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Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Personal/Political Files


Scope and Contents

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Appointment Log

Campaign Files

Caucus/Political Party Records

Guest Books


Job Recommendations/Patronage

Memos, Telephone Conversations, E-mails

Personal Finances

Save Files

Senator's Correspondence

Subject Files

Trip Files

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Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Personal/Political Files, 1969-1996 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

By Robert Lay, Catherine Riggs, Hannah Ballard, Jeremy Denham, Jennifer Kirmer, Melissa Morris, Alex Rausch, Margaret White

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Collection Overview

Title: Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Personal/Political Files, 1969-1996Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 01/005

Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)

Extent: 266.5 Linear Feet

Arrangement: Where materials were originally arranged chronologically, this scheme has been preserved. Otherwise, materials are arranged alphabetically.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

This series documents the Senator's political activities during his tenure in the Senate. As such, these files deal more directly with the Senator than those of the other series. Because of their non-legislative nature, these files contain little insight into the Senator's staff. The material is primarily concerned with his daily activities, meetings, correspondence, and issues of particular interest to him. Of the five series, the Personal/Political Files contain more of Senator Dole's personal views. The correspondence contained herein illuminates those whom Dole considered friends and allies, both within the Senate and without. Daily schedules and event invitations chronicle his comings and goings and the social circles in which he operated. In essence, the Personal/Political series describes Senator Dole's life as a U.S. Senator, but does not delve into the specifics of his work. They describe a man committed to building his party, and one who sought to use his influence to benefit his fellow Kansans and all Americans.

Administrative Information

Repository: Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

Access Restrictions: Some materials within the Dole Archive are restricted because of their sensitive nature or because they contain personal or confidential information. These records are protected by federal laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Examples of restricted records are personnel files, medical records, financial records, and any materials containing personal information such as addresses and social security numbers. Restricted materials are identified at the box and/or folder level within the finding aid. Questions about these materials may be directed to the Senior Archivist of the Dole Archives.

Use Restrictions: Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Many of the documents and other historical materials in the Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way. Senator Dole has not donated his copyright interest in his papers and other historical materials to the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics. Permission to publish must be obtained from him or his designee. There are other materials in the library carrying a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.

Processing Information:

View a full series list of this collection here (PDF will open in a new window): dole_archives_senate_papers_personal_political.pdf

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Appointment Log, 1968-1995],
[Series 2: Campaign Files, 1964-1996],
[Series 3: Caucus/Political Party Records, 1971-1985],
[Series 4: Guest Books, 1970-1995],
[Series 5: Invitations, 1966-1996],
[Series 6: Job Recommendations/Patronage, 1965-1984],
[Series 7: Memos, Telephone Conversations, E-mails, 1976-1995],
[Series 8: Personal Finances, 1966-1996],
[Series 9: Save Files, 1966-1988],
[Series 10: Senator's Correspondence, 1968-1995],
[Series 11: Subject Files, 1969-1996],
[Series 12: Trip Files, 1969-1994],

Series 11: Subject Files, 1969-1996Add to your cart.
Subject Files describes a group of records kept by the Senator and his personal staff as general reference for matters in which the Senator was closely involved or about which he was curious. The materials range from political to legislative in nature, and include such topics as the savings and loan crisis, meeting with Pope John Paul II, Kappa Sigma Fraternity, international debt, records of foreign investment in the United States, the Family and Medical Leave Act, Senate committee hearings, the coal industry, and campaign finance reform.
Arrangement: These files are arranged alphabetically.
Extent: 50 boxes
Box 364Add to your cart.
Folder 11: 20 Good Men - Community Group in Kansas City, 1987-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 12: "60 Minutes Briefing," August 31, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 13: 98th Congress, 2nd Session, Record Vote Analyses [1 of 2], 1984Add to your cart.
Box 365Add to your cart.
Folder 1: 98th Congress, 2nd Session, Record Vote Analyses [2 of 2], 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 2: 1995 Recipe Requests, 1985-1990Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Activities Schedules, 1977-1978Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Agricultural Export Alliance, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Air Force Academy, Candidate Charged to Senator Dole, 1984-1985Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Arms Control Observer Group, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Awards Received, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Awards Received, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Awards Received, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Awards Received, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Awards Received, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Bank Failures, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Banking and Finance - Corporate Takeovers, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Banking and Finance - Currencies, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Banking and Finance - Exchange Rates, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Banking and Finances - Federal Asset Disposition Association (FADA), 1988Add to your cart.
Box 366Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Banking and Finance - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 1983-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Banking and Finance - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Banking and Finance - Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Banking and Finance - Finance Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act Summaries, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Banking and Finance - Financial Modernization Act (S. 1886), 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Banking and Finance - Form Letters, 1986-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Banking and Finance - House Banking Bill [H.R. 5094], 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Banking and Finance - Insider Trading, 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Box 367Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Banking and Finance - Interest Rates, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Banking and Finance - Kansas, 1986-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Banking and Finance - Kansas League of Savings Institutions, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Banking and Finance - Modernization of the Glass-Steagall Act, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Banking and Finance - Office of Thrift Supervision, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Banking and Finance - Regulatory Legislation, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Banking and Finance - Resolution Trust Corporation, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Banking and Finance - Resolution Trust Corporation - Clips and Bid Policy, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Banking and Finance - Resolution Trust Corporation - Kansas, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Banking and Finance - Senate, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Banking and Finance - Taxes, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Banking and Finance - Thrift Failures and State Thrifts, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Banking and Finance - Treasure Department, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Banking Reform, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Basle Agreement, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Books Received, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Books Received, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Briefing Book - Ethics (Interpretive Readings) [1 of 3], 1977-1983Add to your cart.
Box 368Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Briefing Book - Ethics (Interpretive Readings) [2 of 3], 1977-1983Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Briefing Book - Ethics (Interpretive Readings) [3 of 3], 1977-1983Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Briefing Book - Source Materials on Parallel Imports [1 of 2], 1983-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Briefing Book - Source Materials on Parallel Imports [2 of 2], 1983-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 5: British-American Parliamentary Group, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Budget Agreement [1 of 2], 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Budget Agreement [2 of 2], 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Budget Reconciliation, 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Campaign Finance Reform, 1989Add to your cart.
Box 369Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Campaign Finance Reform - Broadcast Discount, 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Campaign Finance Reform - Buckley v. Valeo, 1975-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Campaign Finance Reform - Bush Proposal, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Campaign Finance Reform - Carryover, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Campaign Finance Reform - Common Cause Studies, 1985-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Campaign Finance Reform - Grandfather Clause, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Campaign Finance Reform - Honoraria, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Campaign Finance Reform - House Republicans' Bill, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Campaign Finance Reform - Ideas, 1987-1990Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Campaign Finance Reform - Independent Expenditures, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Campaign Finance Reform - Millionaire's Loophole, 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Campaign Finance Reform - News Clips, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Campaign Finance Reform - Republican Task Force, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Box 370Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Campaign Finance Reform - Research Materials [1 of 2], 1986-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Campaign Finance Reform - Research Materials [2 of 2], 1986-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Campaign Finance Reform - S. 2 Cloture Votes, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Campaign Finance Reform - S. 7, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Campaign Finance Reform - S. 137 (101st Congress), 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Campaign Finance Reform - S. 1672, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Campaign Finance Reform - Senate, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Campaign Finance Reform - Senate, 1985-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Campaign Finance Reform - Senate, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Campaign Finance Reform - Soft Money, 1988-1991Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Campaign Finance Reform - Spending Limits, 1972-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Campaign Finance Reform - State Legislation, 1985-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Campaign Finance Reform - Studies [1 of 2], 1982-1989Add to your cart.
Box 371Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Campaign Finance Reform - Studies [2 of 2], 1982-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Campaign Information, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Campaigns - 1969 Inauguration, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Campaigns - 1976 Vice Presidential Campaign [1 of 6], 1976-1977Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Campaigns - 1976 Vice Presidential Campaign [2 of 6], 1976-1977Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Campaigns - 1976 Vice Presidential Campaign [3 of 6], 1976-1977Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Campaigns - 1976 Vice Presidential Campaign [4 of 6], 1976-1977Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Campaigns - 1976 Vice Presidential Campaign [5 of 6], 1976-1977Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Campaigns - 1976 Vice Presidential Campaign [6 of 6], 1976-1977Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Campaigns - 1980 Presidential Media Correspondence, 1978-1980Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Campaigns - 1980 Senate Campaign, 1980Add to your cart.
Box 372Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Campaigns - Materials on the Vice President, 1973-1977Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Campaigns - Presidential Campaign, 1979-1980Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Campaigns - Reagan for President Congressional Advisory Committee, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Campaigns - Republican Appearances, 1976-1979Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Campaigns - Thank You Letters, October [1 of 2], 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Campaigns - Thank You Letters, October [2 of 2], 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Campaigns - Trips Made, Correspondence, Schedules, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Campaigns - White House Congressional Barbeque, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Campaigns - United States Interparliamentary Group, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Central America Observer Group, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Cities - Abilene, Kansas, 1990-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Cities - Abilene, Kansas - Russel Stover, 1992-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Cities - Arkansas City, 1989-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Cities - Burlington, Kansas, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Cities - Colby, Kansas, 1990-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Cities - Desoto, Kansas, 1992-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Cities - Dodge City, Kansas, 1990-1994Add to your cart.
Box 373Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Cities - Edwardsville, Kansas, 1992-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Cities - El Dorado, Kansas, 1993-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Cities - Emporia, Kansas, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Cities - Emporia State University, Dole House, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Cities - Emporia State University, Teacher Hall of Fame, 1989-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Cities - Fort Hays State University, 1994-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Cities - Fort Scott, Kansas, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Cities - Garden City, Kansas, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Cities - Goodland, Kansas, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Cities - Great Bend, Kansas, 1988-1985Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Cities - Independence, Kansas, 1994-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Cities - Iola, Kansas, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Cities - Johnson County, Kansas, 1993-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Cities - Junction City, Kansas, 1989-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Cities - Kansas City, Kansas, 1991-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Cities - Kansas City, Kansas - Courthouse Construction, 1990-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Cities - Kansas City, Kansas - Courthouse Dedication, June 10, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Cities - Kansas City, Kansas - Courthouse Design, 1988-1991Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Cities - Kansas City, Kansas - Courthouse Mural Selection, 1990-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Cities - Kansas City, Kansas - Courthouse Name, 1993-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Cities - Kansas State University Electric Vehicle Program, 1990-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Cities - Lawrence, Kansas, 1993-1994Add to your cart.
Box 374Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Cities - Leavenworth, Kansas, 1990-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Cities - Liberal, Kansas, 1992-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Cities - Manhattan, Kansas, 1990-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Cities - Osage City, Kansas, 1988-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Cities - Ottawa, Kansas, 1993-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Cities - Pittsburg State University, 1990-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Cities - St. Mary's - Food Kitchen, 1990-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Cities - Topeka Courthouse Revival, 1992-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Cities - Topeka, Kansas - Treasures of the Czars, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Cities - University of Kansas, 1992-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Cities - University of Kansas - Dole Building and Bust, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Cities - Washburn University Alumni Board of Trustees and Fundraising Projects, 1992-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Cities - Wellington, Kansas, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Cities - Wichita, Kansas, 1993-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Civil Rights - Employment Discrimination, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Coal - Administration/Wallop Bill, 1987-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Coal - Advisory Commission on the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), 1990-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Coal - Boren Alternative, 1992Add to your cart.
Box 375Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Coal - Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefits Act, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Coal - Coal Industry Retiree Health Benefits Act (S. 1989), 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Coal - Dole Statements on Retiree Health Benefits, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Coal - Energy Bill Markup, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Coal - General Accounting Office (GAO), 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Coal - Markup Benefits, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Coal - Private Benefits Alliance, Press Briefing, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Coal - Retiree Benefits Memos, 1989-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Coal - News Articles on Retiree Health Benefits, 1990-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Coal - Production Data, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Coal - Reachback Litigation, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Coal - Retiree Health Benefits Miscellaneous, 1990-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Coal - Rockefeller Proposal and Alternatives, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Coal - United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) Litigation, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Coin Redesign Bill (S. 1776), 1988Add to your cart.
Box 376Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Colonial Savings, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Columbia Savings, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Columbian Theatre Refurbishment - Wamego, 1990-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Commemorative Edition - The Russell Daily News, April 13, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Commission on Central American Negotiations, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1985-1991Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Committee Hearing Notices, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Committee Hearings [1 of 3], 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Committee Hearings [2 of 3], 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Committee Hearings [3 of 3], 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Committees Congratulations, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), 1988Add to your cart.
Box 377Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Competitive Equality Banking Act (CEBA) [1 of 2], 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Competitive Equality Banking Act (CEBA) [2 of 2], 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Compulsory Union Dues, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Congressional Budget Office Testimony on Costs and Effects of Reducing U.S. Nuclear Forces, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Congressional Budget Office Testimony on Federal Spending and the Economy [1 of 2], 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Congressional Budget Office Testimony on Federal Spending and the Economy [2 of 2], 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 7: [Congressional] Member's Taxes, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Congressional Pensions, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Congressional Redistricting, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Congressional Redistricting, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Congressional Research Service (CRS) Institute - Eastern Europe, July 25, 1994Add to your cart.
Box 378Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Consumer Protection Provisions in Title IV of H.R. 5094, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Convention Volunteers and Passes, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Convention - Platform Committee, July, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Convention Proceedings, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Corporate Takeover Legislation [1 of 2], 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Corporate Takeover Legislation [2 of 2], 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Corps of Engineers Closure and Consolidation of Regional Offices, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 8: County Information [1 of 2], 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 9: County Information [2 of 2], 1973Add to your cart.
Box 379Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Courtelis, Alec, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Crank Letters [1 of 2], 1969-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Crank Letters [2 of 2], 1969-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Deines Cultural Center, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Department of Defense (DoD) Authorization on Members and Dependents Foreign Travel Abroad DoD Aircraft, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Dole - Clubs, 1969-1970Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Dole - Kansas Day, January-February, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Dole - Kansas Trips [1 of 4], 1969-1970Add to your cart.
Box 380Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Dole - Kansas Trips [2 of 4], 1969-1970Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Dole - Kansas Trips [3 of 4], 1969-1970Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Dole - Kansas Trips [4 of 4], 1969-1970Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Dole - Kansas Trips II [1 of 3], 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Dole - Kansas Trips II [2 of 3], 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Dole - Kansas Trips II [3 of 3], 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Dole - Kansas Trips, Luray Friendship Day, 1969Add to your cart.
Box 381Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Dole - Nixon Trip to Kansas State University, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Dole - Out-of-State, 1969-1970Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Dole - Out-of-State Appearance (Illinois), 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Dole - Out-of-State Appearance (Kentucky), 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Dole - Out-of-State Appearance (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Dole Recipes, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 7: Dole - Scholarship at Kansas Wesleyan University, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Dole - Written Contributions, 1968-1970Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Donald W. Bostwick, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Downtown Russell, Kansas, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Economic Indicators, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Economic Reforms - Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Editorials Regarding Divesture, Volume I [1 of 2], 1983Add to your cart.
Box 382Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Editorials Regarding Divesture, Volume I [2 of 2], 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Editorials Regarding Divesture, Volume II, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Eisenhower Centennial, 1989-1990Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Eisenhower Commemorative Coin, 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Elizabeth Dole File (Personal), 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Employment Legislation, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 7: End of Congressional Session Review, 1993-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Environment Protection Agency - Federal Aviation Administration, Missouri/Kansas Delegation, New Building, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 9: European Community, 1989-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Exchange Rates, 1988Add to your cart.
Box 383Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Family and Medical Leave - Amendments, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Family and Medical Leave - Background, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Family and Medical Leave - Cost Information, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Family and Medical Leave - Craig/Dole Bill, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Family and Medical Leave - Dole Amendments, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Family and Medical Leave - Dole Statements, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Family and Medical Leave - Floor Debate, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Family and Medical Leave - Letters of Support, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Family and Medical Leave - Miscellaneous, 1991-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Family and Medical Leave - Old Amendments and Talking Points, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Family and Medical Leave - Prevalence of Family Leave, 1990-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Family and Medical Leave - S. 5, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Family and Medical Leave - S. 10, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Family and Medical Leave - Small Business Administration, 1990-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Family and Medical Leave - Talking Points, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Family and Medical Leave - Votes and Statements, 1986-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Cawker City, Kansas, 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Farmers State Bank, Seldon, Kansas, 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Box 384Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Federal Election Commission (FEC) Nominations, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB), 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Federal Reserve, 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) Recapitalization, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Fidelity Banks, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Final Russell Briefing, March 25, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Financial Institutions Reform, Recover and Enforcement Act (FIRREA), 1989Add to your cart.
Box 385Add to your cart.
Folder 1: First Division Memorial Refurbishing and Addition, Executive Park, Washington, D.C., 1993-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 2: First Federal Savings Bank, Newton, KS, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Franklin Insurance, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Franklin Savings Association, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Foreign Investment - Alabama, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Foreign Investment - Alaska, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Foreign Investment - Arizona, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Foreign Investment - Arkansas, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Foreign Investment - Briefing Book, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Foreign Investment - California, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Foreign Investment - Colorado, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Foreign Investment - Connecticut, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Foreign Investment - Delaware, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Foreign Investment - Florida, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Foreign Investment - Georgia, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Foreign Investment - Hawaii, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Foreign Investment - Idaho, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Foreign Investment - Illinois, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Foreign Investment - Indiana, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Foreign Investment - Iowa, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Foreign Investment - Kansas, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Foreign Investment - Kentucky, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Foreign Investment - Louisiana, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Foreign Investment - Maine, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Foreign Investment - Maryland, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Foreign Investment - Massachusetts, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Foreign Investment - Michigan, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Foreign Investment - Minnesota, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Foreign Investment - Mississippi, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Foreign Investment - Missouri, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Foreign Investment - Montana, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Foreign Investment - Nebraska, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 33: Foreign Investment - Nevada, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 34: Foreign Investment - New Hampshire, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 35: Foreign Investment - New Jersey, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 36: Foreign Investment - New Mexico, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Foreign Investment - New York, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Foreign Investment - News Articles, 1986-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Foreign Investment - Nonbanking Activities, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 40: Foreign Investment - North Carolina, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 41: Foreign Investment - North Dakota, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Foreign Investment - Ohio, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Foreign Investment - Oklahoma, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Foreign Investment - Oregon, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Foreign Investment - Pennsylvania, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Foreign Investment - Rhode Island, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Foreign Investment - South Carolina, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Foreign Investment - South Dakota, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Foreign Investment - Tennessee, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 50: Foreign Investment - Texas, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Foreign Investment - Utah, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Foreign Investment - Vermont, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 53: Foreign Investment - Virginia, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 54: Foreign Investment - Washington, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 55: Foreign Investment - Washington, D.C., 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 56: Foreign Investment - West Virginia, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 57: Foreign Investment - Wisconsin, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 58: Foreign Investment - Wyoming, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 59: Foreign Trade, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 60: Format for Vice Presidential Debate - Dole/Mondale, September 21-30, 1976Add to your cart.
Box 386Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Fostoria Glass, 1983-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Frank Meyer, VA Patient in Hines, Illinois, Russell Resident, 1990-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Franked Mail - Nickles Amendment, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Franking Privilege, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Fred Bramlage, Civilian Aide to Secretary of Army, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Garn - St. Germain Depository Institutions Act, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 7: General Revenue Sharing (GRS), March-April, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Gift Ideas for Friends and Staff, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Gifts Offered to Senator Dole - Miscellaneous, May, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Gifts Received, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Gifts Received, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Gifts Received, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Gifts Received, 1992Add to your cart.
Box 387Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Gifts Received, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Gifts Received, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Gifts Received By Senator Dole, 1986-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Gifts Received From Foreign Governments, 1981-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Gifts Received - General, 1981-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Gifts Received - Travel, Corporate Jets, Reimbursements, Etc., 1985-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Glass Ceiling Amendment, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Glass Ceiling Initiative [1 of 2], 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Glass Ceiling Initiative [2 of 2], 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Globe Savings Bank, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Gluten Plant Ground Breaking, 1992-1995Add to your cart.
Box 388Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Gold Seals, A-K, July-December, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Gold Seals, L-Z, July-December, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Gold Seals, A-K, January-July [1 of 2], 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Gold Seals, A-K, January-July [2 of 2], 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Gold Seals, L-Z, January-July, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Good Oaks Associates [1 of 2], 1975Add to your cart.
Box 389Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Good Oaks Associates [2 of 2], 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Gridiron Dinner [1 of 2], 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Gridiron Dinner [2 of 2], 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Hays, Hays/Russell Water Project, 1991-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Health Care Reform [1 of 2], 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Health Care Reform [2 of 2], 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Helper Regulations, 1991-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1982-1983Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Huck Boyd Community Journalism Program, 1993-1995Add to your cart.
Box 390Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Huck Boyd Foundation, Phillipsburg, 1990-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 1993 (S. 24), 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Information on Delegates, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Infrastructure Funding for Gluten Plant, 1991-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Insurance Company Regulation, 1990-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Internal Revenue Service - New Building, Wichita and Johnson County, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 7: International Debt, 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 8: International Debt - Background, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 9: International Debt - Corporate Survey, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 10: International Debt - Negotiations, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 11: International Debt - News Clips, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 12: International Debt - Treasury, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 13: International Debt - World Bank/International Monetary Fund (IMF), 1989Add to your cart.
Box 391Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Interparliamentary Union (IPU), 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Investment Tax Credit, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Japanese Exchange, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Job Corp - Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC), 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Job Training, 1982-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Job Training 2000 [1 of 3], 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Job Training 2000 [2 of 3], 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Job Training 2000 [3 of 3], 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Judiciary Rules on Commemorative Legislation, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Kansas - Campaign Finance Reform, 1989Add to your cart.
Box 392Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Kansas City, Kansas Courthouse - Old, Deeded to County, 1990-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Kansas Day, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Kansas Day, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Kansas Entertainers at the Kennedy Center, March 5, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Kansas Issues - Urban Development, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Kansas State University Trip, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Kansas Travel [1 of 2], 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Kansas Travel [2 of 2], 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Kansas Travel, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Kansas Travel, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Kappa Sigma at University of Kansas and National Chapters, 1990-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Karl Karst, Vietnam MIA, Interment, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Kathryn Vratil, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Kennedy Center Board of Trustees, 1995-1996Add to your cart.
Box 393Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Labor - Communications Workers of America (CWA) vs. Beck, 1988-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Lake Wilson, 1990-1991Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Lake Wilson, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Leadership Policy on Staff Travel, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Legislative Branch Appropriations - Mail Costs, 1989-1990Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Legislative Branch Appropriations - Reid Amendments, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Legislative Branch Appropriations - Wilson/Dole Franking Amendments, 1989-1990Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Leveraged Buyouts, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Liberty Savings and Loan Association, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Lincoln Savings and Loan Association, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Little League Baseball - Founder of the Challenger Division, 1988-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Long Term care for the Elderly, 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Box 394Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Materials Produced by J.D. Williams for Senator Dole, April 22, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Merchant Marine Academy: Candidates Charged to Senator Dole, 1986-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Mexico Project - Carlos Salinas, 1989-1991Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Military Academy: Candidates Charged to Senator Dole, 1990-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Miscellaneous Papers, January 25-May 12, 1992-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Monetary Policy, 1981-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Morton Specter, Funeral, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 9: National Customer Service Week, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 10: National Voter Registration Act (HR 2190), 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Naval Academy: Candidates Charged to Senator Dole, 1985-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 12: North Atlantic Assembly, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Bloodborne Pathogens [1 of 2], 1989-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Bloodborne Pathogens [2 of 2], 1989-1992Add to your cart.
Box 395Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Oil Patch, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Parental Leave, 1985-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Parental Leave - Bill and Conference Report, 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Pension Funds and Raiding [1 of 2], 1986-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Pension Funds and Raiding [2 of 2], 1986-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Personal Files - Republican National Convention, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Personal Files - Republican National Committee Meeting, January, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Personal Staff Requests to Travel, 1981-1989Add to your cart.
Box 396Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Personal Notes, 72nd Birthday, July 22, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Personal Notes, Kenneth Dole Sympathy, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Personal Notes of Special Interest, 1968-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Personal Notes Upon Decision to Run Again, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Planning Meeting, Russell, Kansas, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Political Action Committees (PAC), 1986-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Pony Creek, 1988-1990Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Pope - Invitation for an Audience with the Pope, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Presidential Campaign - Public Financing, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Presidential Reforms, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Price Fixing Act [1 of 2], 1989-1992Add to your cart.
Box 397Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Price Fixing Act [2 of 2], 1989-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Projects and Personal, A-M [1 of 3], 1988-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Projects and Personal, A-M [2 of 3], 1988-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Projects and Personal, A-M [3 of 3], 1989-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Projects and Personal, N-Z [1 of 2], 1988-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Projects and Personal, N-Z [2 of 2], 1988-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Protocol - H.R. 1827, Entertaining of Foreign Officials by the Secretary of the Senate, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Quindaro Underground Trail - Wyandotte County, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Railroad Participation Loans, 1989Add to your cart.
Box 398Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Recipe Requests [1 of 2], 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Recipe Requests [2 of 2], 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Record Vote Analysis, 93rd Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 2], 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Record Vote Analysis, 93rd Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 2], 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Reece Construction Company, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Regulatory Agencies, 1984-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Regional Patronage Appointments, 1989-1994Add to your cart.
Box 399Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Republican Campaign Finance Bills (100th Congress), 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Republican National Committee - 1976 Conventional Photographs, 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Republican National Committee - 1980 Convention [1 of 2], 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Republican National Committee - 1980 Convention [2 of 2], 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Republican National Committee - Bush Correspondence, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Republican National Committee - Dole Task Force, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Republican National Committee - General [1 of 2], 1977-1980Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Republican National Committee - General [2 of 2], 1977-1980Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Republican National Convention, 1976Add to your cart.
Box 400Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Republican National Convention - Youth Programs, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee - Complaint Against Common Cause, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Requests for Senator Dole to Write Forwards, Etc., 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Resolutions to Appoint Special Senate Delegations, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) [1 of 2], 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) [2 of 2], 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Right to Financial Privacy Amendments to Drug Bill, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Roll-Ups [1 of 2], 1990-1991Add to your cart.
Box 401Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Roll-Ups [2 of 2], 1990-1991Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Russell Economic Development, 1990-1991Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Russell Economic Development Administration, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Russell Library, 1991-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Russell Main Street, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Russell Management (Miscellaneous), 1991-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Russell Papers, March 27-June 3, 1989-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Savings and Loan Crisis - Banking Committee Plan, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Savings and Loan Crisis - Budget and Taxes, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Savings and Loan Crisis - Bush Administration Proposals, 1989Add to your cart.
Box 402Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Savings and Loan Crisis - Bush Thrift Reform Plan, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Savings and Loan Crisis - Capital, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Savings and Loan Crisis - Funding/Budget Issues, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Savings and Loan Crisis - Interest Groups' Testimonies [1 of 3], 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Savings and Loan Crisis - Interest Groups' Testimonies [2 of 3], 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Savings and Loan Crisis - Interest Groups' Testimonies [3 of 3], 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Savings and Loan Crisis - Kansas, 1988Add to your cart.
Box 403Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Savings and Loan Crisis - Kansas [1 of 2], 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Savings and Loan Crisis - Kansas [2 of 2], 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Savings and Loan Crisis - Miscellaneous [1 of 2], 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Savings and Loan Crisis - Miscellaneous [2 of 2], 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Savings and Loan Crisis - News Clips, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Savings and Loan Crisis - Real Estate, 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Savings and Loan Crisis - Senate Debate, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Savings and Loan Proposals, 1988-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Senate Campaign Newspaper Clippings, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Senate Republican Memos [1 of 2], 1969-1970Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Senate Republican Memos [2 of 2], 1969-1970Add to your cart.
Box 404Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Senators Dole and Specter in Russell, Kansas, 1994-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Service Academy Briefing Tours, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Speaking Engagements, 1974-1979Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Special Miscellaneous News Clippings, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Speeches - Eisenhower Memorial Addresses in the Senate, March-July, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Speeches - General Material, 1982-1986Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Speeches - Handicapped Speech and Luncheon Correspondence, April, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Speeches - Humorous Materials, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Speeches - Humorous Materials [1 of 2], 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Speeches - Humorous Materials [2 of 2], 1976Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Speeches - Humorous Materials, 1977-1985Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Speeches - Humorous Materials, 1977-1987Add to your cart.
Box 405Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Speeches - Humorous Materials [1 of 3], 1978-1984Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Speeches - Humorous Materials [2 of 3], 1978-1984Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Speeches - Humorous Materials [3 of 3], 1978-1984Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Speeches - Humorous Materials (Bob Orben), 1977-1984Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Speeches - Humorous Materials, 1982-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Speeches - Kansas Academy of Family Practitioners Speech, June 15, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Speeches - Lincoln Speech Material, 1960-1969Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Speeches - Lincoln Material, 1960-1976Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Speeches - Washington Press Club, 1984Add to your cart.
Box 406Add to your cart.
Folder 1: State Campaign Finance Law [1 of 2], 1984-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 2: State Campaign Finance Law [2 of 2], 1984-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Striker Replacements - Amendments, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Striker Replacements - Core File, 1991-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Striker Replacements - Correspondence, 1990-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Striker Replacements - General Accounting Office, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Striker Replacements - Legislative Language, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Striker Replacements - Miscellaneous Background [1 of 3], 1938-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Striker Replacements - Miscellaneous Background [2 of 3], 1938-1992Add to your cart.
Box 407Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Striker Replacements - Miscellaneous Background [3 of 3], 1938-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Striker Replacements - Press, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Striker Replacements - Speeches, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Striker Replacements - Survey, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Taplin, Martin, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Tax Proposals - Bush Administration, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Tax Proposals - Hispanic Affairs, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Tax Proposals - Life Insurance, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Tax Proposals - Luxury Tax, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Tax Proposals - Military and Veteran Affairs, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Tax Proposals - Miscellaneous, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Box 408Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Tax Proposals - Mortgage Revenue Bond (MRB) and Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Tax Proposals - Real Estate, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Tax Proposals - Trade, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Taxes and the Economy [1 of 2], 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Taxes and the Economy [2 of 2], 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Tender Offer Disclosure and Fairness Act (S. 1323), 1987-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Testimonial Dinner, April, 1973Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Topeka Federal Building Shooting Rampage, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Total Visits Breakdown, 1977-1978Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Trade, 1986-1988Add to your cart.
Box 409Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Trade - Senate Legislation, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Travel, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Treat, William, 1985-1988Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Unemployment Compensation [1 of 2], 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Unemployment Compensation [2 of 2], 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Unemployment Insurance, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Unemployment Insurance - Extensions, 1982-1985Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Unemployment Insurance - Phase I, 1991Add to your cart.
Box 410Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Unemployment Insurance - Phase II, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Unemployment Insurance - Phase III, 1991-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Unemployment Insurance - Phase IV, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Uninsured Americans, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 5: United States Automobile Association (USAA) Savings Bank, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 6: United States International Narcotics Control Commission, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Unlimited Partners Book, 1985-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Uruguay Round, 1991Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Vice President of the United States Seal, October 8, 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Vintage Group, 1993-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Visitors, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Visitors, 1996Add to your cart.
Box 411Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Voter Registration [1 of 2], 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Voter Registration [2 of 2], 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Voter Registration, 1989Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Walsh Investigation - American Bar Association Speech, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Walsh Investigation - Federal Election Commission Information, 1983-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Walsh Investigation - Independent Counsel Statute, 1978-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Walsh Investigation - Miscellaneous [1 of 2], 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Walsh Investigation - Miscellaneous [2 of 2], 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Walsh Investigation - Pardons, 1989-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Walsh Investigation - Policy Committee, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Walsh Investigation - Post-Pardon Conduct, 1993Add to your cart.
Box 412Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Walsh Investigation - Press Briefings, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Walsh Investigation - Press Clippings, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Walsh Investigation - Working File (Pardons), 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Walsh Investigation - Zoe Baird Questions, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Washington D.C. Reception [1 of 3], 1973-1974Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Washington D.C. Reception [2 of 3], 1973-1974Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Washington D.C. Reception [3 of 3], 1973-1974Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Wheat Gluten Dedication, 1992-1995Add to your cart.
Box 413Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Whip Notices, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Whip Notices, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Wichita Courthouse Renovations, 1992-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Wilson Lake - Operational Management Plan, July, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Withholdings, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Women's Leaders Summit Invitees, September-October, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 7: World Institute on Disability [WID], 1991-1993Add to your cart.
Box Oversize A: Mixed Collection BoxAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Cities - Wichita, Kansas, 1993 - 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Name Lists for Academy ApplicantsAdd to your cart.

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Appointment Log, 1968-1995],
[Series 2: Campaign Files, 1964-1996],
[Series 3: Caucus/Political Party Records, 1971-1985],
[Series 4: Guest Books, 1970-1995],
[Series 5: Invitations, 1966-1996],
[Series 6: Job Recommendations/Patronage, 1965-1984],
[Series 7: Memos, Telephone Conversations, E-mails, 1976-1995],
[Series 8: Personal Finances, 1966-1996],
[Series 9: Save Files, 1966-1988],
[Series 10: Senator's Correspondence, 1968-1995],
[Series 11: Subject Files, 1969-1996],
[Series 12: Trip Files, 1969-1994],

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