Title: Robert J. Dole House of Representatives Papers, 1960-1969

The papers are organized chronologically, much as they were when they made up the working files in the Congressman's office. Each box is indexed to the folder level.
Scrapbooks, photographs, books, film, sound recordings, maps, printed materials, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia found within the House Papers have been removed from the manuscript collection and indexed separately.
The Dole House Papers are organized into five (5) Record Groups, each containing several series, which reflect the activities of the congressman and his staff.
Examination of files in all five record groups reveals how closely then-Congressman Dole was involved with all of the functions of his office. Activities in each of these areas provided support for his bi-yearly re-election bids. Indeed, these records were not the only means for performing these functions; they supplement telephone and in-person communications. The majority of files contain Senator Dole's handwritten comments, instructions, or replies to telephone and written communications.