Paul Revere Panel, Apr 1963 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole receiving lantern from GOP Congressional Paul Revere Panel, 1963, 1963-04Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Black and White, 8" x 10", landscape, Dole, Robert J., 1923-; Wilson, Bob; Dole is receiving a lantern in front of a banner that reads COP Congressional Paul revere Panel with Revere riding a horse holding a lantern; Notes: Congressmen selected to participate in a whirlwind national speaking tour starting April 16 under the auspices of the GOP Congressional Committee. -- Inscriptions: (typed) April 1963- Representative Robert Dole receives a lantern, symbolic of Paul Revere's famous ride from Congressman Bob Wilson, Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. Dole is one of 32 leading Republican (cont. in brief notes)
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Creator: Unknown
Physical Description: Photograph. Film Photo. B&W. 8 x 10. Landscape.
Related Material:
Folder 10: Republican National Convention First Annual Luncheon, Jan 2001 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Republican National Convention, 1964 (7 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Republican National Convention, 1968 (10 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Republican National Convention, 1 of 2, 1972 (6 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Republican National Convention, 2 of 2, 1972 (20 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Republican National Convention 1972 Speech, Convention Center, Miami, FL, 1972 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Republican National Convention, 1984 (5 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Republican national Convention in Palm Beach, [1992?] (10 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Republican National Convention in Houston, TX 1992 (6 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Romney, George W., 1907-1995 (4 images)Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Item 1: Bob Dole with Bob Price in Washington D.C., 1967-1Add to your cart.
B & W; 8"x10" photograph. Price, Robert D. (Robert Dale), 1927-2004; and Dole, Robert J., 1923-. Bob Dole is posed outside of the US Senate building with Congressman Bob Price. They are standing on the stairs. The inscription on the front of the photograph says, "JANUARY, 1967 Mr. Dole and Congressman Price (Texas).
Related Material:
Item 2: Bob Dole speaking with George Romney, Richard Nixon and Strom ThurmondAdd to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W; 8"x10" photograph. Nixon, Richard M. (Richard Milhous), 1913-1994; Romney, George W., 1907-1995; Dole, Robert J., 1923-; and Thurmond, Strom, 1902-2003. Bob Dole is standing between George Romney (on Bob Dole's right) and Strom Thurmond (on Bob Dole's left). They are all facing Richard Nixon who is smiling and looking at them. There are light fixtures visible in the background.
Related Material:
Item 3: Bob Dole speaking with George RomneyAdd to your cart.View associated digital content.
B & W; 8"x10" photograph. Dole, Robert J., 1923- and Romney, George W., 1907-1995. Bob Dole is speaking with George Romney (who is to Bob Dole's left). Bob Dole is wearing a tie that has little elephants on it.
Related Material:
Folder 20: Schweiker, Richard S. (Richard Schultz), 1926-, 17 Jan 1969 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Folder 21: (Removed to the Lahoma Yates Collection)Add to your cart.
Box 144Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Misc. Photos, RNC, 1972 (1 images)Add to your cart.
Item 1: Bob Dole speaking at 1972 Republican National Convention, 1972Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Inscriptions: back: Sen. Dole, Thought you might like to have this [illegible] the floor of the 1972 convention in Miami Beach -- Tom and Ruby Wellman
Acquisition Information: Source: Robert J. Dole
Physical Description: Photograph. Preservation Copy. Color. Polaroid. Portrait.
Related Material:
Sub-Series 3Add to your cart.
Box 146Add to your cart.
Folder 7Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole receiving gavel at the RNC in 1972Add to your cart.
Inscription: Kansas Council on World Affairs Washington D.C. April 1961
Item 2: Dole speaking at Republican National ConventionAdd to your cart.
Box 157Add to your cart.
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole sitting with group of people [2 copies]Add to your cart.
Item 2: Dole sitting with group of people [2 copies]Add to your cart.

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Dole Family, circa 1900-2003],
[Series 2: Pre-Congressional, 1940-1957],
[Series 3: House of Representatives, 1960-1968],
[Series 4: Senate, 1969-1996],
[Series 5: Campaigns, 1976-1996],
[Series 6: Dole Foundation for Employment of Persons with Disabilities, 1984 -1996],
[Series 7: Post-Political Career, 1996-Present],

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