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Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Press Related Materials, 1961-1996


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Journal Articles

Media Activities Plan



Press Releases


Subject Files

TV/Radio files

Newspaper Clippings

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Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Press Related Materials, 1961-1996 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

By Robert Lay, Catherine Riggs, Jeremy Denham, Jennifer Kirmer, Beth Nettels, Alex Rausch

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Collection Overview

Title: Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Press Related Materials, 1961-1996Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 01/006

Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)

Extent: 71.0 Linear Feet

Arrangement: All series are arranged chronologically then alphabetically within each date range.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Clippings, manuscripts, press releases, correspondence and newsletters (114 boxes) document those functions of the Dole offices related to the media, 1961-1996. Arranged in 10 series - Columns, Journal Articles, Media Activities Plan, Newsletters, Op-Eds, Press Releases, Speeches, Subject Files, TV/Radio Files, and Newspaper Clippings - the records illuminate the communications of Senator Dole with constituents through newsletters (2 boxes), newspaper columns (1 box), and press releases (33 boxes). Records contained in Subject Files (28 boxes) concern subjects of interest to the Senator and his offices from 1964 to 1996, and also cover interactions between Dole's press secretaries and members of the media. The Newspaper Clippings series (36 boxes) includes articles and clippings relating to Bob Dole's extensive time in office, covering the years 1969 through 1996.

Administrative Information

Repository: Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

Access Restrictions: Some materials within the Dole Archive are restricted because of their sensitive nature or because they contain personal or confidential information. These records are protected by federal laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Examples of restricted records are personnel files, medical records, financial records, and any materials containing personal information such as addresses and social security numbers. Restricted materials are identified at the box and/or folder level within the finding aid. Questions about these materials may be directed to the Senior Archivist of the Dole Archives.

Use Restrictions: Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Many of the documents and other historical materials in the Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way. Senator Dole has not donated his copyright interest in his papers and other historical materials to the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics. Permission to publish must be obtained from him or his designee. There are other materials in the library carrying a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.

Processing Information:

View a full series list of this collection here (PDF will open in a new window): dole_archives_senate_papers_press.pdf

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Columns, 1976-1986],
[Series 2: Journal Articles, 1970-1989],
[Series 3: Media Activities Plan, 1977],
[Series 4: Newsletters, 1973-1986],
[Series 5: Op-Eds, 1979-1985],
[Series 6: Press Releases, 1961-1996],
[Series 7: Speeches, 1973-1994],
[Series 8: Subject Files, 1961-1996],
[Series 9: TV/Radio files, 1970-1988],
[Series 10: Newspaper Clippings, 1969-1996],

Series 2: Journal Articles, 1970-1989Add to your cart.
Articles in popular and trade magazines, as well as newspaper magazines, focusing on Senator Bob Dole and/or Senator Elizabeth Dole. Also includes several journal articles written by Dole.
Subject/Index Terms:
Box 1: 1970-1978Add to your cart.
Folder 38: Midway Magazine, January 11, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 39: Time, June 1, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 40: Human Events, "Peace Now", June 13, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 41: DAV Magazine, July, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Time, July 6, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Newsweek, July 6, 1970Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Kansas Scene, December 1970 - March 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Washington New Approach, December, 1971Add to your cart.
Folder 46: College Republican, Direct Election, January 25, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Life at Shawnee Mission Medical Center, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Life at Shawnee Mission Medical Center, 1978Add to your cart.
Box 2: 1978-1979Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Perspectives, Close-Up, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Ambassador, October, 1978Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Journal of the Kansas Bar Association, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Perspectives, Close-Up, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Le Nouvel Economiste, February, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 6: The Caduceus, March, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 7: The New Age, March, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 8: New Spirit, April, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Veterans of Foreign Wars, April, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 10: The Washington Dossier, April, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 11: The Washington Dossier, Elizabeth Dole, April, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Hospitals, August, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Republican Senate Bulletin, August, 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Magazines, December 1979 - March 1982Add to your cart.
Box 3: 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Disabled USA, Number 7, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Disabled USA, Number 8, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Kansas Oil Marketer, April, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Medical World News, May, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 5: First Monday, June, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 6: U.S. News & World Report, June, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 7: The Detroit News- Detroit Free Press, Convention Edition, July 16, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 8: U.S. News & World Report, August, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Washington Journalism Review, September, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 10: The Wichitan, October, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Insight, Clifford L. Brody, November, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 12: U.S. News & World Report, November 17, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 13: National Forum, Spring, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Wharton-Senators, Winter, 1980-1981Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Time, November 24, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 16: U.S. News & World Report, November 24, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Consumers for World Trade, December, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Life Association News, December, 1980Add to your cart.
Box 4: 1980-1982Add to your cart.
Folder 1: PPI (Political Profiles, Inc.) Report, December, 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Journal Articles, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Money Managers' Club, Winter, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 4: The Socioeconomic Newsletter, January, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 5: "Kansan of the Year 1990" Midway Section of Topeka Capital-Journal, January 4, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 6: U.S. News & World Report, January 12, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 7: National Press Club Luncheon, January 21, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 8: U.S. News & World Report, February 2, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 9: U.S. News & World Report, February 23, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Family Weekly, Profile on Doles, March 29, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Tax Magazine, April, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Wichita Business, May-June, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Chicago Tribune Magazine Profile on Mrs. Dole, July 5, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Farm Journal, August, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Russell Daily News, August 19, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 16: American Oil and Gas Reporter, September, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 17: NTDRA (National Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association) Dealer News, September, 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Annual Reports- American Enterprise Institute, 1982-1983Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Journal Articles, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Topeka Capitial-Journal, Mrs. Dole, February 21, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 21: U.S. News & World Report, Interview on Budget, February 22, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 22: New York Times Magazine, Mrs. Dole, March 1, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 23: Magazines, March-June 19, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Human Events, 1982 Election, March 6, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Farmland, Mr. and Mrs. Dole Profile, March 15, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Time/Newsweek, Budget, March 22, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 27: New York Times, May 4, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 28: Human Events, Voting Rights, May 15, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Spotlight, May 31, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Trusts and Estates, June, 1982Add to your cart.
Box 5: 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Magazines, June 28-July 19, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 2: USA Today, "Free Trade", July, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Iron Age, August, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 4: News Articles Mentioning Dole, August, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 5: News Articles Mentioning Dole, August-September [1 of 2], 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 6: News Articles Mentioning Dole, August-September [2 of 2], 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Conservative Digest, Dole Interview, September, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Financial Planner, September, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 9: News Articles Mentioning Dole, September 6-October 11 [1 of 2], 1982Add to your cart.
Box 6: 1982-1983Add to your cart.
Folder 1: News Articles Mentioning Dole, September 6-October 11 [2 of 2], 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Manhattan Mercury, Mrs. Dole Profile, September 18, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Fortune, "Bob Dole Wants to Raise Taxes", October 18, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 4: News Articles Mentioning Dole, October 18, 1982 - November 29, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 5: News Articles Mentioning Dole, 1983-1984Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Dun's Business Month, "Dole Rides High", November, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Kansas Business, "Dole Defends Tax Bill", November, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 8: People and Taxes, "Will the Real Bob Dole Please Stand Up?", November, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Wichita Business, Social Security: "Saving the System," November/December, 1982Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Journal Articles, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Washington Times, The First Year, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Washington Post, "Proposal Urges Rise in Retirement Age", January 18, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Washington Post, "98th Congress to Take Up Burdens of 97th", January 24, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Village Voice, "Dark Horse, Pale Rider", February 8, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 15: New York Times, "By Aiding Farmers, Japan Irks Partners", February 22, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Los Angeles Times, "Senate Can't End Impasse on Jobs Bill", March 17, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 17: USA Today, "Capital Couples Try to Keep Work, Home Lives Divorced", March 17, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 18: People and Taxes, Withholding, April, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Realtor News, "Dole Most Powerful," A Dole Hero on S.S. Tax, April-December, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Presstime, AP (Associated Press) Lunch, May, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Nation's Business, Social Security, June, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Washington Post, Taxes, June 12, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 23: U.S. News & World Report, "Chances of a Tax Increase this Year", August 3, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Illinois Masonic Medical Center Report, August 10, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 25: Hospital Progress, "Conservative Health Care Plan for the Unemployed", September, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Money Magazine, "My Worst Mistake", September, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 27: Regardie's, "Withholding,' August/September, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 28: General Foods Involved, "Stop the Budget Shell Game," September/October, 1983Add to your cart.
Box 7: 1983-1985Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Newsweek, "America's Power Couple", October 31, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Farm Futures, "At the Heart of the Battle", November, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Crisis, "Holiday for All the People", November, 1983Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Journal Articles, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 5: KS. Magazine, "To Be a Kansan" by Bob Dole, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Newsday Magazine, "Bob Dole Buries the Hatchet-Man Image", January 22, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 7: ABA Banking Journal, "Dole's Budget Crusade", February, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 8: ABA Banking Journal, "Bob Dole's Budget Crusade Continues", February, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Esquire Magazine, "Mr. Fairness Doles It Out", March, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Progressive Forensics, Leadership Profile, March, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Washington Post, "The Bob and Elizabeth Dole Show: Doling out the Power", April 2, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Stars and Stripes, "Dealing with the Soviets from Strength", April 12, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 13: U.S. News & World Report "Who Runs America" Survey, May 7, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Kansas City Star, "The Elizabeth and Bob Dole Show", May 27, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 15: NAIOP (National Association of Industrial and Office Parks) News, "NAIOP Asks the Expert - Bob Dole", October, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 16: "To Be a Kansan," KS. Magazine reprint, November, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 17: U.S. News & World Report, "Make People Realize: Deficits Do Matter" Interview, December 31, 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Journal Articles, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Midway, the Sunday Magazine of the Topeka Capital-Journal, January 6, 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Washingtonian, "Here's Bob!", February, 1985Add to your cart.
Box 8: 1986-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Journal Articles, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Women in Government Relations, Inc. Annual Report, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Election Politics, Fall, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Human Life Review, "Taking the Initiative", Fall, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Policy Review, "What to Do About the Russians", Fall, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 6: National Journal, September 20, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 7: American Politics, December, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 8: National Journal, December 13, 1986Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Election Politics, Spring, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Election Politics, Summer, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Brookings Review, Winter, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 12: American Politics, April, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 13: American Politics, May, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 14: American Politics, June, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Common Cause Magazine, September/October, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Insight, the Washington Times, October 12, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 17: New American, October 12, 1987Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Republican National Convention, Bob Dole speech, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Republican National Convention, Elizabeth Dole speech, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Governing: the States and Localities, February, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Insight on the News, February 15, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 22: Wichita Business, March/April, 1989Add to your cart.

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Columns, 1976-1986],
[Series 2: Journal Articles, 1970-1989],
[Series 3: Media Activities Plan, 1977],
[Series 4: Newsletters, 1973-1986],
[Series 5: Op-Eds, 1979-1985],
[Series 6: Press Releases, 1961-1996],
[Series 7: Speeches, 1973-1994],
[Series 8: Subject Files, 1961-1996],
[Series 9: TV/Radio files, 1970-1988],
[Series 10: Newspaper Clippings, 1969-1996],

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