By Margaret White, Nikki Potter, Sarah Gard
Collection Overview
Title: Dole Foundation for Employment of Persons with Disabilities, 1983-1998
ID: 01/008
Primary Creator: Dole Foundation for Employment of People with Disabilities (1983-1998)
Extent: 85.15 Linear Feet
Arrangement: Many of these records were collected by various individuals; therefore, the arrangement reflects much of its original order. The collection is divided into 9 series with sub-series in 1 and 3-9. Unless otherwise noted, the series are arranged chronologically then alphabetically within the sub-series.
Subjects: Disabilities, Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021, Dole Foundation, Grants, Handicap, Hearne, Paul
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
These records depict the activities of the Dole Foundation for Employment of Persons with Disabilities from 1984-1998. They includes correspondence, administrative records, grant files, meeting minutes, tax records, audits, staff profiles, newspaper clippings, photos, objects, fundraising material, and personal papers from Senator Robert J. Dole regarding the foundation. This collection reflects the daily operations of the Dole Foundation implementing its mission of awarding grants designed to enable people with disabilities to participate in the workforce.
Biographical Note
The Dole Foundation for Employment of People with Disabilities was a non-profit organization established August 17, 1984 by Kansas Senator Robert J. Dole. This foundation offered companies and individuals with disabilities grants to help the disabled to become active, contributing members of society. Most of the grants funded programs that provided job training, placement, and employment.
The Dole Foundation, located in Washington D.C., began awarding grants in 1985 to promote employment opportunities for the disabled through an extensive selection process. In 1998, the foundation ceased operations due to the lack of contributions and the sudden death of its president, Paul Hearne. The remainder of the Foundation funds after its closure were used to fulfill previous grant obligations and to help support two other organizations—American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) and Disability Funders Network (DFN).
The Foundation was comprised of three major units:
1) The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) —reviewed and scored grant proposals before passing their recommendations to the Board of Trustees for final approval
2) The Board of Trustees—made the final approval on grant proposals and major decisions regarding foundation operations
3) Foundation Employees-handled the daily operations of the foundation and screened the proposals before recommending them to TAC.
Key Personnel:
Senator Robert Dole, Chairman
Carl H. Rush, President 1984-1986
Jackie A. Strange, President 1987-1989
Paul G. Hearne, President 1989-1998
Jeanne Argoff, Ph.D, Associate Director, Director of Communications and Education Program, Grant Manager 1986-1996, Vice President 1996-1998
Debra Cook, Program Assistant
Randy Davis, Program Director
Linda Tolson, Secretary
Lawrence J. Biddle, Vice President 1988
Mitchell Rose, Development and Public Relations Manager 1989
Cecelia Hildebrand, Program Associate
Sandra Crawley
Thomas Pyle, Campaign Director
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Access Restrictions:
The collection is open for research use.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Many of the documents and other historical materials in the Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way. Senator Dole has not donated his copyright interest in his papers and other historical materials to the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics. Permission to publish must be obtained from him or his designee.
Technical Access Note:
Some items in the collection require various technologies for use such as a VCR, 3½-inch, 8-inch, or 5¼-inch floppy disk drive, or a mini-cassette player
Separated Materials:
Oversize materials have been removed to Oversize Flats.
Duplicate copies or nonessential material have been destroyed. Destruction forms accompany the collection.
Related Materials:
Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Constituent Relations 1969-1996, Series 1: Administrative Assistants, Box 27, Folders 1-8.
Processing Information:
View a full series list of this collection here (PDF will open in a new window):
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Administrative Records, 1984-1998],
Series 2: Board of Directors Records, 1984-1998],
Series 3: Event Papers, 1984-1997],
Series 4: Financial Records, 1984-1998],
Series 5: Grants, 1985-1998],
Series 6: Staff Papers, 1983-1998],
[Series 7: Public Relations, 1983-1998],
Series 8: Robert J. Dole Papers, 1983-1984, 1992-1997],
Series 10: Books],
Series 11: Photographs],
Series 12: Slides],
Series 13: Objects],
Series 14: Audio Visual Material],
Series 15: Digital Media],
- Series 7: Public Relations, 1983-1998

- This series houses newspaper clippings, correspondence, annual reports, brochures and press releases all about or published by the Dole Foundation.
- Sub-Series 1: Brochures

- Box 197

- Folder 1: Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago, 1993

- Folder 2: The Arc of Natrona County, Wyoming, 1993

- Folder 3: The Arc of New Jersey, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: The Arizona Bridge to Independent Living, 1995

- Folder 5: Breaking Down Barriers Exhibit, March 15, 1995

- Folder 6: Butte College, 1994

- Folder 7: Cascade Fabrication, 1996

- Folder 8: Citizens Savings Bank, 1990

- Folder 9: Colby Community College, undated

- Folder 10: Contributor Photographs, 1988

- Folder 11: Dart, Justin - Henry Betts Award Jury Chairperson, 1996

- Folder 12: Denver Center for Independent Living, 1993

- Folder 13: "Dole Standard Photo", 1995

- Folder 14: Easter Seal Society of Alaska, 1997

- Folder 15: El Paso Lighthouse for the Blind, 1988

- Folder 16: EmployAbility, 1992

- Folder 17: The Foundation on Employment and Disability, 1993

- Folder 18: Gala Photos, 1994

- Folder 19: Goodwill of Fort Worth - Photos, 1994

- Folder 20: Goodwill Industries of Houston - Hospitality Training Classes, 1997

- Folder 21: Great Plains Paralyzed Veterans of America Charitable Foundation - Education Center, 1996

- Folder 22: Greater Boston Rehabilitation Services, Inc., 1993

- Folder 23: Harborview Medical Center, 1993

- Folder 24: The Henry B. Betts Award, 1995

- Folder 25: Heritage Farm Photos, 1991

- Folder 26: Hunt Marmillion - Brochure, 1985

- Folder 27: The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, 1995

- Folder 28: Iroquois Center for Human Development, 1992

- Folder 29: "Job Path" Photo Sheets, 1994-1996

- Folder 30: Johnson County Developmental Supports, 1996

- Folder 31: Laurel Hill Center, 1996

- Folder 32: "Look Who's Laughing" - Chris Fonseca, 1995

- Folder 33: Meadowlark Homestead, 1995

- Folder 34: Miscellaneous Photos, undated

- Folder 35: Miscellaneous Photos, 1991

- Box 198

- Folder 1: Miscellaneous Photo Release Forms, 1997

- Folder 2: Miscellaneous Photos, 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Miscellaneous Photos and Photo Release Forms, 1991-1993

- Folder 4: Miscellaneous (Unidentifiable) Photos and Photo Release Forms, 1993

- Folder 5: National Center for Disability Services, 1994

- Folder 6: National Center for Disability Services, 1995

- Folder 7: New York City (NYC) Theatre - Access for All Guide, undated

- Folder 8: Partners for Youth with Disabilities - Photos, 1994

- Folder 9: Photo Releases, 1995

- Folder 10: Photo Shoot Guidelines, 1997

- Folder 11: Pratt University - Universal Design: Access to Daily Learning, 1992-1993

- Folder 12: Rural Minnesota CEP, Inc., 1993

- Folder 13: Senator and Elizabeth Dole - Photo, 1992

- Folder 14: Shawnee Community Mental Health Center, undated

- Folder 15: START - St. Louis, 1998

- Folder 16: START ACCESS - St. Louis, 1993

- Folder 17: Thresholds - Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, 1993

- Folder 18: University of Washington Job Works, 1997

- Folder 19: University of Wisconsin - Stout - Projects With Industry, 1993

- Folder 20: Washington Very Special Arts, 1995

- Folder 21: Washington Very Special Arts, 1996

- Folder 22: "West Coast Collaboration" Dance Troupe (Photo Missing), 1995

- Folder 23: West Side Center for Independent Living, undated

- Sub-Series 2: Clippings

- Box 199

- Folder 1: Articles, 1989

- Folder 2: Charitable Giving, 1994

- Folder 3: Dole Articles, 1984-1987

- Folder 4: Dole Foundation Articles, 1983-1997

- Folder 5: Dole Press Clips, 1996

- Folder 6: Grantee News Clips, 1987

- Folder 7: Media Coverage, 1988

- Folder 8: National Mentions of the Dole Foundation, 1988

- Folder 9: News Clippings, 1984-1986

- Folder 10: News Clippings, 1987

- Folder 11: News Clippings, 1989

- Folder 12: Paul Hearne Articles, 1989-1997

- Folder 13: Press '84, 1983-1984

- Folder 14: Round 6 Grants, 1988

- Sub-Series 3: Correspondence

- Box 200

- Folder 1: August '88 Newsletter, 1988

- Folder 2: Bonrott, Bill - Communications Consultant, 1991

- Folder 3: Cause-Related Marketing, 1988

- Folder 4: Direct Mail Campaign, 1988

- Folder 5: Disabled Americans at Work - Rewrite, 1988

- Folder 6: Dole Quotes - "Giving is Our True Loving" Calendar, 1987

- Folder 7: General Correspondence, 1986-1989

- Folder 8: Grantee Success Stories, undated

- Folder 9: Plans and Planning, 1986-1989

- Folder 10: P.R. Pending File, 1988-1989

- Folder 11: Testimonials, 1986-1988

- Folder 12: U.S.-U.S.S.R. Exchange, 1988-1989

- Sub-Series 4: General

- This sub-series contains materials related to planning of events and other miscellaneous documents.
- Box 201

- Folder 1: Budget (Public Relations), 1987

- Folder 2: Budget and Financial Information, 1987-1989

- Folder 3: Communication Plan, 1986

- Folder 4: Dole Statements, 1988

- Folder 5: Flinn, Nancy - Files, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Grantee Information, 1986-1988

- Folder 7: Long-Range Planning, 1987

- Folder 8: Media Coverage - Statements, 1988-1991

- Folder 9: Media Lists, 1987-1988

- Folder 10: Memos, 1986-1987

- Folder 11: Newswire, 1987

- Folder 12: P.R.A. Information and Communications Group, undated

- Folder 13: Press Lists, 1993

- Folder 14: Quarterly Reports, 1988-1989

- Folder 15: Talk Show Information, 1987

- Sub-Series 5: Grantees

- This sub-series contains the publication materials regarding recipients of Foundation grants
- Box 202

- Folder 1: A.A.M.H., 1988

- Folder 2: ALTRO Health and Rehabilitation Services, 1986-1989

- Folder 3: Association for Individual Development, 1988

- Folder 4: Association for Retarded Citizens of the U.S., 1985

- Folder 5: Bethesda Place, 1985

- Folder 6: Butte School District No. 1, 1987

- Folder 7: Career Education Council for the Handicapped, undated

- Folder 8: Center for Living - Maryland, 1988

- Folder 9: Consolidation Products and Services, Inc., undated

- Folder 10: Creative Works Systems, 1987

- Folder 11: Delaware Valley Project with Industry, 1987

- Folder 12: Developmental Services of Northwest Kansas, undated

- Folder 13: Easter Seal Goodwill Industries - The Rehabilitation Center, 1987

- Folder 14: Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center - Florida, 1987

- Folder 15: Epilepsy Foundation of Northeast Ohio, 1986

- Folder 16: Executive Committee Meeting, April 21, 1988

- Folder 17: Goodwill Industries - Milwaukee, 1987

- Folder 18: Goodwill Industries Rehabilitation Center, 1987

- Folder 19: Goodwill Industries of Southeast Iowa, 1988

- Folder 20: Goodwill Industries of Southern California, 1987

- Folder 21: Grand Hyatt Event, 1988

- Folder 22: Institute for Rehabilitation and Disability Management (IRDM), 1988

- Folder 23: Job Resources for the Disabled, 1987

- Folder 24: The Matheny School - Peapack, New Jersey, undated

- Folder 25: Melwood Employment Services, undated

- Folder 26: New England Association of Business, Industry, and Rehabilitation (NEABIR), 1988

- Folder 27: New York University, 1986

- Folder 28: Owensboro Council for Retarded Citizens, 1987

- Folder 29: Sensory Aids Foundation - California, 1988

- Folder 30: Shot in the Dark, 1987

- Folder 31: Slide Presentation, June 16, 1988

- Box 203

- Folder 1: St. Clares-Riverside Medical Center, undated

- Folder 2: St. John's Child Development Center-Kansas, undated

- Folder 3: Summit Independent Living Center-Missoula, Montana, undated

- Folder 4: The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 1987

- Folder 5: VADIS Northwest, 1987

- Folder 6: Washburn University of Topeka School of Law, 1986

- Box Oversize A: Mixed Collection Box

- Folder 12: Butte School District No. 1, 1987

- Sub-Series 6: Mailings

- Box 204

- Folder 1: Dole Foundation Report, 1989

- Folder 2: Grantees' Newsletters Mentioning the Dole Foundation, 1986-1989

- Folder 3: Newsletter, 1987

- Folder 4: Outside Newsletters Mentioning the Dole Foundation, 1987-1988

- Folder 5: Spring '89 Newsletter, 1989

- Sub-Series 7: Press Releases

- Box 205

- Folder 1: Disabled Golfers - Press Release, 1987

- Folder 2: Dole Foundation Kick-Off Breakfast, April 28, 1988

- Folder 3: Dole Foundation Press Materials, 1990-1991

- Folder 4: Flinn, Nancy - File, 1994

- Folder 5: Grantees' New Releases, 1987-1988

- Folder 6: Hunt Marmillion - Press Kit, 1986

- Folder 7: Media Coverage - News Release, 1988

- Folder 8: News Releases, 1989

- Folder 9: Press '84, 1983-1984

- Folder 10: Press Releases, 1984-1985

- Folder 11: Press Releases, 1986

- Folder 12: Press Releases, 1987

- Folder 13: Press Releases, 1987

- Folder 14: Press Releases, 1988

- Folder 15: Press Releases, 1989

- Folder 16: Press Releases, 1990-1991

- Folder 17: U.S.-U.S.S.R. Exchange - News Release, 1989

- Sub-Series 8: Publications

- Box 206

- Folder 1: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Annotated Bibliography, 1993-1994

- Associated files: found_206_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Consumers with Disabilities in the Information Age, 1993-1995

- Folder 3: Disability Mystique Video, 1993

- Folder 4: Disabled Americans at Work, 1986

- Folder 5: How to Accommodate Persons with Functional Limitations [1 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 6: How to Accommodate Persons with Functional Limitations [2 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 7: National Information Center for Jobs and Accommodations - System Concept and Implementation Plan, August 12, 1988

- Folder 8: Success and Innovation in Funding Assistive Technology, 1992-1993

- Box 207

- Folder 1: Success and Innovation in Funding Assistive Technology, 1993

- Folder 2: Success and Innovation in Funding Assistive Technology Programs and Organization - Orders, 1995

- Folder 3: Technology Funding Manual - Checks and Reports, 1990-1991

- Folder 4: Technology Funding Manual - Contract, 1989-1990

- Folder 5: Technology Funding Manual - Notes, 1989-1990

- Folder 6: Workplace Workbook, 1992-1994

- Folder 7: Workplace Workbook, 1992-1996

- Folder 8: The Workplace Workbook 2.0, 1992

- Folder 9: Workplace Workbook Active File, 1991-1993

- Folder 10: Workplace Workbook Contract, 1992-1995

- Box 208

- Folder 1: Workplace Workbook - Expenses and Receipts, 1990-1992

- Folder 2: Workplace Workbook Sales, 1990-1991

- Folder 3: Workplace Workbook Sales, 1992

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Administrative Records, 1984-1998],
Series 2: Board of Directors Records, 1984-1998],
Series 3: Event Papers, 1984-1997],
Series 4: Financial Records, 1984-1998],
Series 5: Grants, 1985-1998],
Series 6: Staff Papers, 1983-1998],
[Series 7: Public Relations, 1983-1998],
Series 8: Robert J. Dole Papers, 1983-1984, 1992-1997],
Series 10: Books],
Series 11: Photographs],
Series 12: Slides],
Series 13: Objects],
Series 14: Audio Visual Material],
Series 15: Digital Media],