By Robert Lay, Catherine Riggs, Hannah Ballard, Jeremy Denham, Jennifer Kirmer, Melissa Morris, Alex Rausch, Margaret White
Collection Overview
Title: Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Constituent Relations, 1969-1996
ID: 01/002
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 293.0 Linear Feet
Arrangement: Where materials were originally arranged chronologically, this scheme has been preserved. Otherwise, materials are arranged alphabetically.
Because multiple staff members were responsible for tracking constituent correspondence, the Issue Mail sub-series displays three organizational schemes: alphabetical by name, alphabetical by topic, and numerically by a serial number that is referenced in an issue mail index.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Constituent Relations is a collective term describing those functions of the Senator's office that primarily dealt with the requests of Kansans. This public relations aspect deals with more than just constituent contacts, though. Contacts between the Senator's office and citizens of other states, business leaders, lobbyists, and politicians are also described here. In addition to the 7 series described below, Constituent Relations also contains Senator Dole's casework files. These document the Senator's work on behalf of constituents who have problems with federal agencies. These files have been retained but have not been processed or described in the database. Because of the amount of personal information contained in these records, they are restricted indefinitely. As a unit, the Constituent Relations files illuminate the ways in which the Senator served his constituency and the staff responsible for carrying that workload.
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Access Restrictions:
Some materials within the Dole Archive are restricted because of their sensitive nature or because they contain personal or confidential information. These records are protected by federal laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Examples of restricted records are personnel files, medical records, financial records, and any materials containing personal information such as addresses and social security numbers. Restricted materials are identified at the box and/or folder level within the finding aid. Questions about these materials may be directed to the Senior Archivist of the Dole Archives.
The casework files in the collection have been retained but are restricted indefinitely. Access may be allowed on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Dole Archives and only after a proposal has been reviewed and approved by the University of Kansas Human Subjects Committee.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Many of the documents and other historical materials in the Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way. Senator Dole has not donated his copyright interest in his papers and other historical materials to the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics. Permission to publish must be obtained from him or his designee.
There are other materials in the library carrying a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.
Processing Information:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Administrative Assistants, 1969-1996],
Series 2: Form Letters, 1978-1990],
Series 3: Grants and Projects, 1969-1990],
Series 4: Issue Mail, 1967-1996],
Series 5: Military Appointment Files, 1969-1996],
Series 6: Reference Files, 1969-1995],
Series 7: Requests for Materials, 1969-1996],
- Series 1: Administrative Assistants, 1969-1996

- These files contain records maintained by the Senator's administrative personnel--those most responsible for answering constituent inquiries and correspondence. This includes administrative assistants, clerical assistants, executive assistants, and typists. Specifically, this series includes the files of Christina Bolton, Judy Brown, Dan Stanley, Janeal Cabbage, Yvonne Costello, William Frazier, Bill Kats, Ruth Ann Komarek, Randy Miller, Nancy Olson, Mitchell Pettit, Daniel Stanley, and James Wholey. These files contain brief notes about legislation or topics which received a lot of attention from Dole's constituents. Also found here is information about office procedures, some correspondence, and the Senator's scheduling.
- Arrangement: These files have been assigned folder headings corresponding to the staff member who created the records. The files are arranged alphabetically by these headings.
Extent: 70 boxes
- Box 1

- Folder 1: Adler- Administration - Miscellaneous, 1992-1994

- Folder 2: Bolton - Blue Valley School District, September 1988

- Folder 3: Bolton - Budget Resolution - Fiscal Year 1984, 1983

- Folder 4: Bolton - Drought, 1989

- Folder 5: Bolton - Huck Boyd Foundation, April 1989

- Folder 6: Bolton - Kansas Appropriations - General, 1986

- Folder 7: Bolton - Kansas Appropriations - Requests, 1986-1987

- Folder 8: Bolton - Kansas Grants and Projects, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Bolton - Kansas Grants and Projects, 1986-1988

- Folder 10: Bolton - Kansas Grants and Projects - General, 1985-1986

- Folder 11: Bolton - Kansas Issues, 1985-1986

- Folder 12: Bolton - Kansas University Remote Sensing Project, 1985

- Folder 13: Test Folder Number One, 2011

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Bolton - Memos and Comments, 1987-1989

- Folder 2: Bolton - Mid-America World Trade Center - Kansas Legislature, 1987-1988

- Folder 3: Bolton - Mid-America World Trade Center - Revised Budget, 1987

- Folder 4: Bolton - Oread Entertainment Group Requests, March-August 1987

- Folder 5: Bolton - Outgoing Correspondence, 1987

- Folder 6: Bolton - Outgoing Correspondence, 1988

- Folder 7: Bolton - Outgoing Correspondence, 1989

- Folder 8: Bolton - Stephens Incorporated, 1987

- Folder 9: Brown - Grants - Announcements and Notifications, 1993-1995

- Folder 10: Brown - Grants - Audit of Cooperative Agreement, 1994

- Folder 11: Brown - Grants - Contact Service, Inc./Contract Support, 1994

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Brown - Grants - Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Improper Payment of Travel Expenses, 1994

- Folder 2: Brown - Grants - EZ-Info, Inc., 1994

- Folder 3: Brown - Grants - Fort Scott - Economic Development Administration (EDA), 1993-1994

- Folder 4: Brown - Grants - Kansas Department of Health and Environment / Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program, 1994

- Folder 5: Brown - Grants - Kansas Department of Human Resources / Unemployment Insurance Automation Support Account (UIASA), 1994

- Folder 6: Brown - Grants - Kansas State University - King Hall, 1994-1995

- Folder 7: Brown - Grants - Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation (KETC), 1994

- Folder 8: Brown - Grants - KTWU - Washburn University, 1994

- Folder 9: Brown - Grants - Junction City, 1994

- Folder 10: Brown - Grants -Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC), 1994

- Folder 11: Brown - Grants - Park Service - Cost Share, 1993

- Folder 12: Brown - Grants - Police Hiring Supplement, 1994

- Folder 13: Brown - Grants - Sedgwick County Mental Health Services, 1994

- Folder 14: Brown - Grants - Topeka, 1994

- Folder 15: Brown/Stanley - Carlson, Daniel, May 1992

- Folder 16: Brown/Stanley - Chronological Files, February-May 1992

- Folder 17: Brown/Stanley - Chronological Files, June, 1992

- Folder 18: Brown/Stanley - Chronological Files, July, 1992

- Folder 19: Brown/Stanley - Chronological Files, August, 1992

- Folder 20: Brown/Stanley - Chronological Files, September, 1992

- Folder 21: Brown/Stanley - Chronological Files, October, 1992

- Folder 22: Cabbage - Outdated Staff Lists, 1986-1987

- Folder 23: Costello - Foreign Travel Authorizations [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 24: Costello - Foreign Travel Authorizations [2 of 3], 1994

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Costello - Foreign Travel Authorizations [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 2: Costello - Foreign Travel Authorizations, 1995

- Folder 3: Costello - Staff Financial Disclosures, 1995

- Folder 4: Frazier - Aviation Letters, 1994

- Folder 5: Frazier - Bonner Springs, 1974

- Folder 6: Frazier - Dole Schedule, 1974

- Folder 7: Frazier - El Centro de Servicios para Mexicanos, 1974

- Folder 8: Frazier - Federal Employees - Retired, 1972

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Frazier - Fuel, 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Frazier - Invitations, 1974

- Folder 3: Frazier - Judge O'Connor, 1971

- Folder 4: Frazier - News Media, 1971

- Folder 5: Frazier - People to People Program, 1971-1972

- Folder 6: Frazier - Plastic Feedstock Allocation Bill, 1974

- Folder 7: Frazier - Publications of the Department of Labor, 1964-1970

- Folder 8: Frazier - Red Cross, November 29, 1971

- Folder 9: Frazier - Republican Committee - Kansas, 1971-1974

- Folder 10: Frazier - Roll Call in Congress, 1971-1974

- Folder 11: Frazier - Sedgwick County Republican Committee, 1971

- Folder 12: Frazier - Senator James Pearson, 1971-1972

- Folder 13: Frazier - Senior Citizen Lists, 1973

- Folder 14: Frazier - Space Shuttle Program, 1971

- Folder 15: Frazier - Staff - Washington, undated

- Folder 16: Frazier - State Roster of Ministers - State of Kansas, June 16-23 1966

- Folder 17: Frazier - Student Correspondence, 1974

- Folder 18: Frazier - Student Press Clippings, 1971-1972

- Folder 19: Frazier - Topeka Chamber of Commerce, 1974

- Folder 20: Frazier - Turner House, July 1974

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Frazier - Urban Renewal - Kansas City, Kansas, 1970-1972

- Folder 2: Frazier - Vietnam Casualty Lists, 1961-1973

- Folder 3: Frazier - Vietnam Map, undated

- Folder 4: Frazier - Volunteers, 1972

- Folder 5: Frazier - Wage - Price Freeze Questions and Answers, 1971

- Folder 6: Frazier - White House - State Agencies - Cabinet Officers, 1972

- Folder 7: Frazier - Wyandotte County, 1971

- Folder 8: Kats - Academy Appointments, 1969-1973

- Folder 9: Kats - Administration - Personnel, 1975-1977

- Folder 10: Kats - Administrative Office Management - Office Hiring, 1977

- Folder 11: Kats - Beneficiary Life Insurance Forms, 1968

- Folder 12: Kats - Bill Roy Media Expenses, 1974

- Folder 13: Kats - Boosters, 1974

- Folder 14: Kats - Carter Administration, 1977

- Folder 15: Kats - Carter Agriculture Budget, 1977

- Folder 16: Kats - Christmas Cards, 1976

- Folder 17: Kats - Christmas Cards and Calendar Samples, 1976

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Kats - Civil Service Commission, 1970-1971

- Folder 2: Kats - Congressional Benefits, 1975

- Folder 3: Kats - Congressional Liaison - Army, 1962-1971

- Folder 4: Kats - Congressional Liaison - Marine, 1970

- Folder 5: Kats - Congressional Liaison - Navy, 1969

- Folder 6: Kats - Congressional Liaison - United States Air Force (USAF), 1966-1969

- Folder 7: Kats - Contributions, 1972

- Folder 8: Kats - Convention - Dole Speech, 1976

- Folder 9: Kats - Convention - Expenses Paid, 1976

- Folder 10: Kats - Convention - GOP Platform, 1976

- Folder 11: Kats - Convention - Proposed Platform, 1976

- Folder 12: Kats - Copyright Act, 1974

- Folder 13: Kats - Democratic Platform, undated

- Folder 14: Kats - District Maps, 1969-1972

- Folder 15: Kats - Education - Foreign, Domestic, White House Fellows, 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Kats - Election 1974/Dole/Various Issues/Education, 1974

- Folder 17: Kats - Election Results, 1968-1970

- Folder 18: Kats - Employment - Seasonal and Summer, 1968-1969

- Folder 19: Kats - Federal Election Commission (FEC) Reports, 1992

- Folder 20: Kats - Flags, 1971-1972

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Kats - Forgotten Americans Committee of Kansas (FACK), 1971

- Folder 2: Kats - Form 171 - Pay Scale - Mid-Level, 1971-1974

- Folder 3: Kats - Form Letters, 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Kats - Form Letters for 1973, 1973

- Folder 5: Kats - Form Letters for 1974, 1974

- Folder 6: Kats - Gavel Letters from Convention, 1976

- Folder 7: Kats - General Election Commission [1 of 3], 1975-1976

- Folder 8: Kats - General Election Commission [2 of 3], 1975-1976

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Kats - General Election Commission [3 of 3], 1975-1976

- Folder 2: Kats - General Election Commission - GOP Federal Election Law Manual, 1975

- Folder 3: Kats - General Services Administration (GSA) Annual Report, 1970

- Folder 4: Kats - General Services Administration (GSA) Telephone Operators, 1970

- Folder 5: Kats - Handicapped Legislation, 1971-1973

- Folder 6: Kats - Job Applications, 1963-1971

- Folder 7: Kats - Labor Department, 1968-1974

- Folder 8: Kats - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Kats - Leavenworth, 1971

- Folder 10: Kats - Letters - Sample File, 1969-1974

- Folder 11: Kats - Letters - Tapes, 1974

- Folder 12: Kats - Low-Income Housing, 1971

- Folder 13: Kats - McAtee, Chuck, 1972

- Folder 14: Kats - Mexican-American Employment, 1973

- Box 10

- Folder 1: Kats - Mexican-American Happenings, 1971-1973

- Folder 2: Kats - Mexican-American Lists, 1972-1973

- Folder 3: Kats - Mexican-American Task Force, 1971-1972

- Folder 4: Kats - Military Information, 1970

- Folder 5: Kats - Milk Money, 1973-1976

- Watergate, Richard Nixon
- Folder 6: Kats - Miner, Bob, 1971

- Folder 7: Kats - Minority Enterprises, 1971-1974

- Folder 8: Kats - Minutes of the Greater Kansas City Minority Business Opportunity Committee (MBOC), 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Kats - Monday, 1971

- Folder 10: Kats - National Federation of Federal Employees, 1971-1973

- Folder 11: Kats - Office Personnel and Organization, 1977

- Folder 12: Kats - Resolution to Close Watergate Hearings, 1972

- Folder 13: Kats - Senate Republican Personnel Committee, 1977

- Folder 14: Kats - Small Business Hearings Regarding Fuel Allocation, 1973

- Folder 15: Kats - Special Prosecutor, 1976

- Folder 16: Kats - Washington Post, 1976

- Watergate
- Box 11

- Folder 1: Komarek - Mail Cost Management, 1984-1985

- Folder 2: Miller - 1978 Elections, 1978

- Folder 3: Miller - Agriculture Person, 1979

- Folder 4: Miller - Air Service - Western Kansas, 1980-1981

- Folder 5: Miller - Airline Deregulation Radio Spots, 1981

- Folder 6: Miller - Amtrak Story, undated

- Folder 7: Miller - Anwar Sadat Visit to Dodge City Chamber of Commerce, 1980-1981

- Folder 8: Miller - August Schedule, Kansas, 1981

- Folder 9: Miller - Bills to Introduce, January 1981

- Folder 10: Miller - Budget, 1981

- Folder 11: Miller - Budget and Oversight Improvements Act of 1981, 1981

- Folder 12: Miller - Budget of 1982, 1981-1982

- Folder 13: Miller - Budget of 1982 - Reagan Revisions, 1981

- Folder 14: Miller - "Business Productivity Day", S. Res. 164, 1980

- Folder 15: Miller - Campaign, 1980

- Folder 16: Miller - Chemicals in Kansas, 1979

- Folder 17: Miller - Cities in Kansas, 1977

- Folder 18: Miller - Day of Bread, 1978-1979

- Folder 19: Miller - Dole Senate Campaign of 1980, 1971-1980

- Folder 20: Miller - Dole Views and Legislative Record, 1979-1980

- Box 12

- Folder 1: Miller - Farm Credit Bill, 1980

- Folder 2: Miller - Farm Credit Bank, 1981

- Folder 3: Miller - Farms, 1977-1979

- Folder 4: Miller - First District Race of 1980, 1980

- Folder 5: Miller - Fluoridation, 1980

- Folder 6: Miller - Ford Commission, 1977-1979

- Folder 7: Miller - Fort Riley Expansion, April 1981

- Folder 8: Miller - Fort Riley School Facilities [1 of 3], 1976-1981

- Folder 9: Miller - Fort Riley School Facilities [2 of 3], 1976-1981

- Folder 10: Miller - Fort Riley School Facilities [3 of 3], 1976-1981

- Box 13

- Folder 1: Miller - Gasohol Information, undated

- Folder 2: Miller - Gasohol Rationing, 1979-1980

- Folder 3: Miller - General Motors Plant, February-April 1981

- Folder 4: Miller - Group Mailings, 1979

- Folder 5: Miller - Harry Colmery Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital, 1979-1982

- Folder 6: Miller - Judicial Commission, 1979-1980

- Folder 7: Miller - Kansas Bankers Association, 1980-1981

- Folder 8: Miller - Kansas City Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building [1 of 3], 1978-1982

- Folder 9: Miller - Kansas City Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building [2 of 3], 1978-1982

- Folder 10: Miller - Kansas City Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building [3 of 3], 1978-1982

- Box 14

- Folder 1: Miller - Kansas City Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building - 1975 Building Material, 1975-1981

- Folder 2: Miller - Kansas City Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building Arguments, February 1981

- Folder 3: Miller - Kansas City Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building Internal Information and Memos, January- February 1981

- Folder 4: Miller - Kansas City Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building Letters and Phone Calls, January-February 1981

- Folder 5: Miller - Kansas City Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building Planning, 1978-1981

- Folder 6: Miller - Kansas City Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Building Press, 1981

- Folder 7: Miller - Kansas City Interstates I-435 and I-670, 1978-1979

- Folder 8: Miller - Kansas Delegation Breakfast, 1981

- Folder 9: Miller - Kansas Delegation Listing, 1981

- Folder 10: Miller - Kansas Federal Funds, 1981

- Folder 11: Miller - Kansas Floods, June 1982

- Folder 12: Miller - Kansas, General, 1979-1980

- Folder 13: Miller - Kansas Jobs, 1979-1981

- Folder 14: Miller - Kansas Labor, 1977-1980

- Folder 15: Miller - Kansas Legislative Issues, 1981

- Folder 16: Miller - Kansas-Missouri Boundary Bill, 1981

- Folder 17: Miller - Kansas Politics, 1976-1980

- Folder 18: Miller - Kansas Power and Light (KP&L) Rail Rate Increase, 1981

- Folder 19: Miller - Kansas Races of 1978, 1978

- Folder 20: Miller - Kansas Reapportionment, 1981

- Box 15

- Folder 1: Miller - Kansas Savings and Loan, 1981

- Folder 2: Miller - Kansas Section 8 Problem - Housing, 1981

- Folder 3: Miller - Kansas Tax Figures, 1981

- Folder 4: Miller - Kansas Trip, April 1980, 1980

- Folder 5: Miller - Kansas Trip, August 1980, 1980

- Folder 6: Miller - Lawrence Tornado, 1981

- Folder 7: Miller - Lyons Nuclear Storage, 1979-1980

- Folder 8: Miller - Manhattan Redevelopment Plan, 1979-1981

- Folder 9: Miller - Memos, 1980

- Folder 10: Miller - Minority Business Development Agency, January- February 1981

- Folder 11: Miller - MX Missile in Kansas, 1978-1979

- Folder 12: Miller - Newport Pharmaceutical Act, 1980-1981

- Folder 13: Miller - Newspaper Clippings, 1981

- Folder 14: Miller - Omnibus Reconciliation Act, June 1981

- Folder 15: Miller - Postal Service Speeches, 1980

- Box 16

- Folder 1: Miller - Presidential Campaign, 1979

- Folder 2: Miller - Schilling Manor, 1976-1977

- Folder 3: Miller - Sebelius, Keith, 1978-1980

- Folder 4: Miller - Sebelius, Keith Appreciation Dinner, January 11, 1981

- Folder 5: Miller - Sebelius, Keith - Office, Politics, Study, 1973-1978

- Folder 6: Miller - Staff Memos [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 7: Miller - Staff Memos [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 8: Miller - Tallgrass Prairie, 1978-1981

- Folder 9: Miller - Tallgrass Prairie National Park [1 of 2], 1974-1980

- Box 17

- Folder 1: Miller - Tallgrass Prairie National Park [2 of 2], 1974-1980

- Folder 2: Miller - University of Kansas Designation as a Mining Institution, 1978-1980

- Folder 3: Miller - Water Hearing (Kansas 1981), 1981

- Folder 4: Miller - Water Resources, S. 480, 1979

- Folder 5: Miller - Water Shortage, 1981

- Folder 6: Miller - Wichita Meeting, October 1980

- Folder 7: Miller - Wichita Revitalization, 1980-1981

- Folder 8: Miller - Wolf Creek, 1979-1981

- Folder 9: Miller - Work - Memos, 1979

- Folder 10: Olson - Correspondence System, 1982-1984

- Box 18

- Folder 1: Pettit - 1985 Agenda, 1984

- Folder 2: Pettit - Advance Staff Schedule, November 25-27, 1985

- Folder 3: Pettit - Advanced Technology Competition, 1983

- Folder 4: Pettit - Agriculture, 1981-1986

- Folder 5: Pettit - Agriculture Export Commission, 1984-1985

- Folder 6: Pettit - Air Force Secretary, undated

- Folder 7: Pettit - Air Safety Issue, 1983

- Folder 8: Pettit - Airplane Timesharing Agreement, 1985

- Folder 9: Pettit - Akebono Brake Proposed Plane, 1986

- Folder 10: Pettit - All-Star Drug Program, 1986

- Folder 11: Pettit - Amendment on U.S. Railway Association, 1983

- Folder 12: Pettit - Amendment to S. 1342 - Chairman of National Endowment for Democracy, 1983

- Folder 13: Pettit - Amendment to S. 1342 - Limit Staff Travel, 1983

- Folder 14: Pettit - Amendment to S. 1342 Prohibiting Funds to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) During 1984 while the Chairman is Not a Member of the Senate, 1983

- Folder 15: Pettit - Amendment to S. 1342 Regarding the Interim Chairman of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), 1983

- Folder 16: Pettit - The American Council of Young Political Leaders [1 of 2], 1983-1986

- Folder 17: Pettit - The American Council of Young Political Leaders [2 of 2], 1983-1986

- Box 19

- Folder 1: Pettit - The American Council of Young Political Leaders - Board of Trustees Annual Meeting, 1986

- Folder 2: Pettit - The American Council of Young Political Leaders - Programs, 1985-1986

- Folder 3: Pettit - American Express, 1984

- Folder 4: Pettit - American University Speech/Kennedy, 1983

- Folder 5: Pettit - Amtrak, 1984

- Folder 6: Pettit - Angell, Wayne D. - Board of Governors, The Federal Reserve System, 1985

- Folder 7: Pettit - Animal Welfare Update, 1983

- Folder 8: Pettit - Appropriations Bills - Kansas Projects, 1986

- Folder 9: Pettit - Arms Control, 1983-1985

- Folder 10: Pettit - AT&T, 1984-1986

- Folder 11: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - AT&T, Western Electric Ratings Placed on Credit Watch by Standard & Poor's, 1983

- Folder 12: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Broyhill Letters, 1983

- Folder 13: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Bypass, 1983

- Folder 14: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Congressional Testimony, 1983

- Folder 15: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Dingell Letter, January 19, 1984

- Folder 16: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Economic Analysis, 1983

- Folder 17: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Tentative Decision, 1983

- Folder 18: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Goldwater Letter, 1983

- Folder 19: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Northeast-Midwest Coalition, Universal Service Fund (USF) Return of Dollar, 1983

- Folder 20: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Other Components of Rates, 1983

- Folder 21: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Outflow, 1983

- Folder 22: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Pillsbury Doctrine, 1984

- Folder 23: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Rural Assistance - Federal Communication Commission (FCC) v. S.1660, undated

- Folder 24: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Figures - Kansas, undated

- Folder 25: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Wall Street Journal - Articles on AT&T, 1983

- Folder 26: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Wharton Study, 1983

- Folder 27: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - White House Position, 1984

- Folder 28: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Why No Legislation At This Time, 1983

- Folder 29: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Windfall to AT&T, 1983

- Folder 30: Pettit - AT&T Breakup - Wirth National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) Speech, 1983

- Box 20

- Folder 1: Pettit - AT&T Settlement, S.898, 1981

- Folder 2: Pettit - Aviation - Kansas, 1985

- Folder 3: Pettit - B-1 Bomber, 1984-1985

- Folder 4: Pettit - Balanced Budget Amendment, 1985

- Folder 5: Pettit - Banking Bill, 1984

- Folder 6: Pettit - Banking Bill, 1986

- Folder 7: Pettit - Banking Bill [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 8: Pettit - Banking Bill [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 9: Pettit - Banking Bill - Background Information, 1986

- Folder 10: Pettit - Banking Bill - Miscellaneous Legislative Provisions, 1986

- Folder 11: Pettit - Banking - Communications Issue, 1985

- Folder 12: Pettit - Banking - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), 1985-1986

- Folder 13: Pettit - Banking - General File, 1984-1985

- Box 21

- Folder 1: Pettit - Banking Speech Material, 1981-1982

- Folder 2: Pettit - Baxter/Travenol - Hays, Kansas, 1984-1985

- Folder 3: Pettit - Big Picture File, 1984-1986

- Folder 4: Pettit - Brenner, 1984-1986

- Folder 5: Pettit - Broadcast Deregulation - Federal Communication Commission (FCC) TV, 1980-1982

- Folder 6: Pettit - Broadcast Regulation - KTTL Radio, 1985

- Folder 7: Pettit - Budget - 1986, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Pettit - Budget - 1987, 1986

- Folder 9: Pettit - Budget Act of 1974 - Background, 1975-1981

- Folder 10: Pettit - Budget Act of 1984 - Information, 1983-1984

- Folder 11: Pettit - Budget Act of 1986, 1985

- Folder 12: Pettit - Budget Resolution - 1985, 1984

- Folder 13: Pettit - Burger King - Fort Riley and Fort Leavenworth, 1985-1986

- Box 22

- Folder 1: Pettit - Cable TV, 1985-1986

- Folder 2: Pettit - Cable TV Bill [1 of 2], 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Pettit - Cable TV Bill [2 of 2], 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Pettit - Campaign America, 1984-1986

- Folder 5: Pettit - Campaign America - 100th Congress Dinner, 1986

- Folder 6: Pettit - Campaign America - Aircraft Information, 1984-1985

- Folder 7: Pettit - Campaign America - Aircraft Information - N755CM, undated

- Folder 8: Pettit - Campaign Finance Hearings, 1985

- Folder 9: Pettit - Capital Assistance, 1983-1986

- Folder 10: Pettit - Casework, 1984

- Folder 11: Pettit - Catastrophic Medical Insurance, 1986

- Folder 12: Pettit - Century Plastics - El Dorado, 1985

- Folder 13: Pettit - Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Provision, 1984

- Folder 14: Pettit - Cessna [1 of 2], 1984-1987

- Box 23

- Folder 1: Pettit - Cessna [2 of 2], 1984-1987

- Folder 2: Pettit - Chanute, 1986

- Folder 3: Pettit - Child Care, 1983

- Folder 4: Pettit - China Trip, April-July 1985

- Folder 5: Pettit - Circle Energy [1 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 6: Pettit - Circle Energy [2 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 7: Pettit - Clevenger, Ray, 1986

- Folder 8: Pettit - Competition in the Telephone Industry [1 of 2], 1987

- Box 24

- Folder 1: Pettit - Competition in the Telephone Industry [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 2: Pettit - Commissions, undated

- Folder 3: Pettit - Conrail, 1984

- Folder 4: Pettit - Constituent Mail [1 of 3], February- September 1987

- Folder 5: Pettit - Constituent Mail [2 of 3], February- September 1987

- Folder 6: Pettit - Constituent Mail [3 of 3], February- September 1987

- Box 25

- Folder 1: Pettit - Copyright Royalty Tribunal and Other Cable Matters, 1982-1983

- Folder 2: Pettit - Correspondence [1 of 3], May 2, 1986- December 22, 1987

- Folder 3: Pettit - Correspondence [2 of 3], May 2, 1986- December 22, 1987

- Folder 4: Pettit - Correspondence [3 of 3], May 2, 1986- December 22, 1987

- Folder 5: Pettit - Correspondence - Background and Responses [1 of 2], February- December 1986

- Folder 6: Pettit - Correspondence - Background and Responses [2 of 2], February- December 1986

- Box 26

- Folder 1: Pettit - Credit Card Surcharge [1 of 2], 1984

- Folder 2: Pettit - Credit Card Surcharge [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 3: Pettit - Credit Card Surcharge - Dole Legislation, 1984

- Folder 4: Pettit - Darrell Trent Visit to Kansas City, undated

- Folder 5: Pettit - Defense, 1983

- Folder 6: Pettit - Defense Appropriations, 1983

- Folder 7: Pettit - Defense/Foreign Policy, 1983

- Folder 8: Pettit - Defense Issues, 1984

- Folder 9: Pettit - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorization Bill, 1983-1984

- Folder 10: Pettit - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations, 1984-1985

- Folder 11: Pettit - Department of Defense (DOD) Contract - Product Development Group - Kansas, 1986

- Folder 12: Pettit - Department of Transportation (DOT) Appropriations Bill, 1983

- Folder 13: Pettit - Deposit Institutions Deregulation, 1981

- Folder 14: Pettit - Deposit Insurance, 1983

- Folder 15: Pettit - Depository Institutions Amendment, 1982

- Folder 16: Pettit - Deregulation of Tracking Industry, 1985

- Folder 17: Pettit - Disaster Relief, 1984

- Folder 18: Pettit - Dodge City, 1985

- Folder 19: Pettit - Dodge City Airport, 1985

- Box 27

- Folder 1: Pettit - Dole Foundation [1 of 3], 1979-1986

- Folder 2: Pettit - Dole Foundation [2 of 3], 1979-1986

- Folder 3: Pettit - Dole Foundation [3 of 3], 1979-1986

- Folder 4: Pettit - Dole Foundation - By-Laws, 1981-1983

- Folder 5: Pettit - Dole Foundation - Ethical Considerations, 1983

- Folder 6: Pettit - Dole Foundation - LaRock, Benay, 1985

- Folder 7: Pettit - Dole Foundation - Kansas Statutes, undated

- Folder 8: Pettit - Dole Foundation - Tax Considerations, 1979-1984

- Folder 9: Pettit - Dole Vote Study [1 of 2], 1986

- Box 28

- Folder 1: Pettit - Dole Vote Study [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 2: Pettit - Domestic International Sales Corporations (DISC), 1984

- Folder 3: Pettit - Dual Discount Rate Legislation, 1979

- Folder 4: Pettit - Education, 1983-1987

- Folder 5: Pettit - Education, 1984

- Folder 6: Pettit - Education Bill, 1982-1983

- Folder 7: Pettit - Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP), Expansion of Registration Regulations, 1978-1982

- Folder 8: Pettit - Employment Security Services Institute Correspondence, 1984, 1985

- Folder 9: Pettit - Energy and Commerce, 1984

- Folder 10: Pettit - Energy and Environment, 1983-1985

- Folder 11: Pettit - Energy, Ethanol, 1985-1986

- Folder 12: Pettit - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Aid, 1984-1986

- Folder 13: Pettit - Evans, S. Dean, Sr., 1986

- Folder 14: Pettit - Exchange Rates, 1983

- Folder 15: Pettit - Export Administration Act, 1983

- Folder 16: Pettit - Family Violence, 1984

- Folder 17: Pettit - Farm Advisory Board [1 of 2], 1985-1986

- Folder 18: Pettit - Farm Advisory Board [2 of 2], 1985-1986

- Folder 19: Pettit - Farm Bill, 1985

- Folder 20: Pettit - Farm Credit, 1985

- Box 29

- Folder 1: Pettit - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Management Training Center, 1984-1985

- Folder 2: Pettit - Federal Campaign for Charitable Giving, 1982-1984

- Folder 3: Pettit - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Multiple Ownership of Broadcast Stations [1 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Pettit - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Multiple Ownership of Broadcast Stations [2 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Pettit - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Multiple Ownership of Broadcast Stations [3 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Pettit - Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 1982

- Box 30

- Folder 1: Pettit - Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Authorization Act, 1984-1987

- Folder 2: Pettit - Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Exemption for Professions, 1982

- Folder 3: Pettit - Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Professions, 1982

- Folder 4: Pettit - Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Veto of Funeral Rules, 1982

- Folder 5: Pettit - Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Used Car Regulations, 1977-1981

- Folder 6: Pettit - Finance Committee - Miscellaneous, 1989

- Folder 7: Pettit - Finance Tax Issues, 1982

- Folder 8: Pettit - First Amendment Broadcasting, 1984

- Folder 9: Pettit - Flat Rate Tax Information, 1982

- Folder 10: Pettit - Fleischer, Ernest (Ernie) M., 1986

- Folder 11: Pettit - Food Stamps, 1983

- Folder 12: Pettit - Food Stamps, 1984

- Folder 13: Pettit - Foreign Policy, 1983

- Folder 14: Pettit - Foreign Policy, 1985

- Folder 15: Pettit - Foreign Policy/Defense Briefing Book, 1986

- Folder 16: Pettit - Foreign Policy Matters, 1983-1984

- Box 31

- Folder 1: Pettit - Furley Waste Site, 1982-1985

- Folder 2: Pettit - Garden City, 1985

- Folder 3: Pettit - Gates Learjet, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Pettit - General, 1986

- Folder 5: Pettit - General Economic News, 1984

- Folder 6: Pettit - General File, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Pettit - General File (Helsinki Commission), 1983-1986

- Folder 8: Pettit - Getty Employee Letter, 1984

- Folder 9: Pettit - General Motors, Fairfax, 1985

- Folder 10: Pettit - Global Debt Situation [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 11: Pettit - Global Debt Situation [2 of 2], 1983

- Box 32

- Folder 1: Pettit - Global Savings Bank, 1987

- Folder 2: Pettit - Granger, Kenton C., 1985

- Folder 3: Pettit - Great Bend, KS, 1985

- Folder 4: Pettit - Habib Resolution, 1982

- Folder 5: Pettit - Health Care for the Elderly, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Pettit - Heaster Columns, 1982

- Folder 7: Pettit - Helsinki Commission, 1981-1983

- Folder 8: Pettit - Helsinki Amendment, 1983

- Folder 9: Pettit - Heritage Lectures, State Department Bulletins [1 of 2], June 1984- July 1987

- Folder 10: Pettit - Heritage Lectures, State Department Bulletins [2 of 2], June 1984- July 1987

- Box 33

- Folder 1: Pettit - High Technology Changes Affecting Our Industrial Society [1 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 2: Pettit - High Technology Changes Affecting Our Industrial Society [2 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Pettit - High Technology Changes Affecting Our Industrial Society [3 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Pettit - Homeless Initiative, February- May 1987

- Folder 5: Pettit - Honoraria [1 of 2], 1977-1983

- Folder 6: Pettit - Honoraria [2 of 2], 1977-1983

- Box 34

- Folder 1: Pettit - House, 1988, 1987

- Folder 2: Pettit - Housing Aids, 1982

- Folder 3: Pettit - Housing Authorization Bill, 1981-1987

- Folder 4: Pettit - Housing Bill, 1981-1982

- Folder 5: Pettit - Housing Proposals, 1982

- Folder 6: Pettit - Immigration - Bouilliant-Linet, 1983

- Folder 7: Pettit - Industrial Policy, 1983-1987

- Folder 8: Pettit - Industrial Revenue Bonds, 1983

- Folder 9: Pettit - Insurance, 1983-1984

- Folder 10: Pettit - International Trade Council of Mid-America, 1985-1986

- Folder 11: Pettit - Jobs Bill, Senate Appropriations Bills, 1983

- Folder 12: Pettit - Job Corps Site Selection Task Force Information, 1984

- Box 35

- Folder 1: Pettit - Johnson County Interchange, 1985

- Folder 2: Pettit - Kansas Appointments, 1986

- Folder 3: Pettit - Kansas Bankers Association (KBA) Invitation to Nixon for May 1987, 1986

- Folder 4: Pettit - Kansas Banking, 1986

- Folder 5: Pettit - Kansas Briefing Book, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Pettit - Kansas City Customs Office, 1981-1987

- Folder 7: Pettit - Kansas City Federal Courthouse, 1984-1986

- Folder 8: Pettit - Kansas City, Kansas - General Motors Plant, 1983

- Folder 9: Pettit - Kansas City Office Space [1 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 10: Pettit - Kansas City Office Space [2 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 11: Pettit - Kansas City Office Space, 1985-1987

- Folder 12: Pettit - Kansas City Social Security Building, 1982

- Folder 13: Pettit - Kansas Grants, 1986

- Folder 14: Pettit - Kansas Highways, 1985-1986

- Folder 15: Pettit - Kansas Insurance, 1984

- Folder 16: Pettit - Kansas Insurance Briefing, 1982-1983

- Folder 17: Pettit - Kansas Issues - Weather Service Computers, undated

- Folder 18: Pettit - Kansas Issues - Weather Service Computers, 1985

- Folder 19: Pettit - Kansas Issues - Wolf Creek, 1984-1985

- Box 36

- Folder 1: Pettit - Kansas Job Corps Center Site [1 of 2], 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Pettit - Kansas Job Corps Center Site [2 of 2], 1982-1984

- Folder 3: Pettit - Kansas Military Spending, 1986

- Folder 4: Pettit - Kansas Miscellaneous, 1984-1986

- Folder 5: Pettit - Kansas Oil Industry, 1986

- Folder 6: Pettit - Kansas State Fair, 1984

- Folder 7: Pettit - Kansas Trade Fair Conference, 1984-1985

- Folder 8: Pettit - Kansas Trip, 1986

- Folder 9: Pettit - Kansas Trip Briefing Materials, 1984-1985

- Folder 10: Pettit - Kansas Trip Briefing Materials - Memorial Day Recess, 1986

- Folder 11: Pettit - Kansas Trip (Linda Murphy's Memo), 1983

- Folder 12: Pettit - Kansas Venture Capital, Inc., 1986

- Folder 13: Pettit - Kreonite - United States Air Force Photographic Equipment Contract, 1986

- Folder 14: Pettit - Lawrence - National Weather Training Center, 1986

- Folder 15: Pettit - Kustom Electronics, undated

- Box 37

- Folder 1: Pettit - Leavenworth Veteran's Affairs Medical Center, Kansas City Audit (1 of 2), 1981-1983

- Folder 2: Pettit - Leavenworth Veteran's Affairs Medical Center, Kansas City Audit (2 of 2), 1981-1983

- Folder 3: Pettit - Legislative Veto, 1983

- Folder 4: Pettit - Letters from Mike Pettit, 1986

- Folder 5: Pettit - Life Insurance Taxation, 1983

- Folder 6: Pettit - Mailing Lists, 1983-1985

- Folder 7: Pettit - Mass Transit Operating Assistance, 1983

- Folder 8: Pettit - McConnell Air Force Base, 1983-1985

- Folder 9: Pettit - Medicare, Medicaid, 1984

- Folder 10: Pettit - Memo on Percy Amendment on Liquified Gas, 1983

- Folder 11: Pettit - Midway Airlines, 1985

- Folder 12: Pettit - Miscellaneous, 1984

- Folder 13: Pettit - Miscellaneous Finance Memos, June 14-15 1983

- Folder 14: Pettit - NASDAQ Options, 1984

- Folder 15: Pettit - National Endowment for Democracy, 1984

- Folder 16: Pettit - National Sales Tax, 1973-1984

- Box 38

- Folder 1: Pettit - Natural Gas, 1982-1983

- Folder 2: Pettit - Natural Gas, 1983

- Folder 3: Pettit - Nelson, Larry, 1983-1986

- Folder 4: Pettit - Non-bank Banks, 1986

- Folder 5: Pettit - Nutrition, 1983

- Folder 6: Pettit - Nutrition, 1984

- Folder 7: Pettit - Office Management - Office Operations, 1984-1986

- Folder 8: Pettit - Office Procedural Rules, 1984-1986

- Folder 9: Pettit - Oil Import Fee, 1986

- Folder 10: Pettit - Organ Transplants, 1983

- Folder 11: Pettit - Palmer, John, 1984-1985

- Folder 12: Pettit - Pascoe, 1985

- Folder 13: Pettit - Patent Act of 1983, 1983

- Folder 14: Pettit - Pension Investment in Housing, 1982

- Folder 15: Pettit - Pension Provision, 1983-1984

- Folder 16: Pettit - Pettit, Mike Correspondence, 1985-1986

- Folder 17: Pettit - Personal Files, January 1985

- Box 39

- Folder 1: Pettit - Personal Files, February 1985

- Folder 2: Pettit - Personal Files, March 1985

- Folder 3: Pettit - Personal Files, April 1985

- Folder 4: Pettit - Personal Files, May 1985

- Folder 5: Pettit - Personal Files, June 1985

- Folder 6: Pettit - Personal Files, July 1985

- Folder 7: Pettit - Personal Files, August 1985

- Folder 8: Pettit - Personal Files, September 1985

- Folder 9: Pettit - Personal Files, October 1985

- Folder 10: Pettit - Personal Files, November 1985

- Folder 11: Pettit - Personal Files, December 1985

- Folder 12: Pettit - Personal Files, January 1986

- Folder 13: Pettit - Personal Files, February 1986

- Folder 14: Pettit - Personal Files, March 1986

- Folder 15: Pettit - Personal Files, April 1986

- Folder 16: Pettit - Personal Files, May 1986

- Folder 17: Pettit - Personal Files, June 1986

- Folder 18: Pettit - Personal Files, August 1986

- Folder 19: Pettit - Personal Files, October 1986

- Folder 20: Pettit - Personal Files, November 1986

- Folder 21: Pettit - Personal Files, December 1986

- Folder 22: Pettit - Piedmont, 1985

- Folder 23: Pettit - Pizza Hut, 1984

- Folder 24: Pettit - Preblud, Arlan, 1986

- Folder 25: Pettit - Product Liability, 1982

- Folder 26: Pettit - Product Liability Act, 1983

- Box 40

- Folder 1: Pettit - Product Liability Act, 1986

- Folder 2: Pettit - Public and Urban Developments, 1983-1985

- Folder 3: Pettit - Public Utility Holding Company Act, 1981-1984

- Folder 4: Pettit - Puritan-Bernet Corporation, Overland Park, 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Pettit - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Pettit - Railroad Deregulation, 1986

- Folder 7: Pettit - Reauthorization of Urban Mass Transit Authority (UMTA), 1982

- Folder 8: Pettit - Requests for Hearings, 1973

- Folder 9: Pettit - Restoration of Credit Act of 1986, 1986

- Folder 10: Pettit - Rock Island Railroad Crisis, 1980-1983

- Folder 11: Pettit - Rural Block Grant Programs, Schmitt v. Cochran, 1982

- Folder 12: Pettit - Rural Economic Development, 1986-1987

- Folder 13: Pettit - Rural Electrification Administration, 1984

- Folder 14: Pettit - Rules and Administration, 1984-1986

- Folder 15: Pettit - S. 898, Telecommunications Legislation (1 of 2), 1981

- Folder 16: Pettit - S. 898, Telecommunications Legislation (2 of 2), 1981

- Box 41

- Folder 1: Pettit - S.979 Metzenbaum Amendment - Texaco/Getty Merger [1 of 2], 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Pettit - S.979 Metzenbaum Amendment - Texaco/Getty Merger [2 of 2], 1982-1984

- Folder 3: Pettit - Sabetha Hospital, 1983-1985

- Folder 4: Pettit - SALT II, 1986

- Folder 5: Pettit - Saturn [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 6: Pettit - Saturn [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 7: Pettit - Savings and Loan/Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC), 1986-1987

- Folder 8: Pettit - Science and Industrial Publications [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 9: Pettit - Science and Industrial Publications [2 of 2], 1982

- Box 42

- Folder 1: Pettit - Senate Telephone System, 1984-1986

- Folder 2: Pettit - Senator Dole's Correspondence, 1985

- Folder 3: Pettit - Senator Dole's Correspondence, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Pettit - Shipping Bill, 1983

- Folder 5: Pettit - Shoe Case, 1985

- Folder 6: Pettit - Silver Stockpile, 1983

- Folder 7: Pettit - Small Business Administration - Abrupt Shut Off of 8(a), 1982

- Folder 8: Pettit - Small Business Administration - Loan Amendment, 1979-1981

- Folder 9: Pettit - Small Business Administration - Minority Set-Asides, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Pettit - Social Security "Notch" Problem, 1985

- Folder 11: Pettit - South Africa, 1985

- Folder 12: Pettit - Southeast Kansas Turnpike, 1985

- Folder 13: Pettit - Southern Pacific/Santa Fe Merger, 1986

- Folder 14: Pettit - Soviet Attack on Korean Plane, 1982-1983

- Folder 15: Pettit - Speaking Invitations, 1985-1986

- Folder 16: Pettit - Speeches, 1983-1986

- Folder 17: Pettit - Speeches - Foreign Policy, Defense, 1984

- Folder 18: Pettit - Speechwriting, 1981-1986

- Folder 19: Pettit - Staggers Act I, 1982-1986

- Box 43

- Folder 1: Pettit - Staggers Act II, 1980-1985

- Folder 2: Pettit - Stark State Bank v. Small Business Administration (SBA), 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Pettit - Stark State Bank v. Small Business Administration (SBA) - Information [1 of 2], 1975-1983

- Folder 4: Pettit - Stark State Bank v. Small Business Administration (SBA) - Information [2 of 2], 1975-1983

- Folder 5: Pettit - State Authorization Bill, 1983

- Folder 6: Pettit - State of the Union, 1982

- Folder 7: Pettit - Steel Industry Weaknesses, February 1983

- Folder 8: Pettit - Stuff That Usually Sits on the Corner of My Desk, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Pettit - Subsidized Housing, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Programs, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Pettit - Sunflower Electric Cooperative, 1985

- Folder 11: Pettit - Super Conducting/Super Collider Project, 1986

- Folder 12: Pettit - Supplemental Appropriations Bill, 1983

- Folder 13: Pettit - Swope Ridge Health Care Center, 1983

- Folder 14: Pettit - Tacha, Deanell - 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, 1986

- Folder 15: Pettit - Talenti, Pier, 1986

- Folder 16: Pettit - Talking Points - Trade, Budget, Product Liability, Tax Reform, Superfund, 1985-1986

- Box 44

- Folder 1: Pettit - Targeted Mailings, 1985

- Folder 2: Pettit - Tax Bill, 1984-1985

- Folder 3: Pettit - Tax Bill, 1984-1986

- Folder 4: Pettit - Tax Bill, 1983 - Industrial Development Bonds (IDBs) and Industrial Revenue Bonds (IRBs), 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Pettit - Tax Bill, 1983 - Insurance, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Pettit - Tax Bill, 1986, 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Pettit - Tax Bill - Advance Refundings, 1985

- Folder 8: Pettit - Tax Bill - Bad Debt Reserve, 1986

- Folder 9: Pettit - Tax Bill - Imputed Interest, 1984

- Folder 10: Pettit - Tax Bill - Kansas Projects, 1986

- Folder 11: Pettit - Tax Bill - Section 2032 A, 1985

- Folder 12: Pettit - Tax Bill - Speech, 1986

- Folder 13: Pettit - Tax Bill - United Telecom, 1986

- Folder 14: Pettit - Tax Bill - Transition Rules, 1986

- Folder 15: Pettit - Tax Issues, 1982-1983

- Folder 16: Pettit - Tax Reform - Columns and Editorials, 1985

- Folder 17: Pettit - Tax Reform - Inside Build-Up, 1985

- Folder 18: Pettit - Tax Reform Package, 1985-1986

- Folder 19: Pettit - Tax Shelter Registration, 1984

- Box 45

- Folder 1: Pettit - Telecommunications, 1984-1987

- Folder 2: Pettit - Telecommunications - Ultraphone, 1985-1986

- Folder 3: Pettit - Telecommunications Trade, 1985

- Folder 4: Pettit - Telephone Access Charges, 1982-1984

- Folder 5: Pettit - Telephone Bill [1 of 3], 1986

- Folder 6: Pettit - Telephone Bill [2 of 3], 1986

- Folder 7: Pettit - Telephone Bill [3 of 3], 1986

- Folder 8: Pettit - Telephone Bill II [1 of 2], 1986

- Box 46

- Folder 1: Pettit - Telephone Bill II [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 2: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I, 1984

- Folder 3: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Additional Copies of Letter Sent to Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1984

- Folder 4: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Congressional Letters to Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice Rules, 1984

- Folder 6: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - General Magazine and Newspaper Articles on Phones, 1984

- Folder 7: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - General Newspaper and Magazine Articles, 1983

- Folder 8: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Letter to Commission, 1984

- Folder 9: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Letter to Packwood, 1984

- Folder 10: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Letters of Support, 1984

- Folder 11: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Pension Portability, 1984

- Folder 12: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Pension Portability, Letters, 1984

- Folder 13: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Position of Organizations, 1983-1984

- Folder 14: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Press Reaction, 1984

- Folder 15: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Press Reaction to Decision, Press Releases, Etc., 1984

- Folder 16: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Staff Contacts, undated

- Folder 17: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - State Rate Requests, 1982-1984

- Folder 18: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - Substitute Resolution, undated

- Folder 19: Pettit - Telephone Legislation I - To Do, Telephone Bill, 1987

- Folder 20: Pettit - Telephone Legislation II [1 of 2], 1984

- Box 47

- Folder 1: Pettit - Telephone Legislation II [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 2: Pettit - Termination of Rural Local AT&T Multiple Line Service, 1985

- Folder 3: Pettit - Thrift Crisis of 1982, 1981-1982

- Folder 4: Pettit - Tombs and Sons v. Small Business Administration (SBA), 1980-1984

- Folder 5: Pettit - Town Meetings, 1985

- Folder 6: Pettit - Toyota, 1985

- Folder 7: Pettit - Trade, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Pettit - Trans-World Airlines, 1985

- Folder 9: Pettit - Transferring Property - Re: Asset Test, 1982

- Folder 10: Pettit - Travel Agent Bill, 1983

- Folder 11: Pettit - Travel and Tourism, 1985

- Folder 12: Pettit - Travel Vouchers Completed [1 of 2], July- December 1994

- Folder 13: Pettit - Travel Vouchers Completed [2 of 2], July- December 1994

- Box 48

- Folder 1: Pettit - Treasury - Postal Appropriations, 1982

- Folder 2: Pettit - TV in the Senate, 1981-1984

- Folder 3: Pettit - Unearned Income Trust, 1983

- Folder 4: Pettit - Union Pacific/Katy Merger, 1985-1987

- Folder 5: Pettit - United Corporation, 1985

- Folder 6: Pettit - University of Kansas Human Development Center [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Pettit - University of Kansas Human Development Center [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 8: Pettit - Upcoming Issues for the Banking Industry, 1983

- Folder 9: Pettit - Urgent Supplemental Housing Bill, 1982

- Folder 10: Pettit - U.S.-Asia Institute, 1984

- Folder 11: Pettit - U.S. Attorney for Kansas, 1985

- Folder 12: Pettit - U.S. Attorney, Janet Chubb, 1983-1985

- Folder 13: Pettit - U.S./Soviet Relations, 1983

- Folder 14: Pettit - Use of Federal Funds for Lobbying, 1983

- Folder 15: Pettit - Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital Investigation [1 of 2], 1981-1982

- Box 49

- Folder 1: Pettit - Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital Investigation [2 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 2: Pettit - Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital Investigation, Leavenworth Veteran's Hospital, 1981-1982

- Folder 3: Pettit - Von Drueben, Sonja (Countess), 1985

- Folder 4: Pettit - Water Projects - Kansas, 1986

- Folder 5: Pettit - Water Alliance, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Pettit - White House Task Force on Hunger [1 of 2], July 1983- January 1984

- Folder 7: Pettit - White House Task Force on Hunger [2 of 2], July 1983- January 1984

- Folder 8: Pettit - White House Task Force on Hunger - Meese Food Association File, May 1983- March 1984

- Folder 9: Pettit - White House Task Force on Hunger - Miscellaneous, December 1983- January 1984

- Folder 10: Pettit - Wichita Eagle-Beacon, 1985

- Folder 11: Pettit - Withholding, 1983

- Folder 12: Pettit - Personnel Policy, 1977

- Folder 13: Slight - Staff Position Descriptions, 1977

- Box 50

- Folder 1: Stanley - 103rd Congress, 1st session - End of Session Report, 1993

- Folder 2: Stanley - 103rd Congress, 2nd session - End of Session Report, 1994

- Folder 3: Stanley - 103rd Congress - Legislative History Index, 1993-1994

- Folder 4: Stanley - 104th Congress, 1st session, Kansas Offices - Year End Summary, 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Adler, Marcie, 1991-1996

- Folder 6: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Blank Forms, 1991-1993

- Folder 7: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Culp, Bryan, 1993-1994

- Folder 8: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Dick, Darren, 1993-1995

- Folder 9: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Franz, Kiera, 1994-1996

- Folder 10: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Hickam, Matt, 1994-1995

- Folder 11: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Kansas City, 1992-1994

- Folder 12: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Seeber, Ron, 1994-1995

- Folder 13: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Sena, Janet, 1994-1995

- Folder 14: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Sharma, Prasad, 1994

- Folder 15: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Spears, Dave, 1991-1992

- Folder 16: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Stanley, Dan, 1992-1996

- Folder 17: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Torrey, Mike, 1994

- Folder 18: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Vachon, Alec, 1994

- Folder 19: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - White, Mike, 1996

- Folder 20: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Wichita, 1992-1994

- Folder 21: Stanley - Agency Contact Sheets - Wilson, David, 1992-1996

- Folder 22: Stanley - "Atta-boy" Files, 1993-1996

- Box 51

- Folder 1: Stanley - Chronological Files - January, 1994

- Folder 2: Stanley - Chronological Files - February, 1994

- Folder 3: Stanley - Chronological Files - March, 1994

- Folder 4: Stanley - Chronological Files - April, 1994

- Folder 5: Stanley - Chronological Files - May, 1994

- Folder 6: Stanley - Chronological Files - June, 1994

- Folder 7: Stanley - Chronological Files - July, 1994

- Folder 8: Stanley - Chronological Files - August, 1994

- Folder 9: Stanley - Chronological Files - September, 1994

- Folder 10: Stanley - Chronological Files - October, 1994

- Folder 11: Stanley - Chronological Files - November, 1994

- Folder 12: Stanley - Chronological Files - December, 1994

- Folder 13: Stanley - Chronological Files - January, 1995

- Folder 14: Stanley - Chronological Files - February, 1995

- Folder 15: Stanley - Chronological Files - March, 1995

- Folder 16: Stanley - Chronological Files - April, 1995

- Folder 17: Stanley - Chronological Files - May, 1995

- Folder 18: Stanley - Chronological Files - June, 1995

- Folder 19: Stanley - Chronological Files - July, 1995

- Folder 20: Stanley - Chronological Files - August, 1995

- Folder 21: Stanley - Chronological Files - September, 1995

- Folder 22: Stanley - Chronological Files - October, 1995

- Folder 23: Stanley - Chronological Files - November, 1995

- Folder 24: Stanley - Chronological Files - December, 1995

- Folder 25: Stanley - Chronological Files - January, 1996

- Folder 26: Stanley - Chronological Files - March, 1996

- Folder 27: Stanley - Chronological Files - April, 1996

- Folder 28: Stanley - Chronological Files - May, 1996

- Folder 29: Stanley - Chronological Files - June, 1996

- Folder 30: Stanley - Chronological Files - July, 1996

- Folder 31: Stanley - City Officials Correspondence, 1995

- Folder 32: Stanley - Conference Service Reports, 1994-1996

- Folder 33: Stanley - Copies of My Letters, 1994-1995

- Folder 34: Stanley - Correspondence - State Officials, 1991-1993

- Box 52

- Folder 1: Stanley - Cox, Gerald, 1991

- Folder 2: Stanley - D-Day Museum, 1991-1992

- Folder 3: Stanley - Death Gratuity, 1988

- Folder 4: Stanley - Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) C-12 Aircraft, 1988-1992

- Folder 5: Stanley - Dole Remarks on the Floor - Defense Authorizations/Appropriations, 1990-1996

- Folder 6: Stanley - Excess Copy Charges, 1994-1996

- Folder 7: Stanley - Finance Committee Majority Staff, 1981-1986

- Folder 8: Stanley - Hultgren, Les, February- July 1992

- Folder 9: Stanley - Legislative Correspondence (LC) Meetings, 1993

- Folder 10: Stanley - Lind, George M., 1992

- Folder 11: Stanley - Ling-Temco-Vougt (LTV), 1992

- Folder 12: Stanley - Lupia, Gene, 1992

- Folder 13: Stanley - Mass Mail - Frankings, 1989-1995

- Folder 14: Stanley - MD 12 - Kansas Department of Commerce, April- May 1991

- Folder 15: Stanley - MD 12 - Kansas City International Airport, 1991-1992

- Folder 16: Stanley - MD 12 - Pratt, May 1991

- Box 53

- Folder 1: Stanley - MD 12 - McDonnell-Douglas Corporation, 1991

- Folder 2: Stanley - Memos - July, 1994

- Folder 3: Stanley - Memos - August, 1994

- Folder 4: Stanley - Memos - September, 1994

- Folder 5: Stanley - Memos - October, 1994

- Folder 6: Stanley - Memos - November, 1994

- Folder 7: Stanley - Memos - December, 1994

- Folder 8: Stanley - Memos - July, 1995

- Folder 9: Stanley - Memos - August, 1995

- Folder 10: Stanley - Memos - September, 1995

- Folder 11: Stanley - Memos - October, 1995

- Folder 12: Stanley - Memos - November, 1995

- Folder 13: Stanley - Memos - December, 1995

- Folder 14: Stanley - Memos - January, 1996

- Folder 15: Stanley - Memos - February, 1996

- Folder 16: Stanley - Memos - March, 1996

- Folder 17: Stanley - Memos - April, 1996

- Folder 18: Stanley - Memos - May, 1996

- Folder 19: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - November, 1992

- Folder 20: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - December, 1992

- Folder 21: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - January, 1993

- Folder 22: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - February, 1993

- Folder 23: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - March, 1993

- Folder 24: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - April, 1993

- Box 54

- Folder 1: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - May, 1993

- Folder 2: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - June, 1993

- Folder 3: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - July, 1993

- Folder 4: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - August, 1993

- Folder 5: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - September, 1993

- Folder 6: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - October, 1993

- Folder 7: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - November, 1993

- Folder 8: Stanley - Memos/Correspondence - December, 1993

- Folder 9: Stanley - Memos on Duties/Responsibilities, 1993-1995

- Folder 10: Stanley - National Taxpayers Union (NTU) Congressional Budget, 1993-1995

- Folder 11: Stanley - Paul v. Rocereto, March 1992

- Folder 12: Stanley - Payroll [1 of 3], 1989-1993

- Folder 13: Stanley - Payroll [2 of 3], 1989-1993

- Folder 14: Stanley - Payroll [3 of 3], 1989-1993

- Folder 15: Stanley - Payroll [1 of 3], 1994-1995

- Box 55

- Folder 1: Stanley - Payroll [2 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Stanley - Payroll [3 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Stanley - Personal Staff, Senator Bob Dole - A-D, undated

- Folder 4: Stanley - Personal Staff, Senator Bob Dole - E-I, undated

- Folder 5: Stanley - Personal Staff, Senator Bob Dole - J-N, undated

- Box 56

- Folder 1: Stanley - Personal Staff, Senator Bob Dole - O-S, undated

- Folder 2: Stanley - Personal Staff, Senator Bob Dole - T-Z, undated

- Folder 3: Stanley - Recommendation Letters, 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Stanley - Secretary of the Senate Reports, Employee Lists, 1969-1975

- Folder 5: Stanley - Senate Republican Conference/Senate Republican Party Committee Reports, 1993

- Folder 6: Stanley - Seneca Navy, 1991

- Folder 7: Stanley - Sewell, Mark, 1991

- Folder 8: Stanley - Signature File, 1994-1996

- Folder 9: Stanley - Staff Memos, July 1996

- Folder 10: Stanley - State/Federal Officials Correspondence, 1994

- Folder 11: Stanley - State Officials Correspondence, 1995

- Folder 12: Stanley - Threats, 1992-1994

- Folder 13: Stanley - Time Sheets - Alder, Marcie, 1996

- Folder 14: Stanley - Time Sheets - Alderson, Chuck, 1996

- Folder 15: Stanley - Time Sheets - Brown, Judy, 1996

- Folder 16: Stanley - Time Sheets - Brown, Sarah, 1996

- Folder 17: Stanley - Time Sheets - Burgeson, Eric, 1996

- Folder 18: Stanley - Time Sheets - Cobb, Alan, 1996

- Folder 19: Stanley - Time Sheets - Corbin, Ramona, 1996

- Folder 20: Stanley - Time Sheets - Culp, Bryan, 1996

- Box 57

- Folder 1: Stanley - Time Sheets - Dick, Darren, 1996

- Folder 2: Stanley - Time Sheets - Dooms, Diana, 1996

- Folder 3: Stanley - Time Sheets - Franz, Kiera, 1996

- Folder 4: Stanley - Time Sheets - Grosch, Gale, 1996

- Folder 5: Stanley - Time Sheets - Hesse, Wm. Scott, 1996

- Folder 6: Stanley - Time Sheets - Hickam, Matt, 1996

- Folder 7: Stanley - Time Sheets - Hoffman, Aaron, 1996

- Folder 8: Stanley - Time Sheets - Kim, Sophia, 1996

- Folder 9: Stanley - Time Sheets - Komarek, Ruth Ann, 1996

- Folder 10: Stanley - Time Sheets - Lewis, Tom, 1996

- Folder 11: Stanley - Time Sheets - Linskey, Kevin, 1996

- Folder 12: Stanley - Time Sheets - Lucas, Megan, 1996

- Folder 13: Stanley - Time Sheets - McCreery, Kim, 1996

- Folder 14: Stanley - Time Sheets - McGinn, John, 1996

- Folder 15: Stanley - Time Sheets - Muyskens, Nathan, 1996

- Folder 16: Stanley - Time Sheets - Reynolds, Lisa, 1996

- Folder 17: Stanley - Time Sheets - Seeber, Ron, 1996

- Folder 18: Stanley - Time Sheets - Sena, Janet, 1996

- Folder 19: Stanley - Time Sheets - Smith, Amy, 1996

- Folder 20: Stanley - Time Sheets - Spears, Dan, 1996

- Folder 21: Stanley - Time Sheets - Stanley, Dan, 1996

- Folder 22: Stanley - Time Sheets - Taggart, Mo, 1996

- Folder 23: Stanley - Time Sheets - Torrey, Mike, 1996

- Folder 24: Stanley - Time Sheets - Usher, Jim, 1996

- Folder 25: Stanley - Time Sheets - White, Michelle, 1996

- Folder 26: Stanley - Time Sheets - Wilson, David, 1996

- Folder 27: Stanley - Time Sheets - Yager, Cathie, 1996

- Box 58

- Folder 1: Stanley - Travel Vouchers - Completed, 1995

- Folder 2: Stanley - Travel Vouchers - Samples and Directions, 1987-1996

- Folder 3: Stanley - Travel Vouchers - Senator Dole, 1990-1992

- Folder 4: Stanley - Travel Vouchers - Senator's Travel, 1993

- Folder 5: Stanley - Wacko Mail, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Stanley/Brown - Administrative - Campaign, 1992-1996

- Folder 7: Stanley/Brown - Administration Miscellaneous, 1994-1996

- Folder 8: Stanley/Brown - Administration Policies, 1992-1995

- Folder 9: Stanley/Brown - B-2 Ceremony - Wichita, KS, 1995

- Folder 10: Stanley/Brown - Briefing Book, undated

- Folder 11: Stanley/Brown - Grant Support - Baxter Springs, 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Stanley/Brown - Grant Support - Kan-Build, Inc., 1993

- Folder 13: Stanley/Brown - Grant Support - Kansas State, Throckmorton Plant Science Research, 1993

- Folder 14: Stanley/Brown - Grant Support - Mid-America Air Museum, Liberal, KS, 1993-1994

- Folder 15: Stanley/Brown - Grant Support - Mid-Continental Oil Atlas, 1993

- Folder 16: Stanley/Brown - Grant Support - Western Kansas Area Health Education Center (WKAHEC), 1993

- Folder 17: Stanley/Brown - Grant Support - Wichita Public Schools, 1993

- Box 59

- Folder 1: Stanley/Brown - Independence, KS - Cessna, 1995

- Folder 2: Stanley/Brown - Information for Legislative Correspondence, 1987-1995

- Folder 3: Stanley/Brown - Kansas Day, 1995

- Folder 4: Stanley/Brown - Offices - Hart, 1990-1995

- Folder 5: Stanley/Brown - Office - Kansas City, Kansas, 1989-1993

- Folder 6: Stanley/Brown - Office - Mobile, 1990-1995

- Folder 7: Stanley/Brown - Office - Pittsburg, 1992-1993

- Folder 8: Stanley/Brown - Office - Topeka, 1992

- Folder 9: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Adler, Marcie, 1977-1996

- Folder 10: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Alderson, Charles, 1994-1996

- Folder 11: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Anti-Discrimination Forms, 1992-1994

- Folder 12: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Bechtel, Mariam, 1984-1995

- Folder 13: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Brown, Judy Kay, 1976-1996

- Folder 14: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Burgeson, Eric, 1992-1995

- Folder 15: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Cobb, Alan, 1995-1996

- Folder 16: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Corbin, Ramona, 1981-1995

- Folder 17: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Dooms, Diana, 1986-1996

- Box 60

- Folder 1: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Grosch, Gale, 1983-1996

- Folder 2: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Spears, Dave, 1989-1996

- Folder 3: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Yager, Cathy, 1992-1996

- Folder 4: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Brown, Sarah, 1990-1996

- Folder 5: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Culp, Bryan, 1992-1996

- Folder 6: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Dick, Darren, 1993-1996

- Folder 7: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Eckles, J. Kent, 1993-1996

- Folder 8: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Erickson, John, 1993-1995

- Folder 9: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Franz, Keira, 1993-1996

- Folder 10: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Gafney, Johnny, 1995

- Folder 11: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Heese, William Scott, 1995-1996

- Folder 12: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Hickam, Matt, 1993-1996

- Folder 13: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Hoffman, Aaron, 1994-1996

- Folder 14: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Hoffman, Susan, 1988-1995

- Folder 15: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Kim, Sophia, 1992

- Folder 16: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Knight, Bruce, 1995

- Folder 17: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Komarek, Ruth Ann, 1965-1996

- Folder 18: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Lewis, Tom, 1990-1996

- Box 61

- Folder 1: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Linskey, Kevin, 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Lucas, Megan, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Maycumber, Jill, 1992-1995

- Folder 4: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - McCreery, Kimberly A., 1994-1996

- Folder 5: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - McGinn, John, 1994-1996

- Folder 6: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Muyskens, Nathan, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Past Dole Employees, 1980-1992

- Folder 8: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Reynolds, Lisa, 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Robertson, Arlene, 1995-1996

- Folder 10: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Salaries, 1990-1996

- Folder 11: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Seeber, Ronald, 1993-1996

- Folder 12: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Sena, Janet Horton, 1994-1996

- Folder 13: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Sharma, Prasad, 1994

- Folder 14: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Smith, Amy, 1994-1995

- Folder 15: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Stanley, Daniel, 1989-1996

- Folder 16: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Taggart, Morrell, 1995-1996

- Folder 17: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Torrey, Mike, 1993-1996

- Folder 18: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Usher, James M., 1996

- Folder 19: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Vachon, III, Robert Alexander, 1993-1995

- Folder 20: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - White, Michelle, 1996

- Folder 21: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Whyte, Jordan, 1994-1995

- Folder 22: Stanley/Brown - Personnel Files - Wilson, David, 1989-1996

- Folder 23: Stanley/Brown - Political Fund Designates, 1989-1996

- Folder 24: Stanley/Brown - Privileges of the Floor, 1995

- Box 62

- Folder 1: Stanley/Brown - Senate Ethics, 1990-1996

- Folder 2: Stanley/Brown - State Miscellaneous, 1989-1995

- Folder 3: Stanley/Brown - Wacko Letters, 1995-1996

- Folder 4: Stanley/Brown - Topeka Inaugural Event, 1994-1995

- Folder 5: Stanley/Brown - Travel Vouchers, Completed, July- December 1995

- Folder 6: Stanley/Brown - Travel Vouchers, Completed, January-June 1996

- Folder 7: Stanley/Brown - Travel Vouchers, Completed - 10% and Miscellaneous, 1995

- Folder 8: Stanley/Brown - Travel Vouchers, Completed - 10% and Miscellaneous, 1996

- Folder 9: Stanley/Brown - Travel Vouchers, Completed - International, 1995

- Folder 10: Stanley/Brown - Travel Vouchers, Completed - International, 1996

- Folder 11: Stanley/Brown - Trip Follow-Up, 1995

- Folder 12: Stanley/Brown - Wichita Office, 1990-1996

- Box 63

- Folder 1: Unknown - Interdepartmental Travel Vouchers, 1994

- Folder 2: Unknown - Lumber Letters, 1973

- Folder 3: Wholey - Chronological Files - July, 1989

- Folder 4: Wholey - Chronological Files - August, 1989

- Folder 5: Wholey - Chronological Files - September, 1989

- Folder 6: Wholey - Chronological Files - October, 1989

- Folder 7: Wholey - Chronological Files - November, 1989

- Folder 8: Wholey - Chronological Files - December, 1989

- Folder 9: Wholey - Chronological Files - January, 1990

- Folder 10: Wholey - Chronological Files - February, 1990

- Folder 11: Wholey - Chronological Files - March, 1990

- Box 64

- Folder 1: Wholey - Chronological Files - April, 1990

- Folder 2: Wholey - Chronological Files - May, 1990

- Folder 3: Wholey - Chronological Files - June, 1990

- Folder 4: Wholey - Chronological Files - July, 1990

- Folder 5: Wholey - Chronological Files - August, 1990

- Folder 6: Wholey - Chronological Files - September, 1990

- Folder 7: Wholey - Chronological Files - October, 1990

- Folder 8: Wholey - Chronological Files - November, 1990

- Folder 9: Wholey - Chronological Files - December, 1990

- Folder 10: Wholey - Chronological Files - January, 1991

- Folder 11: Wholey - Chronological Files - February, 1991

- Folder 12: Wholey - Chronological Files - March, 1991

- Folder 13: Wholey - Chronological Files - April, 1991

- Folder 14: Wholey - Chronological Files - May, 1991

- Folder 15: Wholey - Chronological Files - June, 1991

- Folder 16: Wholey - Chronological Files - July, 1991

- Folder 17: Wholey - Chronological Files - August, 1991

- Box 65

- Folder 1: Wholey - Chronological Files - September, 1991

- Folder 2: Wholey - Chronological Files - October, 1991

- Folder 3: Wholey - Chronological Files - November, 1991

- Folder 4: Wholey - Chronological Files - December, 1991

- Folder 5: Wholey - Chronological Files - January, 1992

- Folder 6: Wholey - Chronological Files - February, 1992

- Folder 7: Wholey - Chronological Files - March, 1992

- Folder 8: Wholey - Chronological Files - April, 1992

- Folder 9: Wholey - Chronological Files - May, 1992

- Folder 10: Wholey - Correspondence - Kansas, 1989-1990

- Folder 11: Wholey - Correspondence - Senator Dole, 1989-1990

- Folder 12: Wholey - Issue Files - 101st Congress, 2nd session, January 22-23, 1990

- Folder 13: Wholey - Issue Files - 1990 Farm Bill, 1989-1990

- Folder 14: Wholey - Issue Files - Balanced Budget Amendment, June 9, 1992

- Folder 15: Wholey - Issue Files - Commerce - Commerce Committee, 1989-1991

- Folder 16: Wholey - Issue Files - Commerce - Kaw Valley, July 18, 1990

- Folder 17: Wholey - Issue Files - Commerce - Price Fixing, March 30, 1990

- Folder 18: Wholey - Issue Files - Commerce - S.1400 - Product Reform Liability Act, March 20, 1990

- Folder 19: Wholey - Issue Files - Commerce - U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1990-1991

- Folder 20: Wholey - Issue Files - Congress - Mail Legislation, 1989

- Folder 21: Wholey - Issue Files - Environment - Clean Air Bill, October 12, 1989

- Folder 22: Wholey - Issue Files - Environment - Kansas Tornado, April 1991

- Folder 23: Wholey - Issue Files - Ethics, 1989-1991

- Folder 24: Wholey - Issue Files - Federal Appointments - Judiciary, 1989-1990

- Folder 25: Wholey - Issue Files - Finance - Budget Issues, 1990

- Folder 26: Wholey - Issue Files - Finance - Finance Committee, 1989-1990

- Folder 27: Wholey - Issue Files - Finance - Franking Bill, February 1991

- Box 66

- Folder 1: Wholey - Issue Files - Foreign Affairs - Israel Questions, 1990

- Folder 2: Wholey - Issue Files - Foreign Aid Appropriations, 1990

- Folder 3: Wholey - Issue Files - Housing, 1991

- Folder 4: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Appropriations, 1991

- Folder 5: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Appropriations - Defense, 1989-1990

- Folder 6: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Appropriations - Disaster Relief, 1990

- Folder 7: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Appropriations - Drug Fund, 1989-1990

- Folder 8: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Appropriations - Wichita, 1990-1992

- Folder 9: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Banking - Coleman Letters, 1989-1990

- Folder 10: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Banking - Kansas Banking Association, 1989-1991

- Folder 11: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Banking - Kansas Credit Union League, 1990

- Folder 12: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Banking - Kansas Savings and Load, 1990-1991

- Folder 13: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Banking - McAndrews and Forbes/Coleman Pension Funds, 1990

- Folder 14: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Banking - Topeka Federal Home Loan Banking Board (FHLBB), February 1990

- Folder 15: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Bombardier/Learjet, April 19, 1990

- Folder 16: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Cessna, 1989-1990

- Folder 17: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Environmental Protection Agency/Hall-Kimbrell, 1989-1991

- Folder 18: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Hallmark, 1989-1991

- Folder 19: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Kansas City, 1990-1991

- Folder 20: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Kansas Gas and Electric Takeover, 1990-1991

- Box 67

- Folder 1: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Koito Industries, September- November, 1989

- Folder 2: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Matsushita, September- October, 1991

- Folder 3: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Mexican Trade Office, April- May, 1990

- Folder 4: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC), August 1991

- Folder 5: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - North American Phillips Corporation, January- June, 1990

- Folder 6: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Pratt, 1989-1991

- Folder 7: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Resolution Trust Corporation, September 27- October 6, 1989

- Folder 8: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - U.S. Sprint, 1991

- Folder 9: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Wichita, 1989-1991

- Folder 10: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Wichita Urban Mass Transit Authority, 1990-1991

- Folder 11: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Elections - Campaign Law, May- September, 1989

- Folder 12: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Military - Fort Riley, 1989-1990

- Folder 13: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Military - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant (KAAP) - Parsons, 1989-1990

- Folder 14: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Military - Kansas City Kansas Marine Center, 1986-1990

- Folder 15: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Military - Tanker Transport Training Systems (TTTS), March 17, 1990

- Folder 16: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Military - Veterans, January- April, 1990

- Folder 17: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Miscellaneous - Personal Communication Services (PCS) Rules, 1991-1992

- Folder 18: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Press, April- September, 1990

- Folder 19: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Transportation - America West, January- May, 1990

- Folder 20: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Transportation - American Airlines, January- May, 1990

- Folder 21: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Transportation - Greyhound Buses, July 10-11, 1989

- Folder 22: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Transportation - Wichita, 1990

- Folder 23: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Trips - Kansas Visit, October 1989

- Box 68

- Folder 1: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Trips - Kansas Visit, December 1989

- Folder 2: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Trips - Requests, 1989-1990

- Folder 3: Wholey - Issue Files - Rules Committee, 1990-1991

- Folder 4: Wholey - Issue Files - Small Business Administration (SBA), 1989-1990

- Folder 5: Wholey - Issue Files - Staff Substance Abuse Policies, 1990

- Folder 6: Wholey - Issue Files - Taiwan - Copyright Issues, 1989

- Folder 7: Wholey - Issue Files - Taiwan - Millen Industries, 1988-1989

- Folder 8: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - Coordinating Committee/Export Controls, January 1990

- Folder 9: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - General, 1990

- Folder 10: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Agreements, 1990

- Folder 11: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - Import Duties, August 1989

- Folder 12: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - International University of Thailand, 1987-1989

- Folder 13: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - Kansas Foreign Trade, 1989-1990

- Folder 14: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA) - Poland/Hungary, November 16, 1989

- Folder 15: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - Polish Partners, September 1989

- Folder 16: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - Speeches - Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce, August 1989

- Folder 17: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - U.S./Japan, 1990

- Folder 18: Wholey - Issue Files - Trade - U.S. Tobacco, October 1989

- Folder 19: Wholey - Issue Files - Transportation, 1991

- Folder 20: Wholey - Issue Files - Transportation - Federal Telecommunication System (FTS) 2000, 1991

- Folder 21: Wholey - Kansas Trip, December 3-9, 1989

- Box 69

- Folder 1: Wholey - Kansas Trip, March 12-16, 1990

- Folder 2: Wholey - Kansas Trip, June 3-4, 1990

- Folder 3: Wholey - Memos - General Office Operations, 1989-1992

- Folder 4: Wholey/Stanley - Aging, 1985-1987

- Folder 5: Wholey/Stanley - Asia Trade Notes, 1987-1988

- Folder 6: Wholey/Stanley - Bair for Congress, January 11, 1990

- Folder 7: Wholey/Stanley - Bennett's, William, Visit, November 7, 1989

- Folder 8: Wholey/Stanley - Census, 1990

- Folder 9: Wholey/Stanley - Cessna in Asia, November 1988

- Folder 10: Wholey/Stanley - Chicago Board of Trade, 1988

- Folder 11: Wholey/Stanley - Dole's Asia Trip, 1988-1989

- Folder 12: Wholey/Stanley - Education [1 of 2], 1983-1989

- Folder 13: Wholey/Stanley - Education [2 of 2], 1983-1989

- Folder 14: Wholey/Stanley - Haines, Jordan, 1989-1990

- Folder 15: Wholey/Stanley - Hayden Meeting, October 18, 1989

- Folder 16: Wholey/Stanley - Hayden/Owen, 1985-1987

- Folder 17: Wholey/Stanley - Housing, 1988

- Folder 18: Wholey/Stanley - International Transatlantic Telecommunications (ITT) Wars, 1988

- Box 70

- Folder 1: Wholey/Stanley - Job Programs and Unemployment, 1985-1988

- Folder 2: Wholey/Stanley - Kansas House Candidates, 1990

- Folder 3: Wholey/Stanley - Kansas Political - American Oil Company (AMOCO) Lawsuit, February 27, 1990

- Folder 4: Wholey/Stanley - Kansas Political - Governor's Race, March- May, 1990

- Folder 5: Wholey/Stanley - Kansas Political - Miscellaneous, 1989-1991

- Folder 6: Wholey/Stanley - U.S. Attorney in Kansas, November 1989

- Folder 7: Correspondence - David Taylor, 1987

- Folder 8: Dole Remarks: Death of Earl Brookover, November 12, 1985

- Folder 9: Election 1974: Abortion Ads, 1974

- Box 336: Oversize

- Folder 1: Frazier - Urban Renewal - Kansas City, Kansas, 1970-1972

- Folder 2: Frazier - Wyandotte County, 1970

- Folder 3: Miller - Campaign, 1980

- Folder 4: Pettit - Family Violence, 1984

- Folder 5: Wholey - Issue Files - Kansas Economy - Cessna, 1989-1990

- Box Oversize B: Mixed Collection Box

- Folder 9: Miller - Manhattan Redevelopment Plan, 1979 - 1981

- Folder 10: Pettit - Advanced Technology Competition, 1983

- Folder 11: Pettit - Lawrence: National Weather Training Center, 1986

- Drawer 9: Oversize Manuscripts

- Folder 5: Miller - Kansas City Interstates I-435 and I-670, 1978-1979

- Series 2: Form Letters, 1978-1990

- The pre-generated response letters used by Dole's correspondents in answering constituent mail are cataloged in this series. These form letters were designed to answer inquiries about specific topics, events, or pieces of legislation.
- Arrangement: These files are arranged alphabetically.
Extent: 4 boxes
- Box 71

- Folder 1: 96th Congress [1 of 5], 1979-1980

- Folder 2: 96th Congress [2 of 5], 1979-1980

- Folder 3: 96th Congress [3 of 5], 1979-1980

- Folder 4: 96th Congress [4 of 5], 1979-1980

- Folder 5: 96th Congress [5 of 5], 1979-1980

- Folder 6: 97th Congress [1 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 7: 97th Congress [2 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 8: 97th Congress [1 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 9: 97th Congress [2 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 10: 97th Congress [3 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 11: 98th Congress [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 12: 98th Congress [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Box 72

- Folder 1: 98th Congress [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 2: 98th Congress [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 3: 99th Congress [1 of 3], 1985-1986

- Folder 4: 99th Congress [2 of 3], 1985-1986

- Folder 5: 99th Congress [3 of 3], 1985-1986

- Folder 6: 99th Congress [1 of 5], 1985-1986

- Folder 7: 99th Congress [2 of 5], 1985-1986

- Folder 8: 99th Congress [3 of 5], 1985-1986

- Folder 9: 99th Congress [4 of 5], 1985-1986

- Folder 10: 99th Congress [5 of 5], 1985-1986

- Folder 11: 100th Congress [1 of 4], 1987-1988

- Folder 12: 100th Congress [2 of 4], 1987-1988

- Folder 13: 100th Congress [3 of 4], 1987-1988

- Box 73

- Folder 1: 100th Congress [4 of 4], 1987-1988

- Folder 2: 101st Congress [1 of 5], 1989-1990

- Folder 3: 101st Congress [2 of 5], 1989-1990

- Folder 4: 101st Congress [3 of 5], 1989-1990

- Folder 5: 101st Congress [4 of 5], 1989-1990

- Folder 6: 101st Congress [5 of 5], 1989-1990

- Folder 7: Accessible Arts, Kansas City, 1989

- Folder 8: Animals, 1973-1983

- Folder 9: Arms Control, 1979-1986

- Folder 10: Arts and Humanities, 1978-1979

- Folder 11: Banking and Currency, 1979-1986

- Folder 12: Budget, 1979-1986

- Folder 13: Canadian Custom Harvesters, May 1970 - April 1971

- Folder 14: City of Pittsburg (KS), 1989

- Folder 15: Civil Rights, 1979-1980

- Folder 16: Civil Service, 1978-1986

- Folder 17: Commerce, 1979-1986

- Folder 18: Communications, 1979-1986

- Folder 19: Congress, 1978-1986

- Folder 20: Consumer Affairs, 1979-1980

- Folder 21: Courts, 1979-1986

- Folder 22: Crime and Justice, 1983-1985

- Folder 23: Dairy Price Support Raise, February 1971 - May 1972

- Folder 24: Defense [1 of 2], 1978-1986

- Folder 25: Defense [2 of 2], 1978-1986

- Folder 26: Diseases, 1978-1981

- Folder 27: Economy, 1978-1985

- Folder 28: Energy, 1973-1986

- Folder 29: Food and Duty, 1985-1986

- Folder 30: Foreign Relations [1 of 2], 1978-1986

- Folder 31: Foreign Relations [2 of 2], 1978-1986

- Box 74

- Folder 1: Governmental Affairs, 1979-1986

- Folder 2: Health, 1981-1986

- Folder 3: Housing, 1979-1980

- Folder 4: Human Rights, 1980-1985

- Folder 5: Human Services, 1978-1986

- Folder 6: Immigration, 1979-1986

- Folder 7: Indian Affairs, 1979-1986

- Folder 8: Judiciary, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Kansas, 1979-1986

- Folder 10: Kansas Naturalized Citizens, correspondence, 1971

- Folder 11: Labor, 1978-1986

- Folder 12: Natural Resources, 1978-1986

- Folder 13: Political Affairs, 1978-1986

- Folder 14: Pollution, 1980-1986

- Folder 15: Postal Service, 1978-1986

- Folder 16: Public Welfare, 1979-1985

- Folder 17: Public Works, 1979-1986

- Folder 18: Questionnaire Responses, May- July, 1976

- Folder 19: Science and Technology, 1981-1986

- Folder 20: Small Business, 1978-1986

- Folder 21: Taxes [1 of 3], 1973-1986

- Folder 22: Taxes [2 of 3], 1973-1986

- Folder 23: Taxes [3 of 3], 1973-1986

- Folder 24: Trade, 1983-1986

- Folder 25: Transportation, 1978-1986

- Folder 26: United Nations, 1979-1986

- Folder 27: Veterans, 1979-1986

- Series 3: Grants and Projects, 1969-1990

- Senator Dole's influence was often sought for development projects in the state of Kansas. Because of this, the administrative personnel kept some brief records about on-going federal and grant funded projects. These are found in the Grants and Projects series. More detailed information about the Senator's involvement in Kansas projects may be found in the Legislative Relations series--those found here represent a selection of projects which received particular attention from Dole's constituency. It includes information about telecommunications projects, health care initiatives, Indian affairs, and construction projects.
- Arrangement: These files are arranged alphabetically.
Extent: 2 boxes
- Box 74

- Folder 28: Canines in Corrections, 1988

- Folder 29: Chautauqua County, Community Development Block Grants, 1990

- Folder 30: City of Chanute, 1990

- Folder 31: City of Colby, 1990

- Folder 32: City of Kansas City, Kansas, 1989

- Folder 33: City of McCune, 1989

- Folder 34: Clara Barton Hospital, 1990

- Folder 35: CLASS LTD, 1990

- Folder 36: Community Development Block Grant, 1990

- Folder 37: Crawford County, Community Development Black Grant, 1990

- Folder 38: Elk City Community Development Block Grant, 1990

- Folder 39: Federal Assistance Information Requests, 1988-1990

- Box 75

- Folder 1: Federal Aviation Administration, 1989

- Folder 2: Financial Assistance to the Disabled, 1973

- Folder 3: Fire, Law Enforcement and Emergency Medical History Museum, 1990

- Folder 4: Fox Theatre, Hutchinson Kansas, 1988-1990

- Folder 5: Gorham Community Jr/Sr High School Institute, 1989

- Folder 6: Handicapped Children's Early Education Program, 1973

- Folder 7: Iola Economic Development Administration, 1990

- Folder 8: International Trade Council of Mid-America, Inc. - Hungary Proposal, 1990

- Folder 9: Juniper Gardens Children's Project, 1973

- Folder 10: Kansas City Rebound Center, 1990

- Folder 11: Kansas Community Development Block Grant, 1990

- Folder 12: Kansas Department of Health, 1990

- Folder 13: Kansas Department of Health and Education, 1990

- Folder 14: Kansas Department of Health and Environment, 1990

- Folder 15: Kansas Diabetes Control, 1990

- Folder 16: Kansas Public Telecommunications Service, 1990

- Folder 17: Kansas State University - NASA, 1990

- Folder 18: Kanza Society, 1990

- Folder 19: Larned State Hospital, 1969

- Folder 20: Liberal Memorial Library, 1990

- Folder 21: Longview Community College, 1990

- Folder 22: McPherson Health Care Foundation, 1990

- Folder 23: Medical Alternatives, 1990

- Folder 24: Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas, 1990

- Folder 25: Okinawa Adoption Support and Information Society (OASIS), 1989

- Folder 26: River North Apartments, Wichita, 1989

- Folder 27: Rural Telephone Service Company, 1990

- Folder 28: Santa Fe National Historic Trail [1 of 3], 1987-1990

- Folder 29: Santa Fe National Historic Trail [2 of 3], 1987-1990

- Folder 30: Santa Fe National Historic Trail [3 of 3], 1987-1990

- Folder 31: Smokey Hills Public Television Corporation, KOOD-TV, 1990

- Folder 32: Southwest Kansas Education Consortium, 1990

- Folder 33: State of Kansas Head Start, 1990

- Folder 34: Sterling College, 1990

- Folder 35: Thank Yous and Follow Up Letters, 1988-1989

- Folder 36: Training Community Paraprofessional Mental Health Workers, 1973

- Folder 37: University of Kansas, Alcohol Abuse, 1990

- Folder 38: United Tribes of Kansas and Southeast Nebraska, Incorporated, 1990

- Folder 39: University of Kansas, Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Managed Care, 1990

- Folder 40: Wichita Projects [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 41: Wichita Projects [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Box 336: Oversize

- Folder 6: Santa Fe National Historic Trail [1 of 3], 1987-1990

- Series 4: Issue Mail, 1967-1996

- The bulk of Constituent Relations is composed of correspondence from Dole's constituents. Answering constituent correspondence was the major duty of the administrative staff, and the Issue Mail series contains nearly all letters sent to the Senator by individual citizens in order to express an opinion. Among the many topics covered in this sub-series are Kansans' reactions to the Vietnam War and the Cold War (particularly demonstrating staunch anti-communist sympathies), education reform, health care (particularly Medicare), gun control, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, prayer in schools, railroad workers retirement plans, and a range of agricultural issues.
- Arrangement: The arrangement of the Issue Mail represents three forms of recording keeping within the administrative staff. Some staff members kept files chronologically; many of these are indexed by a serial number. Other correspondents kept their files alphabetically by the name of the sender or the topic of the letter. These various schemes have been preserved in the arrangement.
Extent: 242 boxes
- Box 76

- Folder 1: Index - A - Czech, Cynthia [1 of 4], 1978-1980

- Folder 2: Index - A - Czech, Cynthia [2 of 4], 1978-1980

- Folder 3: Index - A - Czech, Cynthia [3 of 4], 1978-1980

- Folder 4: Index - A - Czech, Cynthia [4 of 4], 1978-1980

- Folder 5: Index - Czerski, Doyle - Hoaglund, Joseph [1 of 4], 1978-1980

- Folder 6: Index - Czerski, Doyle - Hoaglund, Joseph [2 of 4], 1978-1980

- Folder 7: Index - Czerski, Doyle - Hoaglund, Joseph [3 of 4], 1978-1980

- Folder 8: Index - Czerski, Doyle - Hoaglund, Joseph [4 of 4], 1978-1980

- Folder 9: Index - Hoaglund, Joseph - M & M Oil Company [1 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 10: Index - Hoaglund, Joseph - M & M Oil Company [2 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 11: Index - Hoaglund, Joseph - M & M Oil Company [3 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 12: Index - MECO Company Division of RAF Corporation - R. Waldo Schultz & Son [1 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 13: Index - MECO Company Division of RAF Corporation - R. Waldo Schultz & Son [2 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 14: Index - MECO Company Division of RAF Corporation - R. Waldo Schultz & Son [3 of 3], 1978-1980

- Box 77

- Folder 1: Index - Raabe, Carl A. - Taber, Lawrence E. [1 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 2: Index - Raabe, Carl A. - Taber, Lawrence E. [2 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 3: Index - Raabe, Carl A. - Taber, Lawrence E. [3 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 4: Index - Tabet, Kathleen (& 7th Grade Social Studies) - Z [1 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 5: Index - Tabet, Kathleen (& 7th Grade Social Studies) - Z [2 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 6: Index - Tabet, Kathleen (& 7th Grade Social Studies) - Z [3 of 3], 1978-1980

- Folder 7: Index - A.G. Sherwood Construction - Maben, Kevin [1 of 4], 1981

- Folder 8: Index - A.G. Sherwood Construction - Maben, Kevin [2 of 4], 1981

- Folder 9: Index - A.G. Sherwood Construction - Maben, Kevin [3 of 4], 1981

- Folder 10: Index - A.G. Sherwood Construction - Maben, Kevin [4 of 4], 1981

- Folder 11: Index - Mabry, D.B. - Zygmond, Jack [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 12: Index - Mabry, D.B. - Zygmond, Jack [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 13: Index - Mabry, D.B. - Zygmond, Jack [3 of 3], 1981

- Box 78

- Folder 1: Index - AE Smith Implement Company, Incorporated - Guyot, John A. [1 of 4], 1982

- Folder 2: Index - AE Smith Implement Company, Incorporated - Guyot, John A. [2 of 4], 1982

- Folder 3: Index - AE Smith Implement Company, Incorporated - Guyot, John A. [3 of 4], 1982

- Folder 4: Index - AE Smith Implement Company, Incorporated - Guyot, John A. [4 of 4], 1982

- Folder 5: Index - Guyot, John A. - Ozbun, J.L. [1 of 3], 1982

- Folder 6: Index - Guyot, John A. - Ozbun, J.L. [2 of 3], 1982

- Folder 7: Index - Guyot, John A. - Ozbun, J.L. [3 of 3], 1982

- Folder 8: Index - Ozbun, J.L. - Zylstra, Joanne M. & 2B Feed & Farm Supply [1 of 4], 1982

- Folder 9: Index - Ozbun, J.L. - Zylstra, Joanne M. & 2B Feed & Farm Supply [2 of 4], 1982

- Folder 10: Index - Ozbun, J.L. - Zylstra, Joanne M. & 2B Feed & Farm Supply [3 of 4], 1982

- Folder 11: Index - Ozbun, J.L. - Zylstra, Joanne M. & 2B Feed & Farm Supply [4 of 4], 1982

- Folder 12: Index - Aalto, Wilbert - Fyler, Howard [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 13: Index - Aalto, Wilbert - Fyler, Howard [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 14: Index - Aalto, Wilbert - Fyler, Howard [3 of 3], 1983

- Box 79

- Folder 1: Index - Fyock, Floyd C. - Maas, Patrick [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 2: Index - Fyock, Floyd C. - Maas, Patrick [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 3: Index - Fyock, Floyd C. - Maas, Patrick [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 4: Index - Maatsch, Leeta - Share, Irwin [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 5: Index - Maatsch, Leeta - Share, Irwin [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 6: Index - Maatsch, Leeta - Share, Irwin [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 7: Index - Sharpless, James - Zych, Chris [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 8: Index - Sharpless, James - Zych, Chris [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 9: Index - Kress, Susan - Gwinn, D. [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 10: Index - Kress, Susan - Gwinn, D. [2 of 4], 1984

- Folder 11: Index - Kress, Susan - Gwinn, D. [3 of 4], 1984

- Folder 12: Index - Kress, Susan - Gwinn, D. [4 of 4], 1984

- Box 80

- Folder 1: Index - Gwynn, Ann - Pyle, John [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 2: Index - Gwynn, Ann - Pyle, John [2 of 4], 1984

- Folder 3: Index - Gwynn, Ann - Pyle, John [3 of 4], 1984

- Folder 4: Index - Gwynn, Ann - Pyle, John [4 of 4], 1984

- Folder 5: Index - Pules, Ray A. - Zygmond, Jack (184th Cam Sq. Aer & 7th grade) [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 6: Index - Pules, Ray A. - Zygmond, Jack (184th Cam Sq. Aer & 7th grade) [2 of 4], 1984

- Folder 7: Index - Pules, Ray A. - Zygmond, Jack (184th Cam Sq. Aer & 7th grade) [3 of 4], 1984

- Folder 8: Index - Pules, Ray A. - Zygmond, Jack (184th Cam Sq. Aer & 7th grade) [4 of 4], 1984

- Folder 9: Index - AAA Glass Company - Haag, Daniel [1 of 3], 1985

- Folder 10: Index - AAA Glass Company - Haag, Daniel [2 of 3], 1985

- Folder 11: Index - AAA Glass Company - Haag, Daniel [3 of 3], 1985

- Folder 12: Index - Haag, Evelyn - Quach, Peter [1 of 3], 1985

- Folder 13: Index - Haag, Evelyn - Quach, Peter [2 of 3], 1985

- Folder 14: Index - Haag, Evelyn - Quach, Peter [3 of 3], 1985

- Box 81

- Folder 1: Index - Quackenbush, Rosann - Zytveld, L. Van [1 of 3], 1985

- Folder 2: Index - Quackenbush, Rosann - Zytveld, L. Van [2 of 3], 1985

- Folder 3: Index - Quackenbush, Rosann - Zytveld, L. Van [3 of 3], 1985

- Folder 4: Index - A. David Stewart - Lytton, Robert A. [1 of 3], 1986

- Folder 5: Index - A. David Stewart - Lytton, Robert A. [2 of 3], 1986

- Folder 6: Index - A. David Stewart - Lytton, Robert A. [3 of 3], 1986

- Folder 7: Index - Ma, Hue Thi - Zyromski, Robert [1 of 3], 1986

- Folder 8: Index - Ma, Hue Thi - Zyromski, Robert [2 of 3], 1986

- Folder 9: Index - Ma, Hue Thi - Zyromski, Robert [3 of 3], 1986

- Folder 10: Index - Aadland, Irene - Namey, Mary W. [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 11: Index - Aadland, Irene - Namey, Mary W. [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 12: Index - Aadland, Irene - Namey, Mary W. [3 of 4], 1987

- Folder 13: Index - Aadland, Irene - Namey, Mary W. [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 14: Index - Namgung, Yoon - Zylstra, Joanne [1 of 3], 1987

- Box 82

- Folder 1: Index - Namgung, Yoon - Zylstra, Joanne [2 of 3], 1987

- Folder 2: Index - Namgung, Yoon - Zylstra, Joanne [3 of 3], 1987

- Folder 3: Index - A.D. Banker & Company - La Forge, Paula, Sister [1 of 4], 1988

- Folder 4: Index - A.D. Banker & Company - La Forge, Paula, Sister [2 of 4], 1988

- Folder 5: Index - A.D. Banker & Company - La Forge, Paula, Sister [3 of 4], 1988

- Folder 6: Index - A.D. Banker & Company - La Forge, Paula, Sister [4 of 4], 1988

- Folder 7: Index - La Master, Dan - Zytkow, Anna Nikola [1 of 3], 1988

- Folder 8: Index - La Master, Dan - Zytkow, Anna Nikola [2 of 3], 1988

- Folder 9: Index - La Master, Dan - Zytkow, Anna Nikola [3 of 3], 1988

- Folder 10: Index - A. Palluca & Sons - Maack, Hubert [1 of 4], 1988

- Folder 11: Index - A. Palluca & Sons - Maack, Hubert [2 of 4], 1989

- Folder 12: Index - A. Palluca & Sons - Maack, Hubert [3 of 4], 1989

- Folder 13: Index - A. Palluca & Sons - Maack, Hubert [4 of 4], 1989

- Folder 14: Index - Maack, Steven - Zytkom, Jam [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 15: Index - Maack, Steven - Zytkom, Jam [2 of 3], 1989

- Box 83

- Folder 1: Index - Maack, Steven - Zytkom, Jam [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 2: Index - A.G. Edwards & Sons - Haake, Gregory [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 3: Index - A.G. Edwards & Sons - Haake, Gregory [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 4: Index - A.G. Edwards & Sons - Haake, Gregory [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 5: Index - Haas, J. Michael - Nadeau, Claudia J. [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 6: Index - Haas, J. Michael - Nadeau, Claudia J. [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 7: Index - Haas, J. Michael - Nadeau, Claudia J. [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 8: Index - Nadeau, R.E. - Zywiki, Tadeo Spike [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 9: Index - Nadeau, R.E. - Zywiki, Tadeo Spike [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 10: Index - Nadeau, R.E. - Zywiki, Tadeo Spike [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 11: Index - Aanerud, L.M. - Kahn, Lonna E. [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 12: Index - Aanerud, L.M. - Kahn, Lonna E. [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 13: Index - Aanerud, L.M. - Kahn, Lonna E. [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 14: Index - Aanerud, L.M. - Kahn, Lonna E. [4 of 4], 1991

- Box 84

- Folder 1: Index - Kahn, Melvin A. - Strene, Ginny [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 2: Index - Kahn, Melvin A. - Strene, Ginny [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 3: Index - Kahn, Melvin A. - Strene, Ginny [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 4: Index - Streufert, Victor B. - Zylstra, Bert, 1991

- Folder 5: Index - Aaron, Brian - Gyllenborg, Richard E. [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 6: Index - Aaron, Brian - Gyllenborg, Richard E. [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 7: Index - Aaron, Brian - Gyllenborg, Richard E. [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 8: Index - Haag, Cass H. - Quisenberry, Janie [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 9: Index - Haag, Cass H. - Quisenberry, Janie [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 10: Index - Haag, Cass H. - Quisenberry, Janie [3 of 3], 1992

- Box 85

- Folder 1: Index - Rabe, Marv - Zypick, Carolyn [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 2: Index - Rabe, Marv - Zypick, Carolyn [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 3: Index - Rabe, Marv - Zypick, Carolyn [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 4: Index - Aaron, Jan - Gwinn, Judy [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 5: Index - Aaron, Jan - Gwinn, Judy [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 6: Index - Aaron, Jan - Gwinn, Judy [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 7: Index - Aaron, Jan - Gwinn, Judy [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 8: Index - Haag, Clayton E. - Ozley, Marvin W. [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 9: Index - Haag, Clayton E. - Ozley, Marvin W. [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 10: Index - Haag, Clayton E. - Ozley, Marvin W. [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 11: Index - Pace, Carl L - Zysset, Glen L. [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 12: Index - Pace, Carl L - Zysset, Glen L. [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 13: Index - Pace, Carl L - Zysset, Glen L. [3 of 3], 1993

- Box 86

- Folder 1: Index - Aaron, William J. - Habkirk, Pat [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 2: Index - Aaron, William J. - Habkirk, Pat [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 3: Index - Aaron, William J. - Habkirk, Pat [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 4: Index - Hachmiester, Don - Sabatka, Gil [1 of 4], 1994

- Folder 5: Index - Hachmiester, Don - Sabatka, Gil [2 of 4], 1994

- Folder 6: Index - Hachmiester, Don - Sabatka, Gil [3 of 4], 1994

- Folder 7: Index - Hachmiester, Don - Sabatka, Gil [4 of 4], 1994

- Folder 8: Index - Sabbagh, John H. - Zyldo, Mark A. [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 9: Index - Sabbagh, John H. - Zyldo, Mark A. [2 of 2], 1994

- Folder 10: Index - Aafedt, Corinne - Zydlo, Scotty [1 of 4], 1995

- Folder 11: Index - Aafedt, Corinne - Zydlo, Scotty [2 of 4], 1995

- Folder 12: Index - Aafedt, Corinne - Zydlo, Scotty [3 of 4], 1995

- Folder 13: Index - Aafedt, Corinne - Zydlo, Scotty [4 of 4], 1995

- Box 87

- Folder 1: Chronological - September [1 of 9], 1976

- Folder 2: Chronological - September [2 of 9], 1976

- Folder 3: Chronological - September [3 of 9], 1976

- Folder 4: Chronological - September [4 of 9], 1976

- Folder 5: Chronological - September [5 of 9], 1976

- Folder 6: Chronological - September [6 of 9], 1976

- Folder 7: Chronological - September [7 of 9], 1976

- Folder 8: Chronological - September [8 of 9], 1976

- Folder 9: Chronological - September [9 of 9], 1976

- Folder 10: Chronological - October [1 of 6], 1976

- Folder 11: Chronological - October [2 of 6], 1976

- Box 88

- Folder 1: Chronological - October [3 of 6], 1976

- Folder 2: Chronological - October [4 of 6], 1976

- Folder 3: Chronological - October [5 of 6], 1976

- Folder 4: Chronological - October [6 of 6], 1976

- Folder 5: Chronological - October [1 of 4], 1976

- Folder 6: Chronological - October [2 of 4], 1976

- Folder 7: Chronological - October [3 of 4], 1976

- Folder 8: Chronological - October [4 of 4], 1976

- Folder 9: Chronological - October [1 of 5], 1976

- Folder 10: Chronological - October [2 of 5], 1976

- Folder 11: Chronological - October [3 of 5], 1976

- Folder 12: Chronological - October [4 of 5], 1976

- Folder 13: Chronological - October [5 of 5], 1976

- Box 89

- Folder 1: Chronological - October [1 of 4], 1976

- Folder 2: Chronological - October [2 of 4], 1976

- Folder 3: Chronological - October [3 of 4], 1976

- Folder 4: Chronological - October [4 of 4], 1976

- Folder 5: Chronological - November [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 6: Chronological - November [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 7: Chronological - 9157552059 - 9173552007, June [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 8: Chronological - 9157552059 - 9173552007, June [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 9: Chronological - 9176552001 - 9179552005, June [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 10: Chronological - 9176552001 - 9179552005, June [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 11: Chronological - 9190552001 - 9208552026, July [1 of 4], 1979

- Folder 12: Chronological - 9190552001 - 9208552026, July [2 of 4], 1979

- Folder 13: Chronological - 9190552001 - 9208552026, July [3 of 4], 1979

- Folder 14: Chronological - 9190552001 - 9208552026, July [4 of 4], 1979

- Box 90

- Folder 1: Chronological - 9215552001 - 9239552025, August [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 2: Chronological - 9215552001 - 9239552025, August [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 3: Chronological - 9247552001 - 9273552002, September [1 of 3], 1979

- Folder 4: Chronological - 9247552001 - 9273552002, September [2 of 3], 1979

- Folder 5: Chronological - 9247552001 - 9273552002, September [3 of 3], 1979

- Folder 6: Chronological - 9274552001 - 9292552043, October [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 7: Chronological - 9274552001 - 9292552043, October [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0001552001 - 0015552030, January [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 9: Chronological - 0001552001 - 0015552030, January [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 10: Chronological - 0001552001 - 0015552030, January [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 11: Chronological - 0001552001 - 0015552030, January [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 12: Chronological - 0016552001 - 0029552015, January [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 13: Chronological - 0016552001 - 0029552015, January [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 14: Chronological - 0016552001 - 0029552015, January [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 15: Chronological - 0016552001 - 0029552015, January [4 of 4], 1980

- Box 91

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0030552001 - 0051552143, January-February, [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 2: Chronological - 0030552001 - 0051552143, January-February, [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 3: Chronological - 0030552001 - 0051552143, January-February, [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 4: Chronological - 0030552001 - 0051552143, January-February, [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 5: Chronological - 0056552018 - 0070552075, January-February [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 6: Chronological - 0056552018 - 0070552075, January-February [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 7: Chronological - 0056552018 - 0070552075, January-February [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0056552018 - 0070552075, January-February [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 9: Chronological - 0078552001 - 0079552121, February-March [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 10: Chronological - 0078552001 - 0079552121, February-March [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 11: Chronological - 0078552001 - 0079552121, February-March [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 12: Chronological - 0078552001 - 0079552121, February-March [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 13: Chronological - 0081552001 - 0087552189, March [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 14: Chronological - 0081552001 - 0087552189, March [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 15: Chronological - 0081552001 - 0087552189, March [3 of 4], 1980

- Box 92

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0081552001 - 0087552189, March [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 2: Chronological - 0091552001 - 0112552124, March-April [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 3: Chronological - 0091552001 - 0112552124, March-April [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 4: Chronological - 0091552001 - 0112552124, March-April [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 5: Chronological - 0113552001 - 0135552183, April [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 6: Chronological - 0113552001 - 0135552183, April [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 7: Chronological - 0113552001 - 0135552183, April [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0113552001 - 0135552183, April [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 9: Chronological - 0136552001 - 0140552150, April [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 10: Chronological - 0136552001 - 0140552150, April [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 11: Chronological - 0136552001 - 0140552150, April [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 12: Chronological - 0141552001 - 0156552065, April-May [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 13: Chronological - 0141552001 - 0156552065, April-May [2 of 3], 1980

- Box 93

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0141552001 - 0156552065, April-May [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 2: Chronological - 0157552001 - 0158552156, May [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 3: Chronological - 0157552001 - 0158552156, May [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 4: Chronological - 0157552001 - 0158552156, May [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 5: Chronological - 0157552001 - 0158552156, May [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 6: Chronological - 0161552001 - 0162552082, May [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 7: Chronological - 0161552001 - 0162552082, May [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0161552001 - 0162552082, May [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 9: Chronological - 0163552001 - 0164552164, May [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 10: Chronological - 0163552001 - 0164552164, May [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 11: Chronological - 0163552001 - 0164552164, May [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 12: Chronological - 0168552001 - 0176552108, May-June [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 13: Chronological - 0168552001 - 0176552108, May-June [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 14: Chronological - 0168552001 - 0176552108, May-June [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 15: Chronological - 0345012001 - 0345012042, June-October, 1980

- Box 94

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0177552001 - 0192552107, June [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 2: Chronological - 0177552001 - 0192552107, June [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 3: Chronological - 0177552001 - 0192552107, June [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 4: Chronological - 0219552001 - 0221552078, July [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 5: Chronological - 0219552001 - 0221552078, July [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 6: Chronological - 0219552001 - 0221552078, July [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 7: Chronological - 0219552001 - 0221552078, July [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0213552002 - 02185552101, July [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 9: Chronological - 0213552002 - 02185552101, July [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 10: Chronological - 0213552002 - 02185552101, July [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 11: Chronological - 0231552002 - 0275012073, August [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 12: Chronological - 0231552002 - 0275012073, August [2 of 2], 1980

- Box 95

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0277012002 - 0277012162, August [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 2: Chronological - 0277012002 - 0277012162, August [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 3: Chronological - 0281012001 - 0281012210, August [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 4: Chronological - 0281012001 - 0281012210, August [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 5: Chronological - 0281012001 - 0281012210, August [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 6: Chronological - 0303012001 - 0316012120, September [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 7: Chronological - 0303012001 - 0316012120, September [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0303012001 - 0316012120, September [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 9: Chronological - 0317012001 - 0319012115, September [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 10: Chronological - 0317012001 - 0319012115, September [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 11: Chronological - 0317012001 - 0319012115, September [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 12: Chronological - 0317012001 - 0319012115, September [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 13: Chronological - 0322012001 - 0322012144, September [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 14: Chronological - 0322012001 - 0322012144, September [2 of 2], 1980

- Box 96

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0326012001 - 03290122117, October [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 2: Chronological - 0326012001 - 03290121117, October [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 3: Chronological - 0326012001 - 03290121117, October [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 4: Chronological - 0330012001 - 0330012224, October [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 5: Chronological - 0330012001 - 0330012224, October [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 6: Chronological - 0330012001 - 0330012224, October [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 7: Chronological - 0331012001 - 0331012107, October [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0331012001 - 0331012107, October [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 9: Chronological - 0336012001 - 0336012196, October [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 10: Chronological - 0336012001 - 0336012196, October [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 11: Chronological - 0336012001 - 0336012196, October [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 12: Chronological - 0337012001 - 0337012177, October [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 13: Chronological - 0337012001 - 0337012177, October [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 14: Chronological - 0337012001 - 0337012177, October [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 15: Chronological - 0357012001 - 0357012106, November [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 16: Chronological - 0357012001 - 0357012106, November [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 17: Chronological - 1013012001 - 1013012075, November, 1980

- Box 97

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1016012001 - 1016012228, November [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1016012001 - 1016012228, November [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1016012001 - 1016012228, November [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1019012001 - 1019012246, November [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1019012001 - 1019012246, November [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1019012001 - 1019012246, November [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1070012001 - 1071012179, December [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1070012001 - 1071012179, December [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1070012001 - 1071012179, December [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1072012001 - 1072012217, December [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1072012001 - 1072012217, December [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1072012001 - 1072012217, December [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1075012001 - 1075012178, December [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 14: Chronological - 1075012001 - 1075012178, December [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 15: Chronological - 1075012001 - 1075012178, December [3 of 3], 1980

- Box 98

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2018062009 - 20290620100 [1 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2018062009 - 20290620100 [2 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2018062009 - 20290620100 [3 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1258062001 - 1259062087, January [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1258062001 - 1259062087, January [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1258062001 - 1259062087, January [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1259062088 - 1259062275, January [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1259062088 - 1259062275, January [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1259062088 - 1259062275, January [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1260062001 - 1260062161, January [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1260062001 - 1260062161, January [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1260062001 - 1260062161, January [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1260062162 - 1260062295, February [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 14: Chronological - 1260062162 - 1260062295, February [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 15: Chronological - 1260062162 - 1260062295, February [3 of 3], 1981

- Box 99

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1261062001 - 1261062237, February [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1261062001 - 1261062237, February [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1261062001 - 1261062237, February [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1261062238 - 1261062442, February [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1261062238 - 1261062442, February [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1261062238 - 1261062442, February [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1264062001 - 1264062174, March [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1264062001 - 1264062174, March [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1264062001 - 1264062174, March [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1264062175 - 1264062512, March [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1264062175 - 1264062512, March [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1264062175 - 1264062512, March [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1265062001 - 1265062225, April [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 14: Chronological - 1265062001 - 1265062225, April [2 of 3], 1981

- Box 100

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1265062001 - 1265062225, April [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1265062256 - 1265062485, April [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1265062256 - 1265062485, April [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1265062256 - 1265062485, April [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1265062486 - 1265062612, April [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1265062486 - 1265062612, April [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1266062001 - 1266062279, May [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1266062001 - 1266062279, May [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1266062001 - 1266062279, May [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1266062280 - 1267062156, May [1 of 4], 1981

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1266062280 - 1267062156, May [2 of 4], 1981

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1266062280 - 1267062156, May [3 of 4], 1981

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1266062280 - 1267062156, May [4 of 4], 1981

- Box 101

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1267062157 - 1267062372, June [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1267062157 - 1267062372, June [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1267062157 - 1267062372, June [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1267062373 - 1268062045, June [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1267062373 - 1268062045, June [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1268062046 - 1271062042, July [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1268062046 - 1271062042, July [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1268062046 - 1271062042, July [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1271062043 - 1272062081, July [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1271062043 - 1272062081, July [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1271062043 - 1272062081, July [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1272062082 - 1272062257, August [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1272062082 - 1272062257, August [2 of 2], 1981

- Box 102

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1272062258 - 1273062197, August [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1272062258 - 1273062197, August [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1272062258 - 1273062197, August [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1273062198 - 1273062301, August [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1273062198 - 1273062301, August [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1274062001 - 1274062237, September [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1274062001 - 1274062237, September [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1274062239 - 1274062392, September [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1274062239 - 1274062392, September [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1281062001 - 1293062170, September-October [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1281062001 - 1293062170, September-October [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1281062001 - 1293062170, September-October [3 of 3], 1981

- Box 103

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1299062001 - 1310062069, October-November [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1299062001 - 1310062069, October-November [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1299062001 - 1310062069, October-November [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1317062001 - 1334062074, November [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1317062001 - 1334062074, November [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1317062001 - 1334062074, November [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1341062001 - 1349062009, November-December [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1341062001 - 1349062009, November-December [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1341062001 - 1349062009, November-December [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1352062001 - 1362062015, December [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1352062001 - 1362062015, December [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1352062001 - 1362062015, December [3 of 3], 1981

- Box 104

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2043062001 - 2050062031, January-February [1 of 3], 1982

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2043062001 - 2050062031, January-February [2 of 3], 1982

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2043062001 - 2050062031, January-February [3 of 3], 1982

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2090062001 - 2095062030, February-March [1 of 3], 1982

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2090062001 - 2095062030, February-March [2 of 3], 1982

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2090062001 - 2095062030, February-March [3 of 3], 1982

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2096062001 - 2103062068, February-March [1 of 3], 1982

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2096062001 - 2103062068, February-March [2 of 3], 1982

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2096062001 - 2103062068, February-March [3 of 3], 1982

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2104062001 - 2106062109, March-April [1 of 3], 1982

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2104062001 - 2106062109, March-April [2 of 3], 1982

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2104062001 - 2106062109, March-April [3 of 3], 1982

- Folder 13: Chronological - 2109062001 - 2118062095, March-April [1 of 3], 1982

- Folder 14: Chronological - 2109062001 - 2118062095, March-April [2 of 3], 1982

- Folder 15: Chronological - 2109062001 - 2118062095, March-April [3 of 3], 1982

- Box 105

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2119062001 - 2145062058, April [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2119062001 - 2145062058, April [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2146062001 - 214762054, April-May [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2146062001 - 214762054, April-May [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2153062002 - 2158062027, May-June [1 of 3], 1982

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2153062002 - 2158062027, May-June [2 of 3], 1982

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2153062002 - 2158062027, May-June [3 of 3], 1982

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2168062001 - 2169062032, May-June [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2168062001 - 2169062032, May-June [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2175062001 - 2176062107, May-June [1 of 3], 1982

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2175062001 - 2176062107, May-June [2 of 3], 1982

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2175062001 - 2176062107, May-June [3 of 3], 1982

- Folder 13: Chronological - 2193062001 - 2194062098, June [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 14: Chronological - 2193062001 - 2194062098, June [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 15: Chronological - 2197062001 - 2197062144, June-July [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 16: Chronological - 2197062001 - 2197062144, June-July [2 of 2], 1982

- Box 106

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2203062001 - 2210062096, June-July [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2203062001 - 2210062096, June-July [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2223062001 - 2252062109, July-August [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2223062001 - 2252062109, July-August [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2273062001 - 2278062089, August-September [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2273062001 - 2278062089, August-September [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2292062001 - 2293062080, August-October [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2292062001 - 2293062080, August-October [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2305062001 - 2306062078, September-October [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2305062001 - 2306062078, September-October [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2313062001 - 2314062030, October-November [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2313062001 - 2314062030, October-November [2 of 2], 1982

- Box 107

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2327062001 - 2327062148, October-November [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2327062001 - 2327062148, October-November [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3004862001 - 3017062146, November-December [1 of 4], 1982

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3004862001 - 3017062146, November-December [2 of 4], 1982

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3004862001 - 3017062146, November-December [3 of 4], 1982

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3004862001 - 3017062146, November-December [4 of 4], 1982

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3144062001 - 3164862047, November-June [1 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3144062001 - 3164862047, November-June [2 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3144062001 - 3164862047, November-June [3 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3091062001 - 3095062102, December-March [1 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3091062001 - 3095062102, December-March [2 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3091062001 - 3095062102, December-March [3 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3091062001 - 3095062102, December-March [4 of 4], 1982-1983

- Box 108

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3122062001 - 3123062017, December-March [1 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3122062001 - 3123062017, December-March [2 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3122062001 - 3123062017, December-March [3 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3122062001 - 3123062017, December-March [4 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3017062147 - 3024062025, January [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3017062147 - 3024062025, January [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3031062001 - 3053062050, January-February [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3031062001 - 3053062050, January-February [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3031062001 - 3053062050, January-February [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3136862001 - 3136062017, January-May [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3136862001 - 3136062017, January-May [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3136862001 - 3136062017, January-May [3 of 3], 1983

- Box 109

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3096062001 - 3102062046, March-April [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3096062001 - 3102062046, March-April [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3096062001 - 3102062046, March-April [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3189062029 - 3192062068, June [1 of 4], 1983

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3189062029 - 3192062068, June [2 of 4], 1983

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3189062029 - 3192062068, June [3 of 4], 1983

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3189062029 - 3192062068, June [4 of 4], 1983

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3199862001 - 3213062041, June-August [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3199862001 - 3213062041, June-August [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3220062001 - 3241062037, June-August [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3220062001 - 3241062037, June-August [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3220062001 - 3241062037, June-August [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3245062001 - 3263062062, August-September [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 14: Chronological - 3245062001 - 3263062062, August-September [2 of 2], 1983

- Box 110

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3269062001 - 3276062014, September [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3269062001 - 3276062014, September [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3286062001 - 3311062085, September-November [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3286062001 - 3311062085, September-November [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3286062001 - 3311062085, September-November [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3332062012 - 3365062020, November-December [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3332062012 - 3365062020, November-December [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3332062012 - 3365062020, November-December [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 9: Chronological - 4012062001 - 4033062148, January [1 of 3], 1984

- Folder 10: Chronological - 4012062001 - 4033062148, January [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 11: Chronological - 4012062001 - 4033062148, January [3 of 3], 1984

- Folder 12: Chronological - 4051062001 - 4051062125, January [1 of 2], 1984

- Folder 13: Chronological - 4051062001 - 4051062125, January [2 of 2], 1984

- Box 111

- Folder 1: Chronological - 4068062001 - 4087062081, February-March [1 of 3], 1984

- Folder 2: Chronological - 4068062001 - 4087062081, February-March [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 3: Chronological - 4068062001 - 4087062081, February-March [3 of 3], 1984

- Folder 4: Chronological - 4101062001 - 4114062045, March-April [1 of 2], 1984

- Folder 5: Chronological - 4101062001 - 4114062045, March-April [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 6: Chronological - 4139062001 - 4177062049, April-June [1 of 3], 1984

- Folder 7: Chronological - 4139062001 - 4177062049, April-June [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 8: Chronological - 4139062001 - 4177062049, April-June [3 of 3], 1984

- Folder 9: Chronological - 4304062001 - 4366062045, October-December [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 10: Chronological - 4304062001 - 4366062045, October-December [2 of 4], 1984

- Box 112

- Folder 1: Chronological - 4304062001 - 4366062045, October-December [3 of 4], 1984

- Folder 2: Chronological - 4304062001 - 4366062045, October-December [4 of 4], 1984

- Folder 3: Chronological - 5015062001 - 5033062035, December-January [1 of 3], 1984-1985

- Folder 4: Chronological - 5015062001 - 5033062035, December-January [2 of 3], 1984-1985

- Folder 5: Chronological - 5015062001 - 5033062035, December-January [3 of 3], 1984-1985

- Folder 6: Chronological - 5051062001 - 5072062062, January-March [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 7: Chronological - 5051062001 - 5072062062, January-March [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 8: Chronological - 5099062001 - 5116062117, March-April [1 of 3], 1985

- Folder 9: Chronological - 5099062001 - 5116062117, March-April [2 of 3], 1985

- Folder 10: Chronological - 5099062001 - 5116062117, March-April [3 of 3], 1985

- Box 113

- Folder 1: Chronological - 5134062001 - 5175062081, April-June [1 of 4], 1985

- Folder 2: Chronological - 5134062001 - 5175062081, April-June [2 of 4], 1985

- Folder 3: Chronological - 5134062001 - 5175062081, April-June [3 of 4], 1985

- Folder 4: Chronological - 5134062001 - 5175062081, April-June [4 of 4], 1985

- Folder 5: Chronological - 5190062001 - 5225062085, May-August [1 of 4], 1985

- Folder 6: Chronological - 5190062001 - 5225062085, May-August [2 of 4], 1985

- Folder 7: Chronological - 5190062001 - 5225062085, May-August [3 of 4], 1985

- Folder 8: Chronological - 5190062001 - 5225062085, May-August [4 of 4], 1985

- Folder 9: Chronological - 5226062001 - 5259062066, August-September [1 of 3], 1985

- Folder 10: Chronological - 5226062001 - 5259062066, August-September [2 of 3], 1985

- Folder 11: Chronological - 5226062001 - 5259062066, August-September [3 of 3], 1985

- Folder 12: Chronological - 5260062001 - 5340062036, September [1 of 3], 1985

- Box 114

- Folder 1: Chronological - 5260062001 - 5340062036, September [2 of 3], 1985

- Folder 2: Chronological - 5260062001 - 5340062036, September [3 of 3], 1985

- Folder 3: Chronological - 5344062001 - 5345062077, October-November [1 of 4], 1985

- Foreign Policy/Aid, Child Abuse, Exportation
- Folder 4: Chronological - 5344062001 - 5345062077, October-November [2 of 4], 1985

- Pornography, 1985 Farm Bill, Energy, Immigration
- Folder 5: Chronological - 5344062001 - 5345062077, October-November [3 of 4], 1985

- Folder 6: Chronological - 5344062001 - 5345062077, October-November [4 of 4], 1985

- Folder 7: Chronological - 5347062001 - 5347062047, November [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 8: Chronological - 5347062001 - 5347062047, November [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 9: Chronological - 5358062001 - 5358062035, December, 1985

- Folder 10: Chronological - 6063062001 - 6069062090, January-February [1 of 4], 1986

- Animal Welfare, National Floral Emblem, Mass Mailings
- Folder 11: Chronological - 6063062001 - 6069062090, January-February [2 of 4], 1986

- National Endowment of the Arts (NEA), Animal Welfare, Education
- Folder 12: Chronological - 6063062001 - 6069062090, January-February [3 of 4], 1986

- Obscenity, Student Financial Aid, Native Americans, Food Stamps
- Box 115

- Folder 1: Chronological - 6063062001 - 6069062090, January-February [4 of 4], 1986

- Guns, Devil Worship, Dr. Martin Luther King (MLK), Metric System
- Folder 2: Chronological - 6070062001 - 6128062059, February-March [1 of 3], 1986

- Abortion, Pornography, Mail Service, State Lottery
- Folder 3: Chronological - 6070062001 - 6128062059, February-March [2 of 3], 1986

- National Anthem, Agriculture, Abortion
- Folder 4: Chronological - 6070062001 - 6128062059, February-March [3 of 3], 1986

- Highway 50, Transportation, Euthanasia, Child Abuse, National Anthem
- Folder 5: Chronological - 6132062001 - 6132062122, March-May [1 of 3], 1986

- Abortion, Euthanasia, Project Equality
- Folder 6: Chronological - 6132062001 - 6132062122, March-May [2 of 3], 1986

- Indian affairs (Haskell), Abortion, Retirement, Social Security
- Folder 7: Chronological - 6132062001 - 6132062122, March-May [3 of 3], 1986

- National Anthem, Daylight Savings Time (DST), Death Penalty, Language, State Lottery
- Folder 8: Chronological - 6150062001 - 6181062019, April-June [1 of 4], 1986

- National Anthem, Foreign Policy/Aid, Support for the Elderly, Malpractice, Congressional Mailings, Pornography
- Folder 9: Chronological - 6150062001 - 6181062019, April-June [2 of 4], 1986

- Welfare, Tobacco, Death Penalty
- Folder 10: Chronological - 6150062001 - 6181062019, April-June [3 of 4], 1986

- Agriculture, Child Care, Budget
- Folder 11: Chronological - 6150062001 - 6181062019, April-June [4 of 4], 1986

- Pornography, Child Nutrition, Family Planning
- Folder 12: Chronological - 6189062001 - 6276062066, June-July [1 of 2], 1986

- Waste, Foster Grandparent Program, Pornography, Homeless, Runaway Youth, Indian Affairs
- Folder 13: Chronological - 6189062001 - 6276062066, June-July [2 of 2], 1986

- Seat Belts, Pornography, Drinking Age, Retirement, Lottery
- Box 116

- Folder 1: Chronological - 6281062001 - 6281062232, August-September [1 of 5], 1986

- Folder 2: Chronological - 6281062001 - 6281062232, August-September [2 of 5], 1986

- Folder 3: Chronological - 6281062001 - 6281062232, August-September [3 of 5], 1986

- Folder 4: Chronological - 6281062001 - 6281062232, August-September [4 of 5], 1986

- Folder 5: Chronological - 6281062001 - 6281062232, August-September [5 of 5], 1986

- Folder 6: Chronological - 6282062001 - 6316062039, September-October [1 of 4], 1986

- Folder 7: Chronological - 6282062001 - 6316062039, September-October [2 of 4], 1986

- Folder 8: Chronological - 6282062001 - 6316062039, September-October [3 of 4], 1986

- Folder 9: Chronological - 6282062001 - 6316062039, September-October [4 of 4], 1986

- Folder 10: Chronological - 6337062001 - 6337062175, October-November [1 of 3], 1986

- Folder 11: Chronological - 6337062001 - 6337062175, October-November [2 of 3], 1986

- Folder 12: Chronological - 6337062001 - 6337062175, October-November [3 of 3], 1986

- Box 117

- Folder 1: Chronological - 6339062001 - 6353062008, November-December [1 of 3], 1986

- Folder 2: Chronological - 6339062001 - 6353062008, November-December [2 of 3], 1986

- Folder 3: Chronological - 6339062001 - 6353062008, November-December [3 of 3], 1986

- Folder 4: Chronological - 7016062001 - 7035062069, December-January [1 of 3], 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Chronological - 7016062001 - 7035062069, December-January [2 of 3], 1986-1987

- Folder 6: Chronological - 7016062001 - 7035062069, December-January [3 of 3], 1986-1987

- Folder 7: Chronological - 7036062001 - 7062062083, February-March [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 8: Chronological - 7036062001 - 7062062083, February-March [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 9: Chronological - 7036062001 - 7062062083, February-March [3 of 4], 1987

- Folder 10: Chronological - 7036062001 - 7062062083, February-March [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 11: Chronological - 7091062001 - 7092062034, February-March [1 of 3], 1987

- Folder 12: Chronological - 7091062001 - 7092062034, February-March [2 of 3], 1987

- Folder 13: Chronological - 7091062001 - 7092062034, February-March [3 of 3], 1987

- Box 118

- Folder 1: Chronological - 7112062001 - 7139062044, March-May [1 of 3], 1987

- Folder 2: Chronological - 7112062001 - 7139062044, March-May [2 of 3], 1987

- Folder 3: Chronological - 7112062001 - 7139062044, March-May [3 of 3], 1987

- Folder 4: Chronological - 7152062001 - 7166062037, April-June [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 5: Chronological - 7152062001 - 7166062037, April-June [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 6: Chronological - 7152062001 - 7166062037, April-June [3 of 4], 1987

- Folder 7: Chronological - 7152062001 - 7166062037, April-June [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 8: Chronological - 7173062001 - 7194062059, June-July [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 9: Chronological - 7173062001 - 7194062059, June-July [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 10: Chronological - 7173062001 - 7194062059, June-July [3 of 4], 1987

- Folder 11: Chronological - 7173062001 - 7194062059, June-July [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 12: Chronological - 7201062001 - 7208062081, July [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 13: Chronological - 7201062001 - 7208062081, July [2 of 4], 1987

- Box 119

- Folder 1: Chronological - 7201062001 - 7208062081, July [3 of 4], 1987

- Folder 2: Chronological - 7201062001 - 7208062081, July [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 3: Chronological - 7217062001 - 7229062059, July-August [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 4: Chronological - 7217062001 - 7229062059, July-August [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 5: Chronological - 7217062001 - 7229062059, July-August [3 of 4], 1987

- Folder 6: Chronological - 7217062001 - 7229062059, July-August [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 7: Chronological - 7262062001 - 7232062051, August [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 8: Chronological - 7262062001 - 7232062051, August [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 9: Chronological - 7243062001 - 7243062131, August [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 10: Chronological - 7243062001 - 7243062131, August [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 11: Chronological - 7243062001 - 7243062131, August [3 of 4], 1987

- Folder 12: Chronological - 7243062001 - 7243062131, August [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 13: Chronological - 7257062001 - 7257062117, September [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 14: Chronological - 7257062001 - 7257062117, September [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 15: Chronological - 7271062001 - 7271062163, September [1 of 3], 1987

- Folder 16: Chronological - 7271062001 - 7271062163, September [2 of 3], 1987

- Box 120

- Folder 1: Chronological - 7271062001 - 7271062163, September [3 of 3], 1987

- Folder 2: Chronological - 7282062001 - 7285062026, September-October [1 of 3], 1987

- Folder 3: Chronological - 7282062001 - 7285062026, September-October [2 of 3], 1987

- Folder 4: Chronological - 7282062001 - 7285062026, September-October [3 of 3], 1987

- Folder 5: Chronological - 7314062001 - 7314062228, October-November [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 6: Chronological - 7314062001 - 7314062228, October-November [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 7: Chronological - 7314062001 - 7314062228, October-November [3 of 4], 1987

- Folder 8: Chronological - 7314062001 - 7314062228, October-November [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 9: Chronological - 7325062001 - 7325062146, November-December [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 10: Chronological - 7325062001 - 7325062146, November-December [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 11: Chronological - 7325062001 - 7325062146, November-December [3 of 4], 1987

- Folder 12: Chronological - 7325062001 - 7325062146, November-December [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 13: Chronological - 7331062001 - 7339062108, November-December [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 14: Chronological - 7331062001 - 7339062108, November-December [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 15: Chronological - 7331062001 - 7339062108, November-December [3 of 4], 1987

- Folder 16: Chronological - 7331062001 - 7339062108, November-December [4 of 4], 1987

- Box 121

- Folder 1: Chronological - 7364062001 - 7364062195, December [1 of 5], 1987

- Folder 2: Chronological - 7364062001 - 7364062195, December [2 of 5], 1987

- Folder 3: Chronological - 7364062001 - 7364062195, December [3 of 5], 1987

- Folder 4: Chronological - 7364062001 - 7364062195, December [4 of 5], 1987

- Folder 5: Chronological - 7364062001 - 7364062195, December [5 of 5], 1987

- Folder 6: Chronological - 8014062124 - 8014062123, January [1 of 3], 1988

- Folder 7: Chronological - 8014062124 - 8014062123, January [2 of 3], 1988

- Folder 8: Chronological - 8014062124 - 8014062123, January [3 of 3], 1988

- Folder 9: Chronological - 8046062001 - 8046062142, Part 1, January [1 of 4], 1988

- Folder 10: Chronological - 8046062001 - 8046062142, Part 1, January [2 of 4], 1988

- Folder 11: Chronological - 8046062001 - 8046062142, Part 1, January [3 of 4], 1988

- Folder 12: Chronological - 8046062001 - 8046062142, Part 1, January [4 of 4], 1988

- Folder 13: Chronological - 8046062143 - 8046062245, Part 2, January [1 of 2], 1988

- Folder 14: Chronological - 8046062143 - 8046062245, Part 2, January [2 of 2], 1988

- Folder 15: Chronological - 8074062001 - 8074062153, February [1 of 3], 1988

- Folder 16: Chronological - 8074062001 - 8074062153, February [2 of 3], 1988

- Folder 17: Chronological - 8074062001 - 8074062153, February [3 of 3], 1988

- Box 122

- Folder 1: Chronological - 8106062118 - 8106062226, February-March [1 of 3], 1988

- Folder 2: Chronological - 8106062118 - 8106062226, February-March [2 of 3], 1988

- Folder 3: Chronological - 8106062118 - 8106062226, February-March [3 of 3], 1988

- Folder 4: Chronological - 8106026001 - 8106062117, March [1 of 3], 1988

- Folder 5: Chronological - 8106062001 - 8106062117, March [2 of 3], 1988

- Folder 6: Chronological - 8106062001 - 8106062117, March [3 of 3], 1988

- Folder 7: Chronological - 8111062001 - 8111062218, March-April [1 of 5], 1988

- Folder 8: Chronological - 8111062001 - 8111062218, March-April [2 of 5], 1988

- Folder 9: Chronological - 8111062001 - 8111062218, March-April [3 of 5], 1988

- Folder 10: Chronological - 8111062001 - 8111062218, March-April [4 of 5], 1988

- Folder 11: Chronological - 8111062001 - 8111062218, March-April [5 of 5], 1988

- Folder 12: Chronological - 8138062001 - 8138062097, April-May [1 of 3], 1988

- Box 123

- Folder 1: Chronological - 8138062001 - 8138062097, April-May [2 of 3], 1988

- Folder 2: Chronological - 8138062001 - 8138062097, April-May [3 of 3], 1988

- Folder 3: Chronological - 8139062001 - 8139062160, April-May [1 of 3], 1988

- Folder 4: Chronological - 8139062001 - 8139062160, April-May [2 of 3], 1988

- Folder 5: Chronological - 8139062001 - 8139062160, April-May [3 of 3], 1988

- Folder 6: Chronological - 8145062001 - 8152062064, May [1 of 3], 1988

- Folder 7: Chronological - 8145062001 - 8152062064, May [2 of 3], 1988

- Folder 8: Chronological - 8145062001 - 8152062064, May [3 of 3], 1988

- Folder 9: Chronological - 8155062001 - 8168062028, May-June [1 of 3], 1988

- Medicare, Economics, Balanced Budget
- Folder 10: Chronological - 8155062001 - 8168062028, May-June [2 of 3], 1988

- Foreign Policy/Aid, Medicare
- Folder 11: Chronological - 8155062001 - 8168062028, May-June [3 of 3], 1988

- Tobacco, U.S. Postal Service, Child Welfare
- Folder 12: Chronological - 8172062001 - 8183062035, June [1 of 4], 1988

- Medicare, Rural Hospitals
- Folder 13: Chronological - 8172062001 - 8183062035, June [2 of 4], 1988

- Debarment, Foreign Operations
- Box 124

- Folder 1: Chronological - 8172062001 - 8183062035, June [3 of 4], 1988

- Veterans, Medical Testing Standards, Animal Welfare
- Folder 2: Chronological - 8172062001 - 8183062035, June [4 of 4], 1988

- Animal Welfare, Medicare
- Folder 3: Chronological - 8194062001 - 8200062026, June-July [1 of 4], 1988

- Health Careers, Veterans
- Folder 4: Chronological - 8194062001 - 8200062026, June-July [2 of 4], 1988

- Agriculture, Civil Rights
- Folder 5: Chronological - 8194062001 - 8200062026, June-July [3 of 4], 1988

- Social Security, Medicare, Animal Welfare
- Folder 6: Chronological - 8194062001 - 8200062026, June-July [4 of 4], 1988

- Animal Welfare, Education, Drugs
- Folder 7: Chronological - 8204062001 - 8218062073, July-August [1 of 5], 1988

- Savings, Education, Hunger Relief, Homeless Assistance, Environmental Protection, Animal Welfare
- Folder 8: Chronological - 8204062001 - 8218062073, July-August [2 of 5], 1988

- Language, Literacy, Drugs, Government Waste
- Folder 9: Chronological - 8204062001 - 8218062073, July-August [3 of 5], 1988

- Foreign Policy/Aid, 1985 Farm Bill, Retirement
- Folder 10: Chronological - 8204062001 - 8218062073, July-August [4 of 5], 1988

- Child Care
- Folder 11: Chronological - 8204062001 - 8218062073, July-August [5 of 5], 1988

- Tobacco, Military Pay, Drugs, Rural Hospitals
- Folder 12: Chronological - 8221062001 - 8242062086, August [1 of 5], 1988

- Folder 13: Chronological - 8221062001 - 8242062086, August [2 of 5], 1988

- Folder 14: Chronological - 8221062001 - 8242062086, August [3 of 5], 1988

- Folder 15: Chronological - 8221062001 - 8242062086, August [4 of 5], 1988

- Folder 16: Chronological - 8221062001 - 8242062086, August [5 of 5], 1988

- Box 125

- Folder 1: Chronological - 8246062001 - 8267062047 - 052, August-September [1 of 5], 1988

- Folder 2: Chronological - 8246062001 - 8267062047 - 052, August-September [2 of 5], 1988

- Folder 3: Chronological - 8246062001 - 8267062047 - 052, August-September [3 of 5], 1988

- Folder 4: Chronological - 8246062001 - 8267062047 - 052, August-September [4 of 5], 1988

- Folder 5: Chronological - 8246062001 - 8267062047 - 052, August-September [5 of 5], 1988

- Folder 6: Chronological - 8274062001 - 8295062023, September-October [1 of 4], 1988

- Folder 7: Chronological - 8274062001 - 8295062023, September-October [2 of 4], 1988

- Folder 8: Chronological - 8274062001 - 8295062023, September-October [3 of 4], 1988

- Folder 9: Chronological - 8274062001 - 8295062023, September-October [4 of 4], 1988

- Folder 10: Chronological - 8302062001 - 8316062069, October-November [1 of 4], 1988

- Folder 11: Chronological - 8302062001 - 8316062069, October-November [2 of 4], 1988

- Folder 12: Chronological - 8302062001 - 8316062069, October-November [3 of 4], 1988

- Folder 13: Chronological - 8302062001 - 8316062069, October-November [4 of 4], 1988

- Folder 14: Chronological - 8323062001 - 003 - 8344062069, November [1 of 6], 1988

- Folder 15: Chronological - 8323062001 - 003 - 8344062069, November [2 of 6], 1988

- Box 126

- Folder 1: Chronological - 8323062001 - 003 - 8344062069, November [3 of 6], 1988

- Folder 2: Chronological - 8323062001 - 003 - 8344062069, November [4 of 6], 1988

- Folder 3: Chronological - 8323062001 - 003 - 8344062069, November [5 of 6], 1988

- Folder 4: Chronological - 8323062001 - 003 - 8344062069, November [6 of 6], 1988

- Folder 5: Chronological - 8351062001 - 8357062082, December [1 of 4], 1988

- Folder 6: Chronological - 8351062001 - 8357062082, December [2 of 4], 1988

- Folder 7: Chronological - 8351062001 - 8357062082, December [3 of 4], 1988

- Folder 8: Chronological - 8351062001 - 8357062082, December [4 of 4], 1988

- Folder 9: Chronological - 9020062001 - 007 - 9020062037, December-January, 1988-1989

- Folder 10: Chronological - 9020062038 - 9020062078, January, 1989

- Folder 11: Chronological - 9020062079 - 9020062128, January, 1989

- Box 127

- Folder 1: Chronological - 9027062001 - 9027062047 - 50, January, 1989

- Folder 2: Chronological - 9027062051 - 9034062040, January-February, 1989

- Folder 3: Chronological - 9034062041 - 9041062017 - 019, January-February, 1989

- Folder 4: Chronological - 9041062020 - 022 - 9041062062, January-February, 1989

- Folder 5: Chronological - 9041062063 - 9041062109, January-February, 1989

- Folder 6: Chronological - 9055062054 - 59 - 9055062148, January-February, 1989

- Folder 7: Chronological - 9048062001 - 9048062069, February, 1989

- Folder 8: Chronological - 9048062070 - 9055062053, February, 1989

- Folder 9: Chronological - 9069062019 - 9069062058, February-March, 1989

- Folder 10: Chronological - 9062062001 - 9062062055, February-March, 1989

- Folder 11: Chronological - 9062062066 - 9069062018, February-March, 1989

- Folder 12: Chronological - 9069062059 - 063 - 9069062117, February-March, 1989

- Box 128

- Folder 1: Chronological - 9076062001 - 9083062160, March [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 2: Chronological - 9076062001 - 9083062160, March [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 3: Chronological - 9076062001 - 9083062160, March [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 4: Chronological - 9090062001 - 9095062077, March-April [1 of 4], 1989

- Folder 5: Chronological - 9090062001 - 9095062077, March-April [2 of 4], 1989

- Folder 6: Chronological - 9090062001 - 9095062077, March-April [3 of 4], 1989

- Folder 7: Chronological - 9090062001 - 9095062077, March-April [4 of 4], 1989

- Folder 8: Chronological - 9146062001 - 9160062055, March-May [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 9: Chronological - 9146062001 - 9160062055, March-May [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 10: Chronological - 9146062001 - 9160062055, March-May [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 11: Chronological - 9104062001 - 9111062070, April [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 12: Chronological - 9104062001 - 9111062070, April [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 13: Chronological - 9104062001 - 9111062070, April [3 of 3], 1989

- Box 129

- Folder 1: Chronological - 9118062001 - 9125062067, April-May [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 2: Chronological - 9118062001 - 9125062067, April-May [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 3: Chronological - 9118062001 - 9125062067, April-May [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 4: Chronological - 9132062001 - 9139062045, May [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 5: Chronological - 9132062001 - 9139062045, May [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 6: Chronological - 9132062001 - 9139062045, May [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 7: Chronological - 9188062001 - 9202062085, May-July [1 of 4], 1989

- Folder 8: Chronological - 9188062001 - 9202062085, May-July [2 of 4], 1989

- Folder 9: Chronological - 9188062001 - 9202062085, May-July [3 of 4], 1989

- Folder 10: Chronological - 9188062001 - 9202062085, May-July [4 of 4], 1989

- Box 130

- Folder 1: Chronological - 9167062001 - 9181062081, June [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 2: Chronological - 9167062001 - 9181062081, June [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 3: Chronological - 9167062001 - 9181062081, June [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 4: Chronological - 9209062001 - 9216062100, July-August [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 5: Chronological - 9209062001 - 9216062100, July-August [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 6: Chronological - 9209062001 - 9216062100, July-August [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 7: Chronological - 9220062001 - 9230062045, July-August [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 8: Chronological - 9220062001 - 9230062045, July-August [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 9: Chronological - 9220062001 - 9230062045, July-August [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 10: Chronological - 9237062001 - 9251062074, August-September [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 11: Chronological - 9237062001 - 9251062074, August-September [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 12: Chronological - 9237062001 - 9251062074, August-September [3 of 3], 1989

- Box 131

- Folder 1: Chronological - 9258062001 - 9272062081, September [1 of 4], 1989

- Folder 2: Chronological - 9258062001 - 9272062081, September [2 of 4], 1989

- Folder 3: Chronological - 9258062001 - 9272062081, September [3 of 4], 1989

- Folder 4: Chronological - 9258062001 - 9272062081, September [4 of 4], 1989

- Folder 5: Chronological - 9279062001 - 9286062053, October [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 6: Chronological - 9279062001 - 9286062053, October [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 7: Chronological - 9279062001 - 9286062053, October [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 8: Chronological - 9293062001 - 9293062146, October [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 9: Chronological - 9293062001 - 9293062146, October [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 10: Chronological - 9293062001 - 9293062146, October [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 11: Chronological - 9300062001 - 9300062212, October [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 12: Chronological - 9300062001 - 9300062212, October [2 of 3], 1989

- Box 132

- Folder 1: Chronological - 9300062001 - 9300062212, October [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 2: Chronological - 9307062001 - 9307062168, October-November [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 3: Chronological - 9307062001 - 9307062168, October-November [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 4: Chronological - 9307062001 - 9307062168, October-November [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 5: Chronological - 9314062001 - 9314062168, November [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 6: Chronological - 9314062001 - 9314062168, November [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 7: Chronological - 9314062001 - 9314062168, November [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 8: Chronological - 9321062001 - 9321062157, November [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 9: Chronological - 9321062001 - 9321062157, November [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 10: Chronological - 9321062001 - 9321062157, November [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 11: Chronological - 9335062001 - 9335062177, November [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 12: Chronological - 9335062001 - 9335062177, November [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 13: Chronological - 9335062001 - 9335062177, November [3 of 3], 1989

- Box 133

- Folder 1: Chronological - 9342062001 - 9342062165, November-December [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 2: Chronological - 9342062001 - 9342062165, November-December [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 3: Chronological - 9342062001 - 9342062165, November-December [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 4: Chronological - 9349062001 - 9356062128, December [1 of 4], 1989

- Folder 5: Chronological - 9349062001 - 9356062128, December [2 of 4], 1989

- Folder 6: Chronological - 9349062001 - 9356062128, December [3 of 4], 1989

- Folder 7: Chronological - 9349062001 - 9356062128, December [4 of 4], 1989

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0005062001 - 0012062087, January [1 of 3], 1990

- Medicare, Chiropractic, Cigarette Tax, Transportation
- Folder 9: Chronological - 0005062001 - 0012062087, January [2 of 3], 1990

- Health Care, Smoking Restrictions, Clinical Social Workers, Drugs, Medicare, Right-To-Die, Health Dare, Psyllium, Budget
- Folder 10: Chronological - 0005062001 - 0012062087, January [3 of 3], 1990

- Abortion, Animal Testing, Cable Television, Space Station Program, Foreign Policy/Aid
- Folder 11: Chronological - 0019062001 - 0026062076, January (and 1989 letters) [1 of 4], 1990

- Health Care, Social Security, Smoking, Health Insurance, Education, Medicare, Food Stamps
- Folder 12: Chronological - 0019062001 - 0026062076, January (and 1989 letters) [2 of 4], 1990

- Abortion, Cable Television, Telecommunications, Alcohol, Planned Parenthood, Tobacco, Advertising, Recycling
- Folder 13: Chronological - 0019062001 - 0026062076, January (and 1989 letters) [3 of 4], 1990

- Refugees, World Debt Relief, Veterans, Nuclear Deterrence, Federal Deficit, Foreign Policy/Aid, Human Rights
- Box 134

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0019062001 - 0026062076 (and 1989 letters), January [4 of 4], 1990

- AIDS, Health Care, Education, Malpractice, Flag Desecration, Budget, Medicare, Nursing Home Care, Social Security, Foreign Travel, Logging, Global Warming, Violence, Drugs, Anabolic Steroids, Deforestation, Illegal Immigration, Drinking Age
- Folder 2: Chronological - 0033062002 - 0033062136, January [1 of 3], 1990

- Drunk Drivers, Immigration Policy, Drugs, Logging, Antarctica, Abortion, Cable Television, Alcohol Advertisements, Domestic Violence
- Folder 3: Chronological - 0033062002 - 0033062136, January [2 of 3], 1990

- Social Security, Right-To-Die, Smoking, Veterans, Student Loans, Welfare, Health Care, AIDS, Medicare, Disaster Relief
- Folder 4: Chronological - 0033062002 - 0033062136, January [3 of 3], 1990

- Drought, Philippines, Flag Desecration, Veterans, Foreign Aid, Panama
- Folder 5: Chronological - 0040062001 - 0047062122, January-February [1 of 4], 1990

- Chemical Weapons, Defense, Global Warming, Kansas State Lottery, Environment, Oil Spills, Antarctica, Drugs, Crime, Recycling
- Folder 6: Chronological - 0040062001 - 0047062122, January-February [2 of 4], 1990

- Abortion, Mental Health, Social Security, Retirement Benefits, Medicare, 1990 Farm Bill, Veterans, Sudan, Alcohol, Cable Television, Stamps
- Folder 7: Chronological - 0040062001 - 0047062122, January-February [3 of 4], 1990

- 1990 Farm Bill, Agriculture, Nuclear Deterrence, Veterans, Pay Raise, Federal Deficit, Student Financial Aid, Psyllium, Medicare, Health Care
- Folder 8: Chronological - 0040062001 - 0047062122, January-February [4 of 4], 1990

- Retirement, Psyllium, Medicare, Education, Health Care, Savings and Loan Crisis, Gun Control, Deficit, Credit Unions, Global Warming, Environment, Death Penalty, Drugs, Antarctica
- Folder 9: Chronological - 0053062001 - 0061062080, February [1 of 3], 1990

- Pay Raise, Social Security, Health Care, Gun Control, Crime, Drugs, Death Penalty, Antarctica
- Folder 10: Chronological - 0053062001 - 0061062080, February [2 of 3], 1990

- World Trade, Crop Insurance, 1990 Farm Bill, Crime, U.S. Postal Service, Student Financial Aid, Health Care, AIDS
- Folder 11: Chronological - 0053062001 - 0061062080, February [3 of 3], 1990

- Box 135

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0064062001 - 0064062092, February-March [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 2: Chronological - 0064062001 - 0064062092, February-March [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 3: Chronological - 0068062001 - 0068062116, March [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 4: Chronological - 0068062001 - 0068062116, March [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 5: Chronological - 0068062001 - 0068062116, March [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 6: Chronological - 0075062001 - 0082062085, March [1 of 5], 1990

- Folder 7: Chronological - 0075062001 - 0082062085, March [2 of 5], 1990

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0075062001 - 0082062085, March [3 of 5], 1990

- Folder 9: Chronological - 0075062001 - 0082062085, March [4 of 5], 1990

- Folder 10: Chronological - 0075062001 - 0082062085, March [5 of 5], 1990

- Folder 11: Chronological - 0089062001 - 0096062076, March-April [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 12: Chronological - 0089062001 - 0096062076, March-April [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 13: Chronological - 0089062001 - 0096062076, March-April [3 of 3], 1990

- Box 136

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0106062001 - 0113062121, April [1 of 4], 1990

- Folder 2: Chronological - 0106062001 - 0113062121, April [2 of 4], 1990

- Folder 3: Chronological - 0106062001 - 0113062121, April [3 of 4], 1990

- Folder 4: Chronological - 0106062001 - 0113062121, April [4 of 4], 1990

- Folder 5: Chronological - 0117062001 - 0117062138, April [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 6: Chronological - 0117062001 - 0117062138, April [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 7: Chronological - 0117062001 - 0117062138, April [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0124062001 - 0124062153, April-May [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 9: Chronological - 0124062001 - 0124062153, April-May [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 10: Chronological - 0124062001 - 0124062153, April-May [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 11: Chronological - 0131062001 - 0141062137, May [1 of 5], 1990

- Folder 12: Chronological - 0131062001 - 0141062137, May [2 of 5], 1990

- Folder 13: Chronological - 0131062001 - 0141062137, May [3 of 5], 1990

- Folder 14: Chronological - 0131062001 - 0141062137, May [4 of 5], 1990

- Folder 15: Chronological - 0131062001 - 0141062137, May [5 of 5], 1990

- Box 137

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0145062001 - 0159062121, May-June [1 of 4], 1990

- Folder 2: Chronological - 0145062001 - 0159062121, May-June [2 of 4], 1990

- Folder 3: Chronological - 0145062001 - 0159062121, May-June [3 of 4], 1990

- Folder 4: Chronological - 0145062001 - 0159062121, May-June [4 of 4], 1990

- Folder 5: Chronological - 0166062001 - 0180062044, June [1 of 4], 1990

- Folder 6: Chronological - 0166062001 - 0180062044, June [2 of 4], 1990

- Folder 7: Chronological - 0166062001 - 0180062044, June [3 of 4], 1990

- Folder 8: Chronological - 0166062001 - 0180062044, June [4 of 4], 1990

- Folder 9: Chronological - 0190062001 - 0208062020, June-July [1 of 3], 1990

- Conservation, 1990 Farm Bill, Health Care, Education, Tobacco Use, AIDS
- Folder 10: Chronological - 0190062001 - 0208062020, June-July [2 of 3], 1990

- 1990 Farm Bill, Foster Care Regulation, Federal Spending, Veterans
- Folder 11: Chronological - 0190062001 - 0208062020, June-July [3 of 3], 1990

- Human Rights, 1990 Farm Bill, Sugar
- Folder 12: Chronological - 0215062001 - 0222062076, July-August [1 of 3], 1990

- Federal Spending, Medicare, Chiropractic, Health Care, Tobacco, National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Right-To-Die
- Folder 13: Chronological - 0215062001 - 0222062076, July-August [2 of 3], 1990

- Foreign Policy, Veterans, B-2 Bomber, Budget
- Folder 14: Chronological - 0215062001 - 0222062076, July-August [3 of 3], 1990

- 1990 Farm Bill, Agriculture, Wheat Prices, Social Security, Medicare
- Box 138

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0232062001 - 0239062064, July-August [1 of 3], 1990

- Federal Spending, Savings and Loan Crisis, Social Security, Medicare, Child Nutrition, Farm Bill
- Folder 2: Chronological - 0232062001 - 0239062064, July-August [2 of 3], 1990

- Savings and Loan Crisis, Congressional Franking Privileges, Wheat Prices, Farm Policies
- Folder 3: Chronological - 0232062001 - 0239062064, July-August [3 of 3], 1990

- Federal Crop Insurance, Child Nutrition, Social Security, Smoking Restrictions, Education, Medicare, National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
- Folder 4: Chronological - 0247062001 - 0253062059, August [1 of 3], 1990

- Animal Testing, Cable Television, Abortion, Farm Animals, Child Nutrition, Budget Deficit, Food Stamp program
- Folder 5: Chronological - 0247062001 - 0253062059, August [2 of 3], 1990

- Food Programs, Veterans, Child Labor, Mail, Missouri v. Jenkins, Crime Bill, Alternative Fuels, Gun Control, Savings and Loan Crisis, Medicare, Health Insurance
- Folder 6: Chronological - 0247062001 - 0253062059, August [3 of 3], 1990

- Federal Budget Deficit, Missouri v. Jenkins, Environment, Flag Desecration, Alternative Fuels, 1990 Farm Bill, Crop Insurance, Wheat Prices, Veterans, Space Program
- Folder 7: Chronological - 0271062001 - 0271062164, August-September [1 of 4], 1990

- Medicare, Mental Health Services, Prescription Drugs
- Folder 8: Chronological - 0271062001 - 0271062164, August-September [2 of 4], 1990

- AIDS, Child Nutrition, Military Dependents, Baltics, Middle East
- Folder 9: Chronological - 0271062001 - 0271062164, August-September [3 of 4], 1990

- Soviet Union, Military Bases, Middle East, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Foreign Policy
- Folder 10: Chronological - 0271062001 - 0271062164, August-September [4 of 4], 1990

- Crime, Congressional Spending, Affirmative Action, Imported Oil, Ethanol, Budget, Savings and Loan Crisis, Persian Gulf crisis, 1990 Farm Bill, CRP Contracts, Farmer Assistance
- Folder 11: Chronological - 0257062001 - 0264062024, September [1 of 2], 1990

- Tobacco, Crop Insurance, Foreign Policy, United Nations, Budget Deficit, Logging, Gun Control, Postal Service, Cable Television, Animal Welfare, Flag Desecration
- Folder 12: Chronological - 0257062001 - 0264062024, September [2 of 2], 1990

- Postal Rates, Fuel, Foreign Policy/Aid, 1990 Farm Bill, Meat-Packing Industry, Federal Deficit, Savings Bonds
- Folder 13: Chronological - 0277062001 - 0291062114, September [1 of 4], 1990

- Foreign Aid, Human Rights, United Nations
- Folder 14: Chronological - 0277062001 - 0291062114, September [2 of 4], 1990

- Savings and Loan Scandal, Right-To-Die, Medigap, AIDS, Diabetes, Gun Control, Alcohol
- Box 139

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0277062001 - 0291062114, September [3 of 4], 1990

- Medigap, Social Security, Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services, Kansas Correctional Facilities, Alcohol, Food Stamp Program, Child Care
- Folder 2: Chronological - 0277062001 - 0291062114, September [4 of 4], 1990

- Diabetes, Alcohol, South Africa, El Salvador, Armenian Genocide, Middle East, United Nations' Rights of the Child, B-2 Bomber, Aid to Soviets, Guatemala, Indochina War M.I.A.'s and P.O.W.s, Ethiopia
- Folder 3: Chronological - 0292062001 - 0299062112, October [1 of 3], 1990

- Endangered Species Act, Real Estate Appraisal Standards, Civil Rights Act of 1990, Alcohol, Child Abuse, Imported Oil, Christopher Columbus Quincentenary, "National Parents of Murdered Children Week", Santa Fe Railway, Airmen Certification, Farm Issues
- Folder 4: Chronological - 0292062001 - 0299062112, October [2 of 3], 1990

- Social Security, 1990 Farm Bill, Banking Reform, Drift Net Fishing, Animal Testing, Visual Pollution Control Act, Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1990, Food Stamp Program, Health Care, Student Financial Aid, Fort Riley, Military Retirement
- Folder 5: Chronological - 0292062001 - 0299062112, October [3 of 3], 1990

- Indochina War M.I.A.'s and P.O.W.'s, 1990 Farm Bill, Agriculture, Ethanol, Crop Insurance, Child Abuse, Prisons, Clean Air Act
- Folder 6: Chronological - 0306062001 - 0313062043, October-November [1 of 4], 1990

- Cable Industry, Prison Overcrowding, Death Penalty, Farm Policies, Wheat Prices, Environmental Issues, Bonds, Alternative Fuels
- Folder 7: Chronological - 0306062001 - 0313062043, October-November [2 of 4], 1990

- Wheat Prices, Agriculture, Fort Riley, Santa Fe Railway, Medicare, Nurse Training Programs, Social Security, Nursing Homes, Veterans, U.S.-Israel Relations
- Folder 8: Chronological - 0306062001 - 0313062043, October-November [3 of 4], 1990

- Bonds, United Nations' Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 900 Numbers, Savings and Loan Crisis, Real Estate
- Folder 9: Chronological - 0306062001 - 0313062043, October-November [4 of 4], 1990

- Index Arbitrage, Bankruptcy Law, Banks, Savings and Loan Crisis, U.S. Capital Investment Advisers, Drinking Age
- Folder 10: Chronological - 0320062001 - 0330062094, November [1 of 4], 1990

- Santa Fe Railway, Pastor Lin Xiangao, Israel's Debt, Farm Policies
- Folder 11: Chronological - 0320062001 - 0330062094, November [2 of 4], 1990

- Abortion, Commercial Whaling, Animal Welfare Act, Homeless, Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1990
- Folder 12: Chronological - 0320062001 - 0330062094, November [3 of 4], 1990

- Federal Funding, Medicare, Student Financial Aid, Consumer Product Safety, Federal Budget, Social Security, Education, Affordable Housing Act
- Folder 13: Chronological - 0320062001 - 0330062094, November [4 of 4], 1990

- Savings and Loan Crisis, Tobacco, Rural Economy, Federal Farm Programs, Trucking Industry, Santa Fe Railway, Persian Gulf Crisis, Air Force One, Operation Desert Shield
- Box 140

- Folder 1: Chronological - 0334062001 - 0341062084, November-December [1 of 3], 1990

- Insurance Competitive Pricing Act of 1989, National Forest Place, U.S. Postal Service, Operation Desert Shield, Military Personnel, Persian Gulf Crisis, Veterans Hospitals
- Folder 2: Chronological - 0334062001 - 0341062084, November-December [2 of 3], 1990

- National Defense, Cattle, Veterinarians, Notch Babies, Telemarketing Fraud, 1990 Farm Bill, Child Abuse, Omnibus Crime Bill, Salvation Army, Federal Budget, Medicare, Social Security
- Folder 3: Chronological - 0334062001 - 0341062084, November-December [3 of 3], 1990

- Federal Employees, Social Security, Medicare, Smoking Restrictions, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, Saudi Arabia, Highways
- Folder 4: Chronological - 0348062001 - 0355062091, December [1 of 4], 1990

- Pollution, Health Insurance, Seat Belt Regulations, Native American Repatriation of Cultural Patrimony Act, Budget Deficit, Grand Canyon Protection Act, Savings and Loan Crisis, Job Loss, Foreign Relations, Veterans, Operation Desert Shield
- Folder 5: Chronological - 0348062001 - 0355062091, December [2 of 4], 1990

- Middle East, Prison Camps, Persian Gulf Crisis, Foreign Aid, Medicare, Federal Budget, Savings and Loan Scandal, Federally Insured Savings Accounts, Kuwait, Province of Kosova, Deployed Troops
- Folder 6: Chronological - 0348062001 - 0355062091, December [3 of 4], 1990

- Fair Credit Reporting Act, Federally Insured Savings Accounts, Budget Deficit, Medicare, Education
- Folder 7: Chronological - 0348062001 - 0355062091, December [4 of 4], 1990

- Budget, Health Care Cost, 900 Numbers, Congressional Spending, GATT Agreement, 1990 Farm Bill, Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, Abortion, Congressional Salaries, Intelligence Authorization Act, U.S. Postal Service
- Folder 8: Chronological - 1011062001 - 1017062098, January [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1011062001 - 1017062098, January [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1011062001 - 1017062098, January [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1011062001 - 1017062098, January [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1025062001 - 1039062108, Part 1, January-February [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1025062001 - 1039062108, Part 1, January-February [2 of 3], 1991

- Box 141

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1025062001 - 1039062108, Part 1, January-February [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1039062109 - 1039062228, Part 2, January-February [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1039062109 - 1039062228, Part 2, January-February [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1039062109 - 1039062228, Part 2, January-February [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1050062001 - 1053062060, January-February [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1050062001 - 1053062060, January-February [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1050062001 - 1053062060, January-February [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1050062001 - 1053062060, January-February [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1060062001 - 1067062108, February-March [1 of 5], 1991

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1060062001 - 1067062108, February-March [2 of 5], 1991

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1060062001 - 1067062108, February-March [3 of 5], 1991

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1060062001 - 1067062108, February-March [4 of 5], 1991

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1060062001 - 1067062108, February-March [5 of 5], 1991

- Box 142

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1074062001 - 1074062100, February-March [1 of 2], 1991

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1074062001 - 1074062100, February-March [2 of 2], 1991

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1081062001 - 1081062126, March [1 of 2], 1991

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1081062001 - 1081062126, March [2 of 2], 1991

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1088062001 - 1088062136, March [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1088062001 - 1088062136, March [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1088062001 - 1088062136, March [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1095062001 - 1095062121, March-April [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1095062001 - 1095062121, March-April [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1095062001 - 1095062121, March-April [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1102062001 - 1102062142, April [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1102062001 - 1102062142, April [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1102062001 - 1102062142, April [3 of 3], 1991

- Box 143

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1109062001 - 1109062170, April [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1109062001 - 1109062170, April [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1109062001 - 1109062170, April [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1109062001 - 1109062170, April [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1116062003 - 1126062074, April-May [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1116062003 - 1126062074, April-May [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1116062003 - 1126062074, April-May [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1128012001 - 1133012081, May [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1128012001 - 1133012081, May [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1128012001 - 1133012081, May [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1128012001 - 1133012081, May [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1140012001 - 1148062099, May [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1140012001 - 1148062099, May [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 14: Chronological - 1140012001 - 1148062099, May [3 of 4], 1991

- Box 144

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1140012001 - 1148062099, May [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1154062001 - 1161062102, May-June [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1154062001 - 1161062102, May-June [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1154062001 - 1161062102, May-June [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1164062001 - 1171062080, June [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1164062001 - 1171062080, June [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1164062001 - 1171062080, June [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1164062001 - 1171062080, June [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1172062001 - 1178062089, June [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1172062001 - 1178062089, June [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1172062001 - 1178062089, June [3 of 3], 1991

- Box 145

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1184062001 - 1193062038, June-July Part 1 [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1184062001 - 1193062038, June-July Part 1 [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1184062001 - 1193062038, June-July Part 1 [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1184062001 - 1193062038, June-July Part 1 [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1193062039 - 1193062144, June-July Part 2 [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1193062039 - 1193062144, June-July Part 2 [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1193062039 - 1193062144, June-July Part 2 [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1199062001 - 1218062087, July [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1199062001 - 1218062087, July [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1199062001 - 1218062087, July [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1218062088 - 1218062222, July-August [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1218062088 - 1218062222, July-August [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1218062088 - 1218062222, July-August [3 of 3], 1991

- Box 146

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1224062001 - 1238062055, July-August [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1224062001 - 1238062055, July-August [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1224062001 - 1238062055, July-August [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1239062001 - 1239062145, August [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1239062001 - 1239062145, August [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1239062001 - 1239062145, August [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1239062001 - 1239062145, August [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1248062001 - 1248062124, August-September [1 of 2], 1991

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1248062001 - 1248062124, August-September [2 of 2], 1991

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1256062002 - 1256062200, September [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1256062002 - 1256062200, September [2 of 4], 1991

- Box 147

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1256062002 - 1256062200, September [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1256062002 - 1256062200, September [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1263062001 - 1273062118, September [1 of 5], 1991

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1263062001 - 1273062118, September [2 of 5], 1991

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1263062001 - 1273062118, September [3 of 5], 1991

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1263062001 - 1273062118, September [4 of 5], 1991

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1263062001 - 1273062118, September [5 of 5], 1991

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1280062001 - 1288062054, September-October [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1280062001 - 1288062054, September-October [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1280062001 - 1288062054, September-October [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1280062001 - 1288062054, September-October [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1290062001 - 1295062062, October [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1290062001 - 1295062062, October [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 14: Chronological - 1290062001 - 1295062062, October [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 15: Chronological - 1290062001 - 1295062062, October [4 of 4], 1991

- Box 148

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1298062001 - 1298062137, October [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1298062001 - 1298062137, October [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1298062001 - 1298062137, October [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1298062001 - 1298062137, October [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1305062001 - 1305062153, October [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1305062001 - 1305062153, October [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1305062001 - 1305062153, October [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1311062001 - 1311062158, October [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1311062001 - 1311062158, October [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1311062001 - 1311062158, October [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1311062001 - 1311062158, October [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1319062001 - 1319062156, October-November [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1319062001 - 1319062156, October-November [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 14: Chronological - 1319062001 - 1319062156, October-November [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 15: Chronological - 1319062001 - 1319062156, October-November [4 of 4], 1991

- Box 149

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1329062001 - 1333062071, November [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1329062001 - 1333062071, November [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 3: Chronological - 1329062001 - 1333062071, November [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 4: Chronological - 1329062001 - 1333062071, November [4 of 4], 1991

- Folder 5: Chronological - 1340062001 - 1345062102, December [1 of 5], 1991

- Folder 6: Chronological - 1340062001 - 1345062102, December [2 of 5], 1991

- Folder 7: Chronological - 1340062001 - 1345062102, December [3 of 5], 1991

- Folder 8: Chronological - 1340062001 - 1345062102, December [4 of 5], 1991

- Folder 9: Chronological - 1340062001 - 1345062102, December [5 of 5], 1991

- Folder 10: Chronological - 1350062001 - 1353062060, December [1 of 4], 1991

- Folder 11: Chronological - 1350062001 - 1353062060, December [2 of 4], 1991

- Folder 12: Chronological - 1350062001 - 1353062060, December [3 of 4], 1991

- Folder 13: Chronological - 1350062001 - 1353062060, December [4 of 4], 1991

- Box 150

- Folder 1: Chronological - 1354062001 - 1354062095, December [1 of 2], 1991

- Folder 2: Chronological - 1354062001 - 1354062095, December [2 of 2], 1991

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2010062001 - 2017062110, December-January [1 of 4], 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2010062001 - 2017062110, December-January [2 of 4], 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2010062001 - 2017062110, December-January [3 of 4], 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2010062001 - 2017062110, December-January [4 of 4], 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2023062001 - 2031062095, January [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2023062001 - 2031062095, January [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2023062001 - 2031062095, January [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2023062001 - 2031062095, January [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2038062001 - 2038062135, January-February [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2038062001 - 2038062135, January-February [2 of 3], 1992

- Box 151

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2038062001 - 2038062135, January-February [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2045062001 - 2045062121, February [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2045062001 - 2045062121, February [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2051062001 - 2052062072, February [1 of 5], 1992

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2051062001 - 2052062072, February [2 of 5], 1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2051062001 - 2052062072, February [3 of 5], 1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2051062001 - 2052062072, February [4 of 5], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2051062001 - 2052062072, February [5 of 5], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2058062001 - 2059062164, February [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2058062001 - 2059062164, February [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2058062001 - 2059062164, February [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2058062001 - 2059062164, February [4 of 4], 1992

- Box 152

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2066062001 - 2073062120, March [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2066062001 - 2073062120, March [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2066062001 - 2073062120, March [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2066062001 - 2073062120, March [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2080062001 - 2087062138, March [1 of 5], 1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2080062001 - 2087062138, March [2 of 5], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2080062001 - 2087062138, March [3 of 5], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2080062001 - 2087062138, March [4 of 5], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2080062001 - 2087062138, March [5 of 5], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2094062001 - 2094062195, March-April [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2094062001 - 2094062195, March-April [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 13: Chronological - 2101062001 - 2101062146, April [1 of 3], 1992

- Box 153

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2101062001 - 2101062146, April [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2101062001 - 2101062146, April [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2107062001 - 2107062084, April [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2107062001 - 2107062084, April [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2118062001 - 2119062119, April [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2118062001 - 2119062119, April [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2118062001 - 2119062119, April [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2118062001 - 2119062119, April [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2122062001 - 2129062186, April-May [1 of 5], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2122062001 - 2129062186, April-May [2 of 5], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2122062001 - 2129062186, April-May [3 of 5], 1992

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2122062001 - 2129062186, April-May [4 of 5], 1992

- Folder 13: Chronological - 2122062001 - 2129062186, April-May [5 of 5], 1992

- Box 154

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2136062001 - 2142062102, May [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2136062001 - 2142062102, May [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2136062001 - 2142062102, May [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2143062001 - 2150062148, May [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2143062001 - 2150062148, May [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2143062001 - 2150062148, May [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2156062001 - 2157062071, May-June [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2156062001 - 2157062071, May-June [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2156062001 - 2157062071, May-June [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2163062001 - 2164062160, June [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2163062001 - 2164062160, June [2 of 4], 1992

- Box 155

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2163062001 - 2164062160, June [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2163062001 - 2164062160, June [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2171062001 - 2171062131, June [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2171062001 - 2171062131, June [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2178062001 - 2178062123, June [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2178062001 - 2178062123, June [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2183062001 - 2184062100, June [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2183062001 - 2184062100, June [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2183062001 - 2184062100, June [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2191062001 - 2191062103, June-July [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2191062001 - 2191062103, June-July [2 of 2], 1992

- Box 156

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2198062001 - 2198062131, July [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2198062001 - 2198062131, July [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2198062001 - 2198062131, July [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2202062058 - 2206062110, July [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2202062058 - 2206062110, July [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2202062058 - 2206062110, July [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2202062058 - 2206062110, July [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2122062001 - 2213062097, July [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2122062001 - 2213062097, July [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2122062001 - 2213062097, July [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2122062001 - 2213062097, July [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2219062001 - 2220062140, July-August [1 of 4], 1992

- Box 157

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2219062001 - 2220062140, July-August [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2219062001 - 2220062140, July-August [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2219062001 - 2220062140, July-August [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2226062001 - 2227062089, August [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2226062001 - 2227062089, August [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2226062001 - 2227062089, August [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2226062001 - 2227062089, August [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2234062001 - 2240062039, August [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2234062001 - 2240062039, August [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2234062001 - 2240062039, August [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2247062001 - 2255062084, August-September [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2247062001 - 2255062084, August-September [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 13: Chronological - 2247062001 - 2255062084, August-September [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 14: Chronological - 2247062001 - 2255062084, August-September [4 of 4], 1992

- Box 158

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2262062001 - 2262062200, September [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2262062001 - 2262062200, September [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2262062001 - 2262062200, September [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2262062001 - 2262062200, September [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2269062001 - 2276062089, September-October [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2269062001 - 2276062089, September-October [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2269062001 - 2276062089, September-October [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2282062001 - 2289062043, October [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2282062001 - 2289062043, October [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2282062001 - 2289062043, October [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2290062001 - 2297062087, October [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2290062001 - 2297062087, October [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 13: Chronological - 2290062001 - 2297062087, October [3 of 3], 1992

- Box 159

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2304062001 - 2307062081, October [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2304062001 - 2307062081, October [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2304062001 - 2307062081, October [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2304062001 - 2307062081, October [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2311062001 - 2318062056, November [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2311062001 - 2318062056, November [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2311062001 - 2318062056, November [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2321062001 - 2328062104, November [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2321062001 - 2328062104, November [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2321062001 - 2328062104, November [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 2329062001 - 2329062087, November [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 12: Chronological - 2329062001 - 2329062087, November [2 of 2], 1992

- Box 160

- Folder 1: Chronological - 2343062001 - 2343062139, November-December [1 of 4], 1992

- Folder 2: Chronological - 2343062001 - 2343062139, November-December [2 of 4], 1992

- Folder 3: Chronological - 2343062001 - 2343062139, November-December [3 of 4], 1992

- Folder 4: Chronological - 2343062001 - 2343062139, November-December [4 of 4], 1992

- Folder 5: Chronological - 2346062001 - 2352062084, November-December [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 6: Chronological - 2346062001 - 2352062084, November-December [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 7: Chronological - 2346062001 - 2352062084, November-December [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 8: Chronological - 2364062001 - 2364062167, December [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 9: Chronological - 2364062001 - 2364062167, December [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 10: Chronological - 2364062001 - 2364062167, December [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3008062001 - 3022062139, January [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3008062001 - 3022062139, January [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3008062001 - 3022062139, January [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 14: Chronological - 3008062001 - 3022062139, January [4 of 4], 1993

- Box 161

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3029062001 - 3036062084, January-February [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3029062001 - 3036062084, January-February [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3029062001 - 3036062084, January-February [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3029062001 - 3036062084, January-February [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3042062001 - 3049062065, January-February [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3042062001 - 3049062065, January-February [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3042062001 - 3049062065, January-February [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3042062001 - 3049062065, January-February [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3060062001 - 3064062144, January-March [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3060062001 - 3064062144, January-March [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3060062001 - 3064062144, January-March [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3060062001 - 3064062144, January-March [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3071062001 - 3071062216, March [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 14: Chronological - 3071062001 - 3071062216, March [2 of 3], 1993

- Box 162

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3071062001 - 3071062216, March [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3078062001 - 3078062150, March Part 1 [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3078062001 - 3078062150, March Part 1 [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3078062001 - 3078062150, March Part 1 [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3078062151 - 3078062174, March Part 2 [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3078062151 - 3078062174, March Part 2 [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3085062001 - 3085062124, March [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3085062001 - 3085062124, March [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3085062001 - 3085062124, March [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3092062001 - 3092062087, March-April [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3092062001 - 3092062087, March-April [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3099062001 - 3099062121, April [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3099062001 - 3099062121, April [2 of 3], 1993

- Box 163

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3099062001 - 3099062121, April [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3105062001 - 3105062118, April [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3105062001 - 3105062118, April [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3112062001 - 3112062069, April [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3112062001 - 3112062069, April [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3113062001 - 3113062180, April [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3113062001 - 3113062180, April [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3113062001 - 3113062180, April [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3113062001 - 3113062180, April [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3120062001 - 3120062114, April [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3120062001 - 3120062114, April [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3120062001 - 3120062114, April [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3127062001 - 3127062140, April-May [1 of 4], 1993

- Box 164

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3127062001 - 3127062140, April-May [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3127062001 - 3127062140, April-May [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3127062001 - 3127062140, April-May [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3134062001 - 3134062124, April-May [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3134062001 - 3134062124, April-May [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3141062001 - 3141062117, May [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3141062001 - 3141062117, May [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3141062001 - 3141062117, May [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3148062001 - 3148062174, May [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3148062001 - 3148062174, May [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3148062001 - 3148062174, May [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3148062001 - 3148062174, May [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3148062175 - 3148062215, May Part 2 [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 14: Chronological - 3148062175 - 3148062215, May Part 2 [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 15: Chronological - 3148062175 - 3148062215, May Part 2 [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 16: Chronological - 3155062001 - 3155062146, May-June [1 of 3], 1993

- Box 165

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3155062001 - 3155062146, May-June [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3155062001 - 3155062146, May-June [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3162062001 - 3162062177, May-June [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3162062001 - 3162062177, May-June [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3162062001 - 3162062177, May-June [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3165062001 - 3169062094, June [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3165062001 - 3169062094, June [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3165062001 - 3169062094, June [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3165062001 - 3169062094, June [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3176062001 - 3176062112, June [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3176062001 - 3176062112, June [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3176062001 - 3176062112, June [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3179062001 - 3183062025, June [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 14: Chronological - 3179062001 - 3183062025, June [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 15: Chronological - 3179062001 - 3183062025, June [3 of 4], 1993

- Box 166

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3179062001 - 3183062025, June [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3190062001 - 3190062185, July [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3190062001 - 3190062185, July [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3190062001 - 3190062185, July [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3197062001 - 3197062080, July [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3197062001 - 3197062080, July [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3204062001 - 3204062140, June-July [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3204062001 - 3204062140, June-July [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3211062001 - 3218062046, July [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3211062001 - 3218062046, July [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3211062001 - 3218062046, July [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3225062001 - 3232062094, August [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3225062001 - 3232062094, August [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 14: Chronological - 3225062001 - 3232062094, August [3 of 4], 1993

- Box 167

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3225062001 - 3232062094, August [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3239062001 - 3245062110, August [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3239062001 - 3245062110, August [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3239062001 - 3245062110, August [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3239062001 - 3245062110, August [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3253062001 - 3260062107, August-September [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3253062001 - 3260062107, August-September [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3253062001 - 3260062107, August-September [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3253062001 - 3260062107, August-September [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3267062001 - 3274062079, August-September [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3267062001 - 3274062079, August-September [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3267062001 - 3274062079, August-September [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3267062001 - 3274062079, August-September [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 14: Chronological - 3280062001 - 3280062141, September-October [1 of 3], 1993

- Box 168

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3280062001 - 3280062141, September-October [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3280062001 - 3280062141, September-October [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3288062001 - 3295062053, October [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3288062001 - 3295062053, October [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3288062001 - 3295062053, October [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3302062001 - 3302062120, October [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3302062001 - 3302062120, October [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3302062001 - 3302062120, October [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3309062001 - 3316062141, October-November [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3309062001 - 3316062141, October-November [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3309062001 - 3316062141, October-November [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3309062001 - 3316062141, October-November [4 of 4], 1993

- Box 169

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3323062001 - 3328062045, November [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3323062001 - 3328062045, November [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3323062001 - 3328062045, November [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3323062001 - 3328062045, November [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 5: Chronological - 3337062001 - 3340062073, November-December [1 of 4], 1993

- Folder 6: Chronological - 3337062001 - 3340062073, November-December [2 of 4], 1993

- Folder 7: Chronological - 3337062001 - 3340062073, November-December [3 of 4], 1993

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3337062001 - 3340062073, November-December [4 of 4], 1993

- Folder 9: Chronological - 3344062001 - 3344062153, December [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 10: Chronological - 3344062001 - 3344062153, December [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 11: Chronological - 3344062001 - 3344062153, December [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 12: Chronological - 3351062001 - 3351062090, December [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 13: Chronological - 3351062001 - 3351062090, December [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 14: Chronological - 3364062001 - 3364062167, December Part 1 [1 of 3], 1993

- Box 170

- Folder 1: Chronological - 3364062001 - 3364062167, December Part 1 [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 2: Chronological - 3364062001 - 3364062167, December Part 1 [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 3: Chronological - 3364062168 - 3364062245, December Part 2 [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 4: Chronological - 3364062168 - 3364062245, December Part 2 [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 5: Chronological - 4007062001 - 4007062061, January, 1994

- Folder 6: Chronological - 4013062001 - 4013062166, January [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 7: Chronological - 4013062001 - 4013062166, January [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 8: Chronological - 4013062001 - 4013062166, January [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 9: Chronological - 4021062001 - 4028062072, January [1 of 4], 1994

- Folder 10: Chronological - 4021062001 - 4028062072, January [2 of 4], 1994

- Box 171

- Folder 1: Chronological - 4021062001 - 4028062072, January [3 of 4], 1994

- Folder 2: Chronological - 4021062001 - 4028062072, January [4 of 4], 1994

- Folder 3: Chronological - 4035062001 - 4045062076, January-February [1 of 4], 1994

- Folder 4: Chronological - 4035062001 - 4045062076, January-February [2 of 4], 1994

- Folder 5: Chronological - 4035062001 - 4045062076, January-February [3 of 4], 1994

- Folder 6: Chronological - 4035062001 - 4045062076, January-February [4 of 4], 1994

- Folder 7: Chronological - 4048062001 - 4056062092, February Part 1 [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 8: Chronological - 4048062001 - 4056062092, February Part 1 [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 9: Chronological - 4048062001 - 4056062092, February Part 1 [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 10: Chronological - 4056062093 - 4056062195, February Part 2 [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 11: Chronological - 4056062093 - 4056062195, February Part 2 [2 of 2], 1994

- Folder 12: Chronological - 4063062001 - 4070062107, February-March [1 of 4], 1994

- Folder 13: Chronological - 4063062001 - 4070062107, February-March [2 of 4], 1994

- Box 172

- Folder 1: Chronological - 4063062001 - 4070062107, February-March [3 of 4], 1994

- Folder 2: Chronological - 4063062001 - 4070062107, February-March [4 of 4], 1994

- Folder 3: Chronological - 4077062001 - 4077062099, March [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 4: Chronological - 4077062001 - 4077062099, March [2 of 2], 1994

- Folder 5: Chronological - 4084062001 - 4084062138, March [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 6: Chronological - 4084062001 - 4084062138, March [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 7: Chronological - 4084062001 - 4084062138, March [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 8: Chronological - 4090062001 - 4097062101, March-April [1 of 4], 1994

- Folder 9: Chronological - 4090062001 - 4097062102, March-April [2 of 4], 1994

- Folder 10: Chronological - 4090062001 - 4097062101, March-April [3 of 4], 1994

- Folder 11: Chronological - 4090062001 - 4097062101, March-April [4 of 4], 1994

- Folder 12: Chronological - 4105062001 - 4105062167, April [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 13: Chronological - 4105062001 - 4105062167, April [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 14: Chronological - 4105062001 - 4105062167, April [3 of 3], 1994

- Box 173

- Folder 1: Chronological - 4111062001 - 4119062155, April [1 of 5], 1994

- Folder 2: Chronological - 4111062001 - 4119062155, April [2 of 5], 1994

- Folder 3: Chronological - 4111062001 - 4119062155, April [3 of 5], 1994

- Folder 4: Chronological - 4111062001 - 4119062155, April [4 of 5], 1994

- Folder 5: Chronological - 4111062001 - 4119062155, April [5 of 5], 1994

- Folder 6: Chronological - 4126062001 - 4126062128, April-May [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 7: Chronological - 4126062001 - 4126062128, April-May [2 of 2], 1994

- Folder 8: Chronological - 4133062001 - 4133062150, May [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 9: Chronological - 4133062001 - 4133062150, May [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 10: Chronological - 4133062001 - 4133062150, May [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 11: Chronological - 4140062001 - 4154062048, May [1 of 4], 1994

- Folder 12: Chronological - 4140062001 - 4154062048, May [2 of 4], 1994

- Folder 13: Chronological - 4140062001 - 4154062048, May [3 of 4], 1994

- Box 174

- Folder 1: Chronological - 4140062001 - 4154062048, May [4 of 4], 1994

- Folder 2: Chronological - 4161062001 - 4161062092, May-June [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 3: Chronological - 4161062001 - 4161062092, May-June [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 4: Chronological - 4161062001 - 4161062092, May-June [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 5: Chronological - 4168062001 - 4174062105, May-June [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 6: Chronological - 4168062001 - 4174062105, May-June [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 7: Chronological - 4168062001 - 4174062105, May-June [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 8: Chronological - 4182062001 - 4196062066, June-July [1 of 4], 1994

- Folder 9: Chronological - 4182062001 - 4196062066, June-July [2 of 4], 1994

- Folder 10: Chronological - 4182062001 - 4196062066, June-July [3 of 4], 1994

- Folder 11: Chronological - 4182062001 - 4196062066, June-July [4 of 4], 1994

- Folder 12: Chronological - 4203062001 - 4210062046, June-July [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 13: Chronological - 4203062001 - 4210062046, June-July [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 14: Chronological - 4203062001 - 4210062046, June-July [3 of 3], 1994

- Box 175

- Folder 1: Chronological - 4217062001 - 4217062083, July-August [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 2: Chronological - 4217062001 - 4217062083, July-August [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 3: Chronological - 4217062001 - 4217062083, July-August [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 4: Chronological - 4224062001 - 4231062070, August [1 of 4], 1994

- Folder 5: Chronological - 4224062001 - 4231062070, August [2 of 4], 1994

- Folder 6: Chronological - 4224062001 - 4231062070, August [3 of 4], 1994

- Folder 7: Chronological - 4224062001 - 4231062070, August [4 of 4], 1994

- Folder 8: Chronological - 4241062001 - 4244062059, August [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 9: Chronological - 4241062001 - 4244062059, August [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 10: Chronological - 4241062001 - 4244062059, August [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 11: Chronological - 4252062001 - 4259062086, August-September [1 of 4], 1994

- Folder 12: Chronological - 4252062001 - 4259062086, August-September [2 of 4], 1994

- Folder 13: Chronological - 4252062001 - 4259062086, August-September [3 of 4], 1994

- Folder 14: Chronological - 4252062001 - 4259062086, August-September [4 of 4], 1994

- Box 176

- Folder 1: Chronological - 4266062001 - 4266062149, September [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 2: Chronological - 4266062001 - 4266062149, September [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 3: Chronological - 4266062001 - 4266062149, September [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 4: Chronological - 4273062001 - 4279062044, September-October [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 5: Chronological - 4273062001 - 4279062044, September-October [2 of 2], 1994

- Folder 6: Chronological - 4287062001 - 4294062052, October [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 7: Chronological - 4287062001 - 4294062052, October [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 8: Chronological - 4287062001 - 4294062052, October [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 9: Chronological - 4301062001 - 4314062082, October-November [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 10: Chronological - 4301062001 - 4314062082, October-November [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 11: Chronological - 4301062001 - 4314062082, October-November [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 12: Chronological - 4322062001 - 4336022102, November-December [1 of 4], 1994

- Box 177

- Folder 1: Chronological - 4322062001 - 4336022102, November-December [2 of 4], 1994

- Folder 2: Chronological - 4322062001 - 4336022102, November-December [3 of 4], 1994

- Folder 3: Chronological - 4322062001 - 4336022102, November-December [4 of 4], 1994

- Folder 4: Chronological - 4343062001 - 4350062141, November-December [1 of 4], 1994

- Folder 5: Chronological - 4343062001 - 4350062141, November-December [2 of 4], 1994

- Folder 6: Chronological - 4343062001 - 4350062141, November-December [3 of 4], 1994

- Folder 7: Chronological - 4343062001 - 4350062141, November-December [4 of 4], 1994

- Folder 8: Chronological - 4356062006 - 4357012006, December, 1994

- Folder 9: Chronological - 5013062001 - 5020062091, January [1 of 4], 1995

- Folder 10: Chronological - 5013062001 - 5020062091, January [2 of 4], 1995

- Folder 11: Chronological - 5013062001 - 5020062091, January [3 of 4], 1995

- Folder 12: Chronological - 5013062001 - 5020062091, January [4 of 4], 1995

- Folder 13: Chronological - 5027062001 - 5034062090, January-February [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 14: Chronological - 5027062001 - 5034062090, January-February [2 of 3], 1995

- Box 178

- Folder 1: Chronological - 5027062001 - 5034062090, January-February [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 2: Chronological - 5041062001 - 5048062064, January-February [1 of 4], 1995

- Folder 3: Chronological - 5041062001 - 5048062064, January-February [2 of 4], 1995

- Folder 4: Chronological - 5041062001 - 5048062064, January-February [3 of 4], 1995

- Folder 5: Chronological - 5041062001 - 5048062064, January-February [4 of 4], 1995

- Folder 6: Chronological - 5058062001 - 5058062107, February [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 7: Chronological - 5058062001 - 5058062107, February [2 of 3], 1995

- Folder 8: Chronological - 5058062001 - 5058062107, February [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 9: Chronological - 5062062001 - 5069062051, February-March [1 of 4], 1995

- Folder 10: Chronological - 5062062001 - 5069062051, February-March [2 of 4], 1995

- Folder 11: Chronological - 5062062001 - 5069062051, February-March [3 of 4], 1995

- Folder 12: Chronological - 5062062001 - 5069062051, February-March [4 of 4], 1995

- Folder 13: Chronological - 5076062001 - 5083062086, March [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 14: Chronological - 5076062001 - 5083062086, March [2 of 3], 1995

- Folder 15: Chronological - 5076062001 - 5083062086, March [3 of 3], 1995

- Box 179

- Folder 1: Chronological - 5090062001 - 5090062130, March [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 2: Chronological - 5090062001 - 5090062130, March [2 of 3], 1995

- Folder 3: Chronological - 5090062001 - 5090062130, March [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 4: Chronological - 5097062001 - 5103062052, March-April [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 5: Chronological - 5097062001 - 5103062052, March-April [2 of 3], 1995

- Folder 6: Chronological - 5097062001 - 5103062052, March-April [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 7: Chronological - 5128062001 - 5128062119, April [1 of 2], 1995

- Folder 8: Chronological - 5128062001 - 5128062119, April [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 9: Chronological - 5129062001 - 5129062241, April-May [1 of 4], 1995

- Folder 10: Chronological - 5129062001 - 5129062241, April-May [2 of 4], 1995

- Folder 11: Chronological - 5129062001 - 5129062241, April-May [3 of 4], 1995

- Folder 12: Chronological - 5129062001 - 5129062241, April-May [4 of 4], 1995

- Folder 13: Chronological - 5139062001 - 5139062164, April-May [1 of 3], 1995

- Box 180

- Folder 1: Chronological - 5139062001 - 5139062164, April-May [2 of 3], 1995

- Folder 2: Chronological - 5139062001 - 5139062164, April-May [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 3: Chronological - 5146062001 - 5153062048, May [1 of 2], 1995

- Folder 4: Chronological - 5146062001 - 5153062048, May [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 5: Chronological - 5160062001 - 5160062167, May-June [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 6: Chronological - 5160062001 - 5160062167, May-June [2 of 3], 1995

- Folder 7: Chronological - 5160062001 - 5160062167, May-June [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 8: Chronological - 5174062001 - 5174062076, June, 1995

- Folder 9: Chronological - 5167062001 - 5191062091, June [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 10: Chronological - 5167062001 - 5191062091, June [2 of 3], 1995

- Folder 11: Chronological - 5167062001 - 5191062091, June [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 12: Chronological - July [1 of 4], 1995

- Folder 13: Chronological - July [2 of 4], 1995

- Box 181

- Folder 1: Chronological - July [3 of 4], 1995

- Folder 2: Chronological - July [4 of 4], 1995

- Folder 3: Chronological - August [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 4: Chronological - August [2 of 3], 1995

- Folder 5: Chronological - August [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 6: Chronological - August-September [1 of 2], 1995

- Flag Protection, Transportation, Energy, Agriculture, Veterans, Crime
- Folder 7: Chronological - August-September [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 8: Chronological - September [1 of 3], 1995

- Crime, Drug Abuse, NAFTA, Flag Protection, Environmental Policy, Defense, Balanced Budget, Transportation, Foreign Policy
- Folder 9: Chronological - September [2 of 3], 1995

- Flag Protection, Trade, Natural Resources, Gun Control, Foreign Policy, Budget, Education, Minimum Wage
- Folder 10: Chronological - September [3 of 3], 1995

- Public Lands, Animal Welfare, Labor, Gun Rights
- Folder 11: Chronological - September-October [1 of 4], 1995

- Health, Public Lands, Balancing the Budget, Defense, Foreign Policy/Aid
- Folder 12: Chronological - September-October [2 of 4], 1995

- Taxes, Veterans, Abortion, Health Policy, Medicare, Public Lands and National Parks
- Folder 13: Chronological - September-October [3 of 4], 1995

- Environment, Education, Immigration, Affirmative Action, Finance, Education, Abortion
- Folder 14: Chronological - September-October [4 of 4], 1995

- Crime, Transportation, Affirmative Action, Welfare System, Communication, Health Care
- Box 182

- Folder 1: Chronological - October [1 of 5], 1995

- Animal Welfare, Government Employees, Health Care Reform, Flag Protection, Women's Health
- Folder 2: Chronological - October 19-31 [2 of 5], 1995

- Government Employees, Animal Welfare, Environmental Policy, Minimum Wage, Taxes, Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- Folder 3: Chronological - October 31-November 8 [3 of 5], 1995

- United Nations, Human Rights, Environmental Policy, Education, Immigration
- Folder 4: Chronological - November 8-16 [4 of 5], 1995

- Federal Budget, Tax, Veterans, Medicine, Government Employees
- Folder 5: Chronological - November 16-20 [5 of 5], 1995

- Federal Employees, Health Policy
- Folder 6: Chronological - November-December [1 of 4], 1995

- Tax, Balanced Budget, Foreign Aid, Gun Control, Business
- Folder 7: Chronological - November-December [2 of 4], 1995

- SSI, Federal Employee Insurance, Tax, Corporate Welfare, Gun Control, NAFTA
- Folder 8: Chronological - November-December [3 of 4], 1995

- FAA, Budget Reconciliation, Taxation, Gay Rights, Environmental Policy, Immigration Policy
- Folder 9: Chronological - November-December [4 of 4], 1995

- Infrastructure, Criminal Justice System, Abortion, Health Insurance, Balancing the Budget
- Folder 10: Chronological - December [1 of 3], 1995

- Immigration, Abortion, Education, Balanced Budget
- Folder 11: Chronological - December [2 of 3], 1995

- Health Care, Environmental Policy, Immigration Reform, Medicare, Social Security
- Folder 12: Chronological - December [3 of 3], 1995

- Presidential Power, Lobbying Regulations, Environmental Policy, National Park Service, NAFTA
- Folder 13: Chronological - January [1 of 4], 1996

- Folder 14: Chronological - January [2 of 4], 1996

- Folder 15: Chronological - January [3 of 4], 1996

- Box 183

- Folder 1: Chronological - January [4 of 4], 1996

- Folder 2: Chronological - February [1 of 3], 1996

- Folder 3: Chronological - February [2 of 3], 1996

- Folder 4: Chronological - February [3 of 3], 1996

- Folder 5: Chronological - February Part 2, 1996

- Folder 6: Chronological - March [1 of 3], 1996

- Folder 7: Chronological - March [2 of 3], 1996

- Folder 8: Chronological - March [3 of 3], 1996

- Item 1: Letter from Alexandra Kelikian, March 17, 1996

- Folder 9: Chronological - April [1 of 3], 1996

- Folder 10: Chronological - April [2 of 3], 1996

- Folder 11: Chronological - April [3 of 3], 1996

- Folder 12: Chronological - May [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 13: Chronological - May [2 of 2], 1996

- Box 184

- Folder 1: Individual - Agnew, Spiro T., August 1971- November 1972

- Folder 2: Individual - Applegarth, Park, 1969-1970

- Folder 3: Individual - Applegarth, Park, February 1971- October 1972

- Folder 4: Individual - Applegarth, Park, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Individual - Armstrong, Anne (RNC), August - November 1972

- Folder 6: Individual - Bales, Mr. and Mrs. Dane, 1974

- Folder 7: Individual - Beckeler, Gus, 1969-1970

- Folder 8: Individual - Beer, Joe, 1974

- Folder 9: Individual - Berry, Paul, March 1971- December 1972

- Folder 10: Individual - Blanton, David, 1975-1976

- Folder 11: Individual - Boyd, Huck and Family, 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Individual - Boyd, McDill (Huck), January 1971- November 1972

- Folder 13: Individual - Boyd, Jack (Ellen), 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Individual - Bressler, Rev. Ray B., 1970

- Folder 15: Individual - Bressler, Rev. Ray B., March 1971

- Folder 16: Individual - Brock, CC (NVT), 1974

- Folder 17: Individual - Brown, Geneva, 1969-1970

- Folder 18: Individual - Brown, Lewis F., 1970

- Folder 19: Individual - Brown, Lewis F., June 1971

- Folder 20: Individual - Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Dale (Geneva), January 1971- December 1972

- Folder 21: Individual - Brown, Dale (Geneva), 1973-1974

- Folder 22: Individual - Bubb, Henry A., 1970

- Folder 23: Individual - Bubb, Henry A., April 1971- October 1972

- Folder 24: Individual - Burkert, L.H., 1968-1969

- Folder 25: Individual - Burkert, Mr. and Mrs. Les, December 1970- January 1971

- Folder 26: Individual - Butz, Earl - Secretary of Agriculture, 1971-1972

- Folder 27: Individual - Butz, Earl - Secretary of Agriculture, 1971-1972

- Folder 28: Individual - Butz, Earl - Secretary of Agriculture Selection, 1971-1972

- Folder 29: Individual - Carlson, Frank, 1969-1970

- Folder 30: Individual - Carlson, Frank, 1973

- Folder 31: Individual - Christy, Don, June - December 1971

- Folder 32: Individual - Christy, Don, 1973

- Folder 33: Individual - Clark, Gerald, 1970

- Folder 34: Individual - Clark, Gerald, January - September 1971

- Folder 35: Individual - Coberly, D.E., 1970

- Folder 36: Individual - Coen, Frank, 1970

- Folder 37: Individual - Cook, Omer L., 1969-1970

- Folder 38: Individual - Cook, Omer L., January 1971

- Folder 39: Individual - Cunningham, Jack, 1969

- Folder 40: Individual - Daily, Jack F., September - October 1971

- Folder 41: Individual - Darby, Harry, 1970

- Folder 42: Individual - Darby, Harry, February 1971- August 1972

- Folder 43: Individual - Darling, Cora, February - June 1972

- Folder 44: Individual - Dickman, Ida, 1970

- Folder 45: Individual - Docking, Robert, 1973

- Folder 46: Individual - Elliot, John A., April 1971- September 1972

- Folder 47: Individual - Elliot, John A., 1974

- Folder 48: Individual - Ellsworth, Robert, May - September 1971

- Folder 49: Individual - Evans, S. Dean, 1969-1970

- Folder 50: Individual - Evans, S. Dean, January 1971- November 1972

- Folder 51: Individual - Evans, Dean, 1973-1974

- Folder 52: Individual - Fenn, Forrest, 1969-1970

- Folder 53: Individual - Fenn, Forrest, February 1971- September 1972

- Folder 54: Individual - Foster, W.R. and Goldie, May - August 1970

- Folder 55: Individual - Foster, W.R. and Goldie, February 1971- September 1972

- Folder 56: Individual - French, James, February 1971- December 1972

- Folder 57: Individual - French, James, 1973-1974

- Folder 58: Individual - Gadberry, G. Robert, 1970

- Folder 59: Individual - Gadberry, G. Robert, April 1971- July 1972

- Folder 60: Individual - Goodman, Ida, 1970

- Folder 61: Individual - Goodman, Ida, January 1971- November 1972

- Folder 62: Individual - Guilfoil, Bill, January 1971

- Folder 63: Individual - Gustafson, William C., May - June 1971

- Folder 64: Individual - Hales, Battle, 1968

- Folder 65: Individual - Harris, Senator Fred (News Media Correspondence), 1970

- Folder 66: Individual - Hawthorne, Marvin, February 1972

- Folder 67: Individual - Hey, Rebecca E., 1969-1970

- Folder 68: Individual - Hey, Rebecca E., February 1971- July 1972

- Folder 69: Individual - Hey, Rebecca E., 1973

- Folder 70: Individual - Hodgdow, B.E., 1970

- Folder 71: Individual - Hutchings, John, 1970

- Folder 72: Individual - Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Omar, 1969-1970

- Folder 73: Individual - Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Omar, March - September 1971

- Folder 74: Individual - Ka-, 1969

- Folder 75: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests, Part 1, 1969

- Folder 76: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [1 of 4], 1970

- Box 185

- Folder 1: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [2 of 4], 1970

- Folder 2: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [3 of 4], 1970

- Folder 3: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [4 of 4], 1970

- Folder 4: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests, Part 2, 1969

- Folder 5: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [1 of 4], Part 2, 1969-1970

- Folder 6: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [2 of 4], Part 2, 1969-1970

- Folder 7: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [3 of 4], Part 2, 1969-1970

- Folder 8: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [4 of 4], Part 2, 1969-1970

- Folder 9: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests, Part 3, 1968

- Folder 10: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [1 of 2], Part 3, 1969

- Folder 11: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [2 of 2], Part 3, 1969

- Folder 12: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [1 of 3], Part 3, 1970

- Folder 13: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [2 of 3], Part 3, 1970

- Folder 14: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [3 of 3], Part 3, 1970

- Folder 15: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests, Part 4, 1969

- Folder 16: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [1 of 3], Part 4, 1970

- Folder 17: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [2 of 3], Part 4, 1970

- Folder 18: Individual - Kats/Harbaugh Requests [3 of 3], Part 4, 1970

- Folder 19: Individual - Katz, Bill, 1973 - 1974

- Folder 20: Individual - Kea - Kej, 1969

- Folder 21: Individual - Kel - Kem, 1969

- Box 186

- Folder 1: Individual - Ken - Kep, 1969

- Folder 2: Individual - Ker - Key, 1969

- Folder 3: Individual - Kh - Kj, 1969

- Folder 4: Individual - Kl, 1969

- Folder 5: Individual - Kn, 1969

- Folder 6: Individual - Knoll, Lorina C., 1969-1970

- Folder 7: Individual - Knoll, Lorina C., January 1971- April 1972

- Folder 8: Individual - Ko, 1969

- Folder 9: Individual - Kr, 1969

- Folder 10: Individual - Krutsinger, V., 1970

- Folder 11: Individual - Krutsinger, Virgil, February 1971- January 1972

- Folder 12: Individual - Ku - Ky, 1969

- Folder 13: Individual - Laa - Lak, 1969

- Folder 14: Individual - Lam - Lap, 1969

- Folder 15: Individual - Lar, 1969

- Folder 16: Individual - Larkin, Ed, January 1971- December 1972

- Folder 17: Individual - Larkin, Ed, 1974

- Folder 18: Individual - Las - Lav, 1969

- Folder 19: Individual - Law- Laz, 1969

- Folder 20: Individual - Lea - Led, 1969

- Folder 21: Individual - Leake, Henry A., 1970

- Folder 22: Individual - Leake, Henry, January 1971- December 1972

- Folder 23: Individual - Leake, Henry, 1973-1974

- Folder 24: Individual - Lee - Leh, 1969

- Folder 25: Individual - Lei - Lep, 1969

- Folder 26: Individual - Ler - Lev, 1969

- Folder 27: Individual - Levens, Mr. and Mrs. Vrem, January 1971- September 1972

- Folder 28: Individual - Lew - Lez, 1969

- Folder 29: Individual - Li - Ll, 1969

- Folder 30: Individual - Lo, 1969

- Folder 31: Individual - Lu, 1969

- Folder 32: Individual - Ly, 1969

- Folder 33: Individual - Mab - Man, 1969

- Folder 34: Individual - Macomber, William B., Jr. (Department of State), 1969

- Folder 35: Individual - Map - Mar, 1969

- Folder 36: Individual - Marine Corps (Commandant), 1969

- Folder 37: Individual - Mas - Maz, 1969

- Folder 38: Individual - Maurer, William, 1969-1970

- Folder 39: Individual - McA - McB, 1969

- Folder 40: Individual - McDade, Millicent T., 1969-1970

- Folder 41: Individual - McE - McZ, 1969

- Folder 42: Individual - Me, 1969

- Folder 43: Individual - Mia - Miller, 1969

- Folder 44: Individual - Milli - Miz, 1969

- Folder 45: Individual - Moa - Moo, 1969

- Folder 46: Individual - Mor - Moz, 1969

- Folder 47: Individual - Morgenstern, R., January 1971

- Folder 48: Individual - Mosier, Frank, 1969-1970

- Folder 49: Individual - Mosier, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, March 1971

- Box 187

- Folder 1: Individual - Mr - Mu, 1969

- Folder 2: Individual - Muskie, Senator Edward, 1970

- Folder 3: Individual - My, 1969

- Folder 4: Individual - Na, 1969

- Folder 5: Individual - Naftzer, M.C., 1969-1970

- Folder 6: Individual - Navy, 1969

- Folder 7: Individual - Ne, 1969

- Folder 8: Individual - Nelson, Stuart, September 1971

- Folder 9: Individual - Ni, 1969

- Folder 10: Individual - No, 1969

- Folder 11: Individual - Nu, 1969

- Folder 12: Individual - Ny, 1969

- Folder 13: Individual - Oc, 1969

- Folder 14: Individual - Oa - Ob, 1969

- Folder 15: Individual - Od, 1969

- Folder 16: Individual - Oe, 1969

- Folder 17: Individual - Of - Og, 1969

- Folder 18: Individual - Oh, 1969

- Folder 19: Individual - Ol - Om, 1969

- Folder 20: Individual - On - Op, 1969

- Folder 21: Individual - Or, 1969

- Folder 22: Individual - Os, 1969

- Folder 23: Individual - Ot - Oz, 1969

- Folder 24: Individual - Ozbun, Charles E., 1969

- Folder 25: Individual - Paa - Pan, 1969

- Folder 26: Individual - Par - Paz, 1969

- Folder 27: Individual - Pe, 1969

- Folder 28: Individual - Pearson, James, December 1971- January 1972

- Folder 29: Individual - Pf - Ph, 1969

- Folder 30: Individual - Pi, 1969

- Folder 31: Individual - Pl, 1969

- Folder 32: Individual - Po, 1969

- Folder 33: Individual - Pr - Pt, 1969

- Folder 34: Individual - Pu - Py, 1969

- Folder 35: Individual - Q, 1969

- Folder 36: Individual - Ra, 1969

- Folder 37: Individual - Rea - Reilly, 1969

- Folder 38: Individual - Reece, Dr. A.S., January - March 1971

- Folder 39: Individual - Reim - Rez, 1969

- Folder 40: Individual - Republican - Senate Whip, 1969

- Folder 41: Individual - Rh - Ri, 1969

- Folder 42: Individual - Roa - Rog, 1969

- Folder 43: Individual - Robbins, Richard W., 1970

- Folder 44: Individual - Robbins, Richard W., January - July 1971

- Folder 45: Individual - Rogers, Murray, February 1971- November 1972

- Folder 46: Individual - Rogers, Murray, 1973-1974

- Folder 47: Individual - Roh - Ror, 1969

- Folder 48: Individual - Ros - Rot, 1969

- Folder 49: Individual - Rose, Art, September - October 1972

- Folder 50: Individual - Ross, Charles and Ruth, 1970

- Folder 51: Individual - Ross, Charles and Ruth, May 1971- September 1972

- Folder 52: Individual - Rou - Roz, 1969

- Folder 53: Individual - Ru, 1969

- Folder 54: Individual - Ry - Rz, 1969

- Folder 55: Individual - Sa, 1969

- Folder 56: Individual - Sandstrom, Thad M., 1970

- Folder 57: Individual - Sandstrom, Thad M. [1 of 2], January 1971- November 1972

- Box 188

- Folder 1: Individual - Sandstrom, Thad M. [2 of 2], January 1971- November 1972

- Folder 2: Individual - Sca - Schl, 1969

- Folder 3: Individual - Schaefer, J.E., May 1971- November 1972

- Folder 4: Individual - Schnacke, Donald P., January - August 1972

- Folder 5: Individual - Schnacke, Donald, 1973

- Folder 6: Individual - Schm - Schn, 1969

- Folder 7: Individual - Scho - Schw, 1969

- Folder 8: Individual - Sci - Scr, 1969

- Folder 9: Individual - Se, 1969

- Folder 10: Individual - Sha, 1969

- Folder 11: Individual - Sharp, Roberta, 1970

- Folder 12: Individual - Sharp, Roberta, January 1971- October 1972

- Folder 13: Individual - She, 1969

- Folder 14: Individual - Shi, 1969

- Folder 15: Individual - Sho - Shu, 1969

- Folder 16: Individual - Shriver, Garner, October 1971- October 1972

- Folder 17: Individual - Si - Sj, 1969

- Folder 18: Individual - Sk - Sl, 1969

- Folder 19: Individual - Skubitz, Joe, March 1971- August 1972

- Folder 20: Individual - Sma - Smy, 1969

- ("Smith" located in different folder)
- Folder 21: Individual - Smith, 1969

- Folder 22: Individual - Smith, John, III, January - December 1971

- Folder 23: Individual - Smith, John, III [1 of 2], February - December 1972

- Folder 24: Individual - Smith, John, III [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 25: Individual - Smith, John, 1973-1974

- Folder 26: Individual - Sn - So, 1969

- Folder 27: Individual - Sp, 1969

- Folder 28: Individual - Speer, Dr. and Mrs. Leland, January 1971- October 1972

- Folder 29: Individual - Speer, Dr. and Mrs. Leland, 1973-1974

- Folder 30: Individual - Sperry, P. Everett, 1969-1970

- Folder 31: Individual - Sperry, P. Everett, March 1971- October 1972

- Folder 32: Individual - Sperry, P. Everett, 1973-1974

- Folder 33: Individual - Sta, 1969

- Folder 34: Individual - Ste, 1969

- Folder 35: Individual - Steiner, Robert F., 1970

- Folder 36: Individual - Steiner, Robert F., January 1971- October 1972

- Folder 37: Individual - Stempler, Jack L. (Assistant to the Secretary for Legislative Affairs, Department of Defense), 1969

- Folder 38: Individual - Stewart, Ray D. (Congressional Liaison Officer, Post Office), 1969

- Folder 39: Individual - Sti, 1969

- Folder 40: Individual - Stilwell, Joseph - Nomination for Great American Series of Postage Stamps, 1990-1995

- Folder 41: Individual - Sto, 1969

- Folder 42: Individual - Stowe, Alice, 1974

- Folder 43: Individual - Str, 1969

- Folder 44: Individual - Stu, 1969

- Folder 45: Individual - Su, 1969

- Folder 46: Individual - Surs, Mrs. Lee, January 1971- April 1972

- Folder 47: Individual - Sv - Sz, 1969

- Folder 48: Individual - Sydnor, Frances, 1973-1974

- Folder 49: Individual - Ta, 1969

- Folder 50: Individual - Taggart, Bill, April 1971- March 1972

- Folder 51: Individual - Te, 1969

- Folder 52: Individual - Th, 1969

- Folder 53: Individual - Ti, 1969

- Box 189

- Folder 1: Individual - To, 1969

- Folder 2: Individual - Todd, Laura, 1969-1970

- Folder 3: Individual - Tr, 1969

- Folder 4: Individual - Tu, 1969

- Folder 5: Individual - Tucker, Charles, 1970

- Folder 6: Individual - Tucker, Charles, January 1971 - April 1972

- Folder 7: Individual - Ty, 1969

- Folder 8: Individual - U, 1969

- Folder 9: Individual - Va, 1969

- Folder 10: Individual - Van Wagener, Charles, 1970

- Folder 11: Individual - Van Wagener, Charles, January 1971 - March 1972

- Folder 12: Individual - Ve, 1969

- Folder 13: Individual - Vi, 1969

- Folder 14: Individual - Vo - Vr, 1969

- Folder 15: Individual - Waa - Wal, 1969

- Folder 16: Individual - Wallace, Leon M. (Center Director of VA Center in Wichita, KS), 1969

- Folder 17: Individual - Wam - Waz, 1969

- Folder 18: Individual - Wea - Wei, 1969

- Folder 19: Individual - Weber, Coy T., 1973-1974

- Folder 20: Individual - Weigel, Maurice A., 1970

- Folder 21: Individual - Weigel, Maurice A., March 1971 - March 1972

- Folder 22: Individual - Weigel, Maurice A., 1973

- Folder 23: Individual - Wel - Wez, 1969

- Folder 24: Individual - Wh, 1969

- Folder 25: Individual - White, Ward H., February - September 1971

- Folder 26: Individual - White, Wilbur W., May 1971 - April 1972

- Folder 27: Individual - White, Wilbur, 1973

- Folder 28: Individual - Wia - Williams, 1969

- Folder 29: Individual - Willcoxon, Carolyn, 1973

- Folder 30: Individual - Williams, John W., June, 1971

- Folder 31: Individual - Williamson - Wit, 1969

- Folder 32: Individual - Wo, 1969

- Folder 33: Individual - Wolf, George, 1970

- Folder 34: Individual - Wooldridge, Allen M., 1969-1970

- Folder 35: Individual - Wooldridge, Allen M., June, 1971

- Folder 36: Individual - Wr, 1969

- Folder 37: Individual - Wu, 1969

- Folder 38: Individual - Wy, 1969

- Folder 39: Individual - Y, 1969

- Folder 40: Individual - Z, 1969

- Box 190

- Folder 1: Legislation - Abortion [1 of 4], 1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Abortion [2 of 4], 1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Abortion [3 of 4], 1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Abortion [4 of 4], 1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Abortion, 1975

- Folder 6: Legislation - Abortion, 1976

- Folder 7: Legislation - Aeronautics, 1975

- Folder 8: Legislation - Agriculture [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 9: Legislation - Agriculture [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 10: Legislation - Agriculture, 1975

- Folder 11: Legislation - Agriculture Adjustment Act of 1969, 1969

- Folder 12: Legislation - Air Traffic Controller [Correspondence], 1969

- Folder 13: Legislation - Air Traffic Controller [Correspondence], 1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Air Traffic Controller [Correspondence], 1971

- Folder 15: Legislation - Airplanes [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Legislation - Airplanes [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 17: Legislation - Airports, 1973

- Folder 18: Legislation - Airports and Airways Development, 1969

- Folder 19: Legislation - Airports and Airways Development, 1970

- Folder 20: Legislation - Airport Development, 1971-1972

- Folder 21: Legislation - Alaskan Pipeline, 1973-1974

- Folder 22: Legislation - Alcohol, 1969-1970

- Folder 23: Legislation - Alcohol [1 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 24: Legislation - Alcohol [2 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 25: Legislation - Alcohol [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Box 191

- Folder 1: Legislation - Alcohol, 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Alcoholism, 1976

- Folder 3: Legislation - Allied Arts Education Program, 1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - American Indians, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Amnesty [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 6: Legislation - Amnesty [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 7: Legislation - Amnesty [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Legislation - Amnesty [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 9: Legislation - American Indians, 1976

- Folder 10: Legislation - American War Mothers, 1969

- Folder 11: Legislation - Ammunition (S. 845), 1969

- Folder 12: Legislation - Animals, 1969

- Folder 13: Legislation - Animals, 1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Animals [1 of 4], 1971-1972

- Folder 15: Legislation - Animals [2 of 4], 1971-1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Animals [3 of 4], 1971-1972

- Folder 17: Legislation - Animals [4 of 4], 1971-1972

- Folder 18: Legislation - Animals [1 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 19: Legislation - Animals [2 of 4], 1973-1974

- Box 192

- Folder 1: Legislation - Animals [3 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Animals [4 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Animals, 1975

- Folder 4: Legislation - Animals, 1975

- Folder 5: Legislation - Anti-Trust Laws, 1971

- Folder 6: Legislation - Antique Glass, 1969-1970

- Folder 7: Legislation - Armed Services, 1970

- Folder 8: Legislation - Armed Services [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Armed Services [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 10: Legislation - Armed Services, 1973-1974

- Folder 11: Legislation - Arthritis Research and Treatment Bill, 1974

- Folder 12: Legislation - Atlantic Union Del (AUD), 1973

- Folder 13: Legislation - Atomic Energy, 1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Atomic Energy, 1974

- Folder 15: Legislation - Atomic Energy Commission, 1971

- Folder 16: Legislation - Banks, 1969

- Folder 17: Legislation - Banks [1 of 5], 1970

- Folder 18: Legislation - Banks [2 of 5], 1970

- Folder 19: Legislation - Banks [3 of 5], 1970

- Folder 20: Legislation - Banks [4 of 5], 1970

- Folder 21: Legislation - Banks [5 of 5], 1970

- Folder 22: Legislation - Banks, 1972

- Folder 23: Legislation - Banks [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 24: Legislation - Banks [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 25: Legislation - Banks, 1975

- Folder 26: Legislation - Bingo Advertising, 1976

- Folder 27: Legislation - Blind People, 1969-1970

- Folder 28: Legislation - Blind Vendors, 1974

- Folder 29: Legislation - Broadcasting, 1973-1974

- Folder 30: Legislation - Broadcasting Licenses Renewal, 1969-1970

- Box 193

- Folder 1: Legislation - Budget [1 of 6], 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Budget [2 of 6], 1973-1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Budget [3 of 6], 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Budget [4 of 6], 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Budget [5 of 6], 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Budget [6 of 6], 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Budget, 1975

- Folder 8: Legislation - Campaign Expenditures, 1971

- Folder 9: Legislation - Campaign Finance [1 of 5], 1974

- Folder 10: Legislation - Campaign Finance [2 of 5], 1974

- Folder 11: Legislation - Campaign Finance [3 of 5], 1974

- Folder 12: Legislation -Campaign Finance [4 of 5], 1974

- Folder 13: Legislation - Campaign Finance [5 of 5], 1974

- Folder 14: Legislation - Cancer, 1973-1974

- Folder 15: Legislation - Cancer Research [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Cancer Research [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 17: Legislation - Cancer Research, 1975

- Folder 18: Legislation - Capital Punishment, 1973-1974

- Folder 19: Legislation - Capital Punishment, 1975

- Box 194

- Folder 1: Legislation - Capitol, 1969-1970

- Folder 2: Legislation - Capitol, 1971-1972

- Folder 3: Legislation - Capitol Improvements, 1973

- Folder 4: Legislation - Census, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Child Care and Development, 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Chile Refugees, 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Christian Amendment, 1969

- Folder 8: Legislation - Cigarettes, 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Cigarettes, 1973-1974

- Folder 10: Legislation - Cigarettes and Alcohol, 1975

- Folder 11: Legislation - City Clerk, 1975

- Folder 12: Legislation - Civil Aeronautics Patrol Supply, 1974

- Folder 13: Legislation - Civil Rights, 1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Civil Service [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 15: Legislation - Civil Service [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 16: Legislation - Civil Service, 1970

- Folder 17: Legislation - Civil Service [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 18: Legislation - Civil Service [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 19: Legislation - Civil Service [1 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 20: Legislation - Civil Service [2 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 21: Legislation - Civil Service [3 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 22: Legislation - Civil Service [4 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 23: Legislation - Civil Service, 1975

- Folder 24: Legislation - Clean Air, 1975

- Folder 25: Legislation - Clean Air Act - Auto Emission [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 26: Legislation - Clean Air Act - Auto Emission [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 27: Legislation - Cloture, 1975

- Folder 28: Legislation - Coin Week, April, 1974

- Folder 29: Legislation - College Benefit System of America, 1969-1970

- Folder 30: Legislation - Commerce, 1974

- Folder 31: Legislation - Commission on Security and Safety of Cargo [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 32: Legislation - Commission on Security and Safety of Cargo [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 33: Legislation - Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 34: Legislation - Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs [2 of 2], 1972

- Box 195

- Folder 1: Legislation - Communications, 1971-1972

- Folder 2: Legislation - Communications, 1973

- Folder 3: Legislation - Communications - Political Broadcasting, 1970

- Folder 4: Legislation - Community Development Department, 1972

- Folder 5: Legislation - Comprehensive School Health Education Act, 1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Congress - General, March [1 of 4], March, 1977

- Folder 7: Legislation - Congress - General, March [2 of 4], March, 1977

- Folder 8: Legislation - Congress - General, March [3 of 4], March, 1977

- Folder 9: Legislation - Congress - General, March [4 of 4], March, 1977

- Folder 10: Legislation - Congressional Reform, 1971

- Folder 11: Legislation - Congressional Reform, 1972-1974

- Folder 12: Legislation - Consumer, 1969

- Folder 13: Legislation - Consumer [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Consumer [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 15: Legislation - Consumer [1 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Consumer [2 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 17: Legislation - Consumer [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 18: Legislation - Consumer, 1973-1974

- Folder 19: Legislation - Consumer Protection Act, 1975

- Folder 20: Legislation - Copper Industry, 1970

- Folder 21: Legislation - Copyright, 1969-1970

- Folder 22: Legislation - Copyright, 1973-1974

- Folder 23: Legislation - Copyright Law, 1975

- Folder 24: Legislation - Corporate Taxes, 1970

- Folder 25: Legislation - Cosmetic Safety Act, 1974

- Folder 26: Legislation - Court Recording, 1969-1970

- Folder 27: Legislation - Courts, 1973

- Folder 28: Legislation - Credit - Credit Card Reporting, 1969-1970

- Folder 29: Legislation - Credit, 1973-1974

- Folder 30: Legislation - Credit, 1975

- Folder 31: Legislation - Credit Cards and Credit Unions, 1971-1972

- Folder 32: Legislation - Credit Unions, 1969-1970

- Folder 33: Legislation - Crime, 1970

- Folder 34: Legislation - Crime, 1971-1972

- Folder 35: Legislation - Crime, 1973-1974

- Folder 36: Legislation - Crime, 1975

- Folder 37: Legislation - Crown of St. Stephen, 1971-1972

- Folder 38: Legislation - Crown of St. Stephen, 1973

- Box 196

- Folder 1: Legislation - Daylight Savings Time [1 of 4], 1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Daylight Savings Time [2 of 4], 1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Daylight Savings Time [3 of 4], 1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Daylight Savings Time [4 of 4], 1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Defense, 1970

- Folder 6: Legislation - Defense, 1971-1972

- Folder 7: Legislation - Defense [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Legislation - Defense [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 9: Legislation - Defense, 1975

- Folder 10: Legislation - Dental Health Care, 1973-1974

- Folder 11: Legislation - Disabled, March, 1975

- Folder 12: Legislation - District of Columbia, 1973

- Folder 13: Legislation - Drugs [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 14: Legislation - Drugs [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 15: Legislation - Drugs, 1970

- Folder 16: Legislation - Drugs [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 17: Legislation - Drugs [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 18: Legislation - Drugs, 1973-1974

- Folder 19: Legislation - Drugs, 1975

- Box 197

- Folder 1: Legislation - Economic Opportunity Act (Office of Economic Opportunity), 1969

- Folder 2: Legislation - Economic Stabilization Act [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Economic Stabilization Act [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Economy, 1971-1972

- Folder 5: Legislation - Economy, 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Education [1 of 8], 1969

- Folder 7: Legislation - Education [2 of 8], 1969

- Folder 8: Legislation - Education [3 of 8], 1969

- Folder 9: Legislation - Education [4 of 8], 1969

- Folder 10: Legislation - Education [5 of 8], 1969

- Folder 11: Legislation - Education [6 of 8], 1969

- Folder 12: Legislation - Education [7 of 8], 1969

- Folder 13: Legislation - Education [8 of 8], 1969

- Folder 14: Legislation - Education, 1970

- Folder 15: Legislation - Education, Part 2 [1 of 9], 1970

- Folder 16: Legislation - Education, Part 2 [2 of 9], 1970

- Folder 17: Legislation - Education, Part 2 [3 of 9], 1970

- Folder 18: Legislation - Education, Part 2 [4 of 9], 1970

- Folder 19: Legislation - Education, Part 2 [5 of 9], 1970

- Folder 20: Legislation - Education, Part 2 [6 of 9], 1970

- Folder 21: Legislation - Education, Part 2 [7 of 9], 1970

- Folder 22: Legislation - Education, Part 2 [8 of 9], 1970

- Folder 23: Legislation - Education, Part 2 [9 of 9], 1970

- Box 198

- Folder 1: Legislation - Education [1 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 2: Legislation - Education [2 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 3: Legislation - Education [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 4: Legislation - Education [1 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Education [2 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Education [3 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Education [4 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Legislation - Education - Busing [1 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Education - Busing [2 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 10: Legislation - Education - Busing [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 11: Legislation - Education - Busing [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Legislation - Education - Busing [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Box 199

- Folder 1: Legislation - Department of Education [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 2: Legislation - Department of Education [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 3: Legislation - Education - Tax Credit, 1973

- Folder 4: Legislation - Education - Tax Credit Form Letter [1 of 7], 1972

- Folder 5: Legislation - Education - Tax Credit Form Letter [2 of 7], 1972

- Folder 6: Legislation - Education - Tax Credit Form Letter [3 of 7], 1972

- Folder 7: Legislation - Education - Tax Credit Form Letter [4 of 7], 1972

- Folder 8: Legislation - Education - Tax Credit Form Letter [5 of 7], 1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Education - Tax Credit Form Letter [6 of 7], 1972

- Folder 10: Legislation - Education - Tax Credit Form Letter [7 of 7], 1972

- Folder 11: Legislation - Education - Vocational Training, 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Legislation - Eisenhower Highway, 1969-1970

- Folder 13: Legislation - Eisenhower Silver Dollar, 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Electoral Reform [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 15: Legislation - Electoral Reform [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 16: Legislation - Electoral Reform [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 17: Legislation - Electoral Reform [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 18: Legislation - Electoral Reform [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 19: Legislation - Electoral Reform, 1971-1972

- Folder 20: Legislation - Electoral Reform, 1973

- Folder 21: Legislation - Employment [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 22: Legislation - Employment [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 23: Legislation - Energy [1 of 6], 1974

- Box 200

- Folder 1: Legislation - Energy [2 of 6], 1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Energy [3 of 6], 1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Energy [4 of 6], 1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Energy [5 of 6], 1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Energy [6 of 6], 1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Energy Research and Development Administration, 1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Energy Transportation Security Act of 1974 (H.R. 8193), 1974

- Folder 8: Legislation - Environment, 1976

- Folder 9: Legislation - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 1974

- Folder 10: Legislation - Equal Rights [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 11: Legislation - Equal Rights [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 12: Legislation - Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) [1 of 4], 1970-1972

- Folder 13: Legislation - Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) [2 of 4], 1970-1972

- Folder 14: Legislation - Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) [3 of 4], 1970-1972

- Folder 15: Legislation - Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) [4 of 4], 1970-1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Estate Tax, 1969-1970

- Folder 17: Legislation - Executive Reorganization, 1971

- Folder 18: Legislation - Explosives, 1970

- Folder 19: Legislation - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Cost Allocation Study [1 of 2], 1973

- Folder 20: Legislation - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Cost Allocation Study [2 of 2], 1973

- Folder 21: Legislation - Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1971-1972

- Folder 22: Legislation - Federal Credit Union, 1973

- Folder 23: Legislation - Federal Insurance Guaranty Corporation Act (S. 2236), 1970

- Folder 24: Legislation - Federal Procurement Policy, 1974

- Folder 25: Legislation - Federal Reserve System, 1970

- Folder 26: Legislation - Federal/State Unemployment Compensation, 1970

- Folder 27: Legislation - Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 1974

- Folder 28: Legislation - Filibusters (Rule 22), 1969

- Folder 29: Legislation - Filibuster, 1971-1972

- Box 201

- Folder 1: Legislation - Financial Aid, 1971

- Folder 2: Legislation - Fire Research and Safety Act, 1969

- Folder 3: Legislation - Flood Control, 1972-1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Folk Dance, 1972

- Folder 5: Legislation - Folk Dance, 1973

- Folder 6: Legislation - Food Stamps, 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Food Supplement, 1970

- Folder 8: Legislation - Food Supplements, 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Footwear, 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Legislation - Foreign Aid [1 of 3], 1971

- Folder 11: Legislation - Foreign Aid [2 of 3], 1971

- Folder 12: Legislation - Foreign Aid [3 of 3], 1971

- Folder 13: Legislation - Foreign Aid, 1971-1972

- Folder 14: Legislation - Foreign Aid, 1972

- Folder 15: Legislation - Foreign Assistance Act of 1969, 1969

- Folder 16: Legislation - Foreign Policy, 1972

- Folder 17: Legislation - Foreign Policy and Aid [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 18: Legislation - Foreign Policy and Aid [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 19: Legislation - Forestry, 1976

- Folder 20: Legislation - Franchising Practices Reform Act, 1975

- Folder 21: Legislation - Freedom of Information, 1974

- Folder 22: Legislation - Gas, 1971-1972

- Folder 23: Legislation - Gas, 1974

- Folder 24: Legislation - Gasoline Tax, 1970

- Folder 25: Legislation - General [1 of 3], October 1974 - April 1975

- Equal Rights Amendment, Panama Canal, Importation, Social Security, Agriculture
- Folder 26: Legislation - General [2 of 3], October 1974 - April 1975

- Social Security, Taxes, Energy Conservation
- Folder 27: Legislation - General [3 of 3], October 1974 - April 1975

- Social Security, Taxes, Energy, Medicare/Medicaid
- Folder 28: Legislation - General Aviation, 1974

- Folder 29: Legislation - Government Operation, 1972

- Folder 30: Legislation - Government Paperwork, 1974

- Box 202

- Folder 1: Legislation - Gun Control [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 2: Legislation - Gun Control [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 3: Legislation - Gun Control, 1970

- Folder 4: Legislation - Gun Control, 1971

- Folder 5: Legislation - Gun Control [1 of 3], 1972

- Folder 6: Legislation - Gun Control [2 of 3], 1972

- Folder 7: Legislation - Gun Control [3 of 3], 1972

- Folder 8: Legislation - Guns [1 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 9: Legislation - Guns [2 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 10: Legislation - Guns [3 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 11: Legislation - Handicapped, 1974

- Folder 12: Legislation - Head Start (Office of Economic Opportunity) [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 13: Legislation - Head Start (Office of Economic Opportunity) [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Health [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 15: Legislation - Health [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 16: Legislation - Health [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 17: Legislation - Health [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 18: Legislation - Health [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 19: Legislation - Health [1 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 20: Legislation - Health [2 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 21: Legislation - Health [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Box 203

- Folder 1: Legislation - Health [1 of 5], 1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Health [2 of 5], 1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Health [3 of 5], 1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Health [4 of 5], 1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Health [5 of 5], 1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Health, January - April, 1975

- Folder 7: Legislation - Health - Chiropractic, March - April, 1975

- Folder 8: Legislation - Health - Huntington's Disease, January 1974

- Folder 9: Legislation - Health - Insurance [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 10: Legislation - Health - Insurance [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 11: Legislation - Health Insurance and Health Services Improvement Act, 1970

- Folder 12: Legislation - Health - Optometry, January - April, 1975

- Folder 13: Legislation - Health Professional Educational Assistance Act of 1974, 1974

- Folder 14: Legislation - Hemophiliacs, 1973-1974

- Folder 15: Legislation - Highways [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Legislation - Highways [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 17: Legislation - Highway Trust Fund [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 18: Legislation - Highway Trust Fund [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 19: Legislation - Highways, March, 1975

- Folder 20: Legislation - Hijacking, 1973

- Folder 21: Legislation - Hill-Burton, 1970

- Folder 22: Legislation - Hill-Burton Health, Education and Welfare, 1971

- Folder 23: Legislation - Holidays [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 24: Legislation - Holidays [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 25: Legislation - Holidays [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Box 204

- Folder 1: Legislation - Holidays [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Holidays, March - April, 1975

- Folder 3: Legislation - Hospitals, 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Housing, 1971-1972

- Folder 5: Legislation - Housing [1 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Housing [2 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Housing [3 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Legislation - Housing, March 1975

- Folder 9: Legislation - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1969, 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Legislation - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Appropriations, 1969-1970

- Folder 11: Legislation - Hubbell Military Pay Plan, 1969

- Folder 12: Legislation - Huntington Disease Control Act, 1974

- Folder 13: Legislation - Immigration, January - April, 1975

- Folder 14: Legislation - Immigration and Naturalization, 1973-1974

- Folder 15: Legislation - Imports [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 16: Legislation - Imports [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 17: Legislation - Imports [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 18: Legislation - Inclusive Tour Charter Bill, 1974

- Folder 19: Legislation - Indians, 1971-1972

- Folder 20: Legislation - Interest Rates, 1973

- Folder 21: Legislation - Interior, 1971-1972

- Folder 22: Legislation - Interior, 1973-1974

- Folder 23: Legislation - Interior, March 1975

- Folder 24: Legislation - Internal Security Act, 1969-1970

- Folder 25: Legislation - Internal Security Act, 1971

- Folder 26: Legislation - International Development Association, 1974

- Folder 27: Legislation - Interstate Commerce Act (S. 3223) [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 28: Legislation - Interstate Commerce Act (S. 3223) [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 29: Legislation - Interstate Commerce Commission, 1971-1972

- Folder 30: Legislation - Interstate Taxation, 1969

- Folder 31: Legislation - Jews, 1971-1972

- Box 205

- Folder 1: Legislation - Jews, 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Judges, 1972

- Folder 3: Legislation - Justice, 1972

- Folder 4: Legislation - Justice, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Juvenile Justice, April 1975

- Folder 6: Legislation - Labor [1 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 7: Legislation - Labor [2 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 8: Legislation - Labor [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Labor, 1973-1974

- Folder 10: Legislation - Labor (Food Stamps for Strikers), 1973-1974

- Folder 11: Legislation - Labor, March - April, 1975

- Folder 12: Legislation - Labor - Davis-Beacon Act, January - April, 1975

- Folder 13: Legislation - Labor - Management Relations Act (S. 1369 and H.R. 860), 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Labor - National Public Employees Relations Act, 1974

- Folder 15: Legislation - Labor - National Workers' Compensation Act, 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Legislation - Labor - Right to Work, 1973-1974

- Folder 17: Legislation - Labor - Standards, 1970

- Folder 18: Legislation - Labor - Taft-Hartley Act - Right to Work, January - April, 1975

- Folder 19: Legislation - Labor - Unions, March 1975

- Folder 20: Legislation - Labor - Violence (Hobbs Act), 1973-1974

- Folder 21: Legislation - Labor - Wage and Price Control, 1970

- Folder 22: Legislation - Land and Water Conservation Fund, 1970

- Folder 23: Legislation - Land Use, March - April, 1975

- Folder 24: Legislation - Land Use Bill, 1973-1974

- Folder 25: Legislation - Law Enforcement, 1969

- Folder 26: Legislation - Law Enforcement, February 1975

- Folder 27: Legislation - Legal Services, 1973-1974

- Folder 28: Legislation - Legislative Activities Disclosure Act, 1971

- Folder 29: Legislation - Lewis-Clark Trail Commission, 1969

- Folder 30: Legislation - Libraries, 1969-1970

- Folder 31: Legislation - Libraries, 1971-1972

- Folder 32: Legislation - Libraries, 1973-1974

- Folder 33: Legislation - Libraries, January - March, 1975

- Folder 34: Legislation - Lumber, 1973

- Box 206

- Folder 1: Legislation - Madeline Murray - Removal of God's Name from Everything, 1969-1970

- Folder 2: Legislation - Malpractice Insurance, February - March, 1975

- Folder 3: Legislation - Manpower Development and Training, 1970

- Folder 4: Legislation - Manpower Training Act, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Medical Expenses and Sick Leave (H.R. 767 and S. 1276), 1969

- Folder 6: Legislation - Medicare, 1970

- Folder 7: Legislation - Medicare [1 of 2], 1970-1972

- Folder 8: Legislation - Medicare [2 of 2], 1970-1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Medicare, 1973-1974

- Folder 10: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractic) [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 11: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractic) [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 12: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractic) [1 of 4], 1970

- Folder 13: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractic) [2 of 4], 1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractic) [3 of 4], 1970

- Folder 15: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractic) [4 of 4], 1970

- Folder 16: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractor) Part 2 [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 17: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractor) Part 2 [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 18: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractor) Part 2 [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 19: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractic) [1 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 20: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractic) [2 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 21: Legislation - Medicare (Chiropractic) [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Box 207

- Folder 1: Legislation - Mental Health Centers, 1970

- Folder 2: Legislation - Mental Health Programs [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Mental Health Programs [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Metric, February 1975

- Folder 5: Legislation - Metric System, 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Military Retirement, 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Military Retirement, February - March 1975

- Folder 8: Legislation - Minimum Wage [1 of 4], 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Minimum Wage [2 of 4], 1971-1972

- Folder 10: Legislation - Minimum Wage [3 of 4], 1971-1972

- Folder 11: Legislation - Minimum Wage [4 of 4], 1971-1972

- Folder 12: Legislation - Minimum Wage [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 13: Legislation - Minimum Wage [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 14: Legislation - Minimum Wage [1 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 15: Legislation - Minimum Wage [2 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Legislation - Minimum Wage [3 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 17: Legislation - Mink, 1970

- Folder 18: Legislation - Miscellaneous [1 of 4], 1969

- Folder 19: Legislation - Miscellaneous [2 of 4], 1969

- Folder 20: Legislation - Miscellaneous [3 of 4], 1969

- Box 208

- Folder 1: Legislation - Miscellaneous [4 of 4], 1969

- Folder 2: Legislation - Miscellaneous [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 3: Legislation - Miscellaneous [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 4: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 2 [1 of 4], 1970

- Folder 5: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 2 [2 of 4], 1970

- Folder 6: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 2 [3 of 4], 1970

- Folder 7: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 2 [4 of 4], 1970

- Folder 8: Legislation - Miscellaneous [1 of 5], 1971

- Folder 9: Legislation - Miscellaneous [2 of 5], 1971

- Folder 10: Legislation - Miscellaneous [3 of 5], 1971

- Folder 11: Legislation - Miscellaneous [4 of 5], 1971

- Folder 12: Legislation - Miscellaneous [5 of 5], 1972

- Folder 13: Legislation - Miscellaneous [1 of 5], 1971

- Folder 14: Legislation - Miscellaneous [2 of 5], 1971

- Folder 15: Legislation - Miscellaneous [3 of 5], 1971-1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Miscellaneous [4 of 5], 1971-1972

- Folder 17: Legislation - Miscellaneous [5 of 5], 1971-1972

- Box 209

- Folder 1: Legislation - Miscellaneous [1 of 4], 1972

- Folder 2: Legislation - Miscellaneous [2 of 4], 1972

- Folder 3: Legislation - Miscellaneous [3 of 4], 1972

- Folder 4: Legislation - Miscellaneous [4 of 4], 1972

- Folder 5: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 3 [1 of 5], 1973-1974

- Energy, President Nixon Impeachment, Drugs, Education, Human Rights, Tax, Health
- Folder 6: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 3 [2 of 5], 1973-1974

- Tax, Energy, Foreign Policy, Transportation, Inflation, Daylight Savings
- Folder 7: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 3 [3 of 5], 1973-1974

- Energy, President Nixon Impeachment, Drugs, Education, Human Rights, Tax, Health
- Folder 8: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 3 [4 of 5], 1973-1974

- Foreign Policy, Defense, President Nixon, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Veterans, Government Employees
- Folder 9: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 3 [5 of 5], 1973-1974

- Abortion, Women's Rights, Desegregation, Veterans, Indians, Environment, Nixon Impeachment
- Folder 10: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 4 [1 of 5], 1974

- Tax, Panama Canal, Veterans, Environment, School Prayer, Inflation, Health
- Folder 11: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 4 [2 of 5], 1974

- Daylight Savings, Energy, Disabled, President Nixon, Abortion, Veterans, Panama Canal, Campaign Reform
- Folder 12: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 4 [3 of 5], 1974

- Federal Government, Energy, Trade, Draft, Inflation, Tax, United Nations
- Folder 13: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 4 [4 of 5], 1974

- Panama Canal, Government Employees, Nixon Impeachment, Energy, Tax, Panama Canal, Daylight Savings, Veterans, Foreign Relations
- Box 210

- Folder 1: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 4 [5 of 5], 1974

- Government Employees, Inflation, Tax, Daylight Savings, Energy, President Nixon, Foreign Affairs
- Folder 2: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 5 [1 of 7], May - December 1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 5 [2 of 7], May - December 1974

- Trade, Environment, Daylight Savings, Social Security
- Folder 4: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 5 [3 of 7], May - December 1974

- Transportation, Energy, Government Employees, Veterans
- Folder 5: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 5 [4 of 7], May - December 1974

- Consumer Protection, Impeachment, Civil Rights, Health
- Folder 6: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 5 [5 of 7], May - December 1974

- Tax, Energy, Health, Federal Government, Inflation
- Folder 7: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 5 [6 of 7], May - December 1974

- Impeachment, Tax, Finance, Energy, Trade, Veterans, Panama Canal
- Folder 8: Legislation - Miscellaneous, Part 5 [7 of 7], May - December 1974

- Environment, Tax, Campaign Reform
- Folder 9: Legislation - Mobile Homes, 1973-1974

- Folder 10: Legislation - Mortgage Funds, 1969

- Folder 11: Legislation - Motor Vehicle Disposal Assistance Act, 1974

- Folder 12: Legislation - Multiple Sclerosis, 1974

- Folder 13: Legislation - Multistate Tax Compact, 1969

- Folder 14: Legislation - Museums, 1973

- Folder 15: Legislation - Mutual Aid, 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Legislation - Mutual Aid Airlines Pact, February 1975

- Folder 17: Legislation - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1974

- Folder 18: Legislation - National Arts Endowment, 1970

- Folder 19: Legislation - National Day of Prayer, February - June 1972

- Folder 20: Legislation - National Diabetes Research and Education, 1973-1974

- Folder 21: Legislation - National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), April - May 1971

- Folder 22: Legislation - National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 1973-1974

- Folder 23: Legislation - National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), February 1975

- Box 211

- Folder 1: Legislation - National Guard [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 2: Legislation - National Guard [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 3: Legislation - National Guard, 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - National Guard, March - April 1975

- Folder 5: Legislation - National Information and Resource Center for the Handicapped, 1973

- Folder 6: Legislation - National Labor Relations Act, 1969-1970

- Folder 7: Legislation - National Parks, 1976

- Folder 8: Legislation - National Science Foundation (NSF), March - August 1971

- Folder 9: Legislation - National Science Foundation (NSF), 1973

- Folder 10: Legislation - Native Americans, March - April 1975

- Folder 11: Legislation - Natural Gas, February - March 1975

- Folder 12: Legislation - News Media, 1973-1974

- Folder 13: Legislation - Newspaper Preservation Act, 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - No-Fault Insurance [1 of 2], February - November 1972

- Folder 15: Legislation - No-Fault Insurance [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - No-Fault Insurance, 1974

- Folder 17: Legislation - No-Fault Insurance, March - April 1975

- Folder 18: Legislation - Nurses, 1969

- Folder 19: Legislation - Nurses, January 1972

- Folder 20: Legislation - Nurses, January - April 1975

- Folder 21: Legislation - Nurses Training Programs, 1973-1974

- Folder 22: Legislation - Obscenity [1 of 4], 1969

- Folder 23: Legislation - Obscenity [2 of 4], 1969

- Folder 24: Legislation - Obscenity [3 of 4], 1969

- Folder 25: Legislation - Obscenity [4 of 4], 1969

- Folder 26: Legislation - Obscenity [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 27: Legislation - Obscenity [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 28: Legislation - Obscenity, Part 2 [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 29: Legislation - Obscenity, Part 2 [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 30: Legislation - Obscenity [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 31: Legislation - Obscenity [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Box 212

- Folder 1: Legislation - Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 2: Legislation - Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 3: Legislation - Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 4: Legislation - Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 5: Legislation - Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 6: Legislation - Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), March - April 1975

- Folder 8: Legislation - Office of Economic Opportunity [1 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Office of Economic Opportunity [2 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 10: Legislation - Office of Economic Opportunity [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 11: Legislation - Office of Economic Opportunity [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Legislation - Office of Economic Opportunity [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 13: Legislation - Office of Economic Opportunity, April 1975

- Folder 14: Legislation - Office of Economic Opportunity, April 1975

- Folder 15: Legislation - Oil [1 of 3], February - April 1975

- Folder 16: Legislation - Oil [2 of 3], February - April 1975

- Folder 17: Legislation - Oil [3 of 3], February - April 1975

- Folder 18: Legislation - Opportunities Industrialization Assistance Act, 1973

- Folder 19: Legislation - Optometry, 1973

- Folder 20: Legislation - Pay Raises for Government, 1975

- Folder 21: Legislation - Pay Raises for Members of Congress [1 of 3], 1973

- Folder 22: Legislation - Pay Raises for Members of Congress [2 of 3], 1973 - 1974

- Folder 23: Legislation - Pay Raises for Members of Congress [3 of 3], 1973 - 1974

- Folder 24: Legislation - Pay Television, 1970

- Folder 25: Legislation - Pay Television, 1974

- Folder 26: Legislation - Peace Corps, 1972

- Folder 27: Legislation - Peace Department, 1969-1970

- Folder 28: Legislation - Pension and Employment Benefit Act, 1971-1972

- Box 213

- Folder 1: Legislation - Pensions Plans, Part 2 [1 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Pensions Plans, Part 2 [2 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Pensions Plans, Part 2 [3 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Pensions Plans, Part 2 [4 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Pensions Plans, Part 2 [5 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Pesticides, 1970

- Folder 7: Legislation - Political Contributions, 1972

- Folder 8: Legislation - Political Contributions, 1973

- Folder 9: Legislation - Pollution [1 of 5], 1971-1972

- Folder 10: Legislation - Pollution [2 of 5], 1971

- Folder 11: Legislation - Pollution [3 of 5], 1971

- Folder 12: Legislation - Pollution [4 of 5], 1971-1972

- Folder 13: Legislation - Pollution [5 of 5], 1971-1972

- Folder 14: Legislation - Pollution [1 of 3], 1972

- Folder 15: Legislation - Pollution [2 of 3], 1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Pollution [3 of 3], January - December 1972

- Folder 17: Legislation - Pollution, 1973-1974

- Folder 18: Legislation - Pollution, 1975

- Folder 19: Legislation - Population, 1969

- Folder 20: Legislation - Population [1 of 4], 1970

- Folder 21: Legislation - Population [2 of 4], 1970

- Box 214

- Series 1: Legislation - Population [3 of 4], 1970

- Series 2: Legislation - Population [4 of 4], 1970

- Series 3: Legislation - Population [1 of 3], January 1971 - November 1972

- Series 4: Legislation - Population [2 of 3], January 1971 - November 1972

- Series 5: Legislation - Population [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Series 6: Legislation - Population [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Series 7: Legislation - Population [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Series 8: Legislation - Post Office - Book Bans, 1969

- Series 9: Legislation - Postal Employees [1 of 7], 1969

- Series 10: Legislation - Postal Employees [2 of 7], 1969

- Series 11: Legislation - Postal Employees [3 of 7], 1969

- Series 12: Legislation - Postal Employees [4 of 7], 1969

- Series 13: Legislation - Postal Employees [5 of 7], 1969

- Series 14: Legislation - Postal Employees [6 of 7], 1969

- Series 15: Legislation - Postal Employees [7 of 7], 1969

- Series 16: Legislation - Postal Employees [1 of 2], 1970

- Series 17: Legislation - Postal Employees [2 of 2], 1970

- Series 18: Legislation - Postal Employees, January 1971 - October 1972

- Series 19: Legislation - (S. 309) Postal Labor Management, 1969

- Series 20: Legislation - Postal Rates [1 of 2], 1970

- Series 21: Legislation - Postal Rates [2 of 2], 1970

- Series 22: Legislation - Postal Reform [1 of 5], 1969

- Box 215

- Folder 1: Legislation - Postal Reform [2 of 5], 1969

- Folder 2: Legislation - Postal Reform [3 of 5], 1969

- Folder 3: Legislation - Postal Reform [4 of 4], 1969

- Folder 4: Legislation - Postal Reform [5 of 5], 1969

- Folder 5: Legislation - Postal Reform II [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 6: Legislation - Postal Reform II [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 7: Legislation - Postal Service [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Legislation - Postal Service [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 9: Legislation - Postal Service, 1975

- Folder 10: Legislation - Prayer [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 11: Legislation - Prayer [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Legislation - Prayer, 1975

- Folder 13: Legislation - Prayer in Public Schools [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Prayer in Public Schools [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 15: Legislation - Prayer in Public Schools [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 16: Legislation - Prayer in Public Schools [1 of 2], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 17: Legislation - Prayer in Public Schools [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 18: Legislation - President (Foreign Born), 1974

- Folder 19: Legislation - Presidential Hour, 1970

- Folder 20: Legislation - Prisoners of War [1 of 5], 1970

- Folder 21: Legislation - Prisoners of War [2 of 5], 1970

- Box 216

- Folder 1: Legislation - Prisoners of War [3 of 5], 1970

- Folder 2: Legislation - Prisoners of War [4 of 5], 1970

- Folder 3: Legislation - Prisoners of War [5 of 5], 1970

- Folder 4: Legislation - Prisons, 1973

- Folder 5: Legislation - Professional Service Review Board [1 of 3], 1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Professional Service Review Board [2 of 3], 1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Professional Service Review Board [3 of 3], 1974

- Folder 8: Legislation - Radiation Health and Safety Act, 1970

- Folder 9: Legislation - Radiation Health and Safety Act, February 1971 - February 1972

- Folder 10: Legislation - Radiologist, 1975

- Folder 11: Legislation - Railroad Retirement [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 12: Legislation - Railroad Retirement [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 13: Legislation - Railroad Retirement [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Railroad Retirement, Part 2 [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 15: Legislation - Railroad Retirement, Part 2 [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 16: Legislation - Railroad Retirement, Part 2 [3 of 3], 1970

- Box 217

- Folder 1: Legislation - Railroad Retirement [1 of 4], April 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 2: Legislation - Railroad Retirement [2 of 4], April 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 3: Legislation - Railroad Retirement [3 of 4], April 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 4: Legislation - Railroad Retirement [4 of 4], April 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 5: Legislation - Railroad Retirement [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Railroad Retirement [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Railroad Retirement, 1975

- Folder 8: Legislation - Rape, 1973-1974

- Folder 9: Legislation - Rape, 1975

- Folder 10: Legislation - Retirement for Firefighters, 1974

- Folder 11: Legislation - Revenue Sharing, 1970

- Folder 12: Legislation - Revenue Sharing [1 of 2], February 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 13: Legislation - Revenue Sharing [2 of 2], February 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 14: Legislation - Revenue Sharing, 1975

- Folder 15: Legislation - Rhodesia (Chrome Imports), 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Legislation - Rhodesia Chrome, 1975

- Folder 17: Legislation - Rivers, 1976

- Folder 18: Legislation - Rock Island Railroad [1 of 6], 1975

- Folder 19: Legislation - Rock Island Railroad [2 of 6], 1975

- Folder 20: Legislation - Rock Island Railroad [3 of 6], 1975

- Folder 21: Legislation - Rock Island Railroad [4 of 6], 1975

- Folder 22: Legislation - Rock Island Railroad [5 of 6], 1975

- Folder 23: Legislation - Rock Island Railroad [6 of 6], 1975

- Folder 24: Legislation - Rural Fire Protection, 1969

- Folder 25: Legislation - Salvation Army, 1970

- Folder 26: Legislation - School Lunch and Nutrition, 1975

- Box 218

- Folder 1: Legislation - School Lunch Program, 1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Securities Investor Protection Act, 1970

- Folder 3: Legislation - Selective Service [1 of 5], April - July 1971

- Folder 4: Legislation - Selective Service [2 of 5], April - July 1971

- Folder 5: Legislation - Selective Service [3 of 5], April - July 1971

- Folder 6: Legislation - Selective Service [4 of 5], April - July 1971

- Folder 7: Legislation - Selective Service [5 of 5], April - July 1971

- Folder 8: Legislation - Selective Service [1 of 2], July 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Selective Service [2 of 2], July 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 10: Legislation - Selective Service, 1973

- Folder 11: Legislation - Senators' Absences, February - May 1972

- Folder 12: Legislation - Senior Citizens, 1973-1974

- Folder 13: Legislation - Senior Citizens, 1975

- Folder 14: Legislation - Service Stations, 1975

- Folder 15: Legislation - Situs Picketing/Secondary Boycotts, 1969

- Folder 16: Legislation - Small Business, 1970

- Folder 17: Legislation - Small Business, February 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 18: Legislation - Small Business, 1973-1974

- Box 219

- Folder 1: Legislation - Small Business, 1975

- Folder 2: Legislation - Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) Training Programs, 1973

- Folder 3: Legislation - Social Security [1 of 4], 1969-1970

- Folder 4: Legislation - Social Security [2 of 4], 1969-1970

- Folder 5: Legislation - Social Security [3 of 4], 1969-1970

- Folder 6: Legislation - Social Security [4 of 4], 1969-1970

- Folder 7: Legislation - Social Security II, [1 of 4], 1970

- Folder 8: Legislation - Social Security II, [2 of 4], 1970

- Folder 9: Legislation - Social Security II, [3 of 4], 1970

- Folder 10: Legislation - Social Security II, [4 of 4], 1970

- Folder 11: Legislation - Social Security [1 of 4], January 1971 - August 1972

- Folder 12: Legislation - Social Security [2 of 4], January 1971 - August 1972

- Folder 13: Legislation - Social Security [3 of 4], January 1971 - August 1972

- Folder 14: Legislation - Social Security [4 of 4], January 1971 - August 1972

- Folder 15: Legislation - Social Security, February - December 1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Social Security, February - December 1972

- Box 220

- Folder 1: Legislation - Social Security [1 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Social Security [2 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Social Security [3 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Social Security [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 5: Legislation - Social Security [2 of 2], 1975

- Folder 6: Legislation - Social Service Regulation [1 of 5], 1973

- Folder 7: Legislation - Social Service Regulation [2 of 5], 1973

- Folder 8: Legislation - Social Service Regulation [3 of 5], 1973

- Folder 9: Legislation - Social Service Regulation [4 of 5], 1973

- Folder 10: Legislation - Social Service Regulation [5 of 5], 1973

- Folder 11: Legislation - Social Service Regulation, 1974

- Folder 12: Legislation - Soft Drink, February - September 1972

- Folder 13: Legislation - Soft Drink, 1973-1974

- Folder 14: Legislation - Solar Energy, 1974

- Folder 15: Legislation - Speed Limits [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 16: Legislation - Speed Limits [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 17: Legislation - Sports, August 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 18: Legislation - Sports [1 of 2], 1973

- Folder 19: Legislation - Sports [2 of 2], 1973

- Folder 20: Legislation - Sports, 1974

- Folder 21: Legislation - Steel Imports, 1970

- Folder 22: Legislation - Strip Mining, 1979

- Folder 23: Legislation - Student Loan Marketing Association Act (Sallie Mae), 1970

- Folder 24: Legislation - Supplemental Security Program, 1973-1974

- Folder 25: Legislation - Tax, 1970

- Folder 26: Legislation - Tax [1 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 27: Legislation - Tax [2 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 28: Legislation - Tax [3 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 29: Legislation - Tax [4 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 30: Legislation - Tax [5 of 5], 1973-1974

- Box 221

- Folder 1: Legislation - Tax [1 of 3], 1975

- Folder 2: Legislation - Tax [2 of 3], 1975

- Folder 3: Legislation - Tax [3 of 3], 1975

- Folder 4: Legislation - Tax [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 5: Legislation - Tax [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 6: Legislation - Tax - General [1 of 3], January 1971 - July 1972

- Folder 7: Legislation - Tax - General [2 of 3], January 1971 - July 1972

- Folder 8: Legislation - Tax - General [3 of 3], January 1971 - July 1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Tax - General, July - December 1972

- Folder 10: Legislation - Tax - Loss Farming, 1969

- Folder 11: Legislation - Tax - Savings (Interest On), 1975

- Folder 12: Legislation - Tax - Sharing Act of 1969, 1969

- Folder 13: Legislation - Timber Supply Act, 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Toxic Substances, May - June, 1972

- Folder 15: Legislation - Trade (Imports and Exports), January 1971 - October 1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Trade (Imports and Exports), 1973-1974

- Box 222

- Folder 1: Legislation - Transportation [1 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 2: Legislation - Transportation [2 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 3: Legislation - Transportation, 1970

- Folder 4: Legislation - Transportation, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Legislation - Transportation - Daylight Savings Time [1 of 4], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 6: Legislation - Transportation - Daylight Savings Time [2 of 4], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 7: Legislation - Transportation - Daylight Savings Time [3 of 4], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 8: Legislation - Transportation - Daylight Savings Time [4 of 4], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 9: Legislation - Transportation Department - Appropriation, 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Legislation - Transportation - General [1 of 4], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 11: Legislation - Transportation - General [2 of 4], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 12: Legislation - Transportation - General [3 of 4], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 13: Legislation - Transportation - General [4 of 4], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 14: Legislation - Transportation - Railroads, 1970

- Folder 15: Legislation - Transportation - Railroads [1 of 4], January 1971 - March 1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Transportation - Railroads [2 of 4], January 1971 - March 1972

- Folder 17: Legislation - Transportation - Railroads [3 of 4], January 1971 - March 1972

- Folder 18: Legislation - Transportation - Railroads [4 of 4], January 1971 - March 1972

- Box 223

- Folder 1: Legislation - Transportation - Railroads [1 of 2], August 1971 - February 1972

- Folder 2: Legislation - Transportation - Railroads [2 of 2], August 1971 - February 1972

- Folder 3: Legislation - Transportation - Railroads, 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST) [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 5: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST) [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 6: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST) [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 7: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST), Part 2 [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 8: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST), Part 2 [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 9: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST), Part 2 [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 10: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST) [1 of 6], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 11: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST) [2 of 6], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 12: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST) [3 of 6], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 13: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST) [4 of 6], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 14: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST) [5 of 6], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 15: Legislation - Transportation - Supersonic Transport (SST) [6 of 6], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Treaties, January 1973 - December 1974

- Folder 17: Legislation - Treaty - Genocide, 1973-1974

- Folder 18: Legislation - Treaty - Panama Canal, February 1973 - December 1974

- Folder 19: Legislation - Truth in Lending, 1969

- Box 224

- Folder 1: Legislation - Union, 1969

- Folder 2: Legislation - Unit Retail Prices of Packaged Consumer Commodities, 1970

- Folder 3: Legislation - Utilization Review Regulations for Hospitals (PSRO) [1 of 3], 1975

- Folder 4: Legislation - Utilization Review Regulations for Hospitals (PSRO) [2 of 3], 1975

- Folder 5: Legislation - Utilization Review Regulations for Hospitals (PSRO) [3 of 3], 1975

- Folder 6: Legislation - Veterans, 1970

- Folder 7: Legislation - Veterans [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 8: Legislation - Veterans [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 9: Legislation - Veterans, Part 2, 1970

- Folder 10: Legislation - Veterans, Part 2 [1 of 4], 1970

- Folder 11: Legislation - Veterans, Part 2 [2 of 4], 1970

- Folder 12: Legislation - Veterans, Part 2 [3 of 4], 1970

- Folder 13: Legislation - Veterans, Part 2 [4 of 4], 1970

- Folder 14: Legislation - Veterans [1 of 4], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 15: Legislation - Veterans [2 of 4], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 16: Legislation - Veterans [3 of 4], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 17: Legislation - Veterans [4 of 4], January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 18: Legislation - Veterans [1 of 5], January 1973 - December 1974

- Folder 19: Legislation - Veterans [2 of 5], January 1973 - December 1974

- Box 225

- Folder 1: Legislation - Veterans [3 of 5], January 1973 - December 1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Veterans [4 of 5], January 1973 - December 1974

- Folder 3: Legislation - Veterans [5 of 5], January 1973 - December 1974

- Folder 4: Legislation - Vietnam Proposals (Goodell, Dole), 1969-1970

- Folder 5: Legislation - Vietnam Resolution, 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Legislation - Vitamins [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Legislation - Vitamins [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Legislation - Voluntary Army, 1969-1970

- Folder 9: Legislation - Voluntary Army [1 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Legislation - Voluntary Army [2 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 11: Legislation - Voluntary Army [1 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 12: Legislation - Voluntary Army [2 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 13: Legislation - Volunteer Army, January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 14: Legislation - Voter Registration, 1974

- Folder 15: Legislation - Voting Age, 1969-1970

- Folder 16: Legislation - Voting Rights, 1969-1970

- Box 226

- Folder 1: Legislation - Welfare, 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Legislation - Welfare, 1975

- Folder 3: Legislation - Welfare Reform [1 of 4], January 1971 - October 1972

- Folder 4: Legislation - Welfare Reform [2 of 4], January 1971 - October 1972

- Folder 5: Legislation - Welfare Reform [3 of 4], January 1971 - October 1972

- Folder 6: Legislation - Welfare Reform [4 of 4], January 1971 - October 1972

- Folder 7: Legislation - World Peace Tax, 1974

- Box 227

- Folder 1: Subject - Abortion, 1978

- Folder 2: Subject - Academy - Merchant Marine, 1969-1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Academy - Miscellaneous, 1968-1970

- Folder 4: Subject - Academy - Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1971

- Folder 5: Subject - ACTION (The Federal Domestic Volunteer Agency) Program, 1976

- Folder 6: Subject - Additional Kansas Judgeship, 1972-1973

- Folder 7: Subject - Administration - Accounts, 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Administration - Group Mailings, 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Administration - Mail, 1975

- Folder 10: Subject - Administration - Paperwork Management, 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Admission of China to United Nations, 1971

- Contains Korean Service Ribbon returned in protest
- Folder 12: Subject - Adult Education, February - October 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Aged - Welfare, 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Agriculture, 1971

- Folder 15: Subject - Agriculture, 1979

- Folder 16: Subject - Agriculture, 1979

- Folder 17: Subject - Agriculture, 1979

- Folder 18: Subject - Agriculture, 1979

- Folder 19: Subject - Agriculture - Acreage Allotments, 1975

- Folder 20: Subject - Agriculture - Agricultural Bargaining Board (ABB), 1971

- Folder 21: Subject - Agriculture - Agricultural Conservation Program, 1970

- Folder 22: Subject - Agriculture - Agricultural Conservation Program, 1970-1971

- Folder 23: Subject - Agriculture - Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation Service [Correspondence], 1970

- Folder 24: Subject - Agriculture - Commodities, 1975

- Folder 25: Subject - Agriculture - Commodities, 1976

- Folder 26: Subject - Agriculture - Commodities - Wheat, 1975

- Folder 27: Subject - Agriculture - Conservation, 1975

- Folder 28: Subject - Agriculture - Conservation, 1976

- Folder 29: Subject - Agriculture - Correspondence [1 of 4], 1977

- Folder 30: Subject - Agriculture - Correspondence [2 of 4], 1977

- Folder 31: Subject - Agriculture - Correspondence [3 of 4], 1977

- Folder 32: Subject - Agriculture - Correspondence [4 of 4], 1977

- Folder 33: Subject - Agriculture - Correspondence - General [1 of 3], 1969

- Folder 34: Subject - Agriculture - Correspondence - General [2 of 3], 1969

- Folder 35: Subject - Agriculture - Correspondence - General [3 of 3], 1969

- Folder 36: Subject - Agriculture - Cotton, 1969-1970

- Folder 37: Subject - Agriculture - Custom Combine Cutters, 1976

- Folder 38: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy, 1969

- Folder 39: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy [1 of 6], 1970

- Folder 40: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy [2 of 6], 1970

- Folder 41: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy [3 of 6], 1970

- Folder 42: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy [4 of 6], 1970

- Box 228

- Folder 1: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy [5 of 6], 1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy [6 of 6], 1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy Part 2 [1 of 5], 1970

- Folder 4: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy Part 2 [2 of 5], 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy Part 2 [3 of 5], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy Part 2 [4 of 5], 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy Part 2 [5 of 5], 1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Agriculture - Dairy, 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Subject - Agriculture - Day of Bread, 1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Agriculture - Egg Marketing, 1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Agriculture - Eggs, 1971-1972

- Folder 12: Subject - Agriculture - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1970

- Folder 13: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Bill [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 14: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Bill [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Bill [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 16: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Bill, 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Credit Administration, 1969-1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Labor, 1969-1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Labor, 1971

- Folder 20: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program [1 of 5], 1969

- Folder 21: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program [2 of 5], 1969

- Folder 22: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program [3 of 5], 1969

- Folder 23: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program [4 of 5], 1969

- Folder 24: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program [5 of 5], 1969

- Folder 25: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 26: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program [2 of 2], 1970

- Box 229

- Folder 1: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program Part 2 [1 of 5], 1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program Part 2 [2 of 5], 1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program Part 2 [3 of 5], 1970

- Folder 4: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program Part 2 [4 of 5], 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program Part 2 [5 of 5], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Agriculture - Farm Program, 1971-1972

- Folder 7: Subject - Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration (FHA), 1969-1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Agriculture - Farmers Home Administration (FHA), 1977

- Folder 9: Subject - Agriculture - Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Agriculture - Food Stamps, 1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Agriculture - Food Stamps [1 of 2], 1975-1976

- Folder 12: Subject - Agriculture - Food Stamps [2 of 2], 1975-1976

- Folder 13: Subject - Agriculture - Food Stamps, 1977

- Folder 14: Subject - Agriculture - Future Farmers of America (FFA) and Vocational Agriculture Correspondence, 1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Agriculture - Gasoline Blends, 1970-1971

- Folder 16: Subject - Agriculture - General [1 of 3], 1970-1972

- Folder 17: Subject - Agriculture - General [2 of 3], 1970-1972

- Folder 18: Subject - Agriculture - General [3 of 3], 1970-1972

- Folder 19: Subject - Agriculture - General [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 20: Subject - Agriculture - General [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 21: Subject - Agriculture - General [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Agriculture - General [2 of 2], 1975

- Folder 23: Subject - Agriculture - General, 1976

- Folder 24: Subject - Agriculture - General, January - February 1977

- Box 230

- Folder 1: Subject - Agriculture - General, March 1977

- Folder 2: Subject - Agriculture - General, April 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Agriculture - General, May - July 1977

- Folder 4: Subject - Agriculture - General, August - September 1977

- Folder 5: Subject - Agriculture - General [1 of 2], 1977-1979

- Folder 6: Subject - Agriculture - General [2 of 2], 1977-1979

- Folder 7: Subject - Agriculture - General [1 of 2], 1978

- Folder 8: Subject - Agriculture - General [2 of 2], 1978

- Folder 9: Subject - Agriculture - General Correspondence [1 of 4], 1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Agriculture - General Correspondence [2 of 4], 1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Agriculture - General Correspondence [3 of 4], 1970

- Folder 12: Subject - Agriculture - General Correspondence [4 of 4], 1970

- Folder 13: Subject - Agriculture - Good Carriers, 1971

- Folder 14: Subject - Agriculture - Grain, 1973-1974

- Folder 15: Subject - Agriculture - Grain Reserves, 1972

- Folder 16: Subject - Agriculture - Grain Reserves, 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Agriculture - International Grain Agreement, 1969-1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Agriculture - Land Retirement, 1969-1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Agriculture - Land Use, 1973-1974

- Folder 20: Subject - Agriculture - Legislation, May - July 1975

- Folder 21: Subject - Agriculture - Legislation - Farm Bill, April - June 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Agriculture - Legislation - Grain Reserves, April - June 1975

- Folder 23: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock, 1970-1972

- Folder 24: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock [1 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 25: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock [2 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 26: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock [3 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 27: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock [4 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 28: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock, 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock, 1975

- Box 231

- Folder 1: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 4: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Agriculture - Livestock [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Agriculture - Marketing, 1969

- Folder 7: Subject - Agriculture - Meat Inspection, 1969

- Folder 8: Subject - Agriculture - Meat Inspection, 1970

- Folder 9: Subject - Agriculture - Meat Processing, 1970-1972

- Folder 10: Subject - Agriculture - Miscellaneous, 1976

- Folder 11: Subject - Agriculture - National Rural Electric Cooperation, 1969

- Folder 12: Subject - Agriculture - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 1976

- Folder 13: Subject - Agriculture - Pesticides, 1971-1972

- Folder 14: Subject - Agriculture - Plant Variety Protection Act, 1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Agriculture - Research, 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Agriculture - Research, 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Agriculture - Rural Electrification Administration (REA), 1969-1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Agriculture - Rural Electrification Administration (REA) - Telephone, 1969-1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Agriculture - Rural Water District, 1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Agriculture - School Lunch, 1969

- Folder 21: Subject - Agriculture - School Lunch [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 22: Subject - Agriculture - School Lunch [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 23: Subject - Agriculture - Shortages, 1975

- Folder 24: Subject - Agriculture - Silo Storage, 1975

- Folder 25: Subject - Agriculture - Soil Conservation Service, 1969-1970

- Folder 26: Subject - Agriculture - Soybeans, 1969-1970

- Folder 27: Subject - Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, 1969

- Folder 28: Subject - Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service [1 of 2], 1970-1972

- Folder 29: Subject - Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service [2 of 2], 1970-1972

- Folder 30: Subject - Agricultural Stabilization Service, 1971

- Folder 31: Subject - Agricultural - Subcommittee - Appropriations, 1971-1972

- Folder 32: Subject - Agriculture - Sugar, 1969-1970

- Folder 33: Subject - Agriculture - Sugar, 1970-1972

- Folder 34: Subject - Agriculture - Sugar, 1977

- Box 232

- Folder 1: Subject - Agriculture - Wheat, 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Agriculture - Wheat, 1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Agriculture - Wheat, 1971-1972

- Folder 4: Subject - Agriculture - Wheat Certificates, 1969-1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Agriculture - Wool, 1969

- Folder 6: Subject - Aid to Disabled and Aged, 1973-1978

- Folder 7: Subject - Air Force, 1969-1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Alcoholism, September - December 1978

- Folder 9: Subject - American Indian Concerns, 1977

- Folder 10: Subject - American Legion, 1969

- Folder 11: Subject - American Medical Association, 1969

- Folder 12: Subject - American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), December 1974

- Folder 13: Subject - Amnesty, February - April 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Animal Welfare, 1976

- Folder 15: Subject - Animal Welfare, 1977

- Folder 16: Subject - Animals - Endangered Species, 1979

- Folder 17: Subject - Animal Welfare Bill, 1976

- Folder 18: Subject - Appropriations - General, 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - Appropriations - General, 1977

- Folder 20: Subject - Appropriations - Miscellaneous, 1976

- Folder 21: Subject - Architectural Barriers to the Disabled, 1977

- Folder 22: Subject - Armed Services, 1973-1974

- Folder 23: Subject - Armed Services - Air Force, 1975

- Folder 24: Subject - Armed Services - Amnesty, 1975

- Folder 25: Subject - Armed Services - Amnesty, 1977

- Folder 26: Subject - Armed Services - Appropriations, 1975

- Folder 27: Subject - Armed Services - General, 1975

- Folder 28: Subject - Armed Services - General, 1977

- Folder 29: Subject - Armed Services - Marine, 1975

- Folder 30: Subject - Armed Services - Miscellaneous [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 31: Subject - Armed Services - Miscellaneous [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 32: Subject - Armed Services - Navy, 1975

- Folder 33: Subject - Armed Services - Preparedness, 1975

- Folder 34: Subject - Armed Services - Preparedness - Facilities, 1975

- Folder 35: Subject - Armed Services - Preparedness - Manpower, 1975

- Folder 36: Subject - Armed Services - Preparedness - Manpower Volunteer Service, 1975

- Folder 37: Subject - Armed Services - Preparedness - Weapons, 1975

- Folder 38: Subject - Armed Services - Reorganization, 1976

- Folder 39: Subject - Armed Services - Reserves - National Guard, 1975

- Folder 40: Subject - Armed Services - Reserves - Naval, 1975

- Folder 41: Subject - Armed Services - Weapons, 1977

- Box 233

- Folder 1: Subject - Army [1 of 3], 1969-1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Army [2 of 3], 1969-1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Army [3 of 3], 1969-1970

- Folder 4: Subject - Army [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 5: Subject - Army [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 6: Subject - Army, 1971-1972

- Folder 7: Subject - Army - 69th Brigade in Vietnam, 1968-1969

- Folder 8: Subject - Atomic Energy, June - November 1977

- Folder 9: Subject - Atomic Energy Commission, 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Atomic Energy Commission, 1971

- Folder 11: Subject - Atomic Energy Commission, 1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Atomic Power Plants, January - April 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Bangladesh, 1972

- Folder 14: Subject - Banking, 1978-1979

- Folder 15: Subject - Banking, 1979

- Folder 16: Subject - Banking, 1979

- Folder 17: Subject - Banking, 1979

- Folder 18: Subject - Banking, May - October 1979

- Folder 19: Subject - Banking - Credit, 1977

- Folder 20: Subject - Banking and Currency - Credit, 1975

- Folder 21: Subject - Banking and Currency - Default - New York City, 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Banking and Currency - Federal Reserve, 1975

- Folder 23: Subject - Banking and Currency - General, 1975

- Folder 24: Subject - Banking and Currency - General, 1977

- Folder 25: Subject - Banking and Currency - Interest Rates, 1975

- Folder 26: Subject - Banks, 1972

- Folder 27: Subject - Banks and Banking - Miscellaneous, 1976

- Folder 28: Subject - Benefits - Veterans, 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Biafra, 1968

- Folder 30: Subject - Biafra, 1969-1970

- Box 234

- Folder 1: Subject - Biafra, 1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Biafra Information, 1968-1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Bicentennial, 1972

- Folder 4: Subject - Bicentennial, 1974

- Folder 5: Subject - Bicentennial - General, 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Bingo - State Affairs, 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Birth Control, 1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Blue River Basin, 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Budget, 1971-1972

- Folder 10: Subject - Budget, 1979

- Folder 11: Subject - Budget - Federal, 1977

- Folder 12: Subject - Budget - National - Deficit Spending, July - September 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Budget - National - Federal Spending, May - November 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Budget - National - Federal Spending, May - November 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Budget - National - General, 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Burlington - State Affairs, 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Cabinet Positions, November 1968 - January 1969

- Folder 18: Subject - Calley, 1971

- Folder 19: Subject - Canadian Combines, 1971

- Folder 20: Subject - Cancer, June - July 1978

- Folder 21: Subject - Cancer Research, 1973

- Folder 22: Subject - Capital Punishment, 1969-1970

- Folder 23: Subject - Capital Punishment, 1971-1972

- Folder 24: Subject - Census, 1969

- Folder 25: Subject - Census, 1969-1970

- Folder 26: Subject - Census, 1973

- Folder 27: Subject - Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1974

- Folder 28: Subject - Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), January - April 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Child and Family Services, January - November 1976

- Folder 30: Subject - Child Nutrition [1 of 2], 1970-1971

- Folder 31: Subject - Child Nutrition [2 of 2], 1970-1971

- Folder 32: Subject - Cigarettes, 1969

- Folder 33: Subject - Cigarettes, 1970

- Folder 34: Subject - Civil Aeronautics Board, 1969-1970

- Folder 35: Subject - Civil Aeronautics Board, 1971-1972

- Folder 36: Subject - Civil Aeronautics Board, January 1975

- Folder 37: Subject - Civil Defense, 1969-1970

- Folder 38: Subject - Civil Disorders - General, May 1975

- Folder 39: Subject - Civil Rights, 1969-1970

- Folder 40: Subject - Civil Rights, 1979

- Folder 41: Subject - Civil Rights, 1979

- Folder 42: Subject - Civil Rights, 1979

- Box 235

- Folder 1: Subject - Civil Rights, 1979

- Folder 2: Subject - Civil Rights, August - October 1979

- Folder 3: Subject - Civil Rights - Censorship, June 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Civil Rights - Demonstrations, April - May 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Civil Rights - Discrimination, May - October 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Civil Rights - Discrimination - Rights, April - November 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Civil Rights - Discrimination - Sex, May - December 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Civil Rights - Gender Discrimination, 1976

- Folder 9: Subject - Civil Rights - General, June - December 1975

- Folder 10: Subject - Civil Rights - General, 1976

- Folder 11: Subject - Civil Rights - Legal, April - July 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Civil Rights - Minority Aid, April - September 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Civil Rights - Miscellaneous [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 14: Subject - Civil Rights - Miscellaneous [2 of 2], 1977

- Folder 15: Subject - Civil Rights - Racial Discrimination, 1976

- Folder 16: Subject - Civil Rights - Religion, April - November 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Civil Rights - Religion - Unification Church, 1977

- Folder 18: Subject - Civil Rights - Religious Discrimination, 1976

- Folder 19: Subject - Civil Rights - Sexual Discrimination [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 20: Subject - Civil Rights - Sexual Discrimination [2 of 2], 1977

- Folder 21: Subject - Civil Rights - Voting Rights - Discrimination, July 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Civil Service [1 of 4], 1969

- Folder 23: Subject - Civil Service [2 of 4], 1969

- Folder 24: Subject - Civil Service [3 of 4], 1969

- Folder 25: Subject - Civil Service [4 of 4], 1969

- Folder 26: Subject - Civil Service, April - December 1970

- Folder 27: Subject - Civil Service, 1971-1972

- Folder 28: Subject - Civil Service, 1973

- Folder 29: Subject - Civil Service Commission, 1969-1970

- Box 236

- Folder 1: Subject - Civil Service - Employees, 1976

- Folder 2: Subject - Civil Service - General, May - December 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Civil Service - General, 1976

- Folder 4: Subject - Civil Service - General, 1977

- Folder 5: Subject - Civil Service - Hatch Act, May - December 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Civil Service - Hiring, July - December 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Civil Service - Pay Raise, April - December 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Civil Service - Strikes by Public Employees, October 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Coal Energy, 1976

- Folder 10: Subject - Coal Slurry Pipelines, March - November, 1977

- Folder 11: Subject - Coast Guard, 1970

- Folder 12: Subject - Coast Guard, 1971

- Folder 13: Subject - Commerce, 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Subject - Commerce, 1971-1972

- Folder 15: Subject - Commerce, 1974

- Folder 16: Subject - Commerce, 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Commerce, 1979

- Folder 18: Subject - Commerce, 1979

- Folder 19: Subject - Commerce, 1979

- Folder 20: Subject - Commerce, 1979

- Folder 21: Subject - Commerce - Air Transportation, 1976

- Folder 22: Subject - Commerce - Air Transportation, 1977

- Folder 23: Subject - Commerce - Air Transportation, 1978

- Folder 24: Subject - Commerce - Anti-Trust, 1978-1979

- Folder 25: Subject - Commerce - Communications, April - December 1975

- Folder 26: Subject - Commerce - Communications, 1976

- Folder 27: Subject - Commerce - Communications, 1977

- Folder 28: Subject - Commerce - Consumer Affairs, 1977

- Folder 29: Subject - Commerce - Consumer Affairs - Agency for Consumer Advocacy, May - November 1975

- Folder 30: Subject - Commerce - Consumer Affairs - Fair Packaging and Labeling, 1975

- Folder 31: Subject - Commerce - Consumer Affairs - Unit Pricing and Marking, 1975

- Folder 32: Subject - Commerce - Consumers, 1976

- Folder 33: Subject - Commerce - Foreign, 1975

- Folder 34: Subject - Commerce - Foreign, 1975

- Folder 35: Subject - Commerce - Foreign - Exports, 1975

- Folder 36: Subject - Commerce - Foreign - Imports, 1977

- Folder 37: Subject - Commerce - Foreign Trade, 1975

- Folder 38: Subject - Commerce - Foreign Trade Tariffs, 1975

- Folder 39: Subject - Commerce - General, May - December 1975

- Box 237

- Folder 1: Subject - Commerce - General, 1976

- Folder 2: Subject - Commerce - General, 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Commerce - Insurance, 1977

- Folder 4: Subject - Commerce - Interstate, 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Commerce - Mass Transportation, 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Commerce - Metric System, 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Commerce - Miscellaneous, 1977

- Folder 8: Subject - Commerce - Rail Transportation, 1976

- Folder 9: Subject - Commerce - Rail Transportation, 1977

- Folder 10: Subject - Commerce - Transportation, 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Commerce - Transportation - Air, 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Commerce - Transportation - Airports, 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Commerce - Transportation - General, 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - Commerce - Transportation - Railroads, 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Commerce - Transportation - Rapid Transit, 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Committee Hearings, February - November, 1969

- Folder 17: Subject - Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, 1969-1973

- Folder 18: Subject - Communications, 1978-1979

- Folder 19: Subject - Communications, 1979

- Folder 20: Subject - Communications, 1979

- Folder 21: Subject - Communications, June - October 1979

- Folder 22: Subject - Communism, 1969

- Folder 23: Subject - Communism, 1970

- Folder 24: Subject - Communism, 1971-1972

- Folder 25: Subject - Community Service - National Center for Voluntary Action, 1973

- Folder 26: Subject - Condolences, 1969-1970

- Folder 27: Subject - Condolences, 1971

- Folder 28: Subject - Condolences, 1972

- Folder 29: Subject - Congratulations, 1969

- Folder 30: Subject - Congratulations, 1970

- Folder 31: Subject - Congratulations [1 of 3], 1971

- Folder 32: Subject - Congratulations [2 of 3], 1971

- Folder 33: Subject - Congratulations [3 of 3], 1971

- Box 238

- Folder 1: Subject - Congratulations [1 of 3], 1969-1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Congratulations [2 of 3], 1969-1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Congratulations [3 of 3], 1969-1970

- Folder 4: Subject - Congratulations [1 of 3], 1972

- Folder 5: Subject - Congratulations [2 of 3], 1972

- Folder 6: Subject - Congratulations [3 of 3], 1972

- Folder 7: Subject - Congratulations to Disabled, 1971-1973

- Folder 8: Subject - Congress, 1978-1979

- Folder 9: Subject - Congress, 1979

- Folder 10: Subject - Congress, 1979

- Folder 11: Subject - Congress, 1979

- Folder 12: Subject - Congress, June - November 1979

- Folder 13: Subject - Congress - General [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Congress - General [2 of 2], 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Congress - General [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Congress - General [2 of 2], 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Congress - General [1 of 5], 1975

- Folder 18: Subject - Congress - General [2 of 5], 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - Congress - General [3 of 5], 1975

- Box 239

- Folder 1: Subject - Congress - General [4 of 5], 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Congress - General [5 of 5], 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Congress - General [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Congress - General [2 of 2], 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Congress - General [1 of 4], 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Congress - General [2 of 4], 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Congress - General [3 of 4], 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Congress - General [4 of 4], 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Congress - General, 1975

- Folder 10: Subject - Congress - General, 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Congress - General, 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Congress - General, 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Congress - General, April 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Congress - General [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 15: Subject - Congress - General [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 16: Subject - Congress - General, 1976

- Folder 17: Subject - Congress - General, 1976

- Folder 18: Subject - Congress - General, 1976

- Folder 19: Subject - Congress - General - January, 1976

- Folder 20: Subject - Congress - General - January-April [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 21: Subject - Congress - General - January-April [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 22: Subject - Congress - General - January [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 23: Subject - Congress - General - January [2 of 2], 1976

- Box 240

- Folder 1: Subject - Congress - General - February, 1976

- Folder 2: Subject - Congress - General - February [1 of 3], 1976

- Folder 3: Subject - Congress - General - February [2 of 3], 1976

- Folder 4: Subject - Congress - General - February [3 of 3], 1976

- Folder 5: Subject - Congress - General - March [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 6: Subject - Congress - General - March [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 7: Subject - Congress - General - April-May [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 8: Subject - Congress - General - April-May [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 9: Subject - Congress - General - May, 1976

- Folder 10: Subject - Congress - General - June, 1976

- Folder 11: Subject - Congress - General - June-December, 1976

- Folder 12: Subject - Congress - General - July, 1976

- Folder 13: Subject - Congress - General - August, 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - Congress - General - January, 1977

- Folder 15: Subject - Congress - General - January-February, 1977

- Folder 16: Subject - Congress - General - February [1 of 3], 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Congress - General - February [2 of 3], 1977

- Folder 18: Subject - Congress - General - February [3 of 3], 1977

- Box 241

- Folder 1: Subject - Congress - General - March-May, 1977

- Folder 2: Subject - Congress - General - April, 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Congress - General - April [1 of 3], 1977

- Folder 4: Subject - Congress - General - April [2 of 3], 1977

- Folder 5: Subject - Congress - General - April [3 of 3], 1977

- Folder 6: Subject - Congress - General - May [1 of 3], 1977

- Folder 7: Subject - Congress - General - May [2 of 3], 1977

- Folder 8: Subject - Congress - General - May [3 of 3], 1977

- Folder 9: Subject - Congress - General - May, 1977

- Folder 10: Subject - Congress - General - June-July, 1977

- Folder 11: Subject - Congress - General - June, 1977

- Folder 12: Subject - Congress - General - June [1 of 4], 1977

- Folder 13: Subject - Congress - General - June [2 of 4], 1977

- Folder 14: Subject - Congress - General - June [3 of 4], 1977

- Folder 15: Subject - Congress - General - June [4 of 4], 1977

- Folder 16: Subject - Congress - General - July, 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Congress - General - July, 1977

- Folder 18: Subject - Congress - General - August, 1977

- Folder 19: Subject - Congress - General - August [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 20: Subject - Congress - General - August [2 of 2], 1977

- Box 242

- Folder 1: Subject - Congress - General - August-September, 1977

- Folder 2: Subject - Congress - General - September [1 of 3], 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Congress - General - September [2 of 3], 1977

- Folder 4: Subject - Congress - General - September [3 of 3], 1977

- Folder 5: Subject - Congress - General, October 1977

- Folder 6: Subject - Congress - General - October [1 of 6], 1977

- Folder 7: Subject - Congress - General - October [2 of 6], 1977

- Folder 8: Subject - Congress - General - October [3 of 6], 1977

- Folder 9: Subject - Congress - General - October [4 of 6], 1977

- Folder 10: Subject - Congress - General - October [5 of 6], 1977

- Folder 11: Subject - Congress - General - October [6 of 6], 1977

- Folder 12: Subject - Congress - General - November, 1977

- Folder 13: Subject - Congress - General - November [1 of 5], 1977

- Folder 14: Subject - Congress - General - November [2 of 5], 1977

- Folder 15: Subject - Congress - General - November [3 of 5], 1977

- Folder 16: Subject - Congress - General - November [4 of 5], 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Congress - General - November [5 of 5], 1977

- Folder 18: Subject - Congress - General - December [1 of 4], 1977

- Box 243

- Folder 1: Subject - Congress - General - December [2 of 4], 1977

- Folder 2: Subject - Congress - General - December [3 of 4], 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Congress - General - December [4 of 4], 1977

- Folder 4: Subject - Congress - General - December, 1977

- Folder 5: Subject - Congress - House of Representatives, September 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Congress - House of Representatives, 1978

- Folder 7: Subject - Congress - House of Representatives - Reform, April - May, 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [1 of 7], September 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [2 of 7], September 1975

- Folder 10: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [3 of 7], September 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [4 of 7], September 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [5 of 7], September 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [6 of 7], September 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [7 of 7], September 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [1 of 6], October 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [2 of 6], October 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [3 of 6], October 1975

- Folder 18: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine [4 of 6], October 1975

- Box 244

- Folder 1: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine, October [5 of 6], 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine, October [6 of 6], 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine, November [1 of 3], 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine, November [2 of 3], 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine, November [3 of 3], 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine, February [1 of 4], 1978

- Folder 7: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine, February [2 of 4], 1978

- Folder 8: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine, February [3 of 4], 1978

- Folder 9: Subject - Congress - Memory Machine, February [4 of 4], 1978

- Folder 10: Subject - Congress - Multi, April - May, 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Congress - Multi, January, 1978

- Folder 12: Subject - Congress - Multi, February, 1978

- Folder 13: Subject - Congress - Multi, March, 1978

- Folder 14: Subject - Congress - Multi, April, 1978

- Folder 15: Subject - Congress - Multi, June, 1978

- Folder 16: Subject - Congress - Multi, July, 1978

- Folder 17: Subject - Congress - Senate, May - September, 1975

- Folder 18: Subject - Congress - Senate, 1978

- Folder 19: Subject - Congressional Directory Mailing, 1969-1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Congressional Leadership, 1977

- Folder 21: Subject - Congressional Oversight, 1976

- Folder 22: Subject - Congressional Pay Raise, 1976

- Folder 23: Subject - Congressional Record, 1969-1970

- Folder 24: Subject - Congressional Record Mailing, 1971-1972

- Folder 25: Subject - Constitutional Amendments, 1979

- Folder 26: Subject - Constitutional Amendments, 1979

- Folder 27: Subject - Constitutional Amendments, 1979

- Folder 28: Subject - Constitutional Amendments, 1979

- Folder 29: Subject - Constitutional Amendments, 1979

- Folder 30: Subject - Consumer Affairs, May - December, 1975

- Folder 31: Subject - Copyright and Photocopying, 1976

- Folder 32: Subject - Corps of Engineers - Kansas City Office, 1971-1973

- Folder 33: Subject - Corps of Engineers - Public Works, 1975

- Box 245

- Folder 1: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 3 October-December [1 of 4], 1973

- Folder 2: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 3 October-December [2 of 4], 1973

- Folder 3: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 3 October-December [3 of 4], 1973

- Folder 4: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 3 October-December [4 of 4], 1973

- Folder 5: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 4 January-April [1 of 4], 1974

- Folder 6: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 4 January-April [2 of 4], 1974

- Folder 7: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 4 January-April [3 of 4], 1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 4 January-April [4 of 4], 1974

- Folder 9: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 5 April-August [1 of 4], 1974

- Folder 10: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 5 April-August [2 of 4], 1974

- Folder 11: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 5 April-August [3 of 4], 1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 5 April-August [4 of 4], 1974

- Folder 13: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 6 August-September [1 of 5], 1974

- Folder 14: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 6 August-September [2 of 5], 1974

- Box 246

- Folder 1: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 6 August-September [3 of 5], 1974

- Folder 2: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 6 August-September [4 of 5], 1974

- Folder 3: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 6 August-September [5 of 5], 1974

- Folder 4: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 7 October-November [1 of 6], 1974

- Folder 5: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 7 October-November [2 of 6], 1974

- Folder 6: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 7 October-November [3 of 6], 1974

- Folder 7: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 7 October-November [4 of 6], 1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 7 October-November [5 of 6], 1974

- Folder 9: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 7 October-November [6 of 6], 1974

- Folder 10: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 8 December [1 of 3], 1974

- Folder 11: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 8 December [2 of 3], 1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Correspondence - General, Part 8 December [3 of 3], 1974

- Folder 13: Subject - Correspondence - General, 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Correspondence - General, February-March [1 of 6], 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Correspondence - General, February-March [2 of 6], 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Correspondence - General, February-March [3 of 6], 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Correspondence - General, February-March [4 of 6], 1975

- Folder 18: Subject - Correspondence - General, February-March [5 of 6], 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - Correspondence - General, February-March [6 of 6], 1975

- Folder 20: Subject - Correspondence - Regarding the Disabled, 1973

- Folder 21: Subject - Correspondence - Senior Citizens, 1973

- Folder 22: Subject - Correspondence - Students, 1975

- Box 247

- Folder 1: Subject - Courts - Federal, April - August 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Courts - Federal, 1978

- Folder 3: Subject - Courts - Federal, 1979

- Folder 4: Subject - Courts - Federal, 1979

- Folder 5: Subject - Courts - Federal, 1979

- Folder 6: Subject - Courts - Federal, July - October 1979

- Folder 7: Subject - Courts - Federal - Supreme Court, May - November 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Courts - General, July - December 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Courts - General, 1976

- Folder 10: Subject - Courts - State, November 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Courts - Supreme, 1978

- Folder 12: Subject - Court System, 1977

- Folder 13: Subject - Crime and Criminals, 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - Crime and Criminals - Drug Trafficking, May - June 1972

- Folder 15: Subject - Crime and Criminals - General, June - October 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Crime and Criminals - General, 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Crime and Criminals - General, 1978

- Folder 18: Subject - Crime and Criminals - Gun Control [1 of 2], May - December 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - Crime and Criminals - Gun Control [2 of 2], May - December 1975

- Folder 20: Subject - Crime and Criminals - Gun Control, 1978

- Folder 21: Subject - Crime and Criminals - Juvenile Delinquency, June - October 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Crime and Criminals - Law Enforcement, May - October 1975

- Folder 23: Subject - Crime and Criminals - Law Enforcement, 1978

- Folder 24: Subject - Crime and Justice, 1978-1979

- Folder 25: Subject - Crime and Justice, 1979

- Folder 26: Subject - Crime and Justice, 1979

- Folder 27: Subject - Crime and Justice, 1979

- Folder 28: Subject - Crime and Justice, June - November 1979

- Folder 29: Subject - Crime and Justice - Guns, 1977

- Folder 30: Subject - Crime and Justice - Law Enforcement, 1977

- Box 248

- Folder 1: Subject - Crime Correspondence [1 of 3], 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Crime Correspondence [2 of 3], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Crime Correspondence [3 of 3], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Crude Oil Imports, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Subject - Cuba, February - November 1978

- Folder 6: Subject - Cults, 1978-1979

- Folder 7: Subject - Cults, 1979

- Folder 8: Subject - Cults, 1979

- Folder 9: Subject - Cults, 1979

- Folder 10: Subject - Cults, August - October 1979

- Folder 11: Subject - Day - Veterans, 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Day Care Programs [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 13: Subject - Day Care Programs [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 14: Subject - Day of Bread Thank Yous, 1969-1971

- Folder 15: Subject - Defense, 1972-1974

- Folder 16: Subject - Defense, 1979

- Folder 17: Subject - Defense, 1979

- Folder 18: Subject - Defense, 1979

- Folder 19: Subject - Defense, 1979

- Folder 20: Subject - Defense, August - November 1979

- Folder 21: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) [1 of 8], 1969

- Folder 22: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) [2 of 8], 1969

- Folder 23: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) [3 of 8], 1969

- Folder 24: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) [4 of 8], 1969

- Folder 25: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) [5 of 8], 1969

- Folder 26: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) [6 of 8], 1969

- Folder 27: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) [7 of 8], 1969

- Folder 28: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) [8 of 8], 1969

- Folder 29: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 2 [1 of 8], 1969

- Folder 30: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 2 [2 of 8], 1969

- Folder 31: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 2 [3 of 8], 1969

- Folder 32: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 2 [4 of 8], 1969

- Folder 33: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 2 [5 of 8], 1969

- Folder 34: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 2 [6 of 8], 1969

- Folder 35: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 2 [7 of 8], 1969

- Folder 36: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 2 [8 of 8], 1969

- Box 249

- Folder 1: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 3 [1 of 8], 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 3 [2 of 8], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 3 [3 of 8], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 3 [4 of 8], 1969

- Folder 5: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 3 [5 of 8], 1969

- Folder 6: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 3 [6 of 8], 1969

- Folder 7: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 3 [7 of 8], 1969

- Folder 8: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 3 [8 of 8], 1969

- Folder 9: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 4 [1 of 5], 1969

- Folder 10: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 4 [2 of 5], 1969

- Folder 11: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 4 [3 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 12: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 4 [4 of 5], 1970

- Folder 13: Subject - Defense - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Part 4 [5 of 5], 1970

- Folder 14: Subject - Defense - Civilian, 1978

- Folder 15: Subject - Defense Correspondence Part 1 [1 of 6], 1969-1970

- Folder 16: Subject - Defense Correspondence Part 1 [2 of 6], 1969-1970

- Folder 17: Subject - Defense Correspondence Part 1 [3 of 6], 1969-1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Defense Correspondence Part 1 [4 of 6], 1969-1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Defense Correspondence Part 1 [5 of 6], 1969-1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Defense Correspondence Part 1 [6 of 6], 1969-1970

- Folder 21: Subject - Defense Correspondence, January-March, 1971

- Folder 22: Subject - Defense Correspondence, April-July, 1971

- Folder 23: Subject - Defense Correspondence, August-December, 1971

- Folder 24: Subject - Defense Correspondence, January-March, 1972

- Folder 25: Subject - Defense Correspondence, April-July, 1972

- Folder 26: Subject - Defense Correspondence, August-December, 1972

- Folder 27: Subject - Defense - General [1 of 2], 1978

- Folder 28: Subject - Defense - General [2 of 2], 1978

- Box 250

- Folder 1: Subject - Defense - Multiple Independently Targeted Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV), 1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Defense - National - General, April - December 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Deficiency Payments Deducted from Disaster Payments, March 1978

- Folder 4: Subject - Democrats, May - August 1972

- Folder 5: Subject - Democrats, September 1972

- Folder 6: Subject - Democrats, October - November 1972

- Folder 7: Subject - Demonstrations, April - June 1971

- Folder 8: Subject - Department of Agriculture's Use of Chemical Mirex, 1972

- Folder 9: Subject - Department of Commerce, July - September 1973

- Folder 10: Subject - Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) - General [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 11: Subject - Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) - General [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 12: Subject - Department of the Interior, January - May 1971

- Folder 13: Subject - Department of the Interior, June - December 1971

- Folder 14: Subject - Department of the Interior, January - June 1972

- Folder 15: Subject - Department of the Interior, July - December 1972

- Folder 16: Subject - Department of the Interior, 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Department of the Interior - Kirwin Wildlife Refuge, 1970-1971

- Folder 18: Subject - Department of the Interior - Secretary, 1969-1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Department of Justice, 1969-1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Department of Justice, January - October 1971

- Folder 21: Subject - Department of Justice, March - November 1972

- Folder 22: Subject - Department of Labor, 1969

- Folder 23: Subject - Department of Labor, 1970

- Folder 24: Subject - Department of Labor - General, 1975

- Folder 25: Subject - Department of State, 1969-1970

- Folder 26: Subject - Department of the Treasury, 1969-1974

- Box 251

- Folder 1: Subject - Disabled [1 of 2], January - December 1978

- Folder 2: Subject - Disabled [2 of 2], January - December 1978

- Folder 3: Subject - Disabled - Development Disabilities Act, 1970-1972

- Folder 4: Subject - Disabled - Education, 1973

- Folder 5: Subject - Disabled - Employment, 1972-1973

- Folder 6: Subject - Disabled - Legislation [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 7: Subject - Disabled - Legislation [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 8: Subject - Disability - Alec Vichon, January - June 1995

- Folder 9: Subject - Disability Issues [1 of 5], 1993-1994

- Folder 10: Subject - Disability Issues [2 of 5], 1993-1994

- Folder 11: Subject - Disability Issues [3 of 5], 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Subject - Disability Issues [4 of 5], 1993-1994

- Folder 13: Subject - Disability Issues [5 of 5], 1993-1994

- Folder 14: Subject - Disability Issues - Letters from Bob Dole, 1993-1995

- Folder 15: Subject - Disability Legislation, 1973

- Folder 16: Subject - Diseases, June 1973 - December 1978

- Folder 17: Subject - District of Columbia - Home Rule, 1969-1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Dodge City Office, 1969-1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Drug Addiction, 1976

- Folder 20: Subject - Drug Addiction, April - October 1978

- Folder 21: Subject - Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 1972-1973

- Folder 22: Subject - Drug Traffic, 1976

- Folder 23: Subject - Drugs, 1969-1970

- Box 252

- Folder 1: Subject - East-West Trade, 1968-1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Economy, August 1971

- Folder 3: Subject - Economy - September [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 4: Subject - Economy - September [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 5: Subject - Economy - October [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 6: Subject - Economy - October [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 7: Subject - Economy - November, 1971

- Folder 8: Subject - Economy - December, 1971

- Folder 9: Subject - Economy - January, 1972

- Folder 10: Subject - Economy - February-August, 1972

- Folder 11: Subject - Economy, 1978-1979

- Folder 12: Subject - Economy - Economic Stabilization, April - August 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Economy - General, 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Economy - General, 1977

- Folder 15: Subject - Economy - Inflation, 1978

- Folder 16: Subject - Economy - Inflation and Unemployment, 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Economy/Inflation/Welfare/Social/Aged/Public Welfare, 1979

- Folder 18: Subject - Economy/Inflation/Welfare/Social/Aged/Public Welfare, 1979

- Folder 19: Subject - Economy - National - Disaster Assistance, July - October 1975

- Folder 20: Subject - Economy - National - Disaster Assistance, 1976

- Folder 21: Subject - Economy - National - General, May - December 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Economy - National - Inflation/Recession, April - November 1975

- Folder 23: Subject - Economy - Office of Economic Opportunity, May 1975

- Folder 24: Subject - Economy - Poverty, August 1975

- Folder 25: Subject - Economy - Price Control, May - August 1975

- Folder 26: Subject - Economy - Small Business, May - September 1975

- Folder 27: Subject - Economy - Small Business, 1978

- Folder 28: Subject - Economy - Unemployment, April - December 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Economy - Unemployment, 1978

- Folder 30: Subject - Education, 1975

- Folder 31: Subject - Education, 1978-1979

- Folder 32: Subject - Education, 1978-1979

- Folder 33: Subject - Education, May - October 1979

- Folder 34: Subject - Education, 1979

- Folder 35: Subject - Education, 1979

- Folder 36: Subject - Education - Adult, March - June 1975

- Folder 37: Subject - Education - Adult, 1978

- Folder 38: Subject - Education - Busing, June - December 1975

- Folder 39: Subject - Education - Busing, February - November 1976

- Folder 40: Subject - Education - Busing, 1977

- Folder 41: Subject - Education - Child and Family Services Act [1 of 2], May - December 1975

- Folder 42: Subject - Education - Child and Family Services Act [2 of 2], May - December 1975

- Box 253

- Folder 1: Subject - Education - Child and Family Services, 1978

- Folder 2: Subject - Education - Child Care, May - December 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Education - Child Care, March - December 1976

- Folder 4: Subject - Education - Child Care, 1978

- Folder 5: Subject - Education - Culture, April - October 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Education - Culture - National Endowment for the Arts, April 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Education - Federal Aid, April - October 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Education - Federal Aid - Grants, May - December 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Education - Federal Aid - Grants, 1978

- Folder 10: Subject - Education - Federal Grants, 1977

- Folder 11: Subject - Education - General, April - December 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Education - General, 1976

- Folder 13: Subject - Education - General, 1978

- Folder 14: Subject - Education - Miscellaneous, 1977

- Folder 15: Subject - Education - Quality, April - November 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Electoral College, 1976

- Folder 17: Subject - Electricity, 1975-1976

- Folder 18: Subject - Employee Benefits, 1976

- Folder 19: Subject - Employment, 1968-1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Employment, January - April 1971

- Folder 21: Subject - Employment, May - November 1971

- Folder 22: Subject - Employment, December 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 23: Subject - Employment [1 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 24: Subject - Employment [2 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 25: Subject - Employment [3 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 26: Subject - Energy, 1974

- Folder 27: Subject - Energy [1 of 2], May 1977

- Folder 28: Subject - Energy [2 of 2], May 1977

- Folder 29: Subject - Energy, August 1977

- Folder 30: Subject - Energy, November 1977

- Folder 31: Subject - Energy [1 of 2], December 1977

- Folder 32: Subject - Energy [2 of 2], December 1977

- Box 254

- Folder 1: Subject - Energy [1 of 2], 1978-1979

- Folder 2: Subject - Energy [2 of 2], 1978-1979

- Folder 3: Subject - Energy, 1979

- Folder 4: Subject - Energy, 1979

- Folder 5: Subject - Energy [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 6: Subject - Energy [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 7: Subject - Energy [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 8: Subject - Energy [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 9: Subject - Energy - Atomic, July - November 1975

- Folder 10: Subject - Energy - Conservation, March - December 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Energy - Conservation, 1976

- Folder 12: Subject - Energy - Conservation [1 of 2], February - November 1977

- Folder 13: Subject - Energy - Conservation [2 of 2], February - November 1977

- Folder 14: Subject - Energy - Daylight Savings Time, 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Energy - Electrical, April - December 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Energy - Gas [1 of 2], March - December 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Energy - Gas [2 of 2], March - December 1975

- Folder 18: Subject - Energy - Gas Rationing [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - Energy - Gas Rationing [2 of 2], 1975

- Folder 20: Subject - Energy - General [1 of 2], May - December 1975

- Folder 21: Subject - Energy - General [2 of 2], May - December 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Energy - General [1 of 2], May - December 1976

- Folder 23: Subject - Energy - General [2 of 2], May - December 1976

- Folder 24: Subject - Energy - General, 1978

- Box 255

- Folder 1: Subject - Energy - General - January-February, 1977

- Folder 2: Subject - Energy - General - March-April, 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Energy - General - June-July [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 4: Subject - Energy - General - June-July [2 of 2], 1977

- Folder 5: Subject - Energy - General - September, 1977

- Folder 6: Subject - Energy - General - October-November [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 7: Subject - Energy - General - October-November [2 of 2], 1977

- Folder 8: Subject - Energy - General - January-June [1 of 3], 1978

- Folder 9: Subject - Energy - General - January-June [2 of 3], 1978

- Folder 10: Subject - Energy - General - January-June [3 of 3], 1978

- Folder 11: Subject - Energy - Oil [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Energy - Oil [2 of 2], 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Energy - Oil [1 of 2], April - December 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Energy - Oil [2 of 2], April - December 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Energy - Solar, February - December 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Environment - General, 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Environment - Green Thumb Program, 1974

- Folder 18: Subject - Environment - Pollution, 1979

- Folder 19: Subject - Environment - Pollution - Water, 1978-1979

- Folder 20: Subject - Environment - Pollution - Water, 1979

- Folder 21: Subject - Environment - Pollution - Water, 1979

- Folder 22: Subject - Environment - Pollution - Water, July - October 1979

- Folder 23: Subject - Environmental Conservation, 1977

- Folder 24: Subject - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), February 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 25: Subject - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [1 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 26: Subject - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [2 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 27: Subject - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [3 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 28: Subject - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), September - December 1974

- Folder 29: Subject - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1975

- Box 256

- Folder 1: Subject - Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Subject - Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Estate Tax, 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Estate Tax - Federal, 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Ethnic Affairs, March - July 1977

- Folder 6: Subject - Excise - Taxes, 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - External - Security, National, 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Facilities - Veterans, 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Family Farm Act of 1972, 1972

- Folder 10: Subject - Farm Credit Administration (FCA), 1971

- Folder 11: Subject - Farmers' Home Administration (FHA), 1971

- Folder 12: Subject - Farmers' Home Administration (FHA) - Emergency Loans, 1970-1971

- Folder 13: Subject - Farmers' Home Administration (FHA) - Farm Ownership, 1970-1972

- Folder 14: Subject - Farmers' Home Administration (FHA) - Grazing, 1972

- Folder 15: Subject - Farmers' Home Administration (FHA) - Loans, 1970-1972

- Folder 16: Subject - Farmers' Home Administration (FHA) - Operating Leases [1 of 2], 1970-1972

- Folder 17: Subject - Farmers' Home Administration (FHA) - Operating Leases [2 of 2], 1970-1972

- Box 257

- Folder 1: Subject - Farmers Home Administration - Water Districts, 1969-1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Farmers Home Administration - Water Districts [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 3: Subject - Farmers Home Administration - Water Districts [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 4: Subject - Farmers Home Administration - Water Districts, 1972

- Folder 5: Subject - Farm Labor Relations, 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Farm Vehicle Driver Regulations [1 of 3], 1971

- Folder 7: Subject - Farm Vehicle Driver Regulations [2 of 3], 1971

- Folder 8: Subject - Farm Vehicle Driver Regulations [3 of 3], 1971

- Folder 9: Subject - Federal Advisory Bodies, 1975

- Folder 10: Subject - Federal Aid for Education, January - December 1976

- Folder 11: Subject - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Correspondence, February 1971 - August 1972

- Folder 14: Subject - Federal Aviation Agency Correspondence [1 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Federal Aviation Agency Correspondence [2 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 16: Subject - Federal Aviation Agency - Airplane Hi-Jacking, 1969-1970

- Folder 17: Subject - Federal Aviation Agency - Airport Congestion, 1969

- Folder 18: Subject - Federal Budget, 1976

- Folder 19: Subject - Federal Bureau of Investigation Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1969-1970

- Folder 21: Subject - Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1973-1974

- Folder 22: Subject - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Correspondence, January - August 1971

- Folder 23: Subject - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Correspondence, September 1971 - September 1972

- Folder 24: Subject - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Cable Television (CATV) Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 25: Subject - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Pay Television (PayTV) Correspondence [1 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 26: Subject - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Pay Television (PayTV) Correspondence [2 of 2], 1969-1970

- Box 258

- Folder 1: Subject - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Pay Television Part 2, 1969-1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) - Radio Station KXXX in Colby, KS, 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Federal Courts, 1976

- Folder 4: Subject - Federal Courts, 1979

- Folder 5: Subject - Federal Courts - Supreme Court, 1976

- Folder 6: Subject - Federal Energy Administration (FEA), 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Federal Energy Commission, 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Federal Government, 1976

- Folder 9: Subject - Federal Government - Buildings, 1976

- Folder 10: Subject - Federal Government - Buildings, April - July 1977

- Folder 11: Subject - Federal Government - Congressional Oversight, September 1977

- Folder 12: Subject - Federal Government - Employee Benefits, February - November 1977

- Folder 13: Subject - Federal Government - General [1 of 2], June - December 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Federal Government - General [2 of 2], June - December 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Federal Government - General, March - December 1977

- Folder 16: Subject - Federal Government - Pay Raise, January - July 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Federal Government - Reorganization, 1976

- Folder 18: Subject - Federal Government - Reorganization, 1977

- Folder 19: Subject - Federal Power Commission, 1969-1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Federal Power Commission, 1973-1974

- Folder 21: Subject - Federal Taxes - Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 1970

- Folder 23: Subject - Federal Trade Commission (FTC), January 1971 - February 1972

- Folder 24: Subject - Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 1973-1974

- Folder 25: Subject - Flag Requests [1 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 26: Subject - Flag Requests [2 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 27: Subject - Flag Requests [3 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 28: Subject - Flag Requests [4 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 29: Subject - Flag Requests [5 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 30: Subject - Flag Request - January-June, 1971

- Folder 31: Subject - Flag Request - July-September, 1971

- Folder 32: Subject - Flag Request - October-January, 1971-1972

- Folder 33: Subject - Flag Request - February-June, 1972

- Folder 34: Subject - Flag Request - July-December, 1972

- Box 259

- Folder 1: Subject - Flag Request, 1973-1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Food - General, 1973-1974

- Folder 3: Subject - Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 1969-1970

- Folder 4: Subject - Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - General, 1973

- Folder 6: Subject - Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - Vitamin and Mineral Supplements, 1973

- Folder 7: Subject - Food Shortage, 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Food Stamps, 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Subject - Food Stamps, 1973-1974

- Folder 10: Subject - Food Stamps, 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Foreign Affairs - Human Rights, April - August 1977

- Folder 12: Subject - Foreign Aid, 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Foreign Aid, 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - Foreign Aid, October - November 1978

- Folder 15: Subject - Federal Aid and Trade, 1969-1970

- Folder 16: Subject - Foreign Exports, 1971-1972

- Folder 17: Subject - Foreign Policy, 1969-1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Foreign Policy, December 1970 - April 1972

- Folder 19: Subject - Foreign Policy - Angola, 1977

- Folder 20: Subject - Foreign Policy - China, 1977

- Folder 21: Subject - Foreign Policy - Cuba, 1977

- Folder 22: Subject - Foreign Policy - Foreign Aid, 1976-1977

- Folder 23: Subject - Foreign Policy - General, 1978

- Folder 24: Subject - Foreign Policy - Israel, 1977

- Folder 25: Subject - Foreign Policy - Middle East, 1975

- Folder 26: Subject - Foreign Policy - Middle East, 1977

- Folder 27: Subject - Foreign Policy - Missing in Actions (MIA) and Prisoners of War (POW), 1975-1976

- Folder 28: Subject - Foreign Policy - Russia, 1977

- Folder 29: Subject - Foreign Policy - Southeast Asia, 1975

- Folder 30: Subject - Foreign Policy - Vietnam, 1977

- Folder 31: Subject - Foreign Relations, January - May 1977

- Folder 32: Subject - Foreign Relations, June - July 1977

- Folder 33: Subject - Foreign Relations, August - September 1977

- Folder 34: Subject - Foreign Relations, October - December 1977

- Folder 35: Subject - Foreign Relations, 1979

- Folder 36: Subject - Foreign Relations - Africa, 1976

- Folder 37: Subject - Foreign Relations - Africa, December 1977 - August 1978

- Folder 38: Subject - Foreign Relations - Aid, April - October 1975

- Folder 39: Subject - Foreign Relations - Aid, November 1978

- Folder 40: Subject - Foreign Relations - Arms Sales, November 1978

- Folder 41: Subject - Foreign Relations - Cambodia, August - November 1978

- Folder 42: Subject - Foreign Relations - China, June - December 1978

- Box 260

- Folder 1: Subject - Foreign Relations - Country, May - December 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Foreign Relations - Country - China, April 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Foreign Relations - Country - Cuba, May - July 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Foreign Relations - Country - Middle East, May - December 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Foreign Relations - Country - Panama, May - October 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Foreign Relations - Country - Russia, May - December 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Foreign Relations - Country - Turkey, May - June 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Foreign Relations - Country - Vietnam, April - December 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Foreign Relations - Country - Vietnam - Aid, April - June 1975

- Folder 10: Subject - Foreign Relations - Country - Yugoslavia, May 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Foreign Relations - Cuba, 1976

- Folder 12: Subject - Foreign Relations - General, April - December 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Foreign Relations - General, 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - Foreign Relations - General, 1977

- Folder 15: Subject - Foreign Relations - General [1 of 3], 1978

- Folder 16: Subject - Foreign Relations - General [2 of 3], 1978

- Folder 17: Subject - Foreign Relations - General [3 of 3], 1978

- Folder 18: Subject - Foreign Relations - General, March - May 1978

- Folder 19: Subject - Foreign Relations - General, November - December 1978

- Folder 20: Subject - Foreign Relations - Human Rights, November - December 1978

- Folder 21: Subject - Foreign Relations - Human Rights, 1979

- Folder 22: Subject - Foreign Relations - Human Rights, 1979

- Folder 23: Subject - Foreign Relations - Human Rights, 1979

- Folder 24: Subject - Foreign Relations - Human Rights - Immigration, 1978-1979

- Folder 25: Subject - Foreign Relations - Human Rights - Immigration [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 26: Subject - Foreign Relations - Human Rights - Immigration [2 of 2], 1979

- Box 261

- Folder 1: Subject - Foreign Relations - Iran, November 1978

- Folder 2: Subject - Foreign Relations - MIAs, April - November 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Foreign Relations - Missing in Actions (MIA) and Prisoners of War (POW), 1977

- Folder 4: Subject - Foreign Relations - Middle East, 1976

- Folder 5: Subject - Foreign Relations - Panama, 1976

- Folder 6: Subject - Foreign Relations - Panama Canal [1 of 3], 1977

- Folder 7: Subject - Foreign Relations - Panama Canal [2 of 3], 1977

- Folder 8: Subject - Foreign Relations - Panama Canal [3 of 3], 1977

- Folder 9: Subject - Foreign Relations - Panama [1 of 2], March - November 1978

- Folder 10: Subject - Foreign Relations - Panama [2 of 2], March - November 1978

- Folder 11: Subject - Foreign Relations - Peace Corps, August - September 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Foreign Relations - Rhodesia, November 1978

- Folder 13: Subject - Foreign Relations - Russia, 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - Foreign Relations - Vietnam, 1976

- Folder 15: Subject - Forestry, 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Subject - Form Letter Masters [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 17: Subject - Form Letter Masters [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 18: Subject - Form Letter Masters [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 19: Subject - Form Letter Masters [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 20: Subject - Form Letter Masters [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 21: Subject - Form Letter Masters [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 22: Subject - Form Letter Masters [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 23: Subject - Form Letter Masters [1 of 2], 1995

- Box 262

- Folder 1: Subject - Form Letter Masters [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 2: Subject - Form Letter Masters, 1996

- Folder 3: Subject - Foster Grandparent Program, 1970-1971

- Folder 4: Subject - Frontier Airlines Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Frontier Airlines Correspondence, October 1971 - March 1972

- Folder 6: Subject - Fuel - Construction Business, 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Subject - Fuel - Diesel, 1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Fuel - Excessive Profits, 1974

- Folder 9: Subject - Fuel - Individual Allocation [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 10: Subject - Fuel - Individual Allocation [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 11: Subject - Fuel - Propane, 1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Fuel - Shortage [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 13: Subject - Fuel - Shortage [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 14: Subject - Fuel - Shortage [1 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 15: Subject - Fuel - Shortage [2 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Subject - Fuel - Shortage [3 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 17: Subject - Fuel - Shortage [4 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 18: Subject - Fulbright Resolution - Overseas Movement of Troops, 1969

- Folder 19: Subject - Future Farmers of America (National Convention) - Coleman Harris and Paul Grey, 1968-1969

- Box 263

- Folder 1: Subject - Gas, January - November 1977

- Folder 2: Subject - Gas Commission, 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - General - State Affairs Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - General Correspondence, Undated

- Folder 5: Subject - General Correspondence, January, 1969

- Folder 6: Subject - General Correspondence, February, 1969

- Folder 7: Subject - General Correspondence, March, 1969

- Folder 8: Subject - General Correspondence, April, 1969

- Folder 9: Subject - General Correspondence, May, 1969

- Folder 10: Subject - General Correspondence, June, 1969

- Folder 11: Subject - General Correspondence, July, 1969

- Folder 12: Subject - General Correspondence, August, 1969

- Folder 13: Subject - General Correspondence, September, 1969

- Folder 14: Subject - General Correspondence, October, 1969

- Folder 15: Subject - General Correspondence, November [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 16: Subject - General Correspondence, November [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 17: Subject - General Correspondence, December [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 18: Subject - General Correspondence, December [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 19: Subject - General Correspondence, January [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 20: Subject - General Correspondence, January [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 21: Subject - General Correspondence, February [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 22: Subject - General Correspondence, February [2 of 2], 1970

- Box 264

- Folder 1: Subject - General Correspondence, March [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 2: Subject - General Correspondence, March [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 3: Subject - General Correspondence, April, 1970

- Folder 4: Subject - General Correspondence, May, 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - General Correspondence, June [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - General Correspondence, June [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - General Correspondence, July [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 8: Subject - General Correspondence, July [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 9: Subject - General Correspondence, August [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 10: Subject - General Correspondence, August [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 11: Subject - General Correspondence, September [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 12: Subject - General Correspondence, September [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 13: Subject - General Correspondence, October, 1970

- Folder 14: Subject - General Correspondence, November, 1970

- Folder 15: Subject - General Correspondence, December [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 16: Subject - General Correspondence, December [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 17: Subject - General Correspondence, January [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 18: Subject - General Correspondence, January [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 19: Subject - General Correspondence, February [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 20: Subject - General Correspondence, February [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 21: Subject - General Correspondence, March [1 of 2], 1971

- Box 265

- Folder 1: Subject - General Correspondence, March [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 2: Subject - General Correspondence, April [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 3: Subject - General Correspondence, April [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 4: Subject - General Correspondence, May [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 5: Subject - General Correspondence, May [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 6: Subject - General Correspondence, June [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 7: Subject - General Correspondence, June [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 8: Subject - General Correspondence, July [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 9: Subject - General Correspondence, July [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 10: Subject - General Correspondence, August [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 11: Subject - General Correspondence, August [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 12: Subject - General Correspondence, September [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 13: Subject - General Correspondence, September [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 14: Subject - General Correspondence, October [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 15: Subject - General Correspondence, October [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 16: Subject - General Correspondence, November [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 17: Subject - General Correspondence, November [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 18: Subject - General Correspondence, December [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 19: Subject - General Correspondence, December [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 20: Subject - General Correspondence, January [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 21: Subject - General Correspondence, January [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 22: Subject - General Correspondence, February [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 23: Subject - General Correspondence, February [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 24: Subject - General Correspondence, March [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 25: Subject - General Correspondence, March [2 of 2], 1972

- Box 266

- Folder 1: Subject - General Correspondence, April [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 2: Subject - General Correspondence, April [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 3: Subject - General Correspondence, May [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 4: Subject - General Correspondence, May [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 5: Subject - General Correspondence, June [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 6: Subject - General Correspondence, June [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 7: Subject - General Correspondence, July [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 8: Subject - General Correspondence, July [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 9: Subject - General Correspondence, August [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 10: Subject - General Correspondence, August [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 11: Subject - General Correspondence, September [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 12: Subject - General Correspondence, September [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 13: Subject - General Correspondence, October [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 14: Subject - General Correspondence, October [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 15: Subject - General Correspondence, November [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 16: Subject - General Correspondence, November [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 17: Subject - General Correspondence, December [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 18: Subject - General Correspondence, December [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 19: Subject - General Correspondence [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 20: Subject - General Correspondence [2 of 2], 1975

- Folder 21: Subject - General Correspondence [1 of 2], 1978

- Folder 22: Subject - General Correspondence [2 of 2], 1978

- Folder 23: Subject - General Services Administration, 1969-1970

- Folder 24: Subject - General Services Administration, April - December 1971

- Folder 25: Subject - General Services Administration, 1972-1974

- Box 267

- Folder 1: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [1 of 3] Part 1, 1995

- Folder 2: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [2 of 3] Part 1, 1995

- Folder 3: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [3 of 3] Part 1, 1995

- Folder 4: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [1 of 3] Part 2, 1995

- Folder 5: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [2 of 3] Part 2, 1995

- Folder 6: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [3 of 3] Part 2, 1995

- Folder 7: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [1 of 3] Part 3, 1995

- Folder 8: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [2 of 3] Part 3, 1995

- Folder 9: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [3 of 3] Part 3, 1995

- Folder 10: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [1 of 4] Part 4, 1995

- Folder 11: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [2 of 4] Part 4, 1995

- Folder 12: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [3 of 4] Part 4, 1995

- Folder 13: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [4 of 4] Part 4, 1995

- Folder 14: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [1 of 2] Part 5, 1995

- Folder 15: Subject - Gold Seals - Congratulations [2 of 2] Part 5, 1995

- Box 268

- Folder 1: Subject - Gold Seals Written by Sarah Brown [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 2: Subject - Gold Seals Written by Sarah Brown [2 of 2], 1996

- Folder 3: Subject - Gold Seals Written by Sarah Brown [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 4: Subject - Gold Seals Written by Sarah Brown [2 of 2], 1996

- Folder 5: Subject - Government Operations, 1979

- Folder 6: Subject - Government Operations, 1979

- Folder 7: Subject - Government Operations, 1979

- Folder 8: Subject - Government Operations, 1979

- Folder 9: Subject - Government Operations, 1979

- Folder 10: Subject - Government Printing Office, 1969-1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Government Printing Office, 1973

- Folder 12: Subject - Government Spending, 1969-1970

- Folder 13: Subject - Guaranteed Income, 1969

- Folder 14: Subject - Gun Control, 1969

- Folder 15: Subject - Gun Control [1 of 3], 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Gun Control [2 of 3], 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Gun Control [3 of 3], 1975

- Folder 18: Subject - Gun Control, 1976

- Folder 19: Subject - Health [1 of 3], 1976

- Folder 20: Subject - Health [2 of 3], 1976

- Folder 21: Subject - Health [3 of 3], 1976

- Box 269

- Folder 1: Subject - Health - Abortion, May - December 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Health - Abortion [1 of 2], February - December 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Health - Abortion [2 of 2], February - December 1977

- Folder 4: Subject - Health - Alcoholism, March - November 1977

- Folder 5: Subject - Health - Alcoholism Correspondence, October 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Health - Appropriations, 1978

- Folder 7: Subject - Health - Care Cost, January - December 1978

- Folder 8: Subject - Health - Cost Containment [1 of 2], August - November 1977

- Folder 9: Subject - Health - Cost Containment [2 of 2], August - November 1977

- Folder 10: Subject - Health - Disabled [1 of 2], January - August 1977

- Folder 11: Subject - Health - Disabled [2 of 2], January - August 1977

- Folder 12: Subject - Health - Disabled, May - December 1977

- Folder 13: Subject - Health - Disabled, 1978

- Folder 14: Subject - Health - Disease, March - November 1976

- Folder 15: Subject - Health - Disease, January - August 1977

- Folder 16: Subject - Health - Disease Correspondence, October - December 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Health - Drug Addiction, February - October 1977

- Folder 18: Subject - Health - Drug Addiction Correspondence, June - November 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - Health - Drugs / Handicapped, 1978-1979

- Folder 20: Subject - Health - Drugs / Handicapped [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 21: Subject - Health - Drugs / Handicapped [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 22: Subject - Health - Drugs / Handicapped [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 23: Subject - Health - Drugs / Handicapped [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 24: Subject - Health - Drugs / Handicapped [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 25: Subject - Health - Drugs / Handicapped [2 of 2], 1979

- Box 270

- Folder 1: Subject - Health - Education, 1977

- Folder 2: Subject - Health - Education, February - December 1978

- Folder 3: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) [1 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) [2 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) [3 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Correspondence [1 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Correspondence [2 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 9: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Correspondence [3 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Correspondence [4 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Correspondence [5 of 5], 1969-1970

- Folder 12: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Correspondence, 1971

- Folder 13: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Correspondence, 1972

- Folder 14: Subject - Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) - Vocational Education, 1969

- Folder 15: Subject - Health - General, January-March, 1977

- Folder 16: Subject - Health - General, April-May, 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Health - General, June-July, 1977

- Folder 18: Subject - Health - General, July-December [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 19: Subject - Health - General, July-December [2 of 2], 1977

- Folder 20: Subject - Health - General, August-October, 1977

- Folder 21: Subject - Health - General, February-November [1 of 2], 1978

- Folder 22: Subject - Health - General, February-November [2 of 2], 1978

- Folder 23: Subject - Health - September-November, 1978

- Folder 24: Subject - Health - General [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 25: Subject - Health - General [2 of 2], 1979

- Box 271

- Folder 1: Subject - Health - General Correspondence [1 of 3], August - December 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Health - General Correspondence [2 of 3], August - December 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Health - General Correspondence [3 of 3], August - December 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Health - Handicapped, May - December 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Health - Handicapped [1 of 4], February - November 1976

- Folder 6: Subject - Health - Handicapped [2 of 4], February - November 1976

- Folder 7: Subject - Health - Handicapped [3 of 4], February - November 1976

- Folder 8: Subject - Health - Handicapped [4 of 4], February - November 1976

- Folder 9: Subject - Health - Hospital Grants, April - December 1975

- Folder 10: Subject - Health - Hospital Grants, February - December 1976

- Folder 11: Subject - Health - Hospital Grants, February - September 1977

- Folder 12: Subject - Health - Malpractice, April - December 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Health - Malpractice, May 1975 - April 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - Health - Medicaid, May - August 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Health - Medicaid, July - November 1976

- Folder 16: Subject - Health - Medicaid, February - December 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Health - Medicaid, 1978

- Folder 18: Subject - Health - Medical Research, January - October 1976

- Folder 19: Subject - Health - Medical Research, June - July 1977

- Folder 20: Subject - Health - Medical Research, 1978

- Folder 21: Subject - Health - Medicare, April - December 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Health - Medicare, November 1976 - January 1977

- Folder 23: Subject - Health - Medicare, February - December 1977

- Folder 24: Subject - Health - Mental, July - November 1975

- Folder 25: Subject - Health - Mental, November - December 1976

- Folder 26: Subject - Health - Mental, January - November 1977

- Folder 27: Subject - Health - National Health Insurance, April - December 1975

- Folder 28: Subject - Health - National Health Insurance, April - December 1976

- Folder 29: Subject - Health - National Health Insurance, February - December 1977

- Folder 30: Subject - Health - National Health Insurance, 1978

- Box 272

- Folder 1: Subject - Health - Nursing Homes, August - December 1976

- Folder 2: Subject - Health - Nursing Homes, February - November 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Health - Nursing Homes, 1978

- Folder 4: Subject - Health - Nursing Homes Correspondence, June - December 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Health - Nutrition [1 of 4], January - December 1977

- Folder 6: Subject - Health - Nutrition [2 of 4], January - December 1977

- Folder 7: Subject - Health - Nutrition [3 of 4], January - December 1977

- Folder 8: Subject - Health - Nutrition [4 of 4], January - December 1977

- Folder 9: Subject - Health - Nutrition, March - October 1977

- Folder 10: Subject - Health - Nutrition and Human Needs, January - September 1976

- Folder 11: Subject - Health - Nutrition and Human Needs, 1978

- Folder 12: Subject - Health - Nutrition and Human Needs Correspondence, April - October 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Health - Nutrition and Human Needs - Food, January - December 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - Health - Nutrition and Human Needs - Vitamins, January 1976

- Folder 15: Subject - Health - Nutrition and Human Needs - Vitamins Correspondence, July - September 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Health - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), July - December 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Health - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), December 1976 - June 1977

- Folder 18: Subject - Health - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), March - October 1977

- Folder 19: Subject - Health - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 1977-1978

- Folder 20: Subject - Health - Planning, November 1977

- Folder 21: Subject - Health - Planning, 1977-1978

- Folder 22: Subject - Health - Renal Disease, 1978

- Folder 23: Subject - Health - Smoking, May - July 1977

- Folder 24: Subject - Health - U.S.S. Life, Hospital Ship, 1978

- Folder 25: Subject - Henry Kissinger [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 26: Subject - Henry Kissinger [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 27: Subject - Highways - Federal Aid, July 1976 - April 1977

- Folder 28: Subject - Highways - Federal Aid, 1978

- Folder 29: Subject - Highways - Federal Aid for Construction Correspondence, June - October 1975

- Folder 30: Subject - Highways - General, January - March 1976

- Folder 31: Subject - Highways - General, January - December 1977

- Folder 32: Subject - Highways - General, 1978

- Folder 33: Subject - Highways - General Correspondence, May - November 1975

- Folder 34: Subject - Highways - Traffic Safety, May - December 1975

- Folder 35: Subject - Highways - Traffic Safety, January - December 1976

- Folder 36: Subject - Highways - Traffic Safety, 1978

- Folder 37: Subject - Highways - Trust Fund, January 1976

- Folder 38: Subject - Highways - Trust Fund Correspondence, July - November 1975

- Folder 39: Subject - Highways - Traffic Safety, March - November 1977

- Folder 40: Subject - Holidays Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 41: Subject - Holidays Correspondence, January - November 1971

- Folder 42: Subject - Home Health Care, June 1978

- Folder 43: Subject - Horses - Diseases and Protection, 1970-1971

- Folder 44: Subject - Hospices, July - December 1978

- Box 273

- Folder 1: Subject - House of Representatives Correspondence, 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Housing, 1978-1979

- Folder 3: Subject - Housing, 1979

- Folder 4: Subject - Housing, 1979

- Folder 5: Subject - Housing, 1979

- Folder 6: Subject - Housing, 1979

- Folder 7: Subject - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Correspondence [1 of 2], 1968-1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Correspondence [2 of 2], 1968-1970

- Folder 9: Subject - Housing and Urban Development (HUD), February 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 10: Subject - Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 13: Subject - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary, 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Subject - Housing - Community Development, February - October 1976

- Folder 15: Subject - Housing - Community Development, 1978

- Folder 16: Subject - Housing - Construction Decline Correspondence, August 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Housing - Correspondence, January 1971

- Folder 18: Subject - Housing - General, April - October 1976

- Folder 19: Subject - Housing - General, 1977

- Folder 20: Subject - Housing - General, 1977-1978

- Folder 21: Subject - Housing - General Correspondence, April - November 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Housing - Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act Correspondence, September - October 1975

- Folder 23: Subject - Housing - Urban Renewal Correspondence, April - May 1975

- Folder 24: Subject - Human Rights [1 of 2], September - December 1978

- Folder 25: Subject - Human Rights [2 of 2], September - December 1978

- Folder 26: Subject - Hunger (USA and World), February 1971

- Folder 27: Subject - Hunger in America [1 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 28: Subject - Hunger in America [2 of 2], 1969-1970

- Box 274

- Folder 1: Subject - Immigration - General, February - July 1976

- Folder 2: Subject - Immigration - General, 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Immigration - General, 1977-1978

- Folder 4: Subject - Immigration - General Correspondence, April - October 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Immigration - Illegal Aliens, July - November 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Immigration - Illegal Aliens, July - November 1976

- Folder 7: Subject - Immigration - Illegal Aliens, 1978

- Folder 8: Subject - Inaugural, 1972-1973

- Folder 9: Subject - Inaugural Material, 1969

- Folder 10: Subject - Inauguration, 1969

- Folder 11: Subject - Income - Taxes Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Industry, August - September 1977

- Folder 13: Subject - Industry - Anti-Trust, 1977

- Folder 14: Subject - Industry - Automobiles Correspondence, June - November 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Industry - General, January - September 1976

- Folder 16: Subject - Industry - General, 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Industry - General, 1977-1978

- Folder 18: Subject - Industry - General Correspondence, February - October 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - Industry - Regulation [1 of 2], August - December 1976

- Folder 20: Subject - Industry - Regulation [2 of 2], August - December 1976

- Folder 21: Subject - Industry - Regulation, 1977

- Folder 22: Subject - Industry - Regulation, 1978

- Folder 23: Subject - Industry - Regulation, 1978-1979

- Folder 24: Subject - Industry - Regulation - Labor, 1979

- Folder 25: Subject - Industry - Regulation - Labor, 1979

- Folder 26: Subject - Industry - Regulation - Labor, 1979

- Folder 27: Subject - Industry - Regulatory Reform Correspondence, May - October 1975

- Folder 28: Subject - Inflation Correspondence, January - December 1969

- Folder 29: Subject - Inflation Correspondence, October - December 1969

- Folder 30: Subject - Inflation Correspondence, January - May 1970

- Folder 31: Subject - Inflation Correspondence, August - December 1970

- Folder 32: Subject - Inflation Correspondence, January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 33: Subject - Interest Rates Correspondence, 1969

- Folder 34: Subject - Interior [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 35: Subject - Interior [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Box 275

- Folder 1: Subject - Interior - Correspondence, 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Interior - Correspondence, 1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Interior - Golden Eagle Passport Correspondence [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Interior - Golden Eagle Passport Correspondence [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 5: Subject - Interior - Golden Eagle Passport Correspondence, 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Subject - Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Correspondence, July 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 9: Subject - Internal - Security, National Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 10: Subject - International Human Rights, 1979

- Folder 11: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Box Car Shortage, 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Correspondence, February 1971 - April 1972

- Folder 16: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Garvey & Irlandi [1 of 5], 1970

- Folder 17: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Garvey & Irlandi [2 of 5], 1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Garvey & Irlandi [3 of 5], 1969

- Folder 19: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Garvey & Irlandi [4 of 5], 1969

- Folder 20: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Garvey & Irlandi [5 of 5], 1969

- Folder 21: Subject - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Training Discontinuance, 1969-1970

- Folder 22: Subject - Invitation, June - July 1970

- Folder 23: Subject - Israel, March - November 1978

- Folder 24: Subject - ITT & ATT, April - July 1972

- Box 276

- Folder 1: Subject - Job Corps and Headstart Programs Correspondence, 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Jobs - General Correspondence, May - August 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Jobs - Summer Employment Correspondence, April - July 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Johnson County - State Affairs Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Justice, 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Subject - Justice - Attorney General [1 of 2], November 1969 - March 1974

- Folder 7: Subject - Justice - Attorney General [2 of 2], November 1969 - March 1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Juvenile Delinquency, 1976

- Folder 9: Subject - Kansas Affairs, 1979

- Folder 10: Subject - Kansas Affairs, 1979

- Folder 11: Subject - Kansas Affairs, 1979

- Folder 12: Subject - Kansas Affairs, 1979

- Folder 13: Subject - Kansas Affairs, 1979

- Folder 14: Subject - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, 1972

- Folder 15: Subject - Kansas - Cities, 1968-1970

- Folder 16: Subject - Kansas City - Hockey Franchise, 1971-1972

- Folder 17: Subject - Kansas City - Office Correspondence, November - December 1972

- Folder 18: Subject - Kansas City - State Affairs Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - Kansas College Republican Federation Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Kansas Correspondence, January-March, 1969

- Folder 21: Subject - Kansas Correspondence, April-June, 1969

- Folder 22: Subject - Kansas Correspondence, July-August, 1969

- Folder 23: Subject - Kansas Correspondence, September-November, 1969

- Folder 24: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 2, September-October, 1969

- Folder 25: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 2, November, 1969

- Box 277

- Folder 1: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 2 - December, 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 2 - January, 1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 3 - January, 1970

- Folder 4: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 3 - February, 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 3 - March, 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 3 - April-May, 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 4 - June, 1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 4 - July-August, 1970

- Folder 9: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 4 - September-October, 1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Kansas Correspondence Part 4 - November-December, 1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - December-January, 1970-1971

- Folder 12: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - February-March [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 13: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - February-March [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 14: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - April-May [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 15: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - April-May [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 16: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - June-July [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 17: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - June-July [2 of 2], 1971

- Box 278

- Folder 1: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - August, 1971

- Folder 2: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - September, 1971

- Folder 3: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - October-November, 1971

- Folder 4: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - December, 1971

- Folder 5: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - January-February, 1972

- Folder 6: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - March-May, 1972

- Folder 7: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - June-September, 1972

- Folder 8: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - October-December, 1972

- Folder 9: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - January-April [1 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 10: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - January-April [2 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 11: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - January-April [3 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - January-April [4 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 13: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - April-August [1 of 4] Part 2, 1974

- Folder 14: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - April-August [2 of 4] Part 2, 1974

- Folder 15: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - April-August [3 of 4] Part 2, 1974

- Folder 16: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - April-August [4 of 4] Part 2, 1974

- Box 279

- Folder 1: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - August-December [1 of 3] Part 3, 1974

- Folder 2: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - August-December [2 of 3] Part 3, 1974

- Folder 3: Subject - Kansas Correspondence - August-December [3 of 3] Part 3, 1974

- Folder 4: Kansas Correspondence - Abortion, 1969-1970

- Folder 5: Kansas Correspondence - Bussing of School Children [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 6: Kansas Correspondence - Bussing of School Children [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 7: Kansas Correspondence - Construction Strike, 1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Kansas Counties - Johnson County, 1969

- Folder 9: Subject - Kansas - Education, 1969

- Folder 10: Subject - Kansas Election, 1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Kansas Floods, 1973

- Folder 12: Subject - Kansas Frontier Airlines, 1973-1974

- Folder 13: Subject - Kansas - Hospitals [1 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Subject - Kansas - Hospitals [2 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Kansas - Legal Aid Society of Wichita, KS, 1970

- Folder 16: Subject - Kansas - Liquor by the drink, 1969-1970

- Folder 17: Subject - Kansas Medical Society, 1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Kansas Medical Society - Press, January 1971

- Folder 19: Subject - Kansas - Naturalized Citizens, 1969-1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Kansas - Naturalized Citizens - Form Letters, 1973-1974

- Folder 21: Subject - Kansas Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE), 1974

- Folder 22: Subject - Kansas Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE), 1975

- Folder 23: Subject - Kansas Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE) - Information, June - December 1971

- Folder 24: Subject - Kansas - Real Estate Relief, 1969

- Folder 25: Subject - Kansas Republicans, 1973-1974

- Folder 26: Subject - Kansas Republicans, 1974-1975

- Folder 27: Subject - Kansas Republican State Committee [1 of 4], 1969

- Folder 28: Subject - Kansas Republican State Committee [2 of 4], 1969

- Folder 29: Subject - Kansas Republican State Committee [3 of 4], 1970

- Box 280

- Folder 1: Subject - Kansas Republican State Committee [4 of 4], 1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Kansas - Research Foundation, 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Kansas - Returned Veterans, 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Kansas - Returned Veterans [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Kansas - Returned Veterans [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Kansas - Returned Veterans [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Kansas - Returning Veterans, June 1971

- Folder 8: Subject - Kansas - Schools, 1969

- Folder 9: Subject - Kansas - Schools, 1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Kansas - Schools, May 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 11: Subject - Kansas - Schools, 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Kansas State Fair Letters Part 1 [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 13: Subject - Kansas State Fair Letters Part 1 [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 14: Subject - Kansas State Fair Letters Part 1 [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 15: Subject - Kansas State Fair Letters Part 2 [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 16: Subject - Kansas State Fair Letters Part 2 [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 17: Subject - Kansas State Fair Letters Part 2 [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 18: Subject - Kansas - Templar, George - Letters for his Appointment to 10th Circuit of Appeals, 1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Kennedy Affair (Ted Kennedy's Accident), 1969

- Folder 20: Subject - Korean Bribes, February - March 1978

- Box 281

- Folder 1: Subject - Labor, January - March 1971

- Folder 2: Subject - Labor, April - July 1971

- Folder 3: Subject - Labor, August - December 1971

- Folder 4: Subject - Labor, 1972

- Folder 5: Subject - Labor [1 of 2], 1973-1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Labor [2 of 2], 1973-1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Labor, 1978

- Folder 8: Subject - Labor - Employment, April - July 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Labor - Employment, February - December 1976

- Folder 10: Subject - Labor - Employment, 1977

- Folder 11: Subject - Labor - Employment, 1978

- Folder 12: Subject - Labor - General, April - December 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Labor - General [1 of 2], February - December 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - Labor - General [2 of 2], February - December 1976

- Folder 15: Subject - Labor - General, 1977

- Folder 16: Subject - Labor - General, 1978

- Folder 17: Subject - Labor - Industry Regulations, 1979

- Folder 18: Subject - Labor - Minimum Wage, May 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - Labor - Minimum Wage, January - June 1976

- Folder 20: Subject - Labor - Minimum Wage, 1977

- Folder 21: Subject - Labor - Minimum Wage, 1978

- Folder 22: Subject - Labor - Pension Funds, April - December 1975

- Folder 23: Subject - Labor - Pension Funds, February - August 1976

- Folder 24: Subject - Labor - Pension Funds, 1978

- Folder 25: Subject - Labor - Reform, 1978

- Folder 26: Subject - Labor - Taft-Hartley, April - September 1975

- Folder 27: Subject - Labor - Unions, 1969-1970

- Folder 28: Subject - Labor - Unions [1 of 2], April - December 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Labor - Unions [2 of 2], April - December 1975

- Folder 30: Subject - Labor - Unions, January - December 1976

- Folder 31: Subject - Labor - Unions, 1977

- Folder 32: Subject - Labor - Unions, 1978

- Folder 33: Subject - Labor - Unions - Strikes, July - December 1975

- Folder 34: Subject - Labor - Unions - Strikes, January - June 1976

- Box 282

- Folder 1: Subject - Laos, 1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Law Enforcement, 1976

- Folder 3: Subject - Lawrence - State Affairs, 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Letters Concerning Vocational Rehab [1 of 2], 1995

- Folder 5: Subject - Letters Concerning Vocational Rehab [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 6: Subject - Letters from Young People on Various Topics, 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Letters to Senator Dole - From Kansas [1 of 3], 1990-1995

- Folder 8: Subject - Letters to Senator Dole - From Kansas [2 of 3], 1990-1995

- Folder 9: Subject - Letters to Senator Dole - From Kansas [3 of 3], 1990-1995

- Folder 10: Subject - Letters to Senator Dole - Out-of-State [1 of 3], 1990-1995

- Folder 11: Subject - Letters to Senator Dole - Out-of-State [2 of 3], 1990-1995

- Folder 12: Subject - Letters to Senator Dole - Out-of-State [3 of 3], 1990-1995

- Folder 13: Subject - Library Item Notebook - Form Letters - Masters [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 14: Subject - Library Item Notebook - Form Letters - Masters [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 15: Subject - Library Item Notebook [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 16: Subject - Library Item Notebook - Form Letters - Masters, 1981

- Folder 17: Subject - Library Item Notebook - Form Letters - Masters, 1981

- Folder 18: Subject - Library Item Notebook - Form Letters - Masters [1 of 2], 1983

- Box 283

- Folder 1: Subject - Library Item Notebook - Form Letters - Masters [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 2: Subject - Library of Congress Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Library of Congress, May 1971 - September 1972

- Folder 4: Subject - Library of Congress, 1971-1974

- Folder 5: Subject - Library of Congress Correspondence - Requests, April - July 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Lockheed Corporation Correspondence, July 1971 - July 1972

- Folder 7: Subject - Mail Reports Notebook [1 of 3], 1982

- Folder 8: Subject - Mail Reports Notebook [2 of 3], 1982

- Folder 9: Subject - Mail Reports Annual [3 of 3], 1982

- Folder 10: Subject - Mass Mailing List, 1991-1992

- Folder 11: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports, 1980

- Folder 12: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports, 1981

- Folder 13: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports, 1982

- Folder 14: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports, 1983

- Folder 15: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports, 1984

- Folder 16: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports [1 of 4], 1985

- Folder 17: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports [2 of 4], 1985

- Folder 18: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports [3 of 4], 1985

- Folder 19: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports [4 of 4], 1985

- Folder 20: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports, 1986

- Folder 21: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports, 1987

- Folder 22: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports, 1988

- Folder 23: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports, 1989

- Folder 24: Subject - Mass Mailing Reports, 1992-1996

- Box 284

- Folder 1: Subject - Mailing Lists - Publicity - Newsletter Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Marine Animal Protection, 1976

- Folder 3: Subject - Marine Corps Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 4: Subject - Marines Correspondence, June - July 1971

- Folder 5: Subject - Meat Pricing and the Mafia, 1972

- Folder 6: Subject - Medical and Dental Health - General, 1973

- Folder 7: Subject - Medical Research, October 1978

- Folder 8: Subject - Medicare, February - December 1978

- Folder 9: Subject - Medicare - Corrective Therapy Correspondence, 1969

- Folder 10: Subject - Medicare Correspondence [1 of 2], 1968-1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Medicare Correspondence [2 of 2], 1968-1970

- Folder 12: Subject - Mental Health, May - November 1978

- Folder 13: Subject - Mid East [1 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 14: Subject - Mid East [2 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 15: Subject - Mid East [3 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Subject - Mid East [4 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 17: Subject - Mid East [5 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 18: Subject - Mid East, January - November 1978

- Folder 19: Subject - Mid East Correspondence [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 20: Subject - Mid East Correspondence [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 21: Subject - Mid East Correspondence [1 of 4], 1970

- Folder 22: Subject - Mid East Correspondence [2 of 4], 1970

- Folder 23: Subject - Mid East Correspondence [3 of 4], 1970

- Folder 24: Subject - Mid East Correspondence [4 of 4], 1970

- Folder 25: Subject - Mid East Correspondence, January 1971 - October 1972

- Folder 26: Subject - Military - Missing in Actions (MIAs), 1975

- Folder 27: Subject - Military - Miscellaneous, 1968-1969

- Folder 28: Subject - Military - Veterans' Benefits, 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Milk - Increase Price Support, December 1972 - January 1973

- Folder 30: Subject - Minorities Correspondence, July - October 1971

- Box 285

- Folder 1: Subject - Miscellaneous Correspondence from Bill Wohlford, 1972

- Folder 2: Subject - Miscellaneous Letters - Cabinet Committee on Opportunity for the Spanish Speaking, February - December 1971

- Folder 3: Subject - Miscellaneous Letters - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), January - November 1971

- Folder 4: Subject - Miscellaneous Letters from Bill Katz - Closed Cases, January 1969 - February 1971

- Folder 5: Subject - Miscellaneous Letters from Jim Larson, 1973

- Folder 6: Subject - Miscellaneous Meetings, February 1968 - May 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Miscellaneous Requests, November-January, 1971-1972

- Folder 8: Subject - Miscellaneous Requests, February-March, 1972

- Folder 9: Subject - Miscellaneous Requests, April-June, 1972

- Folder 10: Subject - Miscellaneous Requests, July-September, 1972

- Folder 11: Subject - Miscellaneous Requests, October-December [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 12: Subject - Miscellaneous Requests, October-December [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 13: Subject - Miscellaneous Requests [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 14: Subject - Miscellaneous Requests [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 15: Subject - Missing in Action (MIA) Formerly Filed as Prisoners of War (POW) [1 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Subject - Missing in Action (MIA) Formerly Filed as Prisoners of War (POW) [2 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 17: Subject - Missing in Action (MIA) Formerly Filed as Prisoners of War (POW) [3 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 18: Subject - Missing in Action (MIA) Formerly Filed as Prisoners of War (POW) [4 of 4], 1973-1974

- Box 286

- Folder 1: Subject - Missing in Action (MIA) / Prisoner of War (POW), January - November 1978

- Folder 2: Subject - Mobile Office, 1978

- Folder 3: Subject - Movies and Television, 1969-1970

- Folder 4: Subject - Movies and Television, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Subject - Names to be Added to Newsletter List, 1968-1970

- Folder 6: Subject - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1974

- Folder 7: Subject - National Defense [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 8: Subject - National Defense [2 of 2], 1977

- Folder 9: Subject - National Defense - Civilian, July - October 1976

- Folder 10: Subject - National Defense - General, 1976

- Folder 11: Subject - National Economy - General, 1976

- Folder 12: Subject - National Economy - General, 1978

- Folder 13: Subject - National Economy - Inflation, 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - National Economy - Poverty, April 1976

- Folder 15: Subject - National Economy - Price Control, 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - National Economy - Small Business, 1976

- Folder 17: Subject - National Economy - Unemployment, 1976

- Folder 18: Subject - National Endowment for the Arts, March - November 1976

- Folder 19: Subject - National Guard, 1969-1970

- Folder 20: Subject - National Guard - 69th Brigade, 1969-1970

- Folder 21: Subject - National Labor Relations Board, 1970

- Folder 22: Subject - National - Publicity Press Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 23: Subject - National Science Foundation (NSF), 1969-1970

- Folder 24: Subject - National Security - External, January - August 1976

- Folder 25: Subject - National Security - General, March - September 1976

- Folder 26: Subject - National Security - General, 1977

- Folder 27: Subject - National Security - Internal, January - September 1976

- Folder 28: Subject - National Water Commission Report, 1973

- Folder 29: Subject - Natural Gas, 1976

- Folder 30: Subject - Natural Gas, July - September 1977

- Folder 31: Subject - Natural Resources, 1978-1979

- Folder 32: Subject - Natural Resources, 1979

- Folder 33: Subject - Natural Resources, 1979

- Folder 34: Subject - Natural Resources, 1979

- Folder 35: Subject - Natural Resources, 1979

- Folder 36: Subject - Natural Resources - Animal Welfare Correspondence, September - December 1975

- Folder 37: Subject - Natural Resources - Animal Wildlife, January - September 1978

- Folder 38: Subject - Natural Resources - Fish and Wildlife Correspondence, April - December 1975

- Folder 39: Subject - Natural Resources - Forestry Correspondence, May - September 1975

- Folder 40: Subject - Natural Resources - General, January - October 1978

- Folder 41: Subject - Natural Resources - General, 1978

- Folder 42: Subject - Natural Resources - General Correspondence, April - December 1975

- Box 287

- Folder 1: Subject - Natural Resources - Indians, 1978

- Folder 2: Subject - Natural Resources - Land Use, 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Natural Resources - Land Use, January - July 1978

- Folder 4: Subject - Natural Resources - Land Use Correspondence, May - November 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Natural Resources - National Parks Correspondence, April - November 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Natural Resources - National Parks [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 7: Subject - Natural Resources - National Parks [2 of 2], 1977

- Folder 8: Subject - Natural Resources - National Parks [1 of 2], 1978

- Folder 9: Subject - Natural Resources - National Parks [2 of 2], 1978

- Folder 10: Subject - Natural Resources - National Parks - Prairie National Park (Tallgrass Park), April - November 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Natural Resources - Prairie National Park, 1978

- Folder 12: Subject - Natural Resources - Rivers and Harbors Correspondence, April - August 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Natural Resources - Rivers and Harbors, February - March 1978

- Folder 14: Subject - Natural Resources - Strip Mining Correspondence, May - November 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Natural Resources - Strip Mining, May - October 1978

- Folder 16: Subject - Natural Resources - Wildlife, 1977

- Folder 17: Subject - Navy, 1969-1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Navy Correspondence, January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 19: Subject - Navy Game, 1969

- Folder 20: Subject - News Media [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 21: Subject - News Media [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 22: Subject - News Media [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 23: Subject - News Media [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 24: Subject - News Media [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 25: Subject - News Media Correspondence, January - April 1971

- Folder 26: Subject - News Media Correspondence, May - October 1971

- Folder 27: Subject - News Media Correspondence, February - December 1972

- Folder 28: Subject - News Media, 1973-1974

- Folder 29: Subject - Newsletter, 1969-1970

- Folder 30: Subject - Newsletter, 1973-1974

- Folder 31: Subject - Newsletter - Publicity Correspondence, 1975

- Box 288

- Folder 1: Subject - Nike Missile Site in Gardner, 1969-1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Nixon Administration [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Nixon Administration [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Nixon Administration [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Nixon Administration [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Nixon Administration [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Nixon Administration, April - July 1971

- Folder 8: Subject - Nixon Administration, August 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 9: Subject - Nixon Administration Correspondence, January - March 1971

- Folder 10: Subject - Nixon Administration Appointments - Department of Agriculture, 1969

- Folder 11: Subject - Nixon Administration Appointments - Department of Defense, 1969

- Folder 12: Subject - Nixon Administration Appointments - Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1969

- Folder 13: Subject - Nixon Administration Appointments - Department of Interior, 1969

- Folder 14: Subject - Nixon Administration Appointments - Department of Justice (DOJ), 1969

- Folder 15: Subject - Nixon Administration Appointments - Department of Transportation (DOT), 1969

- Folder 16: Subject - Nixon Administration Appointments - Miscellaneous, 1969

- Folder 17: Subject - Nixon Administration Appointments - Veterans Administration (VA), 1969

- Folder 18: Subject - Nixon Inauguration, January 20, 1973

- Folder 19: Subject - No-Fault - State Affairs Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 20: Subject - North and South Korea, 1969-1970

- Folder 21: Subject - Northern Ireland Correspondence, February 1972

- Folder 22: Subject - Nuclear and Atomic Energy, 1976

- Folder 23: Subject - Nuclear Power Plant Sites, Burlington, 1976

- Folder 24: Subject - Nutrition Committee - National Nutritional Survey Results, 1969-1973

- Folder 25: Subject - Nutrition - Food Stamps, 1971-1972

- Folder 26: Subject - Nutrition - Food Stamps, 1976

- Folder 27: Subject - Nutrition - General [1 of 2], 1970-1973

- Folder 28: Subject - Nutrition - General [2 of 2], 1969-1973

- Folder 29: Subject - Nutrition - Vitamins, 1975

- Folder 30: Subject - Nuts Correspondence, 1971-1973

- Folder 31: Subject - Nuts Correspondence, January - September 1971

- Folder 32: Subject - Nuts Correspondence, October 1971 - November 1972

- Box 289

- Folder 1: Subject - Office of Economic Opportunity, 1969-1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Office of Economic Opportunity, March - October 1971

- Folder 3: Subject - Office of Economic Opportunity, 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Subject - Office of Economic Opportunity, 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Office of Education, 1969-1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Office of Education, January - March 1971

- Folder 7: Subject - Office - Equipment and Supplies, 1969-1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Office - Interns, 1979

- Folder 9: Subject - Office - Internships, 1978-1979

- Folder 10: Subject - Office - Internships, 1979

- Folder 11: Subject - Office - Internships, 1979

- Folder 12: Subject - Office - Internships, 1979

- Folder 13: Subject - Office of Management and Budget, 1973

- Folder 14: Subject - Office - Personnel, 1969-1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Office Personnel, January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 16: Subject - Office - Personnel Recommendation, 1978-1979

- Folder 17: Subject - Office - Personnel Recommendations/Applications, 1979

- Folder 18: Subject - Office - Personnel Recommendations/Applications, 1979

- Folder 19: Subject - Office - Personnel Recommendations/Applications, 1979

- Folder 20: Subject - Office - Personnel Recommendations/Applications, 1979

- Folder 21: Subject - Office - Personnel Recommendations/Applications, 1979

- Folder 22: Subject - Office of the President, 1977

- Folder 23: Subject - Office of the President, 1978

- Folder 24: Subject - Office of the President - General, April - December 1975

- Folder 25: Subject - Office Stationery Account [1 of 2], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 26: Subject - Office Stationery Account [2 of 2], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 27: Subject - Office - Stationery Account Statements [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 28: Subject - Office - Stationery Account Statements [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 29: Subject - Office - Stationery Account Statements [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 30: Subject - Office - Stationery Account Statements [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 31: Subject - Oil, 1971

- Folder 32: Subject - Oil, 1972

- Folder 33: Subject - Oil [1 of 3] Part 2, January - April 1974

- Box 290

- Folder 1: Subject - Oil [2 of 3] Part 2, January - April 1974

- Folder 2: Subject - Oil [3 of 3] Part 2, January - April 1974

- Folder 3: Subject - Oil, Part 3, 1974

- Folder 4: Subject - Oil Energy, 1976

- Folder 5: Subject - Oil Import [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 6: Subject - Oil Import [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 7: Subject - Oil Import [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Oil Import [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 9: Subject - Oil Import [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Opposition to Butz' (Secretary of Agriculture) Confirmation [1 of 2], November - December 1971

- Folder 11: Subject - Opposition to Butz' (Secretary of Agriculture) Confirmation [2 of 2], November - December 1971

- Folder 12: Subject - Pages, January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 13: Subject - Pages (Senate), 1973-1974

- Folder 14: Subject - Page School, 1969-1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Panama, May - September 1978

- Folder 16: Subject - Panama Canal, 1969-1970

- Folder 17: Subject - Panama Canal, September 1971 - September 1972

- Folder 18: Subject - Panama Canal [1 of 2], January - December 1978

- Folder 19: Subject - Panama Canal [2 of 2], January - December 1978

- Folder 20: Subject - Panama Canal Jurisdiction, 1975

- Folder 21: Subject - Pay Board and Price Commission, 1973-1974

- Box 291

- Folder 1: Subject - Pay Raise [1 of 3], 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Pay Raise [2 of 3], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Pay Raise [3 of 3], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Pay Raise, 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Peace Corps, 1969-1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Pension Legislation - Public Welfare, 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Petitions, 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Petroleum Oil, February - November 1977

- Folder 9: Subject - Political - Electoral College, 1977

- Folder 10: Subject - Political Affairs, 1978-1979

- Folder 11: Subject - Political Affairs, 1979

- Folder 12: Subject - Political Affairs, 1979

- Folder 13: Subject - Political Affairs, 1979

- Folder 14: Subject - Political Affairs - Election, June - November 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Political Affairs - Election - Campaigns, July - December 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Political Affairs - Election - Presidential, December 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Political Affairs - Electoral College, October - December 1975

- Folder 18: Subject - Political Affairs - Electoral College, July - December 1978

- Folder 19: Subject - Political Affairs - General, May - December 1975

- Folder 20: Subject - Political Affairs - General, 1976

- Folder 21: Subject - Political Affairs - General, 1977

- Folder 22: Subject - Political Affairs - General [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 23: Subject - Political Affairs - General [2 of 2], 1977

- Folder 24: Subject - Political Affairs - General [1 of 2], 1978

- Folder 25: Subject - Political Affairs - General [2 of 2], 1978

- Folder 26: Subject - Political Affairs - National Convention, 1975

- Folder 27: Subject - Political Affairs - State Chairmen, August 1975

- Folder 28: Subject - Political Affairs - Voting Record, June 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Pollution - Air, April - November 1975

- Folder 30: Subject - Pollution - Air, 1976

- Folder 31: Subject - Pollution - Air, 1977

- Folder 32: Subject - Pollution - Air, 1978

- Folder 33: Subject - Pollution - Air and Water [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 34: Subject - Pollution - Air and Water [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 35: Subject - Pollution - Air and Water [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 36: Subject - Pollution - Air and Water [2 of 3], 1970

- Box 292

- Folder 1: Subject - Pollution - Air and Water [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Pollution - General, April - December 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Pollution - General, 1978

- Folder 4: Subject - Pollution Part 2 [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Pollution Part 2 [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Pollution Part 2 [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Pollution - Pesticides, September - October 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Pollution - Solid Waste, April - November 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Pollution - Solid Waste, 1976

- Folder 10: Subject - Pollution - Water, March - November 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Pollution - Water, 1976

- Folder 12: Subject - Pollution - Water, 1977

- Folder 13: Subject - Pollution - Water, 1978

- Folder 14: Subject - Post Office, January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 15: Subject - Post Office - General, 1969-1970

- Folder 16: Subject - Post Office - Postal Rates, 1969-1970

- Folder 17: Subject - Post Office - Mail Service, 1969

- Folder 18: Subject - Post Office Department - Obscene Mail, 1969-1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Postal Service [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 20: Subject - Postal Service [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 21: Subject - Postal Service, 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Postal Service, 1978-1979

- Folder 23: Subject - Postal Service, 1979

- Folder 24: Subject - Postal Service, 1979

- Folder 25: Subject - Postal Service, 1979

- Folder 26: Subject - Postal Service, 1979

- Folder 27: Subject - Postal Service - Commemorative Stamps, 1977

- Folder 28: Subject - Postal Service - General [1 of 3], April - December 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Postal Service - General [2 of 3], April - December 1975

- Folder 30: Subject - Postal Service - General [3 of 3], April - December 1975

- Folder 31: Subject - Postal Service - General, 1977

- Folder 32: Subject - Postal Service - General, 1978

- Folder 33: Subject - Postal Service - General, 1978

- Folder 34: Subject - Postal Service - Pay Raise, July - November 1975

- Box 293

- Folder 1: Subject - Postal Service - Rates, 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Postal Service - Rates, 1977

- Folder 3: Subject - Postal Service - Rates, 1978

- Folder 4: Subject - Postal Service - Reform, 1977

- Folder 5: Subject - Postal Service - Reform, 1978

- Folder 6: Subject - Postal Service - Stamps, May 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Postal Service - Stamps, 1978

- Folder 8: Subject - Postal Service - Stamps - Commemorative, April - November 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Poverty, 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Presidential Criticisms - Publicity, 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Presidential Prayer Breakfast, 1969-1970

- Folder 12: Subject - Press, September 1971 - April 1972

- Folder 13: Subject - Press - Publicity, 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Price Commission and Pay Board, February - December 1972

- Folder 15: Subject - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA), January - February 1971

- Folder 16: Subject - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA) [1 of 2], March - April 1971

- Folder 17: Subject - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA) [2 of 2], March - April 1971

- Folder 18: Subject - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA) [1 of 2], June - July 1971

- Folder 19: Subject - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA) [2 of 2], June - July 1971

- Folder 20: Subject - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA), April - July 1972

- Folder 21: Subject - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA), August - December 1972

- Folder 22: Subject - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA) [1 of 2], August - March 1972

- Folder 23: Subject - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA) [2 of 2], August - March 1972

- Folder 24: Subject - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing in Action (MIA), 1973

- Folder 25: Subject - Prisons - Reform, September 1975

- Folder 26: Subject - Programs for the Disabled, 1973

- Folder 27: Subject - Public Activities - Acknowledgements [1 of 3], 1975

- Folder 28: Subject - Public Activities - Acknowledgements [2 of 3], 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Public Activities - Acknowledgements [3 of 3], 1975

- Folder 30: Subject - Public Activities - Acknowledgements [1 of 2], 1978

- Folder 31: Subject - Public Activities - Acknowledgements [2 of 2], 1978

- Box 294

- Folder 1: Subject - Public Activities - Appointments, April - October 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Public Activities - Biographic Material, April 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Public Activities - Condolences, 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Public Activities - Condolences - From, 1978

- Folder 5: Subject - Public Activities - Condolences - To, 1978

- Folder 6: Subject - Public Activities - Congratulations, Undated

- Folder 7: Subject - Public Activities - Congratulations - From [1 of 2], 1978

- Folder 8: Subject - Public Activities - Congratulations - From [2 of 2], 1978

- Folder 9: Subject - Public Activities - Congratulations - From, 1978

- Folder 10: Subject - Public Activities - Courtesy [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Public Activities - Courtesy [2 of 2], 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Public Activities - Courtesy, 1978

- Folder 13: Subject - Public Activities - Criticisms, 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Public Activities - Criticisms, 1978

- Folder 15: Subject - Public Activities - General, 1975

- Folder 16: Subject - Public Activities - General, June 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Public Activities - General, October - December 1975

- Folder 18: Subject - Public Activities - General, July 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - Public Activities - General, September 1975

- Folder 20: Subject - Public Activities - General, May 1975

- Folder 21: Subject - Public Activities - General [1 of 2], 1978

- Folder 22: Subject - Public Activities - General [2 of 2], 1978

- Folder 23: Subject - Public Activities - General Requests, 1978

- Folder 24: Subject - Public Activities - Get Well, 1978

- Folder 25: Subject - Public Activities - Gratuities [1 of 3], 1975

- Folder 26: Subject - Public Activities - Gratuities [2 of 3], 1975

- Folder 27: Subject - Public Activities - Gratuities [3 of 3], 1975

- Folder 28: Subject - Public Activities - Greetings, 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Public Activities - Greetings, 1978

- Folder 30: Subject - Public Activities - Introductions - April 21, 1975

- Folder 31: Subject - Public Activities - Invitations, 1975

- Folder 32: Subject - Public Activities - Invitations, 1978

- Box 295

- Folder 1: Subject - Public Activities - Memberships, 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Public Activities - Newsletter, 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Public Activities - Recommendations, 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Public Activities - Recommendations, 1978

- Folder 5: Subject - Public Activities - Requests, 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Public Activities - Requests [1 of 3], January 1 - November 15 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Public Activities - Requests [2 of 3], January 1 - November 15 1975

- Folder 8: Subject - Public Activities - Requests [3 of 3], January 1 - November 15 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Public Activities - Requests - Agriculture Bulletins, 1975

- Folder 10: Subject - Public Activities - Requests - Agriculture Yearbooks, 1975

- Folder 11: Subject - Public Activities - Requests - Debate, 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Public Activities - Requests - Flags, 1975

- Folder 13: Subject - Public Activities - Requests - Pages, 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Public Activities - Requests - Pictures, 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Public Activities - Thank You (From) [1 of 5], 1978

- Folder 16: Subject - Public Activities - Thank You (From) [2 of 5], 1978

- Folder 17: Subject - Public Activities - Thank You (From) [3 of 5], 1978

- Folder 18: Subject - Public Activities - Thank You (From) [4 of 5], 1978

- Folder 19: Subject - Public Activities - Thank You (From) [5 of 5], 1978

- Folder 20: Subject - Public Activities and Thank Yous [1 of 3], 1978-1979

- Folder 21: Subject - Public Activities and Thank Yous [2 of 3], 1978-1979

- Folder 22: Subject - Public Activities and Thank Yous [3 of 3], 1978-1979

- Box 296

- Folder 1: Subject - Public Activities - Thank Yous - Appearances [1 of 3], 1979

- Folder 2: Subject - Public Activities - Thank Yous - Appearances [2 of 3], 1979

- Folder 3: Subject - Public Activities - Thank Yous - Appearances [3 of 3], 1979

- Folder 4: Subject - Public Activities - Thank Yous - Appearances [1 of 3], 1979

- Folder 5: Subject - Public Activities - Thank Yous - Appearances [2 of 3], 1979

- Folder 6: Subject - Public Activities - Thank Yous - Appearances [3 of 3], 1979

- Folder 7: Subject - Public Activities - Thank Yous - Appearances [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 8: Subject - Public Activities - Thank Yous - Appearances [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 9: Subject - Public Activities - Thank Yous - Appearances, 1979

- Folder 10: Subject - Public Activities - Thank Yous - Appearances, 1979

- Folder 11: Subject - Public Activities - Visitors, 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Public Demonstrations Correspondence [1 of 10], May 1970

- Folder 13: Subject - Public Demonstrations Correspondence [2 of 10], May 1970

- Folder 14: Subject - Public Demonstrations Correspondence [3 of 10], May 1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Public Demonstrations Correspondence [4 of 10], June 1970

- Folder 16: Subject - Public Demonstrations Correspondence [5 of 10], June 1970

- Folder 17: Subject - Public Demonstrations Correspondence [6 of 10], June 1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Public Demonstrations Correspondence [7 of 10], July 1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Public Demonstrations Correspondence [8 of 10], August 1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Public Demonstrations Correspondence [9 of 10], September 1970

- Folder 21: Subject - Public Demonstrations Correspondence [10 of 10], October - December 1970

- Folder 22: Subject - Public Welfare, 1979

- Folder 23: Subject - Public Works Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 24: Subject - Public Works - Corps of Engineers, January 1976 - January 1977

- Folder 25: Subject - Public Works - Corps of Engineers, 1978

- Folder 26: Subject - Public Works - Corps of Engineers - Kansas, 1977

- Box 297

- Folder 1: Subject - Public Works - Corps of Engineers - National, 1977

- Folder 2: Subject - Public Works - General, January - December 1976

- Folder 3: Subject - Public Works - General, 1977

- Folder 4: Subject - Public Works - General, 1978

- Folder 5: Subject - Public Works - Pension Legislation, 1977

- Folder 6: Subject - Publicity Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 7: Subject - Publicity - Newsletter - Mailing List, February - July 1976

- Folder 8: Subject - Publicity - Press, February - November 1976

- Folder 9: Subject - Publicity - Press, 1978

- Folder 10: Subject - Pueblo Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Quality Education, January - August 1976

- Folder 12: Subject - Questionnaires [1 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 13: Subject - Questionnaires [2 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 14: Subject - Questionnaires [3 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 15: Subject - Questionnaires [4 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Subject - Railroad Retirement, 1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Radio Broadcast - Publicity Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 18: Subject - Red China Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Red China Correspondence, 1971

- Folder 20: Subject - Red China Correspondence, October 1971 - April 1972

- Folder 21: Subject - Reform - Taxes Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 22: Subject - Reform - Welfare, 1975

- Folder 23: Subject - Republicans, 1973-1974

- Folder 24: Subject - Requests, 1979

- Folder 25: Subject - Requests, 1979

- Folder 26: Subject - Requests, 1979

- Folder 27: Subject - Requests, 1979

- Folder 28: Subject - Requests, 1979

- Folder 29: Subject - Requests - Agricultural Yearbooks, 1978

- Folder 30: Subject - Requests - Flags, March - May 1978

- Folder 31: Subject - Requests - General [1 of 2], February - May 1978

- Folder 32: Subject - Requests - General [2 of 2], February - May 1978

- Folder 33: Subject - Requests - General, May - June 1978

- Folder 34: Subject - Requests - General, May - August 1978

- Folder 35: Subject - Requests - General, September - November 1978

- Folder 36: Subject - Requests - General, October - December 1978

- Folder 37: Subject - Requests - Photos, 1978

- Box 298

- Folder 1: Subject - Reserved Forces, 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Reservoir - Blue River Basin, 1976

- Folder 3: Subject - Revenue Sharing, 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Subject - Revenue Sharing - Taxes Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 5: Subject - Rhodesia Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Richard M. Nixon [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 7: Subject - Richard M. Nixon [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Right to Work Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 9: Subject - Riots (City and Campus Disorders) Correspondence [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 10: Subject - Riots (City and Campus Disorders) Correspondence [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 11: Subject - Riots (City and Campus Disorders) Correspondence, 1970

- Folder 12: Subject - Robert Kennedy Memorial Correspondence, 1969

- Folder 13: Subject - Rocky Mountain Educational Laboratory, 1969

- Folder 14: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, January [1 of 2], 1973

- Folder 15: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, January [2 of 2], 1973

- Folder 16: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, February [1 of 2], 1973

- Folder 17: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, February [2 of 2], 1973

- Folder 18: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, March [1 of 2], 1973

- Folder 19: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, March [2 of 2], 1973

- Folder 20: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, April, 1973

- Folder 21: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, May, 1973

- Folder 22: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, June, 1973

- Folder 23: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, July [1 of 2], 1973

- Folder 24: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, July [2 of 2], 1973

- Folder 25: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, August, 1973

- Folder 26: Subject - Rural - Dairy and Electrification, September - December, 1973

- Folder 27: Subject - Rural Development, 1969-1972

- Box 299

- Folder 1: Subject - Rural Development Subcommittee, 1971-1972

- Folder 2: Subject - Rural Electric Association, 1971-1972

- Folder 3: Subject - Rural Electrification Administration (REA), 1975

- Folder 4: Subject - Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Problems - Rural Electrification, January 1973

- Folder 5: Subject - Rural Environmental Assistance Program (REAP), 1971-1972

- Folder 6: Subject - Rural Environmental Assistance Program (REAP) [1 of 2], 1972-1973

- Folder 7: Subject - Rural Environmental Assistance Program (REAP) [2 of 2], 1972-1973

- Folder 8: Subject - Rural Revenue Sharing, 1971

- Folder 9: Subject - Rural Revenue Sharing [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 10: Subject - Rural Revenue Sharing [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 11: Subject - Rural Revitalization Act of 1971, 1972

- Folder 12: Subject - Russia, October 1971 - October 1972

- Folder 13: Subject - Russia, 1973-1974

- Folder 14: Subject - Russia, July - December 1978

- Folder 15: Subject - Ryan White Care Act [1 of 7], 1991

- Folder 16: Subject - Ryan White Care Act [2 of 7], 1991

- Folder 17: Subject - Ryan White Care Act [3 of 7], 1991

- Folder 18: Subject - Ryan White Care Act [4 of 7], 1991

- Folder 19: Subject - Ryan White Care Act [5 of 7], 1991

- Folder 20: Subject - Ryan White Care Act [6 of 7], 1991

- Folder 21: Subject - Ryan White Care Act [7 of 7], 1991

- Folder 22: Subject - School Construction, January - July 1976

- Folder 23: Subject - School Lunch Program, 1971-1972

- Folder 24: Subject - Secondary Boycott Amendments, 1970

- Folder 25: Subject - Securities and Exchange, 1971

- Folder 26: Subject - Securities and Exchange, 1973-1974

- Folder 27: Subject - Securities and Exchange Commission, 1970

- Folder 28: Subject - Security, National - General, 1975

- Folder 29: Subject - Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, 1969-1970

- Folder 30: Subject - Selective Service - Correspondence General, 1969-1970

- Folder 31: Subject - Senate Select Committee on Nutrition, 1971-1973

- Folder 32: Subject - Senator's Field Offices in Kansas, 1975

- Box 300

- Folder 1: Subject - Services for the Blind, 1973

- Folder 2: Subject - Services for the Disabled, 1969-1970

- Folder 3: Subject - Sex Education Correspondence [1 of 3], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Sex Education Correspondence [2 of 3], 1969

- Folder 5: Subject - Sex Education Correspondence [3 of 3], 1969

- Folder 6: Subject - Sex Education Correspondence, 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Shilling Manor, 1976

- Folder 8: Subject - Small Business Administration, 1973-1974

- Folder 9: Subject - Small Business Administration - Correspondence General, 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Small Business Administration Correspondence, January 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 11: Subject - Social - General Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Social Programs for the Aged, 1976

- Folder 13: Subject - Social Security, 1978-1979

- Folder 14: Subject - Social Security, 1979

- Folder 15: Subject - Social Security, 1979

- Folder 16: Subject - Social Security, 1979

- Folder 17: Subject - Social Security, 1979

- Folder 18: Subject - Social Security Administration, 1974

- Folder 19: Subject - Social Security - Correspondence General, 1969-1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Social Security Correspondence, November 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 21: Subject - Social Security - Drug Coverage, 1970-1972

- Folder 22: Subject - Social Security - G, 1974

- Folder 23: Subject - Social Security - General [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 24: Subject - Social Security - General [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 25: Subject - Social Security - H [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 26: Subject - Social Security - H [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 27: Subject - Social Security - I, J, 1974

- Folder 28: Subject - Social Security - K, 1974

- Folder 29: Subject - Social Security - L, 1974

- Box 301

- Folder 1: Subject - Social Security - M [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 2: Subject - Social Security - M [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 3: Subject - Social Security - N, O, 1974

- Folder 4: Subject - Social Security - P, Q, 1974

- Folder 5: Subject - Social Security - R, 1974

- Folder 6: Subject - Social Security - S, 1974

- Folder 7: Subject - Social Security - S, 1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Social Security - T, 1974

- Folder 9: Subject - Social Security - U, V, 1974

- Folder 10: Subject - Social Security - W [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 11: Subject - Social Security - W [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Social Security - X, Y, Z, 1974

- Folder 13: Subject - Social Security - Welfare, 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Social Welfare - General, 1976

- Folder 15: Subject - Soil Conservation, 1971-1972

- Folder 16: Subject - Solar Energy, 1976

- Folder 17: Subject - Solar Energy, March - November 1977

- Folder 18: Subject - Southeast Asia [1 of 2], May 1971

- Folder 19: Subject - Southeast Asia [2 of 2], May 1971

- Folder 20: Subject - Southeast Asia, February - March 1972

- Folder 21: Subject - Southeast Asia [1 of 4], 1973-1974

- Box 302

- Folder 1: Subject - Southeast Asia [2 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Subject - Southeast Asia [3 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 3: Subject - Southeast Asia [4 of 4], 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - January-February [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 5: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - January-February [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 6: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - March [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 7: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - March [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 8: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - April [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 9: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - April [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 10: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - June [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 11: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - June [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 12: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - July, 1971

- Folder 13: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - August-October, 1971

- Folder 14: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - November-January, 1971-1972

- Folder 15: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - May, 1972

- Box 303

- Folder 1: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - June, 1972

- Folder 2: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - July-September, 1972

- Folder 3: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence - October-December, 1972

- Folder 4: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) [1 of 7], 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) [2 of 7], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) [3 of 7], 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) [4 of 7], 1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) [5 of 7], 1970

- Folder 9: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) [6 of 7], 1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Southeast Asia Correspondence (Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) [7 of 7], 1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Southeast Asia Part 2 (Letters Answered in Office - Not form letters) [1 of 6], 1970

- Folder 12: Subject - Southeast Asia Part 2 (Letters Answered in Office - Not form letters) [2 of 6], 1970

- Folder 13: Subject - Southeast Asia Part 2 (Letters Answered in Office - Not form letters) [3 of 6], 1970

- Folder 14: Subject - Southeast Asia Part 2 (Letters Answered in Office - Not form letters) [4 of 6], 1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Southeast Asia Part 2 (Letters Answered in Office - Not form letters) [5 of 6], 1970

- Folder 16: Subject - Southeast Asia Part 2 (Letters Answered in Office - Not form letters) [6 of 6], 1970

- Folder 17: Subject - Southeast Asia Part 3 [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Southeast Asia Part 3 [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 19: Subject - Southeast Asia Part 3 [3 of 3], 1970

- Box 304

- Folder 1: Subject - Space and Aeronautics - Apollo, 1978

- Folder 2: Subject - Space and Aeronautics - General, 1975

- Folder 3: Subject - Space and Aeronautics - General, February - July 1976

- Folder 4: Subject - Space and Aeronautics - General, 1977

- Folder 5: Subject - Space Program, 1969

- Folder 6: Subject - Space Program, 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Space Program, January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 8: Subject - State Affairs - General [1 of 2], January - December 1976

- Folder 9: Subject - State Affairs - General [2 of 2], January - December 1976

- Folder 10: Subject - State Affairs - General [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 11: Subject - State Affairs - General [2 of 2], 1977

- Folder 12: Subject - State Affairs - General, 1978

- Folder 13: Subject - State Affairs - Insurance, 1976

- Folder 14: Subject - State Affairs - Johnson County, 1976

- Folder 15: Subject - State Affairs - Prairie National Park, April - May 1977

- Folder 16: Subject - State Affairs and Taxes - General, 1978

- Folder 17: Subject - State Correspondence, February 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 18: Subject - State - Publicity - Press, 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - State - Taxes, 1975

- Folder 20: Subject - Strikes, 1969-1970

- Folder 21: Subject - Summer Interns, 1968-1970

- Folder 22: Subject - Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant, 1970-1971

- Folder 23: Subject - Superior Continental Corporation [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 24: Subject - Superior Continental Corporation [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 25: Subject - Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Letters, January - June 1995

- Folder 26: Subject - Supreme Court [1 of 4], 1969

- Folder 27: Subject - Supreme Court [2 of 4], 1969

- Folder 28: Subject - Supreme Court [3 of 4], 1969

- Folder 29: Subject - Supreme Court [4 of 4], 1969

- Folder 30: Subject - Supreme Court, November 1970 - November 1972

- Folder 31: Subject - Supreme Court, 1973

- Folder 32: Subject - Supreme Court Nominations (Judge Carswell and Justice Blackman) [1 of 2], 1970

- Box 305

- Folder 1: Subject - Supreme Court Nominations (Judge Carswell and Justice Blackman) [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Supreme Court Part 2 [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Supreme Court Part 2 [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Supreme Court Part 2 [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Supreme Court Part 2 [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Supreme Court Part 3, 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Taxation - General [1 of 3], 1978

- Folder 8: Subject - Taxation - General [2 of 3], 1978

- Folder 9: Subject - Taxation - General [3 of 3], 1978

- Folder 10: Subject - Taxes - General [1 of 4], 1978

- Folder 11: Subject - Taxes - General [2 of 4], 1978

- Folder 12: Subject - Taxes - General [3 of 4], 1978

- Folder 13: Subject - Taxes - General [4 of 4], 1978

- Folder 14: Subject - Taxes, 1978-1979

- Folder 15: Subject - Taxes, 1979

- Folder 16: Subject - Taxes, 1979

- Box 306

- Folder 1: Subject - Taxes [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 2: Subject - Taxes [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 3: Subject - Taxes [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 4: Subject - Taxes [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 5: Subject - Taxes [1 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 6: Subject - Taxes [2 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 7: Subject - Taxes [3 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 8: Subject - Taxes [1 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 9: Subject - Taxes [2 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 10: Subject - Taxes [3 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 11: Subject - Taxes [1 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 12: Subject - Taxes [2 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 13: Subject - Taxes [3 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 14: Subject - Taxes [1 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 15: Subject - Taxes [2 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 16: Subject - Taxes [3 of 3], 1989-1990

- Box 307

- Folder 1: Subject - Tax Correspondence Part 5 [1 of 4], 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Tax Correspondence Part 5 [2 of 4], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Tax Correspondence Part 5 [3 of 4], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Tax Correspondence Part 5 [4 of 4], 1969

- Folder 5: Subject - Tax Correspondence Part 5 [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Tax Correspondence Part 5 [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Tax - Estate, 1976

- Folder 8: Subject - Tax - Excise, 1976

- Folder 9: Subject - Tax Exemption on Wheat Sales to Russia, 1972

- Folder 10: Subject - Tax - Federal Estate, 1977

- Folder 11: Subject - Tax - Federal Income, 1976

- Folder 12: Subject - Tax - Federal Income, March - June 1977

- Folder 13: Subject - Tax - Gas and Oil (Oil Depletion) Correspondence [1 of 7], 1969

- Folder 14: Subject - Tax - Gas and Oil (Oil Depletion) Correspondence [2 of 7], 1969

- Folder 15: Subject - Tax - Gas and Oil (Oil Depletion) Correspondence [3 of 7], 1969

- Folder 16: Subject - Tax - Gas and Oil (Oil Depletion) Correspondence [4 of 7], 1969

- Folder 17: Subject - Tax - Gas and Oil (Oil Depletion) Correspondence [5 of 7], 1969

- Folder 18: Subject - Tax - Gas and Oil (Oil Depletion) Correspondence [6 of 7], 1969

- Folder 19: Subject - Tax - Gas and Oil (Oil Depletion) Correspondence [7 of 7], 1969

- Folder 20: Subject - Tax - Gas and Oil (Oil Depletion) Correspondence, 1970

- Folder 21: Subject - Tax - General [1 of 4], 1977

- Folder 22: Subject - Tax - General [2 of 4], 1977

- Folder 23: Subject - Tax - General [3 of 4], 1977

- Folder 24: Subject - Tax - General [4 of 4], 1977

- Box 308

- Folder 1: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 1 [1 of 7], 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 1 [2 of 7], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 1 [3 of 7], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 1 [4 of 7], 1969

- Folder 5: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 1 [5 of 7], 1969

- Folder 6: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 1 [6 of 7], 1969

- Folder 7: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 1 [7 of 7], 1969

- Folder 8: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 2 [1 of 6], 1969

- Folder 9: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 2 [2 of 6], 1969

- Folder 10: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 2 [3 of 6], 1969

- Folder 11: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 2 [4 of 6], 1969

- Folder 12: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 2 [5 of 6], 1969

- Folder 13: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 2 [6 of 6], 1969

- Folder 14: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 3 [1 of 5], 1969

- Folder 15: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 3 [2 of 5], 1969

- Folder 16: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 3 [3 of 5], 1969

- Folder 17: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 3 [4 of 5], 1969

- Folder 18: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 3 [5 of 5], 1969

- Box 309

- Folder 1: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 4 [1 of 4], 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 4 [2 of 4], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 4 [3 of 4], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence Part 4 [4 of 4], 1969

- Folder 5: Subject - Tax - General Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Tax - Home Repair Correspondence, 1969

- Folder 7: Subject - Tax - Investment Credit Repeal Correspondence [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 8: Subject - Tax - Investment Credit Repeal Correspondence [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 9: Subject - Tax - Investment Credit Repeal Correspondence, 1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Tax - Municipal Bonds Correspondence [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 11: Subject - Tax - Municipal Bonds Correspondence [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 12: Subject - Tax - Real Estate Settlement Procedure, 1976

- Folder 13: Subject - Tax - Reduction, March - June 1977

- Folder 14: Subject - Tax - Reduction Act - Taxes - Federal Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Tax - Reform [1 of 3], 1976

- Folder 16: Subject - Tax - Reform [2 of 3], 1976

- Folder 17: Subject - Tax - Reform [3 of 3], 1976

- Folder 18: Subject - Tax - Reform [1 of 3], 1976

- Folder 19: Subject - Tax - Reform [2 of 3], 1976

- Folder 20: Subject - Tax - Reform [3 of 3], 1976

- Folder 21: Subject - Tax - Reform, 1977

- Folder 22: Subject - Tax - Revenue Sharing, 1976

- Folder 23: Subject - Tax - Revenue Sharing, January - April 1977

- Folder 24: Subject - Tax - State, 1976

- Folder 25: Subject - Tax - Surtax Correspondence [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 26: Subject - Tax - Surtax Correspondence [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 27: Subject - Tax - Surtax Correspondence, 1970

- Box 310

- Folder 1: Subject - Television Broadcasts - Publicity Correspondence, 1975

- Folder 2: Subject - Thank You [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Thank You [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Thank You Acknowledgements, 1969-1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Thank You [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Thank You [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Thank You Correspondence [1 of 4], 1971

- Folder 8: Subject - Thank You Correspondence [2 of 4], 1971

- Folder 9: Subject - Thank You Correspondence [3 of 4], 1971

- Folder 10: Subject - Thank You Correspondence [4 of 4], 1971

- Folder 11: Subject - Thank You Correspondence [1 of 4], 1972

- Folder 12: Subject - Thank You Correspondence [2 of 4], 1972

- Folder 13: Subject - Thank You Correspondence [3 of 4], 1972

- Folder 14: Subject - Thank You Correspondence [4 of 4], 1972

- Box 311

- Folder 1: Subject - Thank You [1 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 2: Subject - Thank You [2 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 3: Subject - Thank You [3 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 4: Subject - Thank You [4 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 5: Subject - Thank You [5 of 5], 1973-1974

- Folder 6: Subject - Thank You Part 2 [1 of 4], 1974

- Folder 7: Subject - Thank You Part 2 [2 of 4], 1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Thank You Part 2 [3 of 4], 1974

- Folder 9: Subject - Thank You Part 2 [4 of 4], 1974

- Folder 10: Subject - Tobacco, 1971

- Folder 11: Subject - Trade - General, 1975

- Folder 12: Subject - Trade with Mainland China, 1971

- Folder 13: Subject - Trans World Airlines (TWA), 1973-1974

- Folder 14: Subject - Transportation [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 15: Subject - Transportation [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Subject - Transportation, 1974-1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Transportation, 1975

- Folder 18: Subject - Transportation, 1979

- Folder 19: Subject - Transportation, 1979

- Folder 20: Subject - Transportation, 1979

- Box 312

- Folder 1: Subject - Transportation, 1979

- Folder 2: Subject - Transportation, 1979

- Folder 3: Subject - Transportation - Amtrak [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 4: Subject - Transportation - Amtrak [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 5: Subject - Transportation Correspondence, 1971

- Folder 6: Subject - Transportation Correspondence, 1972

- Folder 7: Subject - Transportation Correspondence General, 1969-1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Transportation - General, 1975

- Folder 9: Subject - Transportation - Highways, 1973-1974

- Folder 10: Subject - Transportation - Railroads, January - October 1971

- Folder 11: Subject - Transportation - Time Zone Correspondence [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 12: Subject - Transportation - Time Zone Correspondence [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 13: Subject - Transportation - Time Zone Correspondence, 1970

- Folder 14: Subject - Transportation - Trucks Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 15: Subject - Treasury, 1973-1974

- Folder 16: Subject - Treasury, 1974-1975

- Folder 17: Subject - Treasury - Correspondence, 1967-1970

- Folder 18: Subject - Treasury - Correspondence, January 1971 - May 1972

- Folder 19: Subject - Treaties - Genocide Correspondence [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 20: Subject - Treaties - Genocide Correspondence [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 21: Subject - Treaties - Genocide Correspondence [1 of 2], December 1970 - April 1971

- Folder 22: Subject - Treaties - Genocide Correspondence [2 of 2], December 1970 - April 1971

- Folder 23: Subject - Treaties - Genocide Correspondence, May 1971 - December 1972

- Folder 24: Subject - Treaties - Non-Proliferation Treaty Correspondence [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 25: Subject - Treaties - Non-Proliferation Treaty Correspondence [2 of 2], 1970

- Box 313

- Folder 1: Subject - Unanswered Mail, 1970

- Folder 2: Subject - Unanswered Mail [1 of 2], 1974

- Folder 3: Subject - Unanswered Mail [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 4: Subject - United Nations, 1969-1970

- Folder 5: Subject - United Nations, March - September 1971

- Folder 6: Subject - United Nations [1 of 2], October 1971

- Folder 7: Subject - United Nations [2 of 2], October 1971

- Folder 8: Subject - United Nations [1 of 2], November 1971

- Folder 9: Subject - United Nations [2 of 2], November 1971

- Folder 10: Subject - United Nations, December 1971 - October 1972

- Folder 11: Subject - United Nations, 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Subject - United Nations, 1978-1979

- Folder 13: Subject - United Nations, 1979

- Folder 14: Subject - United Nations, 1979

- Folder 15: Subject - United Nations, 1979

- Folder 16: Subject - United Nations, 1979

- Folder 17: Subject - United Nations - Funding, 1976

- Folder 18: Subject - United Nations - General, 1975

- Folder 19: Subject - United Nations - General, 1976

- Folder 20: Subject - United States Bicentennial, 1976

- Folder 21: Subject - United States Organization, 1974

- Folder 22: Subject - U.S. Postal Service - Commemorative Stamps, 1976

- Folder 23: Subject - U.S. Postal Service - General [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 24: Subject - U.S. Postal Service - General [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 25: Subject - U.S. Postal Service - Rates, 1976

- Folder 26: Subject - U.S. Postal Service - Reform, 1976

- Folder 27: Subject - Utilities, 1976

- Folder 28: Subject - Utilities, February - November 1977

- Folder 29: Subject - Vatican, 1970

- Folder 30: Subject - Veterans, 1979

- Folder 31: Subject - Veterans, 1979

- Folder 32: Subject - Veterans, 1979

- Folder 33: Subject - Veterans' Administration, 1969

- Folder 34: Subject - Veterans' Administration, 1973-1974

- Folder 35: Subject - Veterans' Administration Correspondence, 1969-1970

- Folder 36: Subject - Veterans' Administration Correspondence, February 1971 - April 1972

- Box 314

- Folder 1: Subject - Veterans Benefits [1 of 3], 1976

- Folder 2: Subject - Veterans Benefits [2 of 3], 1976

- Folder 3: Subject - Veterans Benefits [3 of 3], 1976

- Folder 4: Subject - Veterans - Facilities, 1976

- Folder 5: Subject - Veterans - General, 1975

- Folder 6: Subject - Veterans - General, 1976

- Folder 7: Subject - Vice-President [1 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Vice-President [2 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 9: Subject - Vice-President [3 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 10: Subject - Vietnam [1 of 6], 1969

- Folder 11: Subject - Vietnam [2 of 6], 1969

- Folder 12: Subject - Vietnam [3 of 6], 1969

- Folder 13: Subject - Vietnam [4 of 6], 1969

- Folder 14: Subject - Vietnam [5 of 6], 1969

- Folder 15: Subject - Vietnam [6 of 6], 1969

- Folder 16: Subject - Vietnam Part 2 [1 of 3], 1969

- Folder 17: Subject - Vietnam Part 2 [2 of 3], 1969

- Folder 18: Subject - Vietnam Part 2 [3 of 3], 1969

- Folder 19: Subject - Vietnam Part 3 [1 of 5], 1969

- Folder 20: Subject - Vietnam Part 3 [2 of 5], 1969

- Box 315

- Folder 1: Subject - Vietnam Part 3 [3 of 5], 1969

- Folder 2: Subject - Vietnam Part 3 [4 of 5], 1969

- Folder 3: Subject - Vietnam Part 3 [5 of 5], 1969

- Folder 4: Subject - Vietnam Part 3, 1970

- Folder 5: Subject - Vietnam Part 4 [1 of 7], 1970

- Folder 6: Subject - Vietnam Part 4 [2 of 7], 1970

- Folder 7: Subject - Vietnam Part 4 [3 of 7], 1970

- Folder 8: Subject - Vietnam Part 4 [4 of 7], 1970

- Folder 9: Subject - Vietnam Part 4 [5 of 7], 1970

- Folder 10: Subject - Vietnam Part 4 [6 of 7], 1970

- Folder 11: Subject - Vietnam Part 4 [7 of 7], 1970

- Folder 12: Subject - Vietnam, August - December 1978

- Folder 13: Subject - Vietnam - Aid to Orphans, 1975

- Folder 14: Subject - Vietnam deaths from Kansas, 1967-1968

- Folder 15: Subject - Visitors [1 of 4], 1969

- Folder 16: Subject - Visitors [2 of 4], 1969

- Folder 17: Subject - Visitors [3 of 4], 1969

- Folder 18: Subject - Visitors [4 of 4], 1969

- Folder 19: Subject - Visitors Part 1 [1 of 2], 1969

- Folder 20: Subject - Visitors Part 1 [2 of 2], 1969

- Folder 21: Subject - Visitors Part 2 [1 of 3], 1969-1970

- Folder 22: Subject - Visitors Part 2 [2 of 3], 1969-1970

- Folder 23: Subject - Visitors Part 2 [3 of 3], 1969-1970

- Box 316

- Folder 1: Subject - Visitors [1 of 5], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 2: Subject - Visitors [2 of 5], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 3: Subject - Visitors [3 of 5], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 4: Subject - Visitors [4 of 5], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 5: Subject - Visitors [5 of 5], January 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 6: Subject - Visitors [1 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Subject - Visitors [2 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Visitors [3 of 3], 1973-1974

- Folder 9: Subject - Visitors, 1978

- Folder 10: Subject - Visitors - Passes, 1978

- Folder 11: Subject - Volunteer Fire Department Funding, 1971

- Folder 12: Subject - Voting Age, February 1971 - June 1972

- Folder 13: Subject - Wage and Price Freeze, 1971

- Folder 14: Subject - Warren Commission, 1975

- Folder 15: Subject - Watergate [1 of 4], April - October 1973

- Folder 16: Subject - Watergate [2 of 4], April - October 1973

- Folder 17: Subject - Watergate [3 of 4], April - October 1973

- Folder 18: Subject - Watergate [4 of 4], April - October 1973

- Folder 19: Subject - Watergate Part 2 [1 of 4], September - November 1973

- Folder 20: Subject - Watergate Part 2 [2 of 4], September - November 1973

- Box 317

- Folder 1: Subject - Watergate Part 2 [3 of 4], September - November 1973

- Folder 2: Subject - Watergate Part 2 [4 of 4], September - November 1973

- Folder 3: Subject - Watergate Part 3 [1 of 4], November - December 1973

- Folder 4: Subject - Watergate Part 3 [2 of 4], November - December 1973

- Folder 5: Subject - Watergate Part 3 [3 of 4], November - December 1973

- Folder 6: Subject - Watergate Part 3 [4 of 4], November - December 1973

- Folder 7: Subject - Watergate Part 4 [1 of 3], December 1973 - March 1974

- Folder 8: Subject - Watergate Part 4 [2 of 3], December 1973 - March 1974

- Folder 9: Subject - Watergate Part 4 [3 of 3], December 1973 - March 1974

- Folder 10: Subject - Watergate Part 5 [1 of 5], 1974

- Folder 11: Subject - Watergate Part 5 [2 of 5], 1974

- Folder 12: Subject - Watergate Part 5 [3 of 5], 1974

- Folder 13: Subject - Watergate Part 5 [4 of 5], February - October 1974

- Folder 14: Subject - Watergate Part 5 [5 of 5], February - October 1974

- Folder 15: Subject - Welfare - General, June - November 1979

- Folder 16: Subject - Welfare Reform, 1976

- Folder 17: Subject - White Corn Prices, 1971

- Box 318

- Folder 1: Subject - White House [1 of 3], 1970-1971

- Folder 2: Subject - White House [2 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 3: Subject - White House [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 4: Subject - White House [1 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 5: Subject - White House [2 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 6: Subject - White House [3 of 3], 1971-1972

- Folder 7: Subject - White House [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Subject - White House [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 9: Subject - Wichita School Desegregation, 1968-1969

- Folder 10: Subject - Wichita School Problem, May - June 1971

- Folder 11: Subject - William Calley Trial [1 of 8], 1971

- Folder 12: Subject - William Calley Trial [2 of 8], 1971

- Folder 13: Subject - William Calley Trial [3 of 8], 1971

- Folder 14: Subject - William Calley Trial [4 of 8], 1971

- Folder 15: Subject - William Calley Trial [5 of 8], 1971

- Folder 16: Subject - William Calley Trial [6 of 8], 1971

- Folder 17: Subject - William Calley Trial [7 of 8], 1971

- Folder 18: Subject - William Calley Trial [8 of 8], 1971

- Folder 19: Subject - Withholding of Funds (from the White House), May - June 1971

- Folder 20: Subject - World Food Conference, 1974

- Folder 21: Subject - World Hunger, 1969-1970

- Folder 22: Subject - Write-In U.S.A., 1973

- Folder 23: Subject - Wyandotte County Newsletter - State Affairs, 1975

- Box 335: Individual - Marsh, Homer, July 19, 1995

- Item 1: Pictures of Collage by Homer Marsh

- This item is a folder containing 12 access photos of the collage: 1 panorama of the whole front, 5 separate photos of the front, and 6 separate pictures of the back.
- Item 2: Mailing Envelope of Collage by Homer Marsh, July 19, 1995

- This item is an envelope measuring roughly 15 x 14 inches. It is made from a brown paper bag and decorated with a collage of photos and news clippings. It is addressed to "Hon. Robert Dole: The man who would be President," and is postmarked July 19, 1995.
- Item 3: Collage by Homer Marsh, July 19, 1995

- This collage is housed separately from box 335; it is rolled and stored with the oversize manuscripts. It is approximately 32 feet long and at its widest point, measures 51.5 inches. It is a mixed media collage made up of photocopies, news clippings, photos, brochures, and pogs with handwritten captions. Subject matter is varied, but large amounts of the collage is related to American history and American pop culture. News clippings and brochures largely hail from newspapers and sites in Virginia.
- Box 336: Oversize

- Folder 7: Chronological 0337012001 - 0337012177 [2 of 3], October 1980

- Folder 8: Chronological - 3136862001 - 313662017 [3 of 3], January - May 1983

- Folder 9: Chronological 6132062001 - 6132062122 [3 of 3], March - May 1986

- Folder 10: Chronological - 5027062001 - 5034062090 [2 of 3], January - February 1995

- Folder 11: Subject - Public Activities - Acknowledgements [2 of 3], 1975

- Box Oversize A: Mixed Collection Box

- Folder 4: Individual - Katz, Bill, 1973 - 1974

- Box Oversize B: Mixed Collection Box

- Folder 12: Chronological 2247062001 - 2255062084 [4 of 4], August - September 1992

- Folder 13: Legislation - Welfare Reform, January 1971 - October 1972

- Series 5: Military Appointment Files, 1969-1996

- Boxes 319-319 contain applications sent to Senator Dole by those seeking his recommendation for appointment to the Federal Service Academies. Because of the personal information they contain, the bulk of these records are restricted indefinitely.
- Extent: 11 boxes
Restriction: These files are restricted indefinitely.











- Folder 55: Women in Service Academies, 1974

- This folder is NOT restricted.
- Series 6: Reference Files, 1969-1995

- These files represent quick reference materials kept by the administrative staff. They contain basic information about state government, corporate contacts, and government publications which aided correspondents in answering requests.
- Arrangement: These files are arranged alphabetically.
Extent: 3 boxes
- Box 330

- Folder 1: AgrAbility, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Alabama, February 7 1985 - August 31 1988

- Folder 3: Alaska, August 26 1985 - March 30 1988

- Folder 4: Arizona, September 23 1982 - May 1 1991

- Folder 5: Arkansas, January 19 1982 - September 13 1991

- Folder 6: California (1 of 2), January 15 1981 - April 15 1991

- Folder 7: California (2 of 2), January 15 1981 - April 15 1991

- Folder 8: Colorado, September 19 1983 - July 13 1988

- Folder 9: Connecticut, May 23 1983 - March 19 1990

- Folder 10: Debate Topic Information Request, March - September 1976

- Folder 11: Delaware, May 7 1987 - September 9 1988

- Folder 12: Disability Related Publications (1 of 6), 1990-1995

- Folder 13: Disability Related Publications (2 of 6), 1990-1995

- Folder 14: Disability Related Publications (3 of 6), 1990-1995

- Folder 15: Disability Related Publications (4 of 6), 1990-1995

- Folder 16: Disability Related Publications (5 of 6), 1990-1995

- Folder 17: Disability Related Publications (6 of 6), 1990-1995

- Folder 18: District of Columbia, January 25 1984 - December 11 1991

- Folder 19: Ethnic Groups, May 14 1984 - February 10 1986

- Folder 20: Florida, October 19 1981 - October 16 1991

- Folder 21: Foreign Country Contact, May 14 1981 - October 12 1989

- Folder 22: Georgia, October 19 1981 - December 22 1987

- Folder 23: Hawaii, August 12 1983 - November 18 1991

- Folder 24: Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) - Dr. Irmagene N. Holloway Program, 1969

- Box 331

- Folder 1: Idaho, April 23 1987 - October 17 1990

- Folder 2: Illinois, July 30 1981 - October 20 1989

- Folder 3: Indiana, February 28 1983 - August 10 1989

- Folder 4: Iowa, May 6 1982 - October 21 1989

- Folder 5: Kansas, October 12 1986 - October 28 1991

- Folder 6: Kansas City Personal Visits, April 27 1983 - November 22 1989

- Folder 7: Kansas Coordinating Council on Early Childhood Development Services, August 8 1994 - January 9 1995

- Folder 8: Kansas Laws, Disabled, August 17 1992 - September 30 1993

- Folder 9: Kansas Rehabilitation Services, April 15 1981

- Folder 10: Kentucky, August 28 1984 - September 8 1989

- Folder 11: Louisiana, February 15 1984 - September 24 1991

- Folder 12: Maine, October 19 1982 - July 24 1989

- Folder 13: Maryland, July 6 1984 - September 1 1989

- Folder 14: Massachusetts, May 11 1983 - July 26 1991

- Folder 15: Michigan, December 21 1982 - November 7 1989

- Folder 16: Minnesota, November 1 1982 - March 29 1990

- Folder 17: Miscellaneous Personal Visits, March 18 1982 - March 2 1990

- Folder 18: Miscellaneous Requests, February 12 1982 - March 14 1983

- Folder 19: Mississippi, May 3 1983 - October 27 1988

- Folder 20: Missouri, July 27 1983 - June 13 1991

- Folder 21: Montana, June 17 1986 - February 25 1988

- Folder 22: Nebraska, August 19 1983 - November 17 1989

- Folder 23: Nevada, February 23 1982 - April 2 1985

- Folder 24: New Hampshire, October 14 1982 - March 29 1990

- Folder 25: New Jersey, March 5 1982 - June 11 1991

- Folder 26: New Mexico, June 1 1983 - March 19 1988

- Folder 27: New York (1 of 2), September 17 1981 - June 12 1991

- Folder 28: New York (2 of 2), September 17 1981 - June 12 1991

- Folder 29: North Carolina, November 22 1983 - July 18 1988

- Folder 30: North Dakota, October 20 1982 - September 14 1988

- Folder 31: Ohio, February 28 1983 - December 1 1989

- Folder 32: Oklahoma, January 6 1984 - June 7 1990

- Folder 33: Oregon, February 12 1987

- Folder 34: Overseas, May 26 1987 - November 7 1990

- Folder 35: Pennsylvania, March 10 1983 - September 24 1991

- Folder 36: Puerto Rico, November 30 1984 - September 22 1987

- Folder 37: Rhode Island, May 15 1984

- Folder 38: Social Security / Entitlements, June 16 - November 7 1994

- Folder 39: South Carolina, April 8 1983 - February 17 1989

- Folder 40: South Dakota, August 4 1982 - May 24 1988

- Folder 41: Tennessee, July 16 1981 - June 22 1990

- Folder 42: Texas, August 1982 - June 13 1991

- Folder 43: Topeka Personal Visits, March 24 1982 - January 29 1990

- Folder 44: Trips, People to Visit, 1985

- Folder 45: Utah, May 18 - 25 1982

- Folder 46: Vermont, March 20 1984 - May 14 1987

- Folder 47: Virginia, October 7 1981 - April 19 1991

- Folder 48: Virgin Islands, May 5 1983

- Folder 49: Washington, March 22 1984 - March 27 1989

- Folder 50: Wedding Invitations, Gifts, Etc., 1990

- Box 332

- Folder 1: Wedding Invitations, Gifts, Etc., 1991

- Folder 2: Wedding Invitations, Gifts, Etc. (1 of 2), 1994

- Folder 3: Wedding Invitations, Gifts, Etc. (2 of 2), 1994

- Folder 4: West Virginia, October 1 1987 - June 18 1991

- Folder 5: Wichita Personal Visits, February 19 1982 - December 12 1989

- Folder 6: Wisconsin, August 15 1983 - September 15 1989

- Folder 7: Wyoming, July 27 1983 - September 26 1985

- Series 7: Requests for Materials, 1969-1996

- This series documents all of the requests received by the Senator's office. The bulk comprises requests for meetings with the Senator, both from constituents and others.
- Arrangement: These files are arranged alphabetically
Extent: 2 boxes
- Box 333

- Folder 1: Appointment Memos, 1991

- Folder 2: Appointment Memos, 1992

- Folder 3: Appointment Memos (1 of 2), 1993

- Folder 4: Appointment Memos (2 of 2), 1993

- Folder 5: Appointment Memos (1 of 3), 1994

- Folder 6: Appointment Memos (2 of 3), 1994

- Folder 7: Appointment Memos (3 of 3), 1994

- Folder 8: Appointment Requests - May, 1995

- Folder 9: Appointment Requests - June, 1995

- Folder 10: Appointment Requests - July, 1995

- Folder 11: Appointment Requests - August, 1995

- Folder 12: Appointment Requests - September, 1995

- Folder 13: Appointment Requests - October, 1995

- Folder 14: Appointment Requests - November, 1995

- Box 334

- Folder 1: Appointment Requests - November-December, 1995

- Folder 2: Appointment Requests - January, 1996

- Folder 3: Appointment Requests - February, 1996

- Folder 4: Appointment Requests - March, 1996

- Folder 5: Appointment Requests - April, 1996

- Folder 6: Appointment Requests - May, 1996

- Folder 7: Civil Service (1 of 2), November 1968 - May 1970

- Folder 8: Civil Service (2 of 2), November 1968 - May 1970

- Folder 9: Civil Service (1 of 3), December 1968 - December 1970

- Folder 10: Civil Service (2 of 3), December 1968 - December 1970

- Folder 11: Civil Service (3 of 3), December 1968 - December 1970

- Folder 12: Congressional Committee Inquiries, April - November 1975

- Folder 13: Constituent Requests, April 1977 - September 1980

- Folder 14: Correspondence With Deaf, October 1972 - June 1973

- Folder 15: First Home Investment Corporation, March - September 1976

- Folder 16: Kansas Inquiries (1 of 2), August 1974 - January 1976

- Folder 17: Kansas Inquiries (2 of 2), August 1974 - January 1976

- Folder 18: Lebanese Refugees, May 1976

- Folder 19: Newsletter, Correspondence, February 1971 - November 1972

- Folder 20: Small Business Administration (SBA), March 1969 - December 1970

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Administrative Assistants, 1969-1996],
Series 2: Form Letters, 1978-1990],
Series 3: Grants and Projects, 1969-1990],
Series 4: Issue Mail, 1967-1996],
Series 5: Military Appointment Files, 1969-1996],
Series 6: Reference Files, 1969-1995],
Series 7: Requests for Materials, 1969-1996],