Dole Institute Oral History Project, 2002-2009
| Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

This collection is the result of a multi-phase project that was managed and worked on by numerous people in various stages. As a result, materials were created and processed in different ways over the years, beginning in 2002 and continuing to 2009. In 2013, a new effort was initiated to bring all materials from both phases of the project together, in order to maximize consistency and accessibility.
The Dole Institute Oral History Project was funded through generous support from the Andreas Family Foundation.

The Dole Institute Oral History Project, which spans the years 2002-2009, contains audio, video, and transcribed oral history interviews with a variety of people who knew and worked with Senator Dole in various capacities, including friends, staffers, colleagues, journalists, members of Congress, and others.
Search the full text of all available transcripts using the search box below:
The project was completed in two separate phases, each with distinct characteristics and goals. Combined, they document the accomplishments and legacy of one of America's most respected leaders and statesmen, Senator Robert J. Dole. The first phase was conducted from 2002-2004. It was primarily conceived of and implemented by then-Dole Institute Director Richard Norton Smith and long-time Dole staffer Lahoma Yates, who conducted the majority of the interviews. Interviewees include Kansas-based legislators, Dole volunteers, campaign workers, opposition candidates, and others who worked directly with Dole during his years in both the House of Representatives and in the Senate. The primary goal of this phase was to document personal memories, recollections, insights and stories in order to document what Bob Dole was like as a person, how he evolved over the years, and to convey a sense of American history and politics as experienced by Dole.
The second phase was conducted from 2007-2009. It was conceived of and planned by Dole Institute Director Bill Lacy, in collaboration with Dole Institute Senior Archivist Jean Bischoff. Interviews were conducted by Principal Historian Richard Norton Smith and Project Manager and Historian Brien R. Williams. Interviewees include Senator Dole, Senate and House colleagues, key staffers and aides, high-ranking campaign personnel, and others who worked with Senator Dole and had witnessed firsthand his leadership skills in the Senate. The primary goal of this phase was to document his leadership style, with an emphasis on issues and legislation during the Senate years (1968-1996). It was during this time that Senator Dole's impact was critical and had the greatest effect on the national political landscape.
Interviews for both phases were recorded on a variety of media, including compact cassette, micro cassette, MiniDV, DVCam, and BetaCamSP. Transcripts and indexing were done by third party vendors and are available for most interviews. A few of the first phase original media are missing. Digital copies are available for many interviews; availability is noted in the finding aid.

Documents and Files:
Alan Greenspan - Oral History about Bob Dole
Berl Bernhard - Oral History about Bob Dole
Betty Meyer - Oral History about Bob Dole
Bill Lacy - Oral History about Bob Dole
Bill Lacy - Oral History about Bob Dole
Bill Taggart - Oral History about Bob Dole
Bob Lighthizer - Oral History about Bob Dole
Dave Owen - Oral History about Bob Dole
Dave Rogers - Oral History about Bob Dole
Dr. Bill Roy - Oral History about Bob Dole
Dr. Richard Norton Smith - Oral History about Bob Dole
Fred McClure - Oral History about Bob Dole
G. Willard Hoagland - Oral History about Bob Dole
Governor Pete Wilson - Oral History about Bob Dole
Howard O. Greene - Oral History about Bob Dole
Joyce McCluney - Oral History about Bob Dole
Judy Harbaugh - Oral History about Bob Dole
Katharine Seelye - Oral History about Bob Dole
Kerry Tymchuk - Oral History about Bob Dole
Kim Wells - Oral History about Bob Dole
Lewis L. "Lew" Ferguson - Oral History about Bob Dole
Michael Baroody - Oral History about Bob Dole
Mike Glassner - Oral History about Bob Dole
Mike Pettit - Oral History about Bob Dole
Mike Pettit - Oral History about Bob Dole
Noel Koch - Oral History about Bob Dole
President George H.W. Bush - Oral History about Bob Dole
Representative Bob Michel - Oral History about Bob Dole
Representative Dan Rostenkowski - Oral History about Bob Dole
Representative Jack Kemp - Oral History about Bob Dole
Representative Jim Slattery - Oral History about Bob Dole
Richard Armitage - Oral History about Bob Dole
Robert Dove - Oral History about Bob Dole
Robert Ellsworth - Oral History about Bob Dole
Robert L. Downen - Oral History about Bob Dole
Rod DeArment - Oral History about Bob Dole
Rod DeArment - Oral History about Bob Dole
Rod DeArment - Oral History about Bob Dole
Sam Nunn - Oral History about Bob Dole
Scott Reed - Oral History about Bob Dole
Scott Richardson - Oral History about Bob Dole
Secretary Dan Glickman - Oral History about Bob Dole
Secretary James Baker III - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Al D'Amato - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Alan Simpson - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Bill Armstrong - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Bill Brock - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Bob Dole - Oral History Interview
Senator Bob Dole - Oral History Interview
Senator Bob Dole - Oral History Interview
Senator Bob Dole - Oral History Interview
Senator Bob Dole - Oral History Interview
Senator Bob Dole - Oral History Interview
Senator Bob Packwood - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Charles "Chuck" Grassley - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Daniel K. Inouye - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Don Nickles - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator George McGovern - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator George Mitchell - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr. - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Pat Roberts - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Thad Cochran - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Tom Daschle - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Tom Harkin - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Trent Lott - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senator Warren Rudman - Oral History about Bob Dole
Senatory Nancy Kassebaum-Baker - Oral History about Bob Dole
Sheila Burke - Oral History about Bob Dole
Sheila Burke - Oral History about Bob Dole
Sheila C. Bair - Oral History about Bob Dole
Tom Korologos - Oral History about Bob Dole
Vice President Walter Mondale - Oral History about Bob Dole
Walt Riker - Oral History about Bob Dole