By Jean Bischoff, Morgan Davis, Robert Ingersol, Matthew Upson
Collection Overview
Title: Robert J. Dole House of Representatives Papers, 1960-1969

ID: 01/001
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 120.5 Linear Feet
Arrangement: The papers are organized chronologically, much as they were when they made up the working files in the Congressman's office. Each box is indexed to the folder level.
Scrapbooks, photographs, books, film, sound recordings, maps, printed materials, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia found within the House Papers have been removed from the manuscript collection and indexed separately.
The Dole House Papers are organized into five (5) Record Groups, each containing several series, which reflect the activities of the congressman and his staff.
Examination of files in all five record groups reveals how closely then-Congressman Dole was involved with all of the functions of his office. Activities in each of these areas provided support for his bi-yearly re-election bids. Indeed, these records were not the only means for performing these functions; they supplement telephone and in-person communications. The majority of files contain Senator Dole's handwritten comments, instructions, or replies to telephone and written communications.
Subjects: Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021, Kansas, Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ), United States. Congress. House.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The collection spans the dates 1960-1969 and includes a small number of official records, personal letters and other items relating to Dole's college years, his military service, and his legal career as Russell County (KS) attorney and lawyer in private practice. The main body of the papers documents Dole's campaign for the U.S. House of Representatives in 1959-1960, subsequent Congressional campaigns, and the eight years (1961-1969) he spent as a congressman from Kansas' Sixth and later First Congressional Districts. The 119 cartons of material include correspondence, memos, reports, newsletters, speeches, casework, statements, testimony, campaign and Republican Party records.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Access Restrictions:
Some materials within the Dole Archive are restricted because of their sensitive nature or because they contain personal or confidential information. These records are protected by federal laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Examples of restricted records are personnel files, medical records, financial records, and any materials containing personal information such as addresses and social security numbers. Restricted materials are identified at the box and/or folder level within the finding aid. Questions about these materials may be directed to the Senior Archivist of the Dole Archives.
The casework files in the collection have been retained, but are restricted indefinitely. Access may be allowed on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Dole Archives and only after a proposal has been reviewed and approved by the University of Kansas Human Subjects Committee.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Many of the documents and other historical materials in the Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way. Senator Dole has not donated his copyright interest in his papers and other historical materials to the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics. Permission to publish must be obtained from him or his designee.
There are other materials in the library carrying a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.
Processing Information:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Constituent Relations],
[Series 2: Legislative],
Series 3: Office Administration],
Series 4: Personal/Political],
Series 5: Press],
- Series 2: Legislative

- Sub-Series 1: Committee Files

- Box 142

- Folder 11: Agriculture (1 of 2), 1961

- Box 143

- Folder 1: Agriculture (2 of 2), 1961

- Folder 2: Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, 1963-1966

- Folder 3: Agriculture Committee Communications, 1964-1966

- Folder 4: Agriculture Committee (Main File), 1967

- Folder 5: Agriculture-Department Oversight and Consumer Credit Subcommittee, 1961-1962

- Folder 6: Agriculture-Family Farm Subcommittee, 1961

- Folder 7: Agriculture-Oilseeds and Rice Subcommittee, 1961

- Folder 8: Agriculture-Products Utilization Subcommittee, 1962

- Folder 9: Agriculture-Subcommittee on Equipment, Supplies, and Manpower, 1961

- Folder 10: Civil Aeronautics Board, 1961

- Folder 11: Congressional Redistricting, 1960

- Folder 12: Conservation and Credit Subcommittee

- Box 144

- Folder 1: Conservation and Credit Subcommittee (1 of 2), 1963-1965

- Folder 2: Conservation and Credit Subcommittee (2 of 2), 1963-1965

- Folder 3: Cooley, Harold D. Chairman [House Committee on Agriculture], 1961

- Folder 4: Cotton Subcommittee, 1965

- Folder 5: Family Farms Subcommittee, 1963-1965

- Folder 6: Foreign Operations and Government Information Subcommittee, 1966

- Folder 7: Government Operations Committee, 1965-1966

- Folder 8: India Codel Book, 1964-1967

- Folder 9: Interior (U.S. Department of) Bureau of Reclamation- General, 1961

- Box 145

- Folder 1: International Wheat Agreements, 1965

- Folder 2: Kansas-Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation, 1961

- Folder 3: Legal and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee, 1965-1966

- Folder 4: Livestock and Feed Grain Subcommittee, 1966

- Folder 5: Project-Interstate Highway (Phil Weaver) 1962

- Folder 6: Public Works Committee, 1961-1965

- Folder 7: Republican Conference Committee, 1965-1966

- Folder 8: Rural Electrification Administration (REA), 1966

- Folder 9: Rural Electrification (REA) Legislation, 1966-1967

- Box 146

- Folder 1: Soil Conservation Subcommittee (1 of 2), 1964-1966

- Folder 2: Soil Conservation Subcommittee (2 of 2), 1964-1966

- Folder 3: Testimony of N. Battle Hale

- Folder 4: World Food Study Commission, 1965-1966

- Sub-Series 2: Congressional Record Inserts

- Box 146

- Folder 5: 88th Congress-Extension of Remarks, 1963-1964

- Folder 6: Congressional Record-Extension of Remarks (1 of 2), 1961

- Folder 7: Congressional Record-Extension of Remarks (2 of 2), 1961

- Sub-Series 3: General Legislative Subjects

- Legislative subject files illustrate how Congressman Dole's interests expanded over eight years from an initial narrow set of agricultural, transportation, and education matters to a much broader range of issues relating to the national and international political climate and economy. Files reflect his focus widening from wheat allotments, reclamation projects, and rail service reductions to broader themes, including the ongoing conflict that Republicans from farm states experienced with Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman, military base closings in the First District (coupled with expansion of the military's role in Southeast Asia), increasing global interdependence, and the pervasive presence of the federal government in all aspects of Kansans' lives. Topics convey a sense of the conservative view on dominant issues of the Kennedy/Johnson administrations.
Of particular interest are files relating to legislation authorizing the shipment of wheat to India, tracing how Dole eventually allied with President Johnson to alleviate Third World hunger. Likewise, files concerning Food For Peace (P.L.480) legislation reveal how Congressman Dole sought to modify this act in characteristically conservative ways, by supporting an anti-Communist clause and adding a Farmer-to-Farmer assistance exchange. Legislative initiatives relating to hunger and nutrition that Congressman Dole led in the House of Representatives formed the groundwork for his later work in the Senate on implementing school lunch programs, the WIC and Food Stamp programs. Files contain a broad range of background research and topical information, reports, statements, clippings, research, prints (some annotated), industry publications and promotional material. Topics include: Cuba, Vietnam, admission of Red China to the U.N.
- Box 146

- Folder 8: AFL-CIO, 1963-1966

- Box 147

- Folder 1: Agency for International Development, 1963-1967

- Folder 2: Agriculture Correspondence-Cotton, 1968

- Folder 3: Agriculture Conservation (1 of 2), 1965

- Folder 4: Agriculture Conservation (2 of 2), 1965

- Folder 5: Agriculture-Falk Farm Program

- Folder 6: Department of Agriculture-Farm Bureau, 1962-1964

- Folder 7: Agriculture-Farm Surplus, 1962

- Folder 8: Agriculture-Farm Workers, 1962

- Folder 9: Department of Agriculture-Farmer's Union, 1963-1964

- Folder 10: Agriculture-Feedgrain Bill Legislation

- Folder 11: Flaxseed Information, 1962

- Folder 12: Agriculture-Food Stamp Act of 1966, 1966

- Box 148

- Folder 1: Agriculture-Food Stamp Plan, 1963-1964

- Folder 2: Agriculture, General Information, 1961

- Folder 3: Agriculture-Important Farm Letters, 1961-1962

- Folder 4: Agriculture-International Wheat Agreement, 1959-1961

- Folder 5: Agriculture-Livestock, 1962

- Folder 6: Agriculture-Milk-Dairy Information, 1962

- Folder 7: Agriculture-Milk Program, 1962

- Folder 8: Agriculture-REA (Rural Electrification Association), 1962

- Folder 9: Agriculture-Relocation of Wheat, 1963-1964

- Folder 10: Agriculture-Sedimentation Tests, 1961-1962

- Folder 11: Agriculture-Soil Conservation, 1962

- Folder 12: Agriculture-Subcommittee on Equipment, Supplies, and Manpower, 1961

- Folder 13: Agriculture-Turkeys, 1962

- Folder 14: Agriculture-Wheat Export, 1962

- Box 149

- Folder 1: Agriculture-Wheat Information (1 of 2), 1961-1962

- Folder 2: Agriculture-Wheat Information (2 of 2), 1961-1962

- Folder 3: Agriculture-Wheat Legislation (1 of 5), 1965

- Folder 4: Agriculture-Wheat Legislation (2 of 5), 1965

- Folder 5: Agriculture-Wheat Legislation (3 of 5), 1965

- Folder 6: Agriculture-Wheat Legislation (4 of 5), 1965

- Box 150

- Folder 1: Agriculture-Wheat Legislation, 1965

- Folder 2: Agriculture Department-Rural Electrification Administration (REA), 1966-1968

- Folder 3: Agriculture-Correspondence-Sugar, 1967-1968

- Folder 4: Agriculture-Wheat Information (1 of 2), 1967-1968

- Folder 5: Agriculture-Wheat Information (2 of 2), 1967-1968

- Folder 6: Agriculture-Wheat Reserve Information (1 of 2), 1967-1968

- Box 151

- Folder 1: Agriculture-Wheat Reserve Information (2 of 2), 1967-1968

- Folder 2: Agriculture, US Department of Conservation and Credit Subcommittee, 1961

- Folder 3: Agriculture, US Department of-Conservation Reserve, 1961

- Folder 4: Agriculture, US Department of-Departmental Oversight and Consumer Relations Subcommittee, 1961

- Folder 5: Agriculture, US Department of, 1961

- Folder 6: Agriculture, Department of-Sugar Beet Production, 1961

- Folder 7: Agriculture, Department of-Tobacco, 1961

- Folder 8: Air Force, Department of, 1961

- Folder 9: Alger, Bruce (9th District, Texas), 1961

- Folder 10: American Enterprise Association, 1961

- Folder 11: American Medical Association Summaries, 1968

- Folder 12: Anderson, (Governor) John

- Folder 13: Backdoor Spending, 1961

- Folder 14: Banking and Currency Committee, 1967-1968

- Folder 15: Bostwick-Extension of Development Period, 1951-1962

- Folder 16: Barr, Charles, 1961

- Folder 17: Bill: Presidential Reports, 1962

- Box 152

- Folder 1: Boxcar Situation, 1965-1966

- Folder 2: Bulgar, 1962-1963

- Folder 3: Bureau of Reclamation, 1963-1965

- Folder 4: Church and State, 1961

- Folder 5: Civil Defense, 1963-1965

- Folder 6: Civil Defense, 1965-1968

- Folder 7: Civil Rights (1 of 3), 1964-1966

- Box 153

- Folder 1: Civil Rights (2 of 3), 1964-1966

- Folder 2: Civil Rights (3 of 3), 1964-1966

- Folder 3: Commodity Exchange Act, 1966

- Folder 4: Congress-General Kansas Reapportionment (1 of 2), 1964

- Folder 5: Congress-General Kansas Reapportionment (2 of 2), 1964

- Folder 6: Congressional Reform and Reorganization (1 of 3), 1964-1966

- Box 154

- Folder 1: Congressional Reform and Reorganization (2 of 3), 1964-1966

- Folder 2: Congressional Reform and Reorganization (3 of 3), 1964-1966

- Folder 3: Congressional Schedule, 1965

- Folder 4: Constitutional Revision, 1966-1968

- Folder 5: Cooperatives (Miscellaneous), 1964-1966

- Folder 6: Cotton Legislation, 1963-1964

- Folder 7: Cotton Law and Legislation, 1965-1966

- Folder 8: Crime Legislation, 1964-1966

- Box 155

- Folder 1: Dairy Legislation, 1963-1965

- Folder 2: Dairy Legislation, 1963-1966

- Folder 3: Defense-Air Force-Schilling AFB, 1961

- Folder 4: Defense-Army Corps of Engineers-Flood Control at Clyde, KS, 1961

- Folder 5: Defense-Army Corps of Engineers-Woodbine Dam, Lyons, KS, 1961

- Folder 6: Defense-Army Corps of Engineers, 1961

- Folder 7: Defense-Coast Guard Recreational Boating, 1961

- Folder 8: Defense, Department of, 1960-1961

- Folder 9: Department of Agriculture-Great Plains What (Inc.), 1963

- Box 156

- Folder 1: Department of Agriculture-Wheat Legislation, 1962

- Folder 2: Department of Justice-School Prayer, 1964

- Folder 3: Department of the Air Force, 1963-1966

- Folder 4: Department of the Army, 1963-1965

- Folder 5: Department of the Navy, 1964-1965

- Folder 6: Disney, Walt (Dole's Bill H.U. Res. 287), 1963-1968

- Folder 7: District of Columbia Committee

- Folder 8: Domestic Peace Corps, 1963

- Folder 9: Drug Legislation, 1964-1966

- Box 157

- Folder 1: Drugs (1 of 2), 1961-1968

- Folder 2: Drugs (2 of 2), 1961-1968

- Folder 3: Education and Labor Subcommittee, 1963-1966

- Folder 4: Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, 1964-1966

- Folder 5: Farm Bureau-Clarence Rupp, 1965-1966

- Folder 6: Federal AID to Education, 1965-1966

- Folder 7: Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1961

- Folder 8: Federal Communications Commission (1 of 2), 1966-1968

- Box 158

- Folder 1: Federal Communications Commission (2 of 2), 1966-1968

- Folder 2: Federal Housing Administration, 1966

- Folder 3: Federal Land Banks Correspondence (1 of 2), 1966-1967

- Folder 4: Federal Land Banks Correspondence (2 of 2), 1966-1967

- Folder 5: Federal Power Commission, 1961

- Folder 6: Federal Power Commission, 1967-1968

- Folder 7: Federal Grain Legislation, 1963-1966

- Folder 8: Findley, Paul (Congressman), 1961

- Folder 9: Fish and Wildlife Services, 1962-1965

- Folder 10: Fish Flour, 1961-1963

- Folder 11: Food and Drug Administration, 1963-1966

- Box 159

- Folder 1: Food for Peace P.L. 480 (1 of 3), 1963-1965

- Folder 2: Food for Peace P.L. 480 (2 of 3), 1963-1965

- Folder 3: Food for Peace P.L. 480 (3 of 3)

- Folder 4: Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), 1967

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy, 1961

- Folder 6: Free Enterprise, 1961

- Folder 7: Freeman, Orville (Agriculture Secretary) (1 of 4), 1963-1964

- Folder 8: Freeman, Orville (Agriculture Secretary) (2 of 4), 1963-1964

- Box 160

- Folder 1: Freeman, Orville (Agriculture Secretary) (3 of 4), 1963-1964

- Folder 2: Freeman, Orville (Agriculture Secretary) (4 of 4), 1963-1964

- Folder 3: Freeman, Orville Letters, 1966

- Folder 4: Government Operations-Commodity Import Program-Vietnam, 1966

- Folder 5: Grain Division, 1964

- Folder 6: Grain Marketing Research Center (U.S.D.A.), 1962-1966

- Folder 7: Grain Standards, 1963

- Folder 8: Grain Standards Act Information, 1967-1968

- Folder 9: Grange Newsletter, 1961

- Folder 10: Health, Education, and Welfare-Office of Education, 1961

- Box 161

- Folder 1: Health, Education, and Welfare Department (1 of 2), 1966-1967

- Folder 2: Health, Education, and Welfare Department (2 of 2), 1966-1967

- Folder 3: Helium (1 of 2), 1961-1963

- Folder 4: Helium (2 of 2), 1961-1963

- Folder 5: Interstate Commerce Commission, 1963-1964

- Folder 6: ICC Train Discontinuance Hearings in Kansas (1 of 3), 1967-1968

- Box 162

- Folder 1: ICC Train Discontinuance Hearings in Kansas (2 of 3), 1967-1968

- Folder 2: ICC Train Discontinuance Hearings in Kansas (3 of 3), 1967-1968

- Folder 3: Imports, 1961

- Folder 4: Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, 1963-1966

- Folder 5: Interior, Department of-Bureau of Reclamation-Hearings, 1960-1961

- Folder 6: Interior, Department of-Bureau of Reclamation-Almena Unit-Norton Dam, 1961

- Folder 7: Interior, Department of, 1961

- Folder 8: Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, 1964-1965

- Folder 9: Kansas-Labor, 1961

- Folder 10: Labor-Right to Work, 1961

- Folder 11: Legislation-American National Cattleman's Association, 1961

- Folder 12: Legislation-Labor (General) 1961

- Folder 13: Legislation-National Fuels Policy, 1961

- Folder 14: Legislation-Socialized Medicine, 1961

- Box 163

- Folder 1: Legislation-Unemployment Compensation, 1961

- Folder 2: Livestock (Meat Inspection) Information, 1967-1968

- Folder 3: Livestock Legislation (1 of 3), 1962-1964

- Folder 4: Livestock Legislation (2 of 3), 1962-1964

- Folder 5: Livestock Legislation (3 of 3), 1962-1964

- Folder 6: Livestock Legislation, 1965-1966

- Box 164

- Folder 1: Medicare, 1965-1966

- Folder 2: Mexican Farm Labor, 1964-1966

- Folder 3: Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group, 1968

- Folder 4: Miscellaneous-Agriculture, 1961-1966

- Folder 5: Miscellaneous Subcommittees, 1961-1966

- Folder 6: Missouri Basin, 1961

- Folder 7: Mitchell, William, 1961

- Folder 8: Moral Re-armament, 1961

- Folder 9: National Guard Reorganization, 1963-1966

- Folder 10: National Rivers and Harbors Conference, 1961

- Box 165

- Folder 1: National Small Business Association, 1962-1964

- Folder 2: Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 1963

- Folder 3: Office of Economic Opportunity, 1965-1966

- Folder 4: Office of Education (1 of 3), 1963-1966

- Folder 5: Office of Education (2 of 3), 1963-1966

- Folder 6: Office of Education (3 of 3), 1963-1966

- Folder 7: Office of Rural Development, 1961-1965

- Box 166

- Folder 1: Oil Imports (1 of 2), 1963-1965

- Folder 2: Oil Imports (2 of 2), 1963-1965

- Folder 3: Oil Imports, 1965

- Folder 4: Peace Corps (1 of 2), 1963-1965

- Folder 5: Peace Corps (2 of 2), 1963-1965

- Box 167

- Folder 1: Postal Legislation, 1961-1966

- Folder 2: Prayer in Public Schools, 1963-1966

- Folder 3: Project-Colorado Water, 1961

- Folder 4: Project-Watershed Work Plans, 1961-1962

- Folder 5: Reapportionment (State Legislatures) (1 of 4), 1963-1966

- Folder 6: Reapportionment (State Legislatures) (2 of 4), 1963-1966

- Folder 7: Reapportionment (State Legislatures) (3 of 4), 1963-1966

- Box 168

- Folder 1: Reapportionment (State Legislatures) (4 of 4), 1963-1966

- Folder 2: Reapportionment (State Legislatures) (1 of 3), 1964-1965

- Folder 3: Reapportionment (State Legislatures) (2 of 3), 1964-1965

- Folder 4: Reapportionment (State Legislatures) (3 of 3), 1964-1965

- Folder 5: Republican Task Force of Agriculture, 1965-1966

- Box 169

- Folder 1: Right to Work Committee-Kansas and National, 1965

- Folder 2: Right to Work Legislation, 1965

- Folder 3: Rural Areas Development Subcommittee, 1963-1966

- Folder 4: Rural Electrification Administration (REA), 1962-1966

- Folder 5: Sale of Wheat to Russia, 1965

- Folder 6: Schnittker, John A., 1966

- Folder 7: Secretary of Agriculture-Orville Freeman Activities, 1965-1966

- Folder 8: Secretary's Speeches, Orville Freeman Statements, 1966

- Folder 9: Selective Service Hearing Materials, 1965-1966

- Folder 10: Small Business Administration, 1961-1962

- Box 170

- Folder 1: Small Business Administration, 1963-1965

- Folder 2: Soil Conservation Service, 1964

- Folder 3: Social Security Administration, 1965-1966

- Folder 4: Soil Conservation Service, 1963-1966

- Folder 5: Soil Conservation, 1965-1966

- Folder 6: Space Program, 1961-1964

- Folder 7: Special Committee of Aging, 1963-1965

- Folder 8: Sugar Allotment, 1961

- Folder 9: Sugar Beet Factories, 1963-1964

- Box 171

- Folder 1: Sugar Beets, 1961-1962

- Folder 2: Sugar Beets, 1966

- Folder 3: Sugar Legislation (1 of 2), 1962-1964

- Folder 4: Sugar Legislation (2 of 2), 1962-1964

- Folder 5: Sugar Legislation (1 of 4), 1965-1966

- Box 172

- Folder 1: Sugar Legislation (2 of 4), 1965-1966

- Folder 2: Sugar Legislation (3 of 4), 1965-1966

- Folder 3: Sugar Legislation (4 of 4), 1965-1966

- Folder 4: Surplus Stocks, Sales, Relocation, 1962-1966

- Folder 5: Television and Radio

- Folder 6: Time Zone Materials, 1967

- Box 173

- Folder 1: Transportation Issues, 1961

- Folder 2: Transportation Legislation, 1963

- Folder 3: U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1963

- Folder 4: Veteran's Death Certificates, 1963-1965

- Box 174

- Folder 1: Veteran's Legislation, 1963-1966

- Folder 2: Vietnam Situation (1 of 4), 1965-1966

- Folder 3: Vietnam Situation (2 of 4), 1965-1966

- Folder 4: Vietnam Situation (3 of 4), 1965-1966

- Folder 5: Vietnam Situation (4 of 4), 1965-1966

- Folder 6: Washington D.C. Improvement and Difficulties, 1963-1966

- Box 175

- Folder 1: Washington Farmletter, 1962-1963

- Folder 2: Wheat Legislation (1 of 2), 1962-1964

- Folder 3: Wheat Legislation (2 of 2), 1962-1964

- Folder 4: Wheat Legislation 88th Congress (1 of 3), 1963-1964

- Folder 5: Wheat Legislation 88th Congress (2 of 3), 1963-1964

- Folder 6: Wheat Legislation 88th Congress (3 of 3), 1963-1964

- Box 176

- Folder 1: Wheat Legislation, 1965-1966

- Folder 2: Wheat Referendum, 1963-1964

- Folder 3: Wheat Subcommittee, 1963-1966

- Folder 4: Wheat to India, 1966-1968

- Sub-Series 4: Kansas Related Projects

- Box 176

- Folder 5: Corps of Engineers, 1960-1966

- Box 177

- Folder 1: Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) Kansas School Assistance, 1970

- Folder 2: Kansas SCD (Soil Conservation District) (1 of 2), 1963

- Folder 3: Kansas SCD (Soil Conservation District) (2 of 2)

- Folder 4: Kansas Water Resources Board, 1962-1966

- Sub-Series 5: Specific Bill Legislation

- Relate to passage (or blockage) of "New Frontier" and "Great Society" legislation, farm bills, veterans' legislation, transportation, and defense appropriations. Files include statements, testimony, releases, correspondence, committee prints, updated versions of bills, 'dear colleagues', and handwritten vote tallies. Writings point to the support Dole gave to civil rights issues and legislation: " …without question it seems the federal government must prevail, particularly in this situation. In talking to some of the Congressmen from Mississippi, you quickly sense just how deep and serious this problem is." Topics include: Food for Peace, Civil Rights, HUAC, Cuban Situation, Bread and Butter Corps, Mexican Farm Labor, United Nations, Selective Service, Peace Corps.
- Box 177

- Folder 5: Agriculture-Agriculture Committee, 1961-1962

- Folder 6: Agriculture-Barley Information, 1961

- Folder 7: Agriculture-Bread Tax, 1965

- Folder 8: Agriculture-Farm Bill Defeat, 1962

- Folder 9: Agriculture-Farm Conference Report, 1962

- Folder 10: Agriculture-Farm Program, 1961-1962

- Folder 11: Farmer-to-Farmer Program, 1967-1968

- Box 178

- Folder 1: Agriculture-Feed Grain Committee Prints, 1961

- Folder 2: Agriculture-Feed Grain Information (1 of 2), 1961-1962

- Folder 3: Agriculture-Feed Grain Information (2 of 2), 1961-1962

- Folder 4: Agriculture-H.R. 12748 Dole Bill-Agriculture Extension, 1962

- Folder 5: Agriculture-Marketing, 1967-1968

- Folder 6: New Agriculture Act of 1962

- Folder 7: Agriculture-Omnibus Farm Bill-Committee Information, 1961

- Folder 8: Agriculture-Farm Bill Title I, 1961

- Folder 9: Agriculture-Omnibus Farm Bill-Title II (P.L. 460), 1960

- Folder 10: Agriculture-Omnibus Farm Bill-Title IV, 1961

- Box 179

- Folder 1: Agriculture-Omnibus Farm Bill-Title VII

- Folder 2: Agriculture-P.L. 480, 1961

- Folder 3: Public Law 78 Mexican Farm Labor Program, 1961

- Folder 4: Wheat Committee Prints, 1961

- Folder 5: Agriculture-Wheat-Mr. Dole, 1962

- Folder 6: Agriculture-1962 Wheat Program

- Folder 7: Agriculture-Wool Imports and Textiles (Dole's Bill H.R. 120970), 1967-1968

- Folder 8: Agriculture-Cotton, 1966-1967

- Folder 9: Agriculture Department, 1967-1968

- Box 180

- Folder 1: Agriculture, Farm Price Information, 1967

- Folder 2: Food for Peace Information (1 of 4), 1967-1968

- Folder 3: Food for Peace Information (2 of 4), 1967-1968

- Folder 4: Food for Peace Information (3 of 4), 1967-1968

- Folder 5: Food for Peace Information (4 of 4), 1967-1968

- Folder 6: Agricultural Marketing Service, 1962

- Box 181

- Folder 1: Agriculture-Poultry Information, 1968

- Folder 2: REA Information (1 of 2), 1967-1968

- Folder 3: REA Information (2 of 2), 1967-1968

- Folder 4: Agriculture-REA Legislation (1 of 2), 1967-1968

- Folder 5: Agriculture-REA Legislation (2 of 2)

- Box 182

- Folder 1: Agriculture, REA Telephone Correspondence, 1967-1968

- Folder 2: Agriculture, Rural Telephone Legislation, 1967-1968

- Folder 3: Department of Watershed Protection, 1961

- Folder 4: Department of Wheat, 1961

- Folder 5: Agriculture, Department of-H.R. 6946 Wheat, 1961

- Folder 6: Agriculture, Department of Rural Electrification Program, 1961

- Folder 7: Agriculture-Farmer-to-Farmer Program, 1966-1968

- Folder 8: Bill: H.R. 11921 Foreign Assistance, 1962

- Folder 9: Bill: H.R. 11921 S. 2996 Foreign Aid, 1962

- Folder 10: Bill: H.R. 8399 Manpower Development, 1962

- Folder 11: Bill: Domestic Oil, 1962

- Folder 12: Bill: H.R. 10162 IMF (International Monetary Fund), 1962

- Folder 13: Bill: H.R. 562 Appropriation for Aircraft, Missiles, Naval Vessels, 1962

- Folder 14: Bill: H.R. 608 All Channel Television, 1962

- Folder 15: Bill: H.J. Res. 612 Veteran's Administration Supplemental Appropriation, 1962

- Folder 16: Bill: H.R. 10050-Debt Limit, 1962

- Folder 17: Bill: H.R. 10010 Agricultural Act, 1962

- Box 183

- Folder 1: Bill: H.R. 10014 Welfare Commission [Aging], 1962

- Folder 2: Bill: H.R. 10113 Public Works, 1962

- Folder 3: Bill: H.R. 10166 Extended and Amend Conservation Reserve Program, 1962

- Folder 4: Bill: H.R. 10264 House Membership, 1962

- Folder 5: Bill: H.R. Treasury, Post Office Appropriations, 1962

- Folder 6: Bill: H.R. 10606-Public Amendment, 1962

- Folder 7: Bill: H.R. 10606 Social Security, 1962

- Folder 8: Bill: H.R. 10650 Revenue, 1962

- Folder 9: Bill: H.R. 10650 Tax Revision, 1962

- Folder 10: Bill: H.R. 10743 Veteran's Compensation, 1962

- Folder 11: Bill: H.R. 10788 Textile Imports, 1962

- Folder 12: Bill: H.R. 10802 Interior Appropriation, 1962

- Folder 13: Bill: H.R. 10904 Labor-HEW (Health, Education, and Welfare) Appropriation, 1962

- Folder 14: Bill: H.R. 11038 Supplemental Appropriation, 1962

- Folder 15: Bill: H.R. 11040 Communications Satellite Act of 1962

- Folder 16: Bill: H.R. 11131 Military Construction, 1962

- Folder 17: Bill: H.R. 11151 Legislative Appropriation, 1962

- Folder 18: Bill: H.R. 11222 Agricultural Act of 1962

- Box 184

- Folder 1: Bill: H.R. 11289 Defense Appropriation, 1962

- Folder 2: Bill: H.R. 11879 Tax, 1962

- Folder 3: Bill: H.R. 11970 Trade, 1962

- Folder 4: Bill: H.R. 12154 Sugar Bill, 1962

- Folder 5: Bill: H.R. 12391 Food and Agriculture, 1962

- Folder 6: Bill: H.R. 12648 Agriculture Appropriations, 1962

- Folder 7: Bill: H.R. 12870 Military Construction, 1962

- Folder 8: Bill: H.R. 12875 Dole 50-50 Wheat Plan, 1962

- Folder 9: Bill: H.R. 12900 Public Works, 1962

- Folder 10: Bill: H.R. 13175 Foreign Aid, 1962

- Folder 11: Bill: H.R. 2010 Mexican Farm Labor Bill, 1962

- Folder 12: Bill: H.R. 258 District Sales Tax, 1961

- Folder 13: Bill: H.R. 3935 Fair Labor Standards Act (Minimum Wage), 1962

- Folder 14: Bill: H.R. 425 Assistant Secretary of Commerce, 1961

- Folder 15: Bill: H.R. 6027 Social Security Amendments, 1961

- Folder 16: Bill: H.R. 726 Honey Bee Bill, 1962

- Folder 17: Bill: H.R. 7500 Peace Corps Act, 1961

- Folder 18: Bill: H.R. 7927 Post Office, 1962

- Folder 19: Bill: H.R. 8031 All Channel Television, 1962

- Folder 20: Bill: H.R. 8050 Sugar-Honey, 1962

- Folder 21: Bill: H.R. 8230 Agricultural Act of 1961

- Folder 22: Bill: H.R. 8273 Welfare, 1962

- Box 185

- Folder 1: Bill: H.R. 8400 Mutual Security (Foreign Aid), 1961

- Folder 2: Bill: H.R. 8617 Philippine War Damage, 1962

- Folder 3: Bill: H.R. 8723 Welfare and Pension Plan, 1962

- Folder 4: Bill: H.R. 8900 Higher Education, 1962

- Folder 5: Bill: H.R. 9025 Communist Political Propaganda, 1961

- Folder 6: Bill: H.R. 9033 Foreign Aid (Foreign Assistance and Related Agencies)

- Folder 7: Bill: H.R. 9118 Arms Control, 1962

- Folder 8: Bill: H.R. 9900 Trade Expansion, 1962

- Folder 9: Bill: H.R. 16712 Social Security Benefits, 1966

- Folder 10: Bill: S. 167 Antitrust Evidence, 1962

- Folder 11: Bill: S. 205 Educational Television, 1962

- Folder 12: Bill: S. 320 Motor Carriers, 1963

- Box 186

- Folder 1: Bill: S. 383 Grand Canyon National Park, 1962

- Folder 2: Bill Files 87th Congress, 1st Session, 1961

- Folder 3: Bill Files 88th and 89th Congress, 1963-1966

- Folder 4: Bill Files 90th Congress, 1st Session, 1967-1968

- Folder 5: Bill Files 90th Congress, 2nd Session, 1968

- Folder 6: Bills Co-sponsored 90th Congress, 1967-1968

- Folder 7: Bills Introduced 90th Congress, 1967-1968

- Folder 8: Boeing Airplane Company, 1961

- Folder 9: Bread and Butter Corps (1 of 3), 1966

- Box 187

- Folder 1: Bread and Butter Corps (2 of 3), 1966

- Folder 2: Bread and Butter Corps (3 of 3), 1966

- Folder 3: Christian Amendment H.J. Res 103, 1961

- Folder 4: Clay Industry-H.R. 7057, 1961

- Folder 5: Commodity Exchange Authority (1 of 2), 1967-1968

- Folder 6: Commodity Exchange Authority (2 of 2), 1967-1968

- Folder 7: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.J. Res. 1078 Reapportionment, 1963

- Folder 8: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.J. Res. 854 National Farmer's Week, 1963

- Folder 9: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 10351 Beef Imports, 1964

- Folder 10: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 10518 Sugar Beet Quotas, 1964

- Folder 11: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 11044 Joint Committee on Defense and Space Contracts, 1964

- Box 188

- Folder 1: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 11057 Public Disclosure Concerning Space and Defense Contracts, 1964

- Folder 2: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 11742 Tax Deductions for Teachers, 1964

- Folder 3: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 11872 Abolish Renewal Requirements, 1964

- Folder 4: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 11900 Amend 1033 of Internal Revenue Code, 1964

- Folder 5: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 12224 Stay Proceedings on Reapportionment, 1964

- Folder 6: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 1853 Fulton, Patti Jean, 1961-1964

- Folder 7: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 2070 Veterans, 1963

- Folder 8: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 3071 Kansas Historic Site, 1963

- Folder 9: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 3072 Elbert Bill, 1963

- Folder 10: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 4233 Referendum Deadline, 1963

- Folder 11: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 5459 Railroad Cars, 1963

- Folder 12: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 5745 Rev. Sutherland, 1963

- Folder 13: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 5746 Robert Bagby, 1963-1964

- Folder 14: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 6240 Pritchard, 1962-1963

- Folder 15: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 6547 Wheat and Feed Grain, 1963-1964

- Folder 16: Dole Bills-88th Congress H.R. 8824 Federal Aviation Act, 1963-1964

- Folder 17: Dole Introduced Bills H.R. 8-7316 88th-89th Congress, 1964-1966

- Box 189

- Folder 1: Dole Introduced Bills H.R. 7950-13386, 1965-1966

- Folder 2: Dole Introduced Bills H.R. 13753-18145, 1966

- Folder 3: Flag Bill-H.R. 13942, 1966

- Folder 4: Food for Freedom Proposed Changes and Expansion P.L. 480 (1 of 3), 1966

- Folder 5: Food for Freedom Proposed Changes and Expansion P.L. 480 (2 of 3), 1966

- Folder 6: Food for Freedom Proposed Changes and Expansion P.L. 480 (3 of 3), 1966

- Box 190

- Folder 1: Food for Peace-Communist Amendment P.L. 480, 1966

- Folder 2: Foreign Affairs Cuba, 1961

- Folder 3: Foreign Aid S. 1983, 1961

- Folder 4: H.R. 12115 Amendment to Packers and Stockyard Act, 1966

- Folder 5: H.R. 1511 War on Poverty, 1966

- Folder 6: List of Names, 1968

- Folder 7: Tax Justice for Teachers

- Folder 8: Johnson, Reuben L., 1962

- Folder 9: Labor Legislation (Misc.), 1965-1966

- Folder 10: Legislation-Jenkins Keogh Bill, 1961

- Folder 11: National Defense Education Act, 1961

- Folder 12: P.L. 480 Food for Peace (1 of 2), 1965-1966

- Box 191

- Folder 1: P.L. 480 Food for Peace (2 of 2), 1965-66

- Folder 2: Poverty Legislation, 1965-1966

- Folder 3: Presidential Election Campaign Act (Repeal of Title 3-Dole's Bill), 1966-1967

- Folder 4: Reorganization Plan No.1 Urban Affairs, 1962

- Folder 5: Rock Island Railroad (Train) 39 and 40, 1965

- Folder 6: Transportation Bill H.R. 15693, 1966

- Folder 7: Transportation Legislation (1 of 2), 1964-1966

- Box 192

- Folder 1: Transportation Legislation (2 of 2), 1964-1966

- Folder 2: United Nations Bond Debate, 1962

- Sub-Series 6: Voting/Attendance Files

- Box 192

- Folder 3: Dole Voting Record, 1961-1969

- Folder 4: Voting Record Bob Dole (Unofficial) (1 of 2), 1961-1964

- Folder 5: Voting Record Bob Dole (Unofficial) (2 of 2), 1961-1964

- Folder 6: Dole Voting Record 87th Congress, 1961-1962

- Folder 7: Dole Voting Record 88th Congress, 1963-1964

- Folder 8: Dole Voting Record 89th Congress, 1965-1967

- Box 193

- Folder 1: Dole Voting Record 90th Congress, 1967-1968

- Folder 2: Individual Voting Record, 1961-1964

- Folder 3: Quorum Calls and Roll Call Votes 88th Congress 1st Session, 1963

- Folder 4: Quorum Calls and Roll Call Votes 88th Congress 2nd Session (1 of 2), 1964

- Folder 5: Quorum Calls and Roll Call Votes 88th Congress 2nd Session (2 of 2), 1964

- Folder 6: Roll Call Subject, 1967-1968

- Folder 7: Voting Attendance 89th Congress (1-135), 1965-1966

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Constituent Relations],
[Series 2: Legislative],
Series 3: Office Administration],
Series 4: Personal/Political],
Series 5: Press],