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Dole Audio Reels Collection


Scope and Contents

Detailed Description

Weekly Radio Reports from the House of Representatives

Campaign Audio

Interviews and Other Radio Appearances

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Dole Audio Reels Collection, 1960-1979 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Collection Overview

Title: Dole Audio Reels Collection, 1960-1979Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1960-1971

ID: 05/031

Extent: 87.0 Items

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Dole Audio Reels Collection contains 87 audio reels. The majority of the content are radio appearances, notably Weekly Radio Reports from the 1960s and various interviews. Additional content includes campaign commercials, press conferences, and other recorded statements. These reels have been digitized and are available for research on request.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Weekly Radio Reports from the House of Representatives, 1963-1968],
[Series 2: Campaign Audio, 1966-1976],
[Series 3: Interviews and Other Radio Appearances, 1963-1979],

Series 1: Weekly Radio Reports from the House of Representatives, 1963-1968Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Item 37: Weekly Radio Report: Agriculture & Farming, 1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_037, Length: 0:05:32
Item 29: Weekly Radio Report: Test Ban Treaty & the Wheat Referendum, 1/5/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_029, Length: 0:05:30
Item 32: Weekly Radio Report: Inaugural Program & the Wheat Referendum, 3/1/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_032, Length: 0:04:54
Item 33: Weekly Radio Report: Newsletter & the Wheat Referendum, 3/2/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_033, Length: 0:05:27
Item 43: Weekly Radio Report: Inaugural Program & the Wheat Referendum, 3/2/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_043, Length: 0:04:58
Item 52: Weekly Radio Report: Cuba & Wheat, 3/23/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_052, Length: 0:05:38
Item 36: Weekly Radio Report: Deficit Spending & the Wheat Referendum, 4/12/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_036, Length: 0:06:04
Item 34: Weekly Radio Report: Feed Grain Bill, 4/26/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_034, Length: 0:05:31
Item 28: Weekly Radio Report: Wheat Subcommittee, 5/28/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_028, Length: 0:05:31
Item 51: Weekly Radio Report: President Eisenhower; Federal Spending; and Civil Rights, 6/1/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_051, Length: 0:05:33
Item 31: Weekly Radio Report: Wheat Referendum Update, 6/26/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_031, Length: 0:05:50
Item 5: Weekly Radio Report: Wheat Legislation, 6/28/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_005, Length: 0:05:42
Item 27: Weekly Radio Report: Civil Rights; Congressional Activities; & the Wheat Referendum, 7/19/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_027, Length: 0:05:49
Item 53: Weekly Radio Report: Foreign Aid, 8/10/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_053, Length: 0:05:41
Item 45: Weekly Radio Report: Salad Oil & the Test Ban Treaty, 8/17/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_045, Length: 0:05:52
Item 26: Weekly Radio Report: Federal Deficit; Federal Payroll; New Frontier, 9/6/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_026, Length: 0:05:43
Item 38: Weekly Radio Report: Wheat Sales to the Soviet Union, 10/3/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_038, Length: 0:05:36
Item 39: Weekly Radio Report: NASA & Wheat Sales to the Soviet Union, 10/11/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_039, Length: 0:05:20
Item 25: Weekly Radio Report: The Tax Bill & Federal Spending, 10/25/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_025, Length: 0:05:24
Item 24: Weekly Radio Report: Department of Agriculture Farm Bill, 11/1/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_024, Length: 0:05:37
Item 63: Weekly Radio Report: Rich Hawkins and the India Food Crisis, 4/2/1966Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_063, Length: 0:05:21
Item 19: Weekly Radio Report: Cherry-Blossom Festival & Foreign Aid, 1968Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_019, Length: 0:06:05
Item 21: Weekly Radio Report: Cherry-Blossom Festival & Parkenson's Law, 1968Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_021, Length: 0:05:41
Item 22: Weekly Radio Report: Appropriations Bill, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_022, Length: 0:05:37
Item 30: Weekly Radio Report: Committee on Agriculture & the Wheat Referendum, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_030, Length: 0:05:04
Item 41: Weekly Radio Report: Burns Amendment, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_041, Length: 0:05:38
Item 42: Weekly Radio Report: Gold Holdings & The Day of Bread, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_042, Length: 0:06:45
Item 44: Weekly Radio Report: National Debt, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_044, Length: 0:05:27
Item 47: Weekly Radio Report: Omnibus Farming Bill, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_047, Length: 0:05:54
Item 48: Weekly Radio Report: Farm Bill, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_048, Length: 0:05:36
Item 49: Weekly Radio Report: Minimum Wage, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_049, Length: 0:04:32
Item 54: Weekly Radio Report: Agriculture & Bread and Butter Corps, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_054, Length: 0:05:38
Item 64: Weekly Radio Report: Foreign Aid, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_064, Length: 0:05:28
Series 2: Campaign Audio, 1966-1976Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Item 6: "Re-Elect Bob Dole" Jingle, 9/7/1966Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_006, Length: 0:02:01
Item 62: Bob Dole for Senate Commercials, 7/22/1968Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_062, Length: 0:04:19
Item 4: Radio Spots: Marilyn Maye for Bob Dole, 1968Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_004, Length: 0:03:30
Item 61: Bob Dole for Senate Commercials, 1968Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_061, Length: 0:08:34
Item 59: Bob Dole for US Senator Commercial, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_059, Length: 0:00:35
Item 60: Bob Dole for US Senator Commercials, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_060, Length: 0:04:32
Box 2Add to your cart.
Item 84: Meet the Candidate - Bob Dole - "Leadership", 1968Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_084, Length: 0:14:44
Item 86: "Winner" Jingle for Dole Campaigns, 1968Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_086, Length: 0:47:33
Item 85: "Winner" Jingle for Dole Campaigns, 1968Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_085, Length: 0:28:33
Item 87: "Winner" Jingle for Dole Campaigns, 1968Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_087, Length: 0:13:21
Item 68: President Ford Announces Senator Dole as his Running Mate in 1976, 1976Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_068, Length: 0:16:33
Series 3: Interviews and Other Radio Appearances, 1963-1979Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Item 55: Press Conference of Representatives Bob Dole and Ed Gurney on How They Won, 1/10/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_055, Length: 0:16:38
Item 35: Speech by Representative Dole to the Kansas Electric Cooperative, 4/1/1963Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_035, Length: 0:08:05
Item 23: Remembering Veterans on Veterans Day, 1965Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_023, Length: 0:06:14
Item 20: Speech by Representative Dole to the Kansas Electric Cooperative, 4/12/1967Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_020, Length: 0:08:03
Item 2: WIBW - Carol Snyder; Dole Soundtrack, 2/3/1968Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_002, Length: 0:04:30
Item 18: Senator Dole on His Conference with General Heishey, 1969Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_018, Length: 0:06:19
Item 40: Meet the Member - Bob Dole, 1969Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_040, Length: 0:04:09
Item 17: Senator Dole on the Vietnam POW Amendment, 6/4/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_017, Length: 0:00:38
Item 16: Senator Bob Dole on the Powers of the President, 6/11/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_016, Length: 0:00:44
Item 15: Radio Spot featuring Senator Bob Dole on the Repeal of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 6/24/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_015, Length: 0:02:52
Item 14: Radio Spots on the Repeal of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 6/25/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_014, Length: 0:08:13
Item 13: Senator Bob Dole on the Withdrawal of Troops in Vietnam, 9/21/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_013, Length: 0:00:39
Item 12: Press Conference Featuring Edward Gurney & Bob Dole and Meet the Member - Bob Dole, 11/26/1970Add to your cart.
A press conference featuring Bob Dole and Edward Gurney. Also, a segment of Dole satirically describing an hour to be set aside in the Senate for Senators to discuss their presidential aspirations. Also, a radio spot describing the career of Bob Dole
Filename: c031_012, Length: 0:03:13
Item 11: Senator Dole on the Proposed Senate "Presidential Hour", 12/2/1970Add to your cart.
Senator Dole satirically describing an hour to be set aside in the Senate for Senators to discuss their presidential aspirations
Filename: c031_011, Length: 0:00:31
Item 10: Senator Dole on President Nixon, 1/6/1971Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_010, Length: 0:00:44
Item 9: Senator Robert Dole on His Support for President Nixon, 1/31/1971Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_009, Length: 0:05:12
Item 8: Senator Bob Dole on Vietnam POWs, 9/27/1971Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_008, Length: 0:00:31
Item 7: Senator Bob Dole on Israel, 11/23/1971Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_007, Length: 0:00:26
Item 1: Radio PSAs: Cambodian Refugees and UNICEF; Don't Drink and Drive, 2/18/1979Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_001, Length: 0:02:01
Item 3: Press Conference Featuring Edward Gurney & Bob Dole, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_003, Length: 0:15:25
Item 46: Radio Commercials Targeting President Lyndon Johnson, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_046, Length: 0:01:33
Item 50: The J. Edgar Hoover March, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_050, Length: 0:02:08
Item 56: Bob Dole on the Draft and Tuition Tax Credit, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_056, Length: 0:05:00
Item 57: Bob Dole and Clifford Hope Discussing the "Food for Peace" Program, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_057, Length: 0:06:17
Item 58: Representative Chester Mize on the Private Sector, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_058, Length: 0:03:57
Box 2Add to your cart.
Item 80: Panel Featuring Bob Dole Speaks with the Associated Industries of Kansas, 3/8/1967Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_080, Length: 0:54:30
Item 79: Ronese Bell Interviews Bob Dole, 1/21/1969Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_079, Length: 0:24:07
Item 78: Bob Dole on the ABM System, 5/1/1969Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_078, Length: 0:01:52
Item 81: Bob Dole Radio Spot on a US House of Representatives Bill, 5/16/1969Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_081, Length: 0:00:52
Item 75: Voice of America "Press Conference USA", 5/1/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_075, Length: 0:30:07
Item 76: Voice of America Rally Part 1, 5/1/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_076, Length: 1:06:52
Item 74: Voice of America Rally Part 3, 5/1/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_074, Length: 0:18:38
Item 73: Voice of America Rally Part 4, 5/1/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_073, Length: 1:05:10
Item 72: "Close-Up" Interview of Bob Dole on the Nixon Presidency and Vietnam, 5/10/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_072, Length: 0:28:51
Item 77: Interview of Bob Dole on Vietnam, the Middle East, and Spiro Agnew, 10/2/1970Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_077, Length: 0:19:31
Item 71: Interview of Bob Dole on the 1972 Presidential Election, 5/7/1971Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_071, Length: 0:23:44
Item 70: Press Conference USA Featuring Bob Dole, 7/17/1971Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_070, Length: 1:26:34
Item 69: Joe McCaffrey Interviews Bob Dole, 1975Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_069, Length: 0:20:38
Item 67: Agricultural Hearing Featuring Bob Dole Part 1, 2/1/1977Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_067, Length: 1:38:05
Item 66: Agricultural Hearing Featuring Bob Dole Part 2, 2/1/1977Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_066, Length: 1:32:19
Item 65: Face-off (Polling and the Media); Bob Dole on Medicare, the Balanced Budget Amendment, Highways, and Farm Prices, 7/1/1981Add to your cart.
Filename: c031_065, Length: 0:31:55
Item 82: NPR Town Meeting on Reorganizing the Federal Government Featuring Bob Dole, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_082, Length: 1:00:28
Item 83: Bob Dole "Day of Bread Resolution" Radio Spots, UndatedAdd to your cart.
Filename: c031_083, Length: 0:01:18

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Weekly Radio Reports from the House of Representatives, 1963-1968],
[Series 2: Campaign Audio, 1966-1976],
[Series 3: Interviews and Other Radio Appearances, 1963-1979],

The Dole Institute is committed to universal accessibility in all programs and resources. We are in the process of making all of our web projects fully accessible. An accessible version of the archival material represented on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact us at dolearchives@ku.edu to request the document be made available in an accessible format, or doleinstitute@ku.edu for general assistance.
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